Summers, Jordan (15 page)

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Richard groaned. How he longed to replace his long
fingers with his throbbing cock. With the thought, his shaft lengthened,
engorging. “Soon,” he whispered against her bottom.

Lily wiggled, trying to impale herself further upon his
fingers. Richard closed his eyes for a moment and begged for strength. She
jiggled again and his eyes flew open, locking onto the side of her face. His
thumb found her clit and began to swipe and press. For a second Lily buried her
face in the pillow and screamed, the sensations apparently too much for her
inexperienced body. She spread her legs for him, sending out an invitation as
old as time. He willed himself to ignore the instinct to accept and conquer.

Richard continued his seduction of Lily, releasing the
buttons on his breeches with one hand and then clasping his cock. He flicked
his nail over her nub and Lily bucked beneath his hand. Richard started to
stroke himself, his movements bold and swift, before speeding up and tumbling
out of control, like a runaway carriage. He matched the rhythm of his fingers,
plunging in and out of her pussy, Lily’s juices coating his hand. Her musk
filled the air, calling out to the feral creature lurking just below his
pleasant facade.

She truly was unlike any woman he’d ever encountered.
Could Lily love him? His heart squeezed in his chest at the thought of having
her for all time. He’d never need to visit another, for the elixir flowing
through her veins would sate him body and soul. She’d be his breath, his love,
his very existence. A true bloodmate, if only she’d open her heart to his…

Richard’s movements grew jerky as his release neared.
The slapping of skin echoed in the silence of the room, drowning out the quiet
crackles of the fire. Lily let out a keening moan and then she stiffened,
plummeting over the edge into the chasm of never-ending pleasure. Her body
fluttered beneath his touch, twitching as her orgasm spiraled out and she
collapsed in a boneless heap.

His grip tightened, a few more strokes and Richard
followed her, tumbling into the void. His cock continued to pulse as his fluids
spilled out onto her rug. Up and down, Richard rode the rhythm, his ass
clenching with each thrust forward, his balls so tight, they were nigh unto
bursting. He milked his shaft until nothing more came from his body.

When he was able to focus again, Richard turned Lily
over, spreading her legs even further. Her dew glistened in the firelight. Her
skin had heated to an inferno, so he pulled the heavy linens away. Richard
plunged his tongue deep into her cunt, needing to taste the remnants of her
release one more time. Ambrosia, the sweet nectar of the gods, she was all that
and more. He circled and flicked, lapping his way over her swollen pussy lips.

Lily moaned, her fingers pressing him tight against
her. Her hips undulated, matching his probing tongue. Her nipples jutted
skyward beneath her sleep gown, engorged and swollen, awaiting his touch.
Richard withdrew from her sheath and sucked her clit between his teeth, taking
care not to nick her with his fangs. One drop of her blood and he knew he’d go

He attacked her delicate nub until spasms of pleasure
once again shot through her, giving it one last short teasing stab with his
tongue. Lily’s body trembled and her thighs clamped around his head. Richard
grinned, then placed butterfly kisses upon the golden curls at her apex. Once
she’d relaxed, he dressed hurriedly, then covered her. Her sleepy gaze showed
she was beyond sated.

He strode to the window and glancing back one last
time. “Sleep well, my love. Dream only of me,” Richard murmured as he climbed
out the window.


* * * * *

The next day Richard announced the banns as promised.
Despite the conflicting emotions he’d sensed welling up inside of her, Lily
hadn’t believed he would take the initiative and proclaim their engagement to
. Furious, she refused to
speak to him afterwards. He felt a tad guilty, but he had warned her of his
intentions. It had been entirely up to her not to believe him. Despite her
shock and disapproval, Richard continued to court Lily like he’d intended,
sending her gifts, jewels, and red roses infused with very specific flowers to
reiterate his intentions. He did everything he knew a young lady of her
standing would expect and more.

By day six, she forgave him and agreed to go on a
carriage ride in the park. She’d held to her resolve to resist him up until
that point, but Richard did his best to break her down, bit by bit. Despite her
protestations otherwise, she’d missed him as much as he’d missed her. The words
coming out of Lily’s mouth said one thing, but her body, when she swayed toward
him, told a different story. He could still sense her warring emotions and his
heart refused to do anything less than rejoice. Lady Lily Devlin wanted him as
much as he wanted her. Richard would’ve had to be a blind fool not to see the
slight shift in her stance.


* * * * *

Lily had been fuming mad for six days. How could he
announce their engagement to society? She hadn’t accepted his suit, just
because her father foolishly had. Since the announcement of her engagement, she’d
seen less and less of her father. He seemed to withdraw into his own world,
spending more and more time at Madam Josephine’s.

With her father gone, Lily had been left with the
running of the household. Creditors had become more insistent, demanding
immediate payment or they’d no longer extend their credit. Was Richard somehow
responsible for their sudden appearance? With one little word uttered by her
would he make them all go away? Or were their past debts still in question? She
shuddered at the thought.

Her heart sank as she tried to make sense of the family’s
account books open before her. From what she could gather, they were near
penniless. Surely she’d miscalculated. What had Father done with her dowry? A
cold chill slivered up her spine. Without her dowry, she was no more valuable
to a titled gentleman than Tildy, perhaps less so. Was Richard aware that she
was without means? Is that why he rushed their courtship? Then the opposite
thought filled her mind. What if Richard wasn’t aware of her dowry’s missing
funds? Would he still want her as his wife if she were a pauper?

Lily frowned as she ran her fingers over the pearl
necklace that had arrived today. In the past few days, Richard had sent her
ruby and diamond earrings, a garnet necklace, rose perfume, and an emerald
ring. As nice as the gifts were she wouldn’t allow herself to be coerced into
marriage, money or not, she wanted more than gifts from him. She needed more.

Tildy walked into the study carrying a box of flowers.
The house was already filled to the brim with blooms. Richard had been on a
full out campaign to win her back. Would his anxiousness turn to resentment
once he learned the truth?

A bouquet of red roses arrived everyday around lunch,
always a different color flower or plant shoved into the bunch. Each one had a
very specific meaning. The first day it had been a morning glory, a sign of
affection. The next day he’d added daffodils, expressing his regard. He’d moved
on from there to periwinkles for friendship, violets for faithfulness, ivy for
fidelity, ending in myrtle for love and marriage.

He’d made it virtually impossible for her to stay angry
at him, which she was sure had been his intent. He’d managed to keep himself in
her thoughts at all times. Not that his actions were necessary, between the
erotic dreams every night and reliving past carriage rides, she’d been able to
think of little else. Lily smiled, picturing the shop owners around town
busying themselves to fill his orders. Her smile faded as the numbers on the
ledger registered once more.

“My lady.”

Lily glanced up.

“Move out of the way this instant.” The voice behind
Tildy boomed.

The maid squeaked and then stepped aside. Lord
Nathanial Martins stood in the doorway, clothes slightly rumpled and his face
an enraged shade of purple.

Lily rose from behind the desk. “What is the meaning of
this most inappropriate intrusion, my lord?”

His face split into a salacious grin. “I decided
considering the circumstance paying you a visit was quite appropriate. You didn’t
think I’d let
’s warning keep me away, did you?”

“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re referring to, my
lord.” Lily’s chest tightened and she braced, not sure exactly what to expect
next. Was Richard the cause of this intrusion?

Nathanial’s brows furrowed. “Your father has not spoken
to you about our agreement… “

Lily felt the color drain from her face as she received
her answer. Richard was not the reason Martins was here at all. “No. He has
mentioned nothing of his business affairs with you. Should he have?”

Martins took a step closer, his hands balling up into fists.
“Yes,” he hissed. “We had an understanding.”

She swallowed hard. “And what does that have to do with

“You were the understanding,” he spat.

Lily gasped she couldn’t help it. She hadn’t expected
that comment. How could her father do this to her? Had she not shown him due
respect? Did he really love her so very little as to promise her to… Martins?

“I’m afraid Lord Martins ‘tis you who are laboring
under a false illusion. I am no one’s understanding.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Lady Lily. The notes I hold
over your father’s head tell a different tale. He promised me your hand if I
abolish his debt and place him in good standing once again. And for this minor
favor I was to get your hand in marriage.” He tugged at his jacket and took
another step closer.

“Father promised you my hand and my dowry?” Lily felt
heat infuse her face. How dare he do so without her permission or at least
consulting her?

“Yes, but there is no dowry dear lady, only you.” He
laughed harshly. “The deal worked for both us. Marrying you would raise my
standing in the
and your father’s.
came along and ruined everything.”

So that was why her father was so against her wedding
Richard. She should have known. He may dislike him because of what Richard had
done to his friend Longfellow, but the bottom line was money. Just as she’d
suspected, she meant nothing to him other than a way to earn back his financial
standing. Lily’s stomach rolled. She pictured Richard. She’d been unsure of her
decision only moments ago, but now that Martins had so inappropriately set her
straight, Lily knew what she must do. She would stop fighting her attraction to
Richard and give into it. Life with him would be far better than staying here
with her father or being saddled with the likes of Martins.

“I’m afraid, my lord your visit here has been a waste
of your good time and mine.” She gritted out from between clenched teeth. “The
decision has been made and there is no turning back.”

He stepped forward and grasped the edge of the desk,
his face within a few feet of hers. “You will call off your engagement if you
know what’s good for you and your family.”

Lily’s heart trumpeted in her chest. “I shall do no
such thing.”

“You are making a mistake, my lady.”

The door to the study slammed open and Tildy stepped
inside. “Sorry to interrupt, my lady, but your Aunt, Lady Margaret, Duchess of
Dreyer is here to see you.” The expression on Tildy’s face said she was
anything but sorry for disturbing Lily and Lord Martins.

Nathanial bit out a rude curse, before turning back to
face Lily once more. “You haven’t heard the end of this, my lady.”

“Actually, now that my aunt has arrived, I’m quite sure
that I have.” Lily forced a smile. “Please tell Father when you see him at
Josephine’s later that I’ll be explaining the situation thoroughly to the
Duchess. I’m sure she’ll come up with a solution we
can live with. Good day, my lord.” Lily inclined her head.

Martins bowed and left the room.

Lily glanced at her maid and smiled. “Thank you, Tildy.
Please show her in.”

Her Aunt bustled in. “That will be all,” her aunt said
to Tildy, stepping aside to allow the maid to exit. Lady Margaret’s intense
gaze bore into Lily. “It’s a good thing Lord Lyon took the initiative to
announce the banns when he did, you wouldn’t believe the rate at which the
tongues have been wagging about the
She sniffed. “There’s only so much I can do to stave the flow. By the way, what
was Lord Martins doing here?”

Lily rose and went to greet her aunt. “It is nice to
see you too, Aunt Margaret.”

“Of course dear, but we’ve got important matters to
discuss, there’s no time to dawdle.”

Lily frowned, guiding her aunt to the other side of the
room where they could be seated. Tildy returned with the tea trolley, served,
and then quickly parted.

Lady Margaret took a sip and then spoke. “Despite what
your father thinks, Lord Lyon is an acceptable match for you.”

“Actually Father seems to be set on me wedding Lord
Martins.” Lily shifted uncomfortably.

“Ridiculous, Lord Martins’s standing is questionable at
best. I’ll have a word with Archibald. In the end, I’m sure he’ll see it my
way.” She waved her hand dismissively.

Lily grimaced. She had no doubt her father wouldn’t
enjoy that conversation, but fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how one
saw it, her Aunt’s word was final.

“Listen to me child, with Lord Lyon’s title and money
you could do no better.”

“Money doesn’t ensure happiness.” Lily felt her heart

Margaret harrumphed. “You sound like a little girl who
believes in fairytales.”


Lady Margaret held up her hand to silence Lily’s
protests. “In this town and any other civilized society, money and title are
everything. You’d do best to remember that child. Now give me permission to
in your stead.”

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