Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (4 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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I sat on the same bench as I did the night before and waited for Seth to come and get me. For some reason I thought of the night before and the mystery person who was smoking a cigarette by the bushes. I would probably never know who it was, I don’t know why I even cared, it’s not like they were watching me or anything.


My legs were crossed and bobbing up and down nervously when I saw a brand new shiny black Mustang pull up. The passenger window rolled down and Seth threw his head back motioning for me to get in.


I slid into the front seat all the while eying the car. “And you need a new truck because…?”


This isn’t mine, it’s my roommates.”


Oh, you don’t have a car?”


I did but that’s a long story.”


Well shorten it up for me.” I said pulling on my seat belt.


My truck got totaled.”


I nodded and was suddenly filled with fear that I was in a car with someone who had already totaled one car. Seth must have seen the fear in my eyes because he started laughing.


I’m a good driver. Yeah I was driving when the truck totaled but it was my roommates fault. He can be an ass.”


My stomach lightened up a little but I was still a tad bit nervous. “Well that’s nice. Just keep your eyes on the road.” I said pointing out the windshield.


You can trust me.” He smiled.


My nerves slightly left my body at seeing his smile. I forced myself to refocus out the window and tried to think of something to say.


So if your roommate is such as ass why are you his roommate?”


He’s my oldest friend. We are like oil and water, two completely different people. He’s always been my best friend though. I can count on him.”


Well that’s good. At least you have someone you can say that about.”


Do you have a best friend?” he asked me.


I thought about it a minute. “No, not really. I mean I have friends, but no one I would call my best friend. My roommate, Ashley, she is probably the one I am closest too but I wouldn’t tell her every little secret.”


It’s better to be that way. Trusting someone can be a dangerous thing.”


I laughed a little. “It’s odd you say that.”




A second ago you told me to trust you. You just completely contradicted what you said.”


He shook his head amused, “I did didn’t I?”


The rest of the ride he asked me more about myself and we eventually pulled up to the car dealership.


I put my hands in my back pockets when I got out and sauntered up beside him. “So what are you looking for?”


Don’t know yet. What do you like?”


I glanced around looking at everything. “I like the hummer and the F150.”


Hummer? You’ve got to be kidding me.” He went towards the F150 and walked around it. I leaned against one of the trucks and watched as he studied each and every one that was lined up. I didn’t understand what the difference was between them. They all looked the same except for the color.


Pretty soon a dealer walked out and started talking to Seth. I watched them discussing everything and stayed out of the conversation. My eyes traveled to Seth and looked him up and down. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a tight white t-shirt that had black graffiti on it. His brown hair glistened in the sun making it almost look blond. God he was good looking.


He caught me looking at him and gave me a small wink. I cleared my throat and looked away embarrassed.


Do you like the grey one?” he yelled out to me.


I nodded and walked a little closer to him as he looked back to the dealer and told him he wanted it. I was a little taken back by his quick decision. Didn’t he want to test drive it first or something? And what about the price, it looked expensive. I did think bouncers got paid that much.


I waited as he went inside to do the paper work and a little while later he walked out with a new set of keys.


Well that was quick.”


Yeah, I’m not very decisive when it comes to this kind of stuff.”


He threw me the keys to the Mustang, “You can follow me back to my house and then if you want we can go get something to eat.”


Okay” I said heading to the Mustang.


I loved Mustangs. I had one in high school and was so depressed when I sold it before college. I needed the money though, I didn’t want to mooch off mom and dad. Luckily Seth had a heavy foot like me so I was able to soar down the road the way I wanted to. I followed him for about fifteen minutes till we got to a small development on the outskirts of the city. The houses weren’t that bad. It looked like any old run of the mill development that you saw on Pleasantville or something. He pulled up to a grey house with black shutters; it was small but nice looking with a massive porch and one car garage.


I parked the car next to his truck and got out. “Nice house.” I said.


It’s alright. I have to run inside real quick. Did you want to come in for a minute?”


I nodded as I jingled the keys in my hand and followed him inside. The house didn’t have much in it, and there were no decorations of any kind, just a couch, a recliner, and a big wooden entertainment center with a TV in it.


I’ll be right back, just sit down or whatever you want to do.”


I chose to stand and waited there patiently. I realized I still had the keys and went to sit them on the small dining room table that was in the dark red kitchen. As I turned away from the kitchen to go back in the living room I ran into someone. When I bounced back I looked up into Eric’s bright green eyes.


Hey Cam.” He smiled.


I rolled my eyes at the sight of him, trying to ignore the rapid beat of my heart. “What are you doing here? Did you break in or something?”


He didn’t let the grin fade from his face, “I should be asking you the same thing. You’re in
house after all.”


Your house?
his roommate?” I noticed Seth walk in behind Eric and glanced at him with wide eyes as I pointed at Eric, “
your roommate?”


Yeah, why?” He looked between the both of us with a somewhat worried look on his face.


Eric answered before I could. “Cam isn’t too fond of me. I haven’t figured out why though.”


What did you do to her?” Seth asked. It was almost like he was expecting the worst. The truth was Eric never did anything to me, I just chose to not like him the minute I saw him.


He didn’t do anything to me. Why would you think he did something to me?”


Nothing, I just figured he probably said something appalling to you or something.” He looked back at Eric and I turned to look at him as well.


So are you going to tell me why you hate me so much or am I just going to have to find a way to make it up to you?”


Oh please, don’t waste your time.” I walked by him and stood next to Seth who was trying to hold back a smile.


Eric didn’t look phased by anything I said which made it all the more obvious he was a jerk.


I’ll see you tonight?” Eric asked.


For a second I thought he was talking to me but Seth answered that he would see him later and grabbed my hand to walk out.


I had to pull myself up into the lifted truck and Seth watched me struggle with an amused grin on his face. When I finally got in I let out a huge sigh.


You’re going to have to get me a step ladder or something.” I huffed out. My legs were long but not that long.


I’ll see what I can do.” He said backing out of the driveway.


We rode in silence for a few minutes till Seth broke it with the obvious question I was waiting for.


So why don’t you like Eric?”


I shrugged, “I saw him yesterday in the city and just decided I didn’t like him.”


That was the best answer I could come up with in that moment.


Not many girls shy away from him. You must have a good head on your shoulders.”


I laughed, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”


You should.”


We didn’t talk for the rest of the drive until we pulled into the parking lot of a bar and grill I had been to a few times before. Seth jumped out the truck without problem and when I opened my door he was standing just outside of it waiting to help me down. His hands slid around my waist and I braced my own on his shoulders as he pulled me down.


My feet hit the ground and he threw me a smile, “Better?”


I nodded slowly as his hand slid from my waist and into my hand. He started towards the restaurant and for some reason I felt a little light headed. Seth holding my hand added to the light headedness and I liked it.


As we ate I found out that Seth and Eric were both from Chicago and grew up together. Since I started college I barely even talked to any of the people I grew up with so I thought it was pretty neat that they were still friends for so long, you didn’t see that much in guys. The fact that Seth was even friends with someone like Eric to begin with was another mystery. So far I couldn’t see anything that linked the two of them besides the fact that they were both gorgeous.


So do you have any family?” I asked as we walked back to the truck.


Nah, we both lost our family when we were young.”


I felt bad for him and I even felt a little bad for Eric too. He didn’t look too bothered by it and I didn’t want to get all sappy with him so I just let it go.


What about you? Are you close with your family?”


Not so much. I mean I talk to them when I can. I barely talk to my older brother Shane, he lives in New York. I’m close with my younger brother Lance though, he goes to BU.”


He was the one playing beer pong with you last night, right?”


I nodded as he followed me around to the passenger side. Before I knew it he had the door open and lifted me up into the truck.


Wow I didn’t expect you to do all that.” I laughed.


What, you think I’m weak and can’t lift a girl into a truck?” he teased. He closed the door and headed around to the driver side.


Definitely not weak, I thought to myself. He could probably bench press my entire body.


When we left we headed back to my dorm. I felt comfortable enough with him to change his radio station and flipped it to rock music.


Rock?” he said skeptically.


What? I like it.”


You look like more of a country music girl.”


I like country. I like pretty much everything but rock is my favorite.”


You’re a strange, strange girl.”


I took that as a compliment. Anyone else might take it differently but I didn’t. I looked out the window as we pulled to where he had picked me up earlier. As I went to reach for the door handle I looked back at him, “I had fun.”


Yeah, next time I won’t drag you to a car dealership. Maybe we can do something later on this week?”


Yeah if you want, just give me a call or text me.”


I will.” He gave me a wink of his incredible blue eyes and I opened the door. I let out a sigh as I looked down at the far away ground below me.


Maybe I shouldn’t have suggested you buy the F150.” I said to him.


I decided what the hell and took a big leap out of the truck and landed on my feet.


There ya go.” He said behind me.


Have fun with the devil.” I said before closing the door. He let out a laugh from inside the truck as I turned to go back up to my dorm.

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