Summit of the Wolf (7 page)

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Authors: Tera Shanley

BOOK: Summit of the Wolf
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“Well that’s a good sign, dear,” Doris said. “I haven’t had a cycle since I was Changed.”

The other girls said the same. It was a subject Morgan had been afraid to bring up in front of Rachel, so this was the first she was hearing of it. She squirmed in her seat uncomfortably.

“I’m just glad I got boobs,” Marissa chirped up. “I was convinced I would look like a flat chested ten-year-old for the rest of my life. I’ve never had a cycle, so imagine my surprise when these puppies started coming in.”

Everyone at the table grew quiet for a second, and then burst out laughing. Though her being Changed as a child was no laughing matter, Marissa was kind of awesome at subject changes.

“My mate is the one who changed me,” Doris quipped. “The whole ‘I might die’ thing was of less concern to him than the possibility of my sex drive plummeting after I was Turned. He assumes it messes with our hormones since we are unable to reproduce, so he keeps waiting for the day I grow bored of sex. He keeps waiting, and I keep putting him to work.”

The table erupted in a fit of giggles.

“Okay, I change my answer. That is the best part about being a werewolf,” Morgan said, grinning.

“Is everyone doing the scavenger hunt tomorrow morning?” The young brown-haired woman asked.

Most of them spoke up saying they wanted to.

“I bet if we split it off, boys versus girls, we would win easily,” one of the women said. “No seriously, how much time do you think the boys are going to waste fighting each other tomorrow?”

Rachel laughed. “I would guess about ninety-four percent of the time, give or take.”

“Do you think it will be kid-friendly?” Morgan asked. “I want to go but I won’t be separated from Lana. It makes me paranoid to be away from her.”

“I think so,” Doris said. “If she gets tired, you could carry her. I looked at the list of packs that are paired up, and the Dallas packs are on the same team, so you will have all of your guard dogs with you,” she said with a wink. “The baby would probably enjoy running around the mountain, too.”

“Good,” Morgan said with a nod. “What are the strength challenges they are talking about?”

“It’s mostly for the guys. It gets pretty bloody, but if you can stomach it, sometimes it’s pretty interesting to watch. It’s basically a fight for who is the biggest and baddest wolf. You have to stay in human form, so it’s a brawl. Dean has won it the last two years in a row,” the woman sitting beside Marissa said, waggling her eyebrows at Rachel.

“Dean did?” Morgan asked in surprise. “Rachel, how did I not know about this? I knew he was a fighter, but whoa! Who knew I lived next door to the meanest wolf there is?”

“Well, a new wolf will be crowned this year. He isn’t entering this time around,” Rachel said.

“What?” Morgan exclaimed. “Why not? He is champ! He needs to defend his title.”

“Do you really think it is a good idea for Dean and Grey to possibly face each other in the ring?”

“Oh no, that is a terrible idea. I didn’t know Grey was entering.”

“I don’t think he even knows yet. I saw Dean signing him up.”

“I’m sure Grey will appreciate that.” Morgan snorted. “I want to see it. Are any of you girls going?”

They all decided they would go if the other ladies were going.

“So, Marcus said something about a girls fight?” Morgan questioned.

“Customarily, we don’t have any girls enter. I looked on the sign-up sheet and didn’t see anyone on there yet. They make it available in case any ladies want to give the boys a good girl fight to watch, or if they have something to hash out with another female. I don’t think we’ve had any ladies volunteer for four or five years now. Why? You wanting to fight one of us?” Sarah asked with a saucy grin.

“No, not me. I don’t want to sign up. I was only curious about what it was. I do believe I’ve had enough fighting for one lifetime.”

The ladies embraced each other, and genuine smiles lingered on their faces as they said they would see her at breakfast. As the packs headed back to their cabins, Morgan’s tension eased. If nothing else came of Summit, at least some of the wolves had accepted her.



Chapter 6


Wade was a bit of an anomaly. He was reserved with a quiet about him that only lifted when he had something important to say. He was uncomfortable in crowds, often pacing the outskirts of pack dinners. Underneath all of it was a dominance that rivaled even Dean’s. He had gone unchallenged as second in the pack since he was Turned. The fact that no one had actually seen him fight for dominance didn’t diminish the assumption that he could. He would likely do it with little reserve and with little remorse afterward. It was obvious that Summit wasn’t his scene from the moment they all crammed into the cabin, and even before the meet-and-greet, he had found his escape. It was in the form of hunting down food from a small local grocer that would sustain the Dallas packs in between meals. Morgan couldn’t really blame him. She would have escaped with him if she could have.

She bathed a very sleepy Lana and tucked her neatly into one of the bunk beds. Even though her dark-headed little niece was likely well on her way to dreamland, Morgan sang her favorite lullaby softly in her ear, anyway. Grey watched her patiently from the door. He wasn’t rushing her. The languid notes of contentment sang through their bond and relaxed even her tensest muscles. The more she tuned into their bond, the more his happiness became like a drug to her, like a siren’s song. Was it the same for him? The need to encourage his happiness so he could drink in that natural high?

Wade’s hunt had been successful. Morgan left the door open a crack so she could hear Lana if she awoke. Wade was unloading groceries only a little faster than the pack was devouring his wares. He nodded minimally under their thanks but his mouth curled up in a satisfied grin. Even if Summit wasn’t his type of place, amongst his pack was where he thrived. The oversized picnic table was overflowing with friends, and it creaked under their constantly shifting weight. Marissa sat comfortably in between Rachel and Brent, and all were laughing at something he had said. Morgan smiled at the scene before her, in awe of this completely unexpected family she’d stumbled into. Marissa waved her over, making room between her and Brent. Face still stretched in a lingering grin, Morgan settled in and reached for a plate. Grey pulled up an extra chair close enough behind her that his knees rested against her lower back.

“No seriously, man. She’s hot.” Brent had been taken with Sarah, as had almost every other male in the building, as she was one of only seven unclaimed females.

Logan stopped mid-mouth shovel. A spoonful of beef stew hung precariously in front of his lips. “I didn’t see her. Which one was she?”

Morgan tossed an apple over her shoulder, confident Grey would catch it. “She had blond hair and green eyes, and she’s nice, too. I approve.”

“What about the brown-haired one that was sitting by you? Is she claimed?” Logan asked. Brunettes were obviously more his type, though he watched Marissa’s reaction. She gave him none.

“No, Macey isn’t claimed either, but alas, it seems she only has eyes for Grey.” She batted her eyelashes over her shoulder at her mate, and he laughed.

His throaty chuckle melded seamlessly into his deep voice. “I’m surprised you didn’t rip her throat out, my little barbarian.”

“Damn!” Logan said. “Less than a week married, and she has already stopped trying for you, man. See? This is why I’m never settling down.”

Rachel snorted. “Logan, you of all wolves need a wife. Someone to keep you in line.”

“Yeah, you can share magazines,” Grey deadpanned.

Morgan straightened suddenly and jabbed her spoon at Brent. “I’ll introduce you at breakfast tomorrow. Sit by me and hold Lana. Werewolf or not, women are suckers for a man who is good with babies.”

Brent tinked his spoon against hers in a silent cheers.

Logan leaned back and patted his still flat belly. “That’s just what we need, another female in the pack.” He winked at Morgan. “You girls are nothing but trouble.”

Morgan leaned a little farther into Grey’s legs. “So you would rather live in a pack with all boys? Then what would you fight over?”

“Oh, please don’t act like you don’t like the fight,” Jason chipped in with a teasing glint in his eye. “We all saw you out at the pack war. You were a proper little berserker.”

Brent lifted his glass. “I did think for a second you were going to turn around and kill us all. You were looking pretty dangerous, and I was definitely glad you were on our side. Marissa and Rachel, too. Who would have known we had a couple of regular Robin Hoods in our pack?”

Dean raised his glass in turn, and the light from above sent little sparkles against the walls. “To our boys defending our girls, and to our girls defending our boys.” They all clinked glasses as he reached over to proudly kiss Rachel.

Jason raised his glass again, adding, “And to our fallen brother, Brandon, who should be here with us right now.”

They toasted, and on that somber note, everyone dispersed slowly to get ready for bed. Marissa fell quickly asleep on the bunk above Lana. The rhythm Grey made as he brushed his teeth settled Morgan’s nerves. Her muscles relaxed as the sheets warmed around her legs. She held the covers up and scooted as far against the wall as she could. The bunk beds, however, weren’t made for someone well over six feet tall with shoulders the width of a broad side of a barn. He sighed and disappeared into the darkness. Moments later, Wolf hopped up into the bed with her. A first. He smelled of animal and home. She fell asleep with her fingers running through the fur of her own personal Demon Wolf.

* * * *

Morgan opened her eyes to a darkness that rivaled the backs of her eyelids. She squinted to try to rush the adjustment of her night vision with little effect. A form appeared, blurry and a shade darker than the night. Grey? She flared her nose and drew a slow breath. The smell of close, warm skin was thick but unfamiliar. A man’s heavy breath had her frozen in terror. Where the hell was Grey?

Golden eyes opened in the darkest part of the room, waiting. The breeze from the opened window on the wall above their bed raised goose flesh in waves across the exposed skin of her arms. How could this wolf not sense the danger behind him? It felt like the entire room was roiling in the anger that emanated from one exceptionally enraged Black Wolf. The man disappeared from in front of her as Grey ripped him backward.

“Dean!” she shouted over the rustling of an unseen scuffle happening on the floor in front of her.

A shirtless Dean was standing at the French door dividing their rooms in an instant, and Jason hit the light behind him a second later. Dean didn’t hesitate. He put his knee into the back of the pinned intruder and Grey backed off. His yellow eyes scanned neatly between her, Marissa, and Lana’s still-sleeping form.

“Morgan?” Marissa squeaked.

“It’s okay. Come here.”

Marissa slid into her bunk in one fluid movement, and Morgan threw the covers over the girl’s lap to protect her from the frosty breeze.

Dean ran his hand through his hair, but it didn’t do anything to darken his lupine eyes. “Wade, go wake Marcus. Tell him what happened and that we need this wolf removed.” Wade disappeared, closing the door with a quiet click behind him.

Dean hoisted the man up like a sack of flour and took him into the other room while Morgan shut and locked the open window. She threw a thin robe around her shoulders and followed Grey.

“What the hell are you doing breaking in here?” Dean demanded.

“I couldn’t help it,” the man said defiantly. “I had to get closer to smell her. Can’t you all smell her?” He looked around for backup and, finding none, he looked down accusingly at Grey. “It’s your own fault, you know. You brought her here while she is in heat. Did you do it to tease all of us? You can’t blame anyone for wanting her.”

Grey bared his teeth, and a low rumble rattled his throat. The stranger tried to squirm away, but his only other option was to get closer to an enraged Dean, whose dominance was creating another wall of discomfort.

Morgan stared at him as if he’d lost his damned mind. “Do you know how creepy you sound? You broke in here, in the middle of the night, so you could smell me?”

“Well, when you put it like that….”

The door opened and Wade and Marcus Whitten came in, still dressed for sleep. He had two wolves waiting by the door outside. Marcus walked over to the man, grabbed the front of his jacket, and looked him over.

“Henry? What are you doing in here?”

Henry opened and closed his mouth like a landed fish, but no explanation came out.

“Take him to the Pavilion,” Marcus said, his voice as hard as iron. “Sorry about this, folks, but we’ll punish him accordingly. Let me know if you need anything else.” He gave a distracted wave goodnight and was gone behind the men who dragged a protesting Henry away.

Wade, Dean, and Jason stared after them with matching frowns, and Grey looked like he regretted not eating the intruder.

How the fruitcake was she supposed to sleep after that?



Chapter 7


Morgan had eventually fallen back to sleep. Just in time to get a half hour nap before dawn.

How did Grey manage it? He handled everything as if nothing affected him. Montana, the challenges, the battle at the cabin, all of the men he had killed in the name of protecting her. He made it seem as if everything rolled off his back, while she was barely treading water. There was no time to deal with the stress before some other tragedy demanded her attention. The tension built and built until she would surely explode into a million pieces. Poof, and fine-mist Morgan would be all that remained.

The stranger’s glowing eyes in the darkness flittered across her mind, and her inner wolf squirmed uncomfortably before she snuffed out the memory. Grey hadn’t even mentioned it. Just Changed, kissed her forehead, and headed for the shower. Maybe he had forgotten that this kind of behavior wasn’t part of normal human life. Nothing she had been through since becoming a wolf was normal.

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