Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (9 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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I leaned my head against the window as we made the drive back to Seth and Eric’s house. After much coaxing and promising they weren’t going to kill me, I agreed to go with them so they could explain. I was beginning to get a headache and listening to Seth and Eric bicker back and forth like two old ladies wasn’t helping.


I told you to watch her!” Seth yelled out him.


I was. She was there one minute and then, poof, gone the next.”


You think this is a joke. What if I hadn’t showed up? She’d be half way to him right now.”


Don’t be so dramatic, he’s all the way in Chicago, I doubt they would be halfway there.”


I leaned up and looked at them both venomously, “If you all don’t shut up I’ll make you wish you were in Chicago!”


They went silent after my little outburst. I don’t know why I even agreed to come with them. A sane person would have run screaming, but not me, I had to be the dumb ass who thought just maybe there was a reasonable explanation for everything in hopes that they were still normal.


We pulled up to the house and I went to jump out of the truck but the ground looked so far away. I was positive that if I even attempted to get out I would face plant on the asphalt.


Eric stood by the door and held out his hand to help me.


I think I’d rather crack my head open and have to get stitches than let you help me.” I snapped at him.


You’re being rather snippy tonight. What’s gotten into you?” He said this like he was a little taken back by my attitude.


Nothing, sorry.” I reached out for his hand and he guided me down.


Did you really just apologize to me?”


I rolled my eyes and wished I didn’t because it made the headache worse. When I looked up I saw Seth standing by the open door waiting for us. I walked in beside them both and went to the couch to sit down.


Seth sat beside me and Eric went to the recliner and plopped down like he had a rough day.


So are you two going to tell me what’s going on?” I asked.


It’s really hard to explain.” Seth said.


Will you just tell me, I’m here aren’t I?”


Seth looked nervously over at Eric and then to me, “Me and Eric, we’re…different.”


Obviously” I blurted out.


Eric sat up in the recliner and started to stare intently at his hands. “I don’t think you understand. We’re
different. We’re not human.”


I’m sorry, what?” They had to be high or something.


We’re not human.” He repeated. “We’re demons.”


I let out a laugh and threw my hands drastically in the air. “Oh God I was right, I attract crazy people.”


Eric shook his head and Seth moved a little closer to me. “I know it sounds nuts but we are. There are a lot of things you don’t know about what goes on the world and we’re one of them.”


This is ridiculous.” I breathed out.


Eric shot up out of his chair and went to the kitchen. He returned seconds later with a big butcher knife. I jumped up and looked at him wearily, wondering what he was planning on doing with it.


Before I got a chance to say anything he slid the knife across his hand. I cringed as the blood started to gush out. But then, just as suddenly, the bleeding stopped. He wiped his hand on a towel to remove the blood and showed the cut was already gone.


I’m gonna be sick.” I said rushing down the hall.


I ran to the first door I saw and luckily it was the bathroom. I could hear Seth yelling at Eric back in the living room as I shut the door behind me. When I made it to the toilet I realized I wasn’t really going to be sick so I leaned against the wall and rested my head on my knees.


What had I gotten myself into? This was more than any one person could handle. Maybe someone slipped something in my drink and I was passed out in a drug haze or whatever.


I dug my nails into my arms and felt the pinch. No, I was awake and this was all real.


Nothing made sense anymore. I had so many questions that I was getting ready to blow up. I wished I was sober. Then again, I could use another shot.


There was a soft knock at the door and I popped my head up from my knees.
“Cam, are you okay?” Seth said through the door.


I crawled forward and unlocked the door. It slowly came open and Seth stood there with a somber look on his face.


Do you want me to take you home?”


No, I want you to tell me the rest.” I said bracing my hands underneath of me.


He came forward and went to help me up but backed away like he was afraid to touch me.


Seth, I don’t hate you or anything. I’m just really confused right now. I know you would never hurt me. At least I don’t think you would.”


He spoke almost spastically, “I wouldn’t, I swear. You are the one person I would never hurt.”


It was nice to hear him say that but things between us were still a bit awkward. I walked by him and went back to the living room. Eric was sitting back in the recliner with his hands resting on his thighs. He looked so calm.


You alright?”


I nodded before sitting down. Seth sat beside me causing our knees to touch and it felt a little nice. You would think just the sight of him would be repulsive after what they told me but I was still attracted to him the same as I was before.


So what is it you guys do exactly?”


We work for another demon, a much older and more powerful one. There are other demons and things out there that are trying to take over certain cities by killing humans, dealing drugs, gambling. We get rid of them, or at least we try to get rid of as many of them we can.”


So you’re like protectors?” I was trying to get the idea and understand everything he was telling me.


A small smile came on his face like he was hopeful. “I guess you could look at it like that. But there’s still a lot more to it, a lot more going on.”


I turned to Eric. “What about that girl that died, Lauren? Were you lying to me when I asked you about her earlier?”


Not really. She was a demon. I went back there after you left that night and took care of her.”


Surprisingly I felt better but at the same time I thought I was losing my mind because I found myself believing everything they were telling me and I was okay with it all.


What about that guy tonight? He was the same one I saw at the gallery.”


Seth let out a heavy sigh. I could tell this was the part he was going to have a hard time telling me and I didn’t know if I wanted to hear it.


That was Charlie. He works for Declan back in Chicago. Declan is a demon but he’s a little different. I don’t know why Charlie came for you. At first I thought they were trying to use you to get to me, but after hearing what he said tonight I’m not so sure. It might be another reason altogether.”


And that would be?”


I don’t know. That’s what I’m confused about. You’re human, there should be no reason he needs or wants you.”


I wasn’t too happy about what he just said but I bypassed that for the time being. “Why would they use me to get to you?”


Some of them aren’t very happy with us. That’s part of the reason we had to leave Chicago. Since it’s hard to kill us they like to use other people, people we care about, to hurt us. I thought they were going to try and use you to get to me.”


Is that why he told you to watch being with me in public?”


He nodded.


I turned and looked back at Eric who was still sitting there like we weren’t having a serious conversation. I guess to him this was nothing.


He leaned forward on his knees and gave me a grin. “I guess you’re lucky you met us. If you hadn’t you’d already be in Chicago. Who knows, you might even be dead.”


Well thanks for being so subtle about it.”


He smacked his hands on his legs and stood up. “I’d love to sit here and go back and forth with you but I have some stuff to do. I’ll see you all later.” He gave me a wink and walked out the front door.


There was still a lot I didn’t know and I would probably never know everything. Eric was right about one thing, if I hadn’t met them I would probably be in Chicago right now.


Did you want me to take you home yet?”


Do you want to take me home?” I asked a little skeptically. The way he asked made me think he wanted to. For some reason I didn’t want to leave, nothing about him scared me away even though it should.


I don’t want to but if you don’t want anything to do with me anymore I understand.” His eyes looked a little sad and the vibrant blue they usually were was sort of dulled out.


I should be scared, but I’m not. I guess I’m just as crazy as you all are. Any other person would run away but for some reason I trust you. Don’t make me regret it though.” I tried to lighten the mood by poking him in the chest playfully.


Are you serious?”


Why wouldn’t I be? Yeah it’s a little weird but I think I can handle it. I would have been drug into this situation one way or another. I’m just lucky I met you before it got too bad.”


Every time I spoke I surprised myself more and more. I don’t know where all of this was coming from. Seth seemed just as surprised by it. His eyes had gone back to their bright, vibrant color.


I leaned forward getting closer to his face. “What’s with the eyes?”


Sorry, it’s just a thing.”


A demonic thing?”


Yeah, usually when I get mad or really happy they start to get brighter. It goes by my mood basically.”


I laughed, “Is there anything else about yourself that I should know.”


I’m twenty-three.” He said with a sly grin.


I could tell he didn’t really want to talk about this anymore. There were so many questions I had running through my mind but decided it could wait for another time. I got the most important part out of him and that was all that mattered.


Do you think I could stay here tonight?” I blurted out.


Yeah, you can sleep in my room and I’ll just sleep out here.”


Inside I was a little aggravated that he would even suggest that. But whatever, if he wanted to sleep out here that was fine.


Seth got up and I stood too, maybe a little too quickly. My head spun and I clutched it to try and make it stop.


Seth placed his hand on the small of my back to steady me. “Still drunk?”


Just a tad.” I said measuring with my fingers.


He started to lead me down the hall to the second door on the right. “You’ll probably have a different reaction to everything in the morning when you’re sober.”


You almost act like you don’t want me to be okay with this.” I said stopping in the door way.


No, I’m just a little startled that you’re taking this so well.”


You don’t seem that different to me. I don’t know what it is but I just can’t see you any other way then how I see you right now.”


The blue in his eyes got a little brighter and he spoke in a low voice. “Can I kiss you?”


He shouldn’t even have to ask me for that. I nodded slowly as he came forward and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. His mouth and tongue moved in perfect motion with mine. I felt like I was moving and as it turns out I was as he lifted my feet from the floor and spun me around to the bed. I shut my eyes tighter so I wouldn’t feel the dizziness that started.


My back hit the bed and when it did he pulled away hovering over top me. “So you can do this? You can be with me even though I’m a little different?”

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