Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (21 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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Several people were laughing at us and I was about to turn around and shout something at them but Eric grabbed my wrist and started dragging me to the truck before I got a chance to.


I was still shouting at him when we got to the truck. As soon as he opened the door he bent down and threw me over his shoulder to lift me in the back seat. I started kicking and hitting him to put me down and the people who had been laughing earlier started to crack up as they watched what was going on.


Eric hopped in the front and turned around to me. “Are you calm now or am I going to have to restrain you?”


I hate you!”


What the hell did I do?” He said holing his hands out in front of him.


You left me there with him. You may think he’s your friend but he’s not.”


Cam, will you just trust me? He’s giving Seth time to get Stephan. He’s not going to hurt you because that will ruin his chances to get Stephan back. And as for Ashley, he’s just using her to get to you.”


I needed to do something to hold back from strangling him so I sat back and crossed my arms. “That’s not the point. The point is he told me he was going to take me whether he got Stephan back or not.”


What are you talking about?”


God, you are the worst demon I have ever met. Do you not know anything?”


His eyes started to get greener and I sunk back in my seat a little. I think I pissed him off.


I realized my thought was right when he started shouting at me.


I wouldn’t be in this shit if I wasn’t for you! Everything was fine until you showed up and screwed my life all to hell! If I was Seth I would have let you go a long time ago!”


What he said hit me hard. Nothing he had ever said to me hurt my feelings or barely even cracked me. But for some reason the words he just said cut through me like a knife. I looked away from him and out the window to see Seth walking to the truck.
Thank God
, I thought to myself.


He got in the truck and looked at both of us waiting for someone to say something. I definitely wasn’t going to say anything.


What did he say?” Eric spat out.


We have till next Saturday.”


I let out a laugh to myself and Seth turned around to look at me. “What?”


I shook my head and looked back out the window. I decided I would tell Seth what Graham said when we got back to the house. I wasn’t going to talk in front of Eric, whatever he had to say I didn’t want to hear.


Just tell him Cam.” Eric said hastily from the front seat.


I stared angrily at the back of his head. Maybe if I punched the head rest it would hit him and cause him a little bit of pain. I nixed that plan when I remembered he would heal in about a millisecond.


I let out a huff and told him everything that Graham said to me. When I was done Seth and Eric got deep into conversation. I didn’t pay attention but kept looking out the window at all the lights flying by. The lights slowly turned to trees as we got closer to the house.


I was still a little drunk and my head was starting to spin. To add to everything I was now worried about Ashley, she had nothing to do with this and yet she was brought in just because she was my roommate. Maybe I shouldn’t have stayed with Seth; maybe I should have just let Charlie take me to Declan.


I was brought out of my thoughts by the car stopping and Eric opening my door. Without looking at him I jumped out and brushed past his open hand that was meant to help me out of the truck. I knew I said I was done with him many times before but this time I actually meant it.


Seth waited for me at the front of the truck and I grabbed his arm to lead me in. I went straight back to the bedroom and got ready for bed. Seth stayed out in the living room with Eric for a minute before he came back.


I was already in the bed when he came in and I watched as he got down to his boxers and slid in beside me. I rested my head on his arm as he lightly trailed his fingers up my side.


I think you should move in here.” He said out of nowhere. Hearing his words sent me into shock and I sat up like a bolt of lightning.


Excuse me?”


I want you to move in.” he repeated.


Why?” I squeaked out.


He sat up on his elbows and started to explain. “Well Graham is seeing Ashley so he’s going to be at the dorm a lot more. And after hearing what he told you I would feel better if you just moved in here.”


Well, it’s already like I live here anyway so why don’t we just keep things the way they are and I just stay here like I have been.”


Wouldn’t that be living here?” he pointed out.


I tilted my head back and forth contemplating what he said. “Not really. I don’t want to
in. I’ll just be staying here a lot.”


And exactly why don’t you want to move in? You don’t like me enough?” he finished with a grin. Thank God he wasn’t taking my answer the wrong way.


A few reason’s actually. One, I think it’s too soon, once people move in together it all goes down the drain. Two, my parents paid for me to have a dorm so I can’t exactly just move out. And the main reason above all others, I’m not living with Eric. It’s enough that I have to be around him so much but to actually say I’m living with him isn’t something I could handle right now.”


Did you all get into another argument?”


When don’t we get into an argument?” I said lying back on his arm with a huff.


Well this time it seems different. You didn’t say one word to him the entire ride home. It’s when you’re not yelling at him that I’m worried.”


He said some things to me that I didn’t like and now I don’t want to talk to him. It’s nothing, really.” I turned on my side and looked up at his puzzled expression. I wanted to get off this topic.


I’ll tell you what, when schools over with I’ll move in till I figure out where I’m going. That is if we’re still together.” I threw him a grin and he rolled over on top of me causing me to laugh loudly.


And why wouldn’t we be together?” He said with his head buried in my neck.


You might find someone else, someone more boring.”


Never, you’re perfect, and worth all the trouble. We can make it through this. Nothing will get in the way of us being together. I won’t let it.” He kissed me softly and ran his hand down my cheek making me forget all the bad that had been floating around inside me.




The next few days Seth tried to stay with me as much as he could. I ignored Eric on the few occasions I had to be around him. He made dinner one night and even though it was amazingly good I didn’t thank him or tell him how good it was, I wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction. The few times he did speak to me I listened but never responded back. If he did talk it was just to tell me things like he would be waiting in the parking lot after school or that he needed to make a stop somewhere on our way home.


When I left school on Wednesday I was surprised to see Seth waiting for me outside the art building. I smiled at seeing him and felt relieved that I didn’t have to put up with Eric for the rest of the afternoon.


What are you doing here?”


I have a surprise for you.” He kissed me and slid his hand in mine as we made our way to the parking lot.


What is it?” I asked stupidly.


His head shook disbelievingly at me. “Seriously? That’s why it’s called a surprise.”


I was excited for the surprise but found myself a little worried at what it would be. Surprises weren’t really my thing and I didn’t want to have the wrong reaction to whatever it was he had for me.


Where’s Eric?”


He’s got some stuff to do and won’t be at the house all night.”


I felt a smile come to my face. “Is that the surprise?” I asked just to make sure. If it was I would be just as happy with that.


No, but if you want to think of it as part of the surprise then go ahead.”


When we got back to the house I sat my bag down next to the couch and headed back to the bedroom. Seth walked slowly behind me and I almost turned around to ask what his problem was until I opened the door and was momentarily stunned.


I felt my jaw drop at the dozens and dozens of red roses and lilies that were in vases all around the room. There had to be at least a dozen vases. Seth arms went around my waist and I leaned back into him to hold myself up.


What is this for?” I asked almost breathlessly.


Happy Valentine’s Day.”


I scrunched my face in confusion. “But Valentine’s Day is this weekend.”


As soon as I said it my brain clicked and it all made sense. I turned slightly giving him a disappointed look. “You won’t be here this weekend will you?”


He shook his head, “I’m leaving in the morning.”


I let out a sigh and rested my head on his. Well this just sucked up one way and down another. “You better make it up to me good, that’s all I’m gonna say.”


That’s what tonight is for.”


I refocused on all the flowers before me. “Thank you. They’re beautiful.”


Not as beautiful as you.”


I craned my neck around to kiss him and smiled. “You’re too good to me.”


I felt his hands come underneath my knees and he lifted me in his arms. “Not really, I do this for all my girlfriends.”


And how many are there?”


His face scrunched up like he was thinking hard, “About six.”


He gently laid me in the bed and crawled on top of me. I let out a small laugh as his hand went up my shirt and he grabbed my ribs.


So are we just going to stay in here all night?” I asked slyly.


He got up off me and stood between my legs. “Nope, we’re going out to eat, so get dressed.”


I flopped my arms on the bed and sat up. Luckily I had brought a few more clothes over here from my dorm so I had something to wear. I put on a pink top, a pair of dark jeans, and some black heals. I stood in the mirror putting on my earrings when Seth came up behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder.


I’m almost ready.” I said looking at him in the mirror.


I think you forgot something.”


I looked myself over. “No…I’m pretty sure I didn’t.”


His fist came up in front of me and from it dropped a white gold necklace with three tear drop diamonds hanging from it. My eyes grew wide and a small noise came from my mouth.


That’s for me?” I squeaked out.


His reflection smiled back at me in the mirror at my expression. He draped it over my neck to fasten it and I touched it gently.


I love it.”


I’m glad.” He said kissing the back of my neck. I spun around and grabbed his face, planting a kiss on his mouth.


Thank you. You really are too good to me. I don’t deserve it.”


Goosebumps over came my whole body as his hands ran lightly over my back. “Yeah you do. Don’t ever think you don’t.”


As happy as I was in this moment, somewhere deep inside I felt so horrible. I really didn’t deserve how good he was to me.


Well if you think so then that’s all that matters.” I smiled and turned to grab my purse.


I let out a squeal as Seth smacked me in the butt. “Come on hot mama, let’s go.”


He grabbed my hand and dragged me out the room, down the hall, and to the truck. The whole night was simple. We went out to eat at some seafood restaurant I had never been to before and afterwards he took me to a wall where a woman had painted a life size mural of the city of Belize. It looked so real, and if you stood a ways back it looked like there was a whole other city on the other side of the wall.

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