Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (2 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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I waited patiently for Ashley to get out of the booth so I could stand up too.


Yeah yeah. So I’ll see you tonight?”


I gave him a nod before kissing him on the cheek and heading out.


God your brother is so hot.” Ashley gushed as we headed down the street.


I let out a laugh as we stopped at the crosswalk. There was no reason to comment, she told me this constantly and if I said anything it would just open the door for her to tell me how gorgeous his smile was or how amazing his hair looked today.


Ashley nudged my arm and I felt her head come closer to mine. “Cam, that guy is staring at you.” She nodded to across the street so I would look.


I brushed my windblown hair out of my face and glanced up. It only took my eyes one sweep of the street to see who she was talking about. It was hard not to see who she was talking about. From this far away I could see his bright green eyes staring back into mine. All I could do was stare the same way he stared at me.


Something got me in that one second; something I wasn’t expecting, something I hated. My eyes went over the rest of him. He had short black hair and was tall and muscular. Every curve in his face was perfect;
was perfect. I was momentarily transfixed on him but quickly came to my senses and rolled my eyes before sliding down my sunglasses.


The light blinked for us to start walking and we crossed the walkway. Just as we passed the guy I cut my eyes over to him behind my sunglasses and noticed him shove his hands into his pockets with a grin. He knew he was gorgeous.


Wow” Ashley said beside me.


Yeah, he wasn’t bad looking, but he seems like a jerk.”


Are you kidding me? You just walked by him, how can you tell he is a jerk?”


I have a sixth sense for those types of things. Trust me, he’s an ass.”


You’re crazy.” She said unbelievably.


We stopped into one more store for Ashley to find a pair of shoes. I told her she could just borrow a pair of mine but she said she didn’t like mooching off my stuff. I knew the truth was she was afraid she might mess them up and be afraid to suffer my wrath.


I was sitting down in a chair beside the shoe rack waiting patiently for Ashley to pick out a pair of shoes. She eventually walked out with a pair of white strappy heels on and I gave her a nod.


You’re not even paying attention. What are you still thinking about that sexy Greek God that was eying you earlier?”


No, why would I be thinking about him? I’m tired. I want to take a nap before tonight. If I don’t I’ll be passed out by eleven o’clock.”


She agreed on the nap and paid for her ridiculously expensive pair of shoes. When we got back to the dorm I threw myself on the bed. Ashley lay down too and I heard her lightly snoring in no time. If I didn’t know any better I would think she had narcolepsy; the girl slept constantly. I lit up my phone and saw it was three. As the light in my phone went out so did I.




I woke up to a pounding noise that was constantly pulsating in my head. I tried to drown it out but it got to the point I could no longer stand it.


What in God’s name are you doing?” I said sitting up.


Ashley threw me a small smile as she hung halfway out the window. “My running shoes were dirty so I was beating them out the window.”


I let out a groan and fell back into the bed glancing at my phone. “It’s six o’clock at night. Why in the hell are you doing that


Obsessive compulsive, I don’t know.”


I was about to obsessively strangle her if she didn’t stop. I sat up again and went to my closet to get my stuff. As I walked out the room I yelled to her that I was taking a shower.


I let the steamy water run down my back and shut my eyes. Ashley called out to me when she got in but I just ignored her and kept to washing my hair.


When I was done I went back to the room and blew my hair dry. Ashley walked back in just as I finished and asked if I wanted to order take out before we went to the party. I called in the order and then put on my makeup. After doing the mascara and eyeliner thing I threw on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt to head downstairs to meet the delivery guy.


A few friendly girls said hey to me as I walked outside and sat on a bench to wait. It was already dark and I didn’t like sitting out here. There were still people walking about campus but I doubt any of them would come to my rescue if someone jumped out of the bushes and tried to slit my throat.


Off in the distance I saw the small end of a cigarette light up. I tried to strain my eyes and see who the person was behind it but it was too dark to tell. Whoever it was started to move and was just about to step under the light of the street lamp to give me a good look. Everything was suddenly blocked from my view when a man stepped in front of me with a wide grin across his face. It was the delivery guy.


You Cam?” he asked goofily.


Yeah,” I stood up and handed him the money in exchange for the bag. I gave him a tip and quick thanks before he left. My eyes went back to the open space under the street lamp but there was nothing there. No shadow, no cigarette light, nothing.


Forgetting about it I went back up to my room and ate while I did my hair. I used the curling iron to make random loose curls throughout my hair and shot on a small amount of hair spray. Sometimes I liked to do my hair differently and others I would just let it flow all natural and not give a crap. I slipped on my dress and shoes before turning to Ashley. She had just hung up the phone and was waiting for me patiently.


Are you ready?”


Yeah.” I grabbed my phone and keys and headed for the door.


I used to have a car but sold it when I came to BU. Everything I needed was pretty much in walking distance. Lance had a Yukon that I would barrow every once in a while when I needed it, but other than that I just walked the city.


Lowell house wasn’t too far from our dorm so we walked. Two girls who went to school with us, Rachel and Beth, met up with us while we were on our way. They started gibbering away as usual. Rachel had dark auburn hair and was exceedingly tan, it looked a little orange though, I guess this was because of the color of her hair and the many freckles she had. Beth had shoulder length bleach blonde hair that looked almost white and her skin was fair which made her seem washed out. She almost reminded me of a baby doll, especially with her bright red lips.


I stared off into the trees that lined the pathway and paid no attention to anything they were talking about. I was in my own thoughts when Callie ran up beside me in her deep red dress.


Hey chick.” She said with a laugh.




I felt her elbow tap mine. “I like your dress you look very sexy tonight.”


I like yours too.” I told her.


Callie wasn’t so bad. Sometimes she could be a little annoying and touchy but she wasn’t as fake as Beth and Rachel. She had brown hair and wasn’t as thin as me but she wasn’t fat either.


There’s my girl!” A voice shouted from the house.


There was a load of people standing outside but the voice belonged to Beth’s boyfriend Jack. He was a little weird in my opinion.


Beth let out a squeal before running over to him.


That’s a dream couple for you.” Callie said in my ear. I snickered to myself as I went up the front steps and my ears started pounding against the loud music.


Come take a shot with me.” Callie said pulling my hand.


I reluctantly followed her to the make shift bar. My brother’s friend Brad gave me and Callie a shot of tequila and I took it without blinking. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Lance behind me. He poked me in the side as I sucked on my lime and threw the wedge at him.


He held up three fingers to Brad and he gave us each another shot. After taking it I slammed my glass on the bar and turned to him.


Are you trying to get me drunk little bro?”


Nah,” he waved his hand at me and turned to a friend of his that walked by. Callie was talking with Brad and I was getting ready to walk away when Ashley pulled at my arm.


Come dance with me.” She squealed.


You know I don’t dance.” I told her. If I was drunk enough I might but right now I wasn’t about to go out there and make a fool of myself.


Her eyes traveled behind me and widened instantaneously. “Oh my God, Cam, that guy from the crosswalk is standing right over there.”




The guy, the amazingly hot one.” She grabbed my arm again and spun me around.


My eyes searched for a second and then found him. He was leaned against a wall on the far side of the room with a beer in his hand. Several girls were standing by him talking him up, obviously trying to fight for his attention. He had on faded jeans and a black button up with the sleeves rolled up to just below his elbow. Even though he was in mid conversation he looked away and his eyes moved slowly to mine. It was like he knew I was watching him.


I drew my eyes away and turned back around to Ashley with a laugh. “Yeah, see, he’s a player. He’s got five girls standing around him begging to be the one he takes home.”


Who are you talking about?” Lance butted in.


That guy back there. We saw him today and he was giving Cam the eyes.” Ashley said filling him in a little too much.


That’s Eric.” He said pointedly.


That’s the new guy?”


Yeah, you want me to introduce you?” He was using the same tone he had at lunch.


I grabbed Ashley’s hand, “Oh no, you are not going to talk to him. I told you I have a feeling he’s nothing but a jerk.”


I started to drag her away from Lance’s bad influence and turned around right into a solid chest. My eyes went up the black shirt and found Eric’s green eyes.


Hey.” he said simply.


Oh great, he probably heard me call him a jerk. I really didn’t care because it was more than likely true.


Hey.” I said back.


Lance squeezed himself beside us. “Eric, this is my sister Cam. Cam, this is Eric.”


I cut my eyes over at him and had the urge to smack him upside his pretty little head.


This is your sister?” Eric said almost disbelievingly.


Yes, his
sister.” I corrected.


Ashley’s hand came out beside me and Eric grabbed a hold of it.


I’m Ashley, Cam’s roommate.”


Eric nodded and then looked back to me.


Well it was nice to meet you.” I said dryly.


I turned back to the bar and Brad gave me a mixed drink. As I started into another room I cut my eyes over and saw Ashley still standing there talking to Eric. Typical.


I stopped and randomly talked to a few people I knew and a couple hours later I was a little drunk. My feet were killing me and I really wanted to take off my shoes but didn’t because who knew when the last time was they cleaned this floor.


I went out back by the covered pool and saw Callie sitting on a lawn chair. I sat down beside her and propped up my feet.


Hey!” she said a little loud. I shook my head and laughed to myself at how intoxicated she was. My gaze traveled around and I looked back through the French doors to see them setting up for a game of beer pong. You could definitely tell we were in college. Beer pong was the party game they played every weekend and sometimes the games lasted all night.


I don’t think you like me very much.” A voice said alongside me.


My head whipped around and I saw Eric knelt down beside me. My heart started to race and I tried my best to calm it down.


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