Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (20 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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Yeah, I don’t see why not. Eric and I will both be there so you should be alright. Besides, Graham’s giving me a little while to get Stephan back.”




The Alchemist.”


My head nodded as I started to unpack my bag. A lot of my stuff was already here sprawled throughout the room. It almost felt like I lived here. That definitely wasn’t the case though. Even though me and Seth were getting hot and heavy I would never want to move in with him. It would be too much too soon and that’s how good relationships ended.


I took a shower first and started to get ready. Seth and Eric were out in the kitchen doing whatever it was they did as I unenthusiastically got dressed. My head was starting to hurt and it was putting me in a sour mood. The stress was getting to me, or at least that’s what I was blaming it on.


After I got dressed I went out to the kitchen looking for something to eat. Seth had just gotten in the shower and he always took forever. I rummaged through the fridge and found grilled barbeque chicken. I popped it in the microwave for a minute and then sat down to eat.


Halfway through eating I realized I hadn’t thought this through all the way, my hands were a mess.


You know that was mine.” Eric said sitting down beside me.


If I would have asked beforehand what would you have said?”


His head tilted back and forth, “I probably would have said yes.”


I pushed myself from the table and headed for the sink. “So then what’s the point of this conversation?”


Eric did say anything but I could hear his fingers tapping lightly on the table. I looked closer and saw his jaw was clenched tight like he was trying hard to stop his self from saying something to me.


I don’t know why but I suddenly felt bad and felt the need to explain. “I’m sorry. I have a headache and it’s making me overly evil.”


I sat back in the chair next to him and rubbed my temples in a circle motion. Eric’s chair scraped against the tile and he got up to grab something from above the fridge before coming to sit back down. He slid my empty glass to him and poured me a shot of Jack Daniels.


I grabbed it up and downed it in a second. It’s a good thing I ate that chicken or I probably would have fell in the floor five minutes after taking the shot.


You want another one?”


Yeah,” I said with a cough.


He poured one more and I took it a little slower than I did the first. When I was done Eric clapped me hard on the back which jerked me forward a little. I was trying to be nice for some reason so I bit my tongue against the comment I wanted to snap at him. He took a swig from the bottle before setting it back above the fridge.


Seth came up behind me and kissed my cheek. I could smell his scent from the shower and like to have died in it. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the chair and against his chest. “You ready?”


Yeah, I just want to take some Advil or something before I leave.”


After trying to get my headache under control we all left in Seth’s truck. Both Seth and Eric were in good moods. I would have been in one if it wasn’t for my head pounding away.


My phone vibrated against my leg and I looked to see I had a message from Amy. She said she would be coming to visit the following Thursday. I was about to text her back to tell her it would be okay but looked up at Seth and figured I better check with him to make sure it was safe enough. After what happened when we went to Maine I didn’t want to take any chances.


Hey, Amy said she wanted to come down next Thursday to visit for the weekend. Do you think it will be okay?”


Eric said no and Seth said yes. I accepted Seth’s answer and text her that it was fine. When I was done I turned around in my seat to face Eric and felt a smug grin slide on my face.


So why don’t you think Amy should come visit next week?”


I just don’t think you should have visitors is all.”


I could tell there was more there so I didn’t stop poking at him.


Hmm could it be that you’ve slept with her and now you don’t want to deal with it?”


Seth started laughing beside me and Eric threw me a glare. “Don’t you have a headache or something?”


I knew I had irked him so I turned back around pleased. Seth hand slid on my leg and I grabbed it with my own hand. When we got to the bar Seth came over and helped me out of the truck. Lance was outside talking to his friends and I gave him a quick one armed hug before heading inside.


Seth kept his hand on my waist as we made our way to the table. Callie and Rachel were among some of the people there along with Beth and Jack. It was weird being around all of them. Now that I knew about the ‘underworld’, granted I didn’t know much, but just the fact I knew about it was what made hanging out with them seem so different. They knew nothing about the other troubles that were out there and if they did it would make their perfect little heads spin.


Seth kept by my side constantly and Eric would bring me drinks so I was never left alone. I was actually having a good time and had never laughed so much in my life. Everything trivial was put on hold and I was letting myself be free like I used to be.


You look like your having a good time.” Seth said in my ear.


I got closer to him so no one would overhear the conversation we were having. Not like they could hear us anyway with all the yelling and craziness going on.


I’m not letting anything bother me tonight. Everything demonic is out there.” I said with a wave of my hand to the door.


And what brought on this good mood?”


I shrugged and picked up my drink. “Nothing really, I just want to try and be normal, with you.”


His cheek rested on mine as he spoke in my ear, “We are normal, and things are going to get better. You’re the only thing that matters to me and I’m going to fight like hell to make sure your okay.”


His mouth met the skin on my neck and a chill went through my body. It didn’t stop as he kept lightly going up my neck all the way to my jaw. I let out a giggle and pushed him away.


You’re a tease.” I said starting to get up.


You love it.”


I grabbed up my glass and glanced back at him, “Do you want anything?”


His eyes went over to the bar to make sure Eric was still over there. “A beer I guess.”


I pushed my way over to the bar and almost tripped on my own feet. My hand went forward and I grabbed on to Eric’s arm so I wouldn’t fall.


Eric turned around at feeling my hand on him. “Whoa there hateful, don’t fall on your face. I’d hate for Seth to think I beat you.”


He’d never think you beat me.” I said sitting on the stool.


The bartender was caught up making drinks for someone else so I sat and waited. Eric had a tray full of shots sitting in front of him that he explained were all bought because the wait was so long they just ordered about twenty of them so they wouldn’t have to wait.


Callie squeezed herself between me and Eric and grabbed a shot. “He is so funny.” She said pointing a thumb at Eric.


Oh yeah, he’s a crack up.” I grabbed a shot and took one before continuing with the conversation. “Have you seen Ashley?”


Yeah, she was just coming in. I think her new boyfriend is with her. Have you met him yet?”


I shook my head as the bartender finally came up and took my drink order.


There she is.” Callie said as I turned around.


Ashley walked up looking cheery but a little out of it. She probably went to another bar before coming here.


Hey sorry we’re late, got caught up.” She reached up to the tray and grabbed a shot and I grabbed one too.


So where is he?” I asked looking behind her.


He was outside talking to Lance. I came in, it was too cold.”


I put the shot glass to my mouth getting ready to take it, “Oh, Lance knows him?”


They met the other day. Oh, there he is,” She held up her arm and waved it back and forth, “Graham! Over here!”




Chapter 12








The liquor shot back out of my mouth at hearing her yell and I looked up to see a tall, tattooed, brown haired guy walk over. My eyes widened in terror and I looked over at Eric who was now watching Graham. I shot forward so I was almost sitting on Eric’s lap. Without taking his eyes off Graham he threw his arm behind me and laid it on the bar. The good mood I was in, the one where I was going to leave all the demonic bull crap out of my life, well that just got shot to shit in about ten seconds.


Graham looked like any normal guy walking into a bar; he didn’t have the devilish look he did when I first met him. For a second I thought he was going to act like he didn’t know us and play it natural but I was proved wrong when he rested his hand on Eric’s shoulder and smiled, “Hey Eric, how you doin?”


Eric’s face held no expression when he answered, “Been better.”


When he was satisfied with Eric’s response he looked over at me and gave me a nod, “And you Cam?”


I gritted my teeth and smiled. “Awesome.”


Ashley looked confused and pointed to all three of us in a swift motion. “You all know each other?”


I wasn’t about to answer this question. Leave it to the two creatures of the underworld to handle this.


Graham answered with a look to Ashley. “I’m friends with Eric. I met Cam the other day.”


So do you know Seth too?”


Yeah, is he here?” he looked at Eric.


Eric nodded and went to get up as Graham took a seat next to me. My eyes widened and I looked at Eric appallingly. His face kept calm as he searched Graham over like he was trying to read him. Ashley was watching too and it started to freak me out that she was witnessing any of this or that she was even involved at all. She needed to be as far away from here as humanly possible.


Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt her. I just want to talk to her.” Graham said to Eric. He threw me a wink that, this time, made me cringe.


With that, Eric left and took off in search for Seth. I couldn’t believe he just left me here with Graham. It was going to be World War III when I got him alone.


So Cam, how are things
?” Graham asked.


I faced him and began to feel enraged. Ashley stood there staring off into nothing with a blank look on her face.


What did you do to her?” I asked venomously.


Don’t worry about her, she’ll be fine. I won’t snap her neck until I absolutely have to. Or I could just slip her this and she’ll be dead on the floor in less than two seconds.” He held up a tiny vile that was filled with a purple liquid and capped off.


Suddenly I felt sick and wanted to hurl myself in front of a bus. This was just wrong.


You can take me, just leave her alone.”


He shoved the vile pack in his pocked with a smile, “Now where would the fun in that be? And besides, you’ll be with me eventually, don’t rush it.”


What do you mean?” I asked skeptically.


Reaching across the bar he brushed his fingers lightly over my hand. “Be patient.”


I snatched my hand back quick. Was he seriously telling me that he was going to take me whether or not Seth gave back Stephen?


A warm hand circled around my waist and I looked up to Seth. “Why don’t you go out to the truck with Eric?” He said to me.


I nodded and didn’t look back at Graham as I made my way out of the bar. Eric was standing outside smoking a cigarette and the second I saw him I whacked him upside the head.


What the hell was that for?” he cringed.


You left me alone with him you jack ass!” I went to smack him again but he ducked just in time.

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