Summers, Jordan (16 page)

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Lily gripped her teacup so hard she’d half expected it
to shatter. No matter what her aunt said, she would not exchange money for
love. Unfortunately, her aunt left her little choice when it came to contacting
Richard. If she declined, her father would be notified immediately. Therefore,
Lily reluctantly granted her permission and had her aunt send word to Richard
that she’d be agreeable to talk, if he should find himself calling upon her in
a week. Lily added the time as a last grasp at rebellion.

Because of their engagement, they had more freedom
spending time together without having to worry about the dowagers’ tongues
wagging. Lily let out a ragged sigh. Tonight she’d tell Richard the truth. Give
him the opportunity to honorably back out of their engagement, no matter the

Lord Lyon arrived as the sun set exactly seven days
later, having impatiently passed the time at Caulfield’s, Watier’s, and his
home. He’d seen Rose only long enough to seek nourishment, avoiding physical
contact by planting delicious memories in her mind of things that hadn’t
happened. He still felt guilty for deceiving a friend, but couldn’t bring
himself to touch her now that his feelings for Lily had solidified.

Richard placed his calling card on the side table after
being welcomed inside by Sims. He removed his gloves and held them in his hands
waiting for Lily to make her entrance. The roses he’d sent were scattered
throughout the entry and in the parlor. The house smelled like a
horticulturalist’s dream, fragrant and sweet. He’d become so accustomed to
their nocturnal visits, tasting and savoring Lily’s succulent essence, that the
mere fragrance of flowers triggered an erection.

At that thought, Richard looked up in time to see Lily
sweeping down the staircase in a lavender silk gown, her skin paler than
normal. She wore the garnet necklace and the ruby and diamond earrings he’d
sent her. The cut of the gown was daring, giving glimpses of the tops of her
creamy globes. Every breath she took vibrated the satiny skin.

Richard wet his lips, his mouth suddenly dry. She was a
vision with her blonde curls and lovely face. If he managed not to rip the gown
from her body, it would be a miracle indeed. She approached him warily. Richard
hid a triumphant smile, giving her all the time she needed. It was the least he
could do under the circumstances. In his excitement, he’d acted
inappropriately. It would not happen again.

Lily reached the spot he was rooted to and held out her
hand in greeting. “Lord Lyon, it’s so nice of you to call upon me.”

Richard pressed her fingertips, bowed, and planted a
kiss on the back of her knuckles. Her eyes widened in what appeared to be
surprise, before quickly schooling her expression. Richard fought the smile
that threatened to break out across his face. It wouldn’t do to show his relief
that she wasn’t immune to his touch.

“My lady, the honor is all mine.” He placed her hand
upon his sleeve, preparing to guide her out to his carriage.

“Wait.” She stilled his movements. “I thought perhaps,
with my maid Tildy present, we might take our leave in the parlor for a change.”

Richard smiled and quirked a brow. “As you wish, my
lady. I’m here only to

Lily’s fingers trembled beneath his touch as the words
left his mouth. Richard liked having her physically aware of him. He may have
missed six days of formally courting her, but the nights had been their own
private Gomorra filled with passionate moans, skin on skin, and delicious
release. It got harder and harder to resist the call of her blood, and Richard’s
cock had been in a constant state of arousal as he fought the nightly urge to
join with her.

He escorted Lily into the parlor, sitting her on a
chaise near the fire. He took a seat in a chair opposite and noted the entrance
of her maid, Tildy. She slipped into a corner chair at the end of the room,
trying to be discreet.

“My lady, you wished to see me.” He prompted, curious
as to what was on her mind.

“Yes, my lord. I wish to discuss our engagement.” She
waved in Tildy’s direction and the maid scurried out of the room.

Before Richard could ask, Lily spoke. “I’ve sent Tildy
for tea. I wished to have a moment alone, despite propriety.”

Richard inclined his head. He’d like nothing more than
to have Lily alone for hours, days, months, perhaps years, as long as she was
naked and spread wide beneath him. He was too jaded to hope for an eternity. “What
is it you wished to discuss?”

“I wanted to be certain of your intentions.” Lily
glanced at the fire.

“You jest, right?”

She looked back into his face, which remained
impassive. “No, I’m quite serious.”

“I thought I’d been perfectly clear about my
intentions,” he forced out.

Lily arched a brow. “You’ve been clear to everyone but
me, I fear.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that I’ve heard not one word one from you
directly stating your intentions nor your…

She all but murmured the last word.

Had Richard been mortal he wouldn’t have heard her
whispered request. As it was, he’d heard everything a bit too clearly. She
wanted him to declare himself right here in her parlor, despite the fact that
the banns had already been announced.

Richard shifted uncomfortably. He’d hoped to avoid this
part, instead showing her with deeds and actions how he felt about her.
Obviously, it wasn’t enough. Richard knew in his heart she deserved to hear the
words that were so difficult for him to speak. But so be it, if she longed for
the words he’d give them to her.

“But before you do so I think there is something you
ought to know.” She tugged at the sleeves of her gown. “I’ve spent my life
being brushed aside. I cannot bear the thought of my marriage being more of the
same.” She paused. “You probably see me as someone who can be easily

“That’s not true, my lady.”

Lily held up her hand, halting his words. “It’s true I’ve
allowed my father many liberties in the past, because I’ve had little to no
choice. But hear me when I say no one will manipulate my heart. Not now. Not
ever. So if that is your intent, then I ask, no I beg, my lord that you leave
me now and never return.”

“My lady, I have done many things I am not proud of,
but taking you for granted is not one of them.”

Lily stared at him for what felt like an eternity,
looking as if she attempted to discern the truth of his words by mere
concentration. “Very well.”

Tildy entered the room pushing the tea trolley before
her. Her gaze went to Lily’s face, then Richard’s before widening. Unsure what
to do she paused before continuing further in the room. Tea was served quicker
than Richard had ever seen it done so in proper society. Tildy curtsied once
they each had a cup, and then excused herself from the room to go in search of
cakes she had forgotten.

Richard and Lily were once again left in silence. The
fire crackled and popped, giving off plenty of heat. One of the bouquets of
flowers sat on a side table, perfuming the air. Richard set his teacup down and
rose to his feet, dropping to one knee before Lily. The cup she held started to
rattle from her fingers trembling, so he removed it from her grip before

Lily jumped to her feet, pulling him up with her. “My
lord, before you say something you might regret, I think it’s vital that you
know one more thing… I am without dowry.” Her face flushed, glowing pink.

Richard paused, but for a moment. “Are you certain of

“Quite certain, my lord.”

“Well then I see no alternative.”

Her heart clenched. “I understand.” Lily nodded, trying
to blank her expression.

“No, I don’t think you do.” Richard reached for her arm
and guided her back into the seat. He dropped to one knee once more. “I have no
need of your dowry and I shall say nothing that will be regretted in the light
of day. What I want is infinitely more precious.” He reached for her hands and
brought them to his lips, pressing a chaste kiss to each. “Lady Lily Devlin,
you would do me great honor if you’d agree to be my wife.”

Tears filled Lily’s eyes. She’d longed to hear those
words pass from Richard’s lips, even though at the time she had not known it.
In her wildest imaginings she’d had him propose over and over, yet the real
thing easily overshadowed her dreams.

“I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he bit out, his voice

Lily pulled her hands free and searched for a
handkerchief, waving him away once she’d found it.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” Richard frowned,
concern written all over his handsome face.

“I’m sorry. I suppose I’m being silly.” She sniffled. “I
just hadn’t anticipated the impact of your words.” Lily tried to give him a
smile but it turned out to be watery.

Richard reached for her hand. “Lily, though I’ve known
you but a short while, rest assured you and you alone, hold my heart. There is
no one else in my life.”

Lily beamed at his confession. “Truly?”

Richard smiled. “I
want you to be my wife, if you’ll have me.”

Lily jumped up from the chair and threw herself in
Richard’s arms. “I’ve waited a lifetime to hear someone say those words to me.
I’m glad that it was you, my lord.” She pressed her face into his chest before
drawing back to look in his eyes. “I can no more deny my feelings, than deny
myself air.”

Richard kissed her tenderly, before whispering, “I
know,” against her lips. “Do you think you might forgive my impetuousness in
announcing the banns before securing your acceptance and perhaps find it in
your heart to call me Richard?”

Lily laughed. “But of course, my l—Richard.”

Tildy cleared her throat before stepping into the room,
giving them just enough time to separate for propriety sake. Lily glanced her
way to mouth thank you and saw tears floating in her maid’s eyes. Obviously, Tildy
had already overheard her good news. Lily smiled and beckoned her forward.
Apparently, she’d been unable to locate more cakes on her trip to the kitchen.
Lily laughed and squeezed Tildy’s hands before sending her back to her post in
the chair.

When her maid had settled, Richard turned back to Lily.
He grasped one hand and brought it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her palm.
Lily quivered beneath his touch, as desire filled her.

“Would you care to go for a ride?”

“I’d love to. Give me time to ready myself.” Lily
slipped her fingers from his grip and strode out of the parlor. Tildy jumped up
immediately following in her wake.

A quarter of an hour later, Lily appeared in the
doorway to the parlor dressed for an evening ride. Richard escorted her out of
the house and into his waiting carriage, cloaking her from prying eyes. He
seated himself behind his team and guided the carriage out into the cobbled
streets; past the fine houses of high society, to the relative peace of the
wooded park. Upon reaching the gates he pulled over and helped Lily up onto the
driver’s bench. They rambled along the worn trail, enjoying the sounds of
as night enveloped the city.

Carriages traveled the busy streets taking people to
the various balls and dinners happening in the
. Church bells
pealed in the distance. A few gentlemen strolled down the street unaware of the
black carriage sitting in the darkness amongst the trees, their resonant voices
boisterous while not in the company of ladies. Lily listened to the click of
their canes as they disappeared into the night. The strange murky stench that
assailed her senses,
wrapping around her like thick porridge on a cold winter’s morning.

Lily turned to the man beside her after the men passed
by. Richard’s black eyes flashed red in the moonlight as he gazed upon her
face. A fierce look of raw desire and hunger swam in his ebony depths. The
first time Lily had seen that look, it had frightened her. Now she found it
strangely reassuring, although the intensity of his presence at times
disconcerted her.

But as the weeks since they first met passed, she found
herself drawn to his fire, fanning the flames sparking just below the surface
of his civility, unable to resist the pull that started at her feminine juncture
and spread throughout her entire body. He was temptation incarnate and soon she’d
know him by a far more intimate name—husband.

Would he live up to the man in her dreams? There was no
way of knowing.

Because of the promise he’d made to himself, Richard tried
to prevent Lily’s thoughts from entering his mind, but they flowed like an
unchecked river bashing at his defenses. To stem the flow from trickling
further, he dove in capturing Lily’s lips in a piercing kiss. Savagely he drank
from the melliferous sweetness of her mouth, until her mind blanked. Her heart’s
staccato beat kept time with his throbbing need. Richard nibbled at her lower
lip, then stormed in as she opened, plundering her bounty with his own
thunderous need.

She’d admitted she loved him. Would she feel the same
once she learned the truth? Richard wanted to believe with all his heart she
would, but deep down he wasn’t sure. Perhaps the time had come to move their
intimacy up a level. She was his love, his life—his world. Without her his
existence bordered on futile.

Lily moaned against his fevered invasion. Richard pulled back,
breaking the kiss, his breathing, as ragged as her own as he fought to slow his
racing heart. With shaking hands he picked up the leather ribbons and guided
the team deeper into the park, off the trail. When he’d found a suitable spot
he tethered the pair to a nearby tree, then handed Lily down.

“Shall we stroll or would you care to take shelter
within the carriage?” His hand enveloped hers, taking care to be gentle with
her dainty bones.

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