Summers, Jordan (17 page)

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Her eyes, swimming with passion, glowed bright in the
moonlight. Her cheeks flushed as she stared in the distance, then back at the
unmarked carriage. Lily trembled.

“Perhaps, we might finish our talk within the confines
of the carriage,” she suggested demurely, rubbing her arms as if she were cold.

Richard stilled Lily’s hands, lifting one to his mouth.
He heard her heart trip, then begin to beat frantically. “Please forgive me for
being so inconsiderate of your needs.” He escorted her to the transport, held
the door open and assisted her into the carriage.

He wasn’t about to let her know he knew her thoughts,
as if they were his own, understood her wants, even though she herself did not.
And he hadn’t even read her mind, yet. Well, at least not purposely…

It was not for a lady to express those sorts of things
to a gentleman…
outside of the bedroom
If she wanted to feign being cold he was more than happy to play along. He
wanted nothing more than to share a few intimate moments with her out of the
public eye, with her awareness engaged.

Lily sat on the seat, nervously straightening her
skirts. The smell of rich leather surrounded her, attesting to the fact that
the carriage interior had been recently oiled. Her heart raced in her chest as Richard
climbed up and slid in beside her. She couldn’t believe how brazen she’d been
last night.

Like it or not, Richard’s influence rubbed off.
Nervously she pressed the curls at the side of her head, examining them with
her fingertips. In the quiet darkness of the carriage, her breath sounded
thunderous to her own ears. She had to calm down. He was just a man. She was
just a woman. It was only a few dreams. Except it was more than that and Lily
knew it.

Her mind filled in the gaps of that simple analysis. He
was a very virile and handsome man who had the reputation of being a complete
rakehell. In her dreams he’d been insatiable in his eagerness to bring her
pleasure. He also now held the title of fiancé and in a few days time would
become her husband. The thought had Lily fanning her face with her hand. She
had no idea how she’d survive the marriage bed, if the dreams turned out to be
anywhere near reality.

“Are you all right, my dear?”

Lily turned to him, trying to see his expression in the
dark. The angle of the moonlight gave her only a glimpse of his sinful mouth,
with those firm lips and flashing white teeth. She gulped and faced forward

“Quite fine. Why do you ask?”

Richard slid his arm around the back of the seat, but
did not touch her. “You seem a little flushed. Is it something that I said?”

“N-no,” Lily squeaked.

He tipped her chin with one finger until she again
looked in his direction. “Perhaps you are recalling the last time we found
ourselves alone in the back of my carriage..?”

Lily’s lips parted. The carriage hadn’t been what she’d
been thinking about, but it was now. “I’m not sure I understand your meaning.”

Richard leaned forward until his face rested but mere
inches from hers. His breath lazily caressed her cheek. “Perhaps you’d like me
to refresh your memory.”

He didn’t give her a chance to answer. His mouth came
down upon hers, greedily. Grazing and coaxing, surging and skimming, the kiss
blistering. Lily found herself treading familiar waters. The pulling at her
mouth was answered in kind by the aching between her thighs.

Need scorched her, drove her to press her hands into
his chest, sliding them up the solid wall of muscle that constructed his chest
and around his nape. Weaving her fingers through his hair she pulled him
forward, closing the tiny gap between them. The second her soft breasts made
contact with his taut body, Lily was lost, like every other night when they had
done this in her dream. Reality merged with fantasy. She felt the buttons slip
from her pelisse as Richard swiftly stripped it from her body. She let her arms
drop long enough for him to pull it off and toss it onto the bench across from

Richard wasted no time undoing the buttons of her gown.
He slid the material off of her shoulders and to her waist. He tugged at her
chemise until he’d bared her breasts, and then his mouth was upon her nipples,
drawing and laving. Lily’s body exploded with sensation, raw savage need
gripping her. Her rosy peaks engorged, stabbing out for his seeking lips. He
circled one then the other, tasting, weighing, and palming her fullness. It was
better than the dream, so much better—and yet the same. His touch, his kiss,
the subtle stroke of his hand, everything seemed similar.

Was that possible?

With a scrape of his teeth across her nipples, Lily
brushed the troubling thought aside and wriggled trying to get closer to the
drugging heat he created with his marvelous mouth.

The last time he’d touched her it had been amazing, but
that had been with his hands through her chemise, now he was using his
mouth—skin on glorious skin. Lily didn’t think she’d be able to take much more.
Her nipples tingled. His hands roved freely over her breasts, kneading and
stroking. Lily arched beneath him, whimpering in pleasure. Dizzying warmth
radiated throughout her body. She needed more. The cleft between her legs
ached, demanding attention. In her dreams, he’d touched her there and she’d
exploded into a million shimmering lights.

“Please, my lord.” Her hands sank into his hair,
pressing his lips firmly against her pebbled bud.

Richard pulled away from her. She could see his shaft
straining against his breeches, as he flipped up her skirt. He seemed to know
instinctively what she needed. He quickly pushed up her chemise and then rolled
her stockings down until they were around her slippered feet.

“You did not wear drawers.”

Lily blushed. It wasn’t a question. The gratitude in
his voice rang clear for her choice in apparel.

“I chose not to wear them this evening,” she replied

Richard arched a brow, but did not reply. His hands
slid over her thighs, his touch like satiny fire. He leaned forward and inhaled
deeply. The sight sent Lily’s nerves racing. Richard once again found her mouth
as his hand continued to explore. When he reached her apex, she gasped against
his mouth. He refused to break the kiss. His fingers slid into her moist curls,
sending luxuriating sensations lapping over her.

Richard intensified the kiss as he sank his fingers
deep, searching out and finding the hidden nub buried beneath her molten folds.
Lily groaned on contact. Her back bowed and it was all Richard could do not to
come in his breeches. He’d waited for this moment for so many lifetimes. This
was no dream.

She was fully aware and longing for his touch. He would
cherish, prolong, and draw this moment out, until she cried out her release
against his lips. He knew he wouldn’t take her here in the carriage. He wanted
the first time they joined to be a memorable experience, not a quick rut on a
leather seat. If she touched him now, he’d climax immediately and having a
short fuse was not particularly the impression he cared to make on his future

Richard circled Lily’s bundle of nerves with his thumb,
stretching her taut with need. Her body tensed and a thin sheen of sweat broke
out over her skin. She glistened in the dark like a marble sculpture, shined to
perfection. Her fingers bit into his shoulders as she reached for the elusive
crest. Richard backed off from the sensitive nub, instead slipping one finger
inside her moist channel. Her velvet sheath surrounded him, urging him inside.
In and out he stroked in short teasing stabs, as his lips instinctively moved
to her neck.

Richard couldn’t seem to remember how to breathe. He’d
lost the ability the second Lily’s warmth surrounded his hand. He wanted her.
He fought his baser impulse. His mouth watered, as his fangs sprang from their
resting place. It would be so easy. One taste, one sup would be all it took to
sate his appetite. He could hear the blood rushing, just below her skin. See
the pulse beating at the surface. Lily panted against the side of his head, her
body ready and waiting for his invasion. Richard pulled out of her fiery
furnace, jerking away from her neck long enough to press down on her damp

Lily screamed out, shattering. The strain she’d felt
just moments ago fled her body in a rush as knot after knot of tension unwound.
It took a few moments for her to return to some semblance of reality, when she
did Lily realized Richard wasn’t moving. His body stiffened beside her.

“Richard, are you all right?” she gasped, trying to
calm her breathing.

No answer came.

“Richard?” Lily croaked.

Lily shifted until she could look upon his face.
Although shadowed, Richard’s face was deathly pale. His lips thinned, pulled
tight as if under strain. His closed eyes kept her from seeing his black orbs.
Just when panic had started to set in, he shifted.

“Forgive me, my lady. I fear the moment got away from
me.” With that said he flashed her a reassuring smile, that looked somewhat

In the pale light, Lily thought she’d caught a glimpse
of a long tooth in his mouth, but quickly dismissed it as a play of the
moonlight. “You gave me a start.”

Richard straightened himself, withdrawing his hand from
between her legs, his breathing ragged. Awareness rushed back to Lily and she
started righting her clothing. Richard sat with his head tilted back against
the bench, his arm thrown over his eyes.

Lily glanced down at his lap and saw the outline of his
shaft pressing the fabric of his breeches. Her breath caught. Surely his
impressive size was another trick of the light. No man could be that big, could
he? She remembered the matron’s words… he almost split me in two. Her gaze
locked onto his breeches. His shaft appeared to grow under her perusal.

Suddenly thoughts of the wedding night filled Lily’s
head, despite a few lingering jitters she looked forward to seeing all of this
man. Although if the rumors proved accurate there was no way he’d fit inside of
her body.

Richard laughed. He couldn’t stop himself. Lily’s
thoughts had been so strong he couldn’t help but read them. Like an innocent,
she’d leapt to the natural conclusion. Of course she was wrong. He’d fit just
fine inside her tight sheath. Tonight he’d knocked on the door to heaven, soon
he’d slip inside. Richard blew out a heavy breath. He needed to get Lily home.
They’d been out far longer than propriety demanded. He finished helping her
re-dress and then made himself presentable.

Before returning to his place behind the team, he
pressed one more kiss to her swollen lips. “Soon we’ll be able to spend time
together without the worries of the ton intruding on our lives. If you’d like,
we could even retire to the country.” He didn’t want to influence her decision.
If she said she wanted to stay in
Richard would find a way of working things out, so that they could.

Lily turned to look him in the eye. “It would be my
fondest wish to return to the quiet life of the country.”

“Even if that country was in

She hesitated for a moment, as if considering his
question, then bestowed upon him the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen. “Even

Richard’s heart rejoiced. He gave her a curt nod and
then started to exit the carriage, but paused instead. He climbed back in and
sat across from her. “Since you’ve agreed to become my wife, I thought I might
impose upon you long enough to get your opinion about a problem that’s been
troubling me so.” He hoped by asking for Lily’s thoughts she’d realize how much
her opinion mattered to him.

Clearly surprised, Lily’s eyes widened a fraction. “You
are asking for my assistance in a personal matter?” Her tone was one of utter

He nodded. “If you’d be so kind… “

She pursed her lips but for a moment, before inclining
her head. “Of course.” She held out her hand gesturing for him to continue.

Richard knew it was highly unorthodox for a gentleman
to talk business with a lady of gentle rearing, but given her responsibilities
and the situation he’d make an exception. Besides he really did value her
opinion and could no longer justify his visits to Rose. It felt far too much
like betrayal in his heart.

“I have a friend, whom I’ve had a business arrangement
with for a long time. Circumstances in my life have changed which has made this
business agreement no longer satisfactory. As you might guess, I have no wish
to hurt this friend.” He gazed into her face, to ensure she followed along.

Lily nodded. “I understand.”

“And I still have need of the services this friend
provides, but I can no longer hold up my end of the bargain. At our last
meeting I had to lie to this friend and it hurts me to do so. What do you think
I should do?”

Lily’s jaw firmed. “I do not condone lying, Richard,
but seeing as though you are trying to save a friend’s feelings I suppose it is
somewhat understandable. Are you sure you must continue with this friend’s

He released a heavy breath, his gaze boring into her. “For
the time being it’s imperative.”

She humphed. “Well then I see no alternative, you must
tell this friend the truth. It is the only honorable thing to do.”

Richard reached out and touched her hand. “Thank you.”

Lily inclined her head.

Richard climbed up to the driver’s seat with a silly
grin on his face. He’d told her about Rose, in so many words, which gave him a
modicum of relief. Soon he’d tell her the whole truth. He had no intention of
declaring his love for Lily while his visits to Rose continued.

He thought about their wedding. Perhaps afterwards they
wouldn’t return to
right away. Maybe they’d visit his country estate in
It had been years since Richard had been in residence there.

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