Summers, Jordan (22 page)

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Lily opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
Richard swept her into the library and closed the door behind them. He slipped
the lock, then turned to face her. The two walls of the room were covered in
rich mahogany paneling, while plush red carpet blanketed the floor. Matching
velvet crimson draperies hung in the only window in the room, blocking out even
the slightest hint of light. A thick leather chair sat behind a heavy oak desk
on one end of the room, while a burgundy chaise lounged lazily at the other. Bookshelves
filled the other two walls, lined from floor to ceiling with heavy tomes.

A fire lit the hearth, warming the room to a
comfortable temperature. A chair sat to the side of the fire, its plump
cushions well-worn. Lily eyed the seat and realized it must be a favorite spot
for Richard to sit. The sweet smell of burning wood wafted, honeying the air.

“Can I get you anything while we wait for dinner to be
served?” Richard asked watching her closely.

“No nothing.” She stared for a moment, then added changing
her mind. “Perhaps

some wine.”

Richard arched a brow, but said nothing. It took every
ounce of his control not to pull her into his arms and crush her to his body.
She was draped in several layers of blue muslin with silver ribbons that
matched her eyes perfectly, an elegant creation that exposed a good deal of her
alabaster skin, including the soft swell of her full breasts and the subtle
curve of her hips. Richard inhaled, trying to ignore the fact she wore the rose
perfume he’d given her. His cock leapt to attention.

For Lily to have come to his address, risking
reputation and family name, there had to be a very good reason. He frowned,
looking at her stiff stance, positive what that purpose now was, even though he
hadn’t bothered reading her mind. Richard clenched his jaw, not at all sure how
to handle this situation. Had anyone seen her enter his home? He didn’t think
so. If she had arrived by hackney he could easily find the driver who’d dropped
her off, he wouldn’t exactly be of help by the time Richard got through
speaking with him.

He’d wipe out his and anyone else’s memory that
threatened his lady’s happiness. He retrieved some wine from his tantalus,
pouring a glass for himself as well as for Lily. Richard wished he could feel
the effects of the scarlet liquid now more than ever. He walked back across the
room, motioning for Lily to take a seat. She proceeded to the chaise and sat.

Richard handed her a glass, then positioned the chair
by the fire to face her. He sat, his gaze taking in her golden hair, the rich
blue of her gown, and the firm set of her dainty jaw. He caught the slight
quiver in her fingertips, as she tipped the glass to her ruby lips and drank
deeply. Richard stared transfixed at the long column of her throat as she
swallowed the wine. He brought the glass to his lips and took a drink. His
stomach rolled as the liquid ran through his system. He willed the wine to stay

Her eyes once again found his. She set her wine glass
aside and took a deep breath. Richard held his… waiting.

“I plan to call off the wedding.” Lily didn’t mince
words and came straight to the point.

Being in Lily’s presence wreaked havoc on his senses.
Even now he could smell the subtle odor of fresh soap on her skin, along with
the exotic fragrance that was uniquely her own, wholly female and far too
tempting for him to resist for long. It was best to let her speak her piece
before he tried to convince her to change her mind. He knew Lily wouldn’t be
able to handle his form of persuasion.

His voice was low and deadly calm when he spoke. “Why?”
Richard knew, but he wanted to hear the words from her mouth. He set down his

Lily reached for her wineglass, knocking it over and
onto the carpet. She leapt to her feet, reaching for the handkerchief inside
her reticule, dabbing at the stain blindly. Richard pulled her away from the
spot and sat her back down on the chaise.

“Hurley will take care of it. The wine is of no import.”

Lily yanked her arm from him and straightened her
skirts. Suddenly she looked up, pinning him with her cornflower eyes. “You know
perfectly well why I must cancel the wedding,” she hissed, as unexpressed
emotion surfaced.

Richard tugged at his sleeves, fighting the fear
beating at his chest. “No I do not, so why don’t you tell me.”

Lily rose from the chaise and began to pace back and
forth in front of him. “You lied.”

Richard stood, reaching out to stop her movements. “I
lied to you.”

The emphasis he put on the word
sent chills tumbling through Lily’s body. “I have it on good
authority that you have.” Her chin tilted haughtily.

Richard released her arm and ran a trembling hand
through his hair. “I’m pretty sure on whose authority you are referring to, but
you have my word as a gentleman that I have never lied to you.”

Lily wanted to believe him more than anything, but she
couldn’t and wouldn’t. Her pride was at stake here. It was all she had left. “Are
you saying that you haven’t been going to Caulfield’s over the past several

Richard’s jaw firmed. “No.” He expelled a heavy breath.
“I have said no such thing.”

“Then it’s true.” She planted her hands on her hips.

“I never denied it, so therefore no lie has been
perpetrated.” He mirrored her stance, leaning in close to her face.

“I was bought and paid for like chattel.” It wasn’t a

“Lily, listen to me… “ He reached for her hand and she
backed away. “I never considered you chattel. The agreement I struck with your
father benefited you and you alone. I will not discuss the details here, if you
want to know, ask your father.”

“You expect me to believe that?” She sniffed. “If you
must know—Father has told me everything.”

Richard’s face hardened. “I expect you to believe your
future husband.”

Lily laughed and shook her head before facing him once
more. “I have no future husband.”

“Yes… you… do!”

She humphed and turned away from him.

“What are you really angry about?”

She glanced over her shoulder. He started to reach for
her again, but stopped himself short.

“You could have done anything, anything at all if you’d
have just told me the truth,” she whispered.


She spun suddenly, her hands fisted at her sides. “Don’t
speak my name. How could you? I gave you my love and you tossed it back in my
face like it meant nothing. And for what? An incognita, named Rose!” Tears
sprang into Lily’s eyes dampening her lashes. She wouldn’t give him the
satisfaction of seeing her cry.

Richard reached for her, grabbing her upper arms,
pulling her closer until her face was within inches of his own. “You don’t know
what you’re talking about.” His body trembled as if he fought the urge to shake

Her breasts swelled as she took a deep breath, her eyes
locking onto his in a battle of wills. “You haven’t denied it.” She struggled
to break his vise-like hold.

“You don’t understand. It’s not what you think.”
Richard’s voice cracked as he pleaded with her. A moment later, he released

“I understand,” she spat. “I understand that the night
you told me that I was the only one in your life, you’d in all likelihood just
left the arms of an incognita.” Angry tears ran down Lily’s cheeks. “What more
is there to understand?”

Richard’s mind churned. He’d anticipated a standoff,
but he hadn’t expected the level of emotion coursing through his body. He was
on the verge of losing the one thing that mattered in his life. And Lily’s
blood pounded in his mind like a mallet striking a nail. Her anger swelled,
beating at him. He quickly ran out of options. He didn’t want to lie to her,
but was she ready for the truth?

“I thought so. Why didn’t you just tell me the friend
you referred to in the carriage was me? That way we could have both been in on
the laugh. Was it necessary to lavish kisses, stroke my skin as if you couldn’t
get enough of the feel of it? Truly Richard, you add insult to injury.”

Shock rolled through him as her words sunk in. “You
think I was talking about you when I sought your advice?”

“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Lily lifted her skirts and
started across the room. “I’m leaving now. Please give my apologies to Hurley
for ruining his dinner.” She tossed back over her shoulder. Lily’s hand reached
for the latch.

The sound of the click reached Richard’s ears and his
initial shock wore off. How had she come to believe he spoke of her and not
Rose, especially after last night? He’d all but laid his heart on a platter for
Lily. He moved with preternatural speed and stood by the door inside a blink.
Lily gasped and stepped back. Her eyes widened to the size of saucers as his
body blocked the door.

“You wanted to know why I visited Caulfield’s regularly…
perhaps I should tell you the truth. The whole truth. Or better yet, maybe I’ll
show you.” Richard rose up to his full height, dwarfing Lily.

She took another step back, her pulse fluttering at her
throat. His voice dropped to lethal as he stalked forward backing her deeper
into the room. “I did visit a woman in Caulfield’s named Rose. If you must know
she’s a friend and an incognita. She’s part of the business arrangement I
referred to in the carriage. Do you want to know why?”

Lily glanced over her shoulder, avoiding the desk,
before returning her gaze to his face.

“We had an arrangement,” he growled. “I exchanged
pleasure for blood until which time I found a bloodmate or took a wife.”

Lily’s eyes widened. “Richard, you’ve gone mad.” She
shook her head in disbelief, backing away.

“Remember when I told you I couldn’t go out in the
sunlight due to an ailment?”

Lily nodded. Her body struck the chair by the fire,
stopping her with a thud.

Richard closed the distance, his mass blocking her
escape. “Well that was the truth to a certain extent.”

“What do you mean?” Her body trembled.

“Are you frightened, Lily?”

She nodded.

“Not nearly frightened enough.” He loomed over her, his
gaze locking onto hers. He reached out and stroked the hair at the side of her
head. “I didn’t lie when I told you, you were the only one in my life—my heart.”
He took a steadying breath. “It was the truth then and it’s the truth now. I
love you Lily, like I’ve loved no other. You are my bloodmate, which makes you
infinitely more precious to me than a wife could ever be.”

Lily’s heart shattered, his words more powerful than
the walls she’d constructed. Flames danced in his eyes from the reflecting
firelight. Emotion wavered and swam in the black depths. He looked so sincere,
even though part of her was scared witless by his sudden aggression. He had
confessed. She might as well hear all before she left.

She took a shuddering breath. “What is a bloodmate and
why can’t you go out in the sunlight, Richard?”

He stared at her, his face churning with emotion. His
body quavered as if a battle raged inside him.

“I’m willing to hear the truth,” she said, her voice
quivering. “I don’t know if it will change any of the facts as I see them, but
I will listen.” She tilted her chin and met his unblinking gaze.

Richard swallowed hard, his whole body tense from
indecision. Everything teetered on this one moment of truth. Would his love be
enough to keep her? Or would his secret scare away the last chance he had for
finding true happiness? His mind urged him to lie, keep his skeletons firmly
hidden away, while his heart pleaded with him to place it upon his sleeve.

He stared into blue eyes, so clear, trusting, and full
of love that they tipped the scales. He tugged at his cuffs and straightened
his jacket. “I’m about to trust you with far more than my heart, darling Lily.”
His gaze leveled. “I trust you with my life. Do with it what you will.”

Lily blinked, then slowly nodded.

Richard inhaled deeply, taking in the sweet aroma of
her blood. His fangs sprang into his mouth, gleaming white, dangerously sharp.
He peered down into Lily’s face and smiled.

The hair on the nape of Lily’s neck rose on end. Surely
her eyes played tricks on her. Those were not fangs in Richard’s mouth. She
looked away and then back. Glanced at the floor, then up to his face. No matter
what she did the vision before her didn’t change. The air caught in her throat.

He was a monster. It’s the same man you fell in love
with. He was going to kill her. He had plenty of opportunities to do so before
and did not. Instead he made love to you through the night. She should turn him
in. But if you do that the magistrates will sentence him to death. Lily knew
she wouldn’t be able live with herself if anything happened to Richard, despite
everything she still loved him.

“As you can see, I’m a vampire.” He stood proudly, his
head held high.

Her mind scrambled to assimilate the information that
he presented her with.
Could she live
with a vampire?
Her gaze bulleted to his fangs and her breath came out in choppy
gasps. Lily wasn’t sure.
He told you the
only reason he’d visited the incognita was because of his need for blood.
Could she give him what he needed?
head began to spin at the thought.

Richard’s smile faded, his expression grew solemn. His
head dropped to his chin while she considered his fate.

He’d told the truth. Something he’d vowed he’d never do
until after they had wed and she’d had no option. However, if he hadn’t, Lily
wouldn’t be standing here now. As it was, she might very well walk out of here
and leave him hanging in the wind. He considered the gallows. He didn’t fear
death, having already experienced it once, but he did fear Lily’s decision. If
she chose to go, his heart would go with her. Richard cleared his throat and
looked into her face.

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