Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (10 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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Well I wouldn’t say he was a
different, but to me it didn’t matter. “Yeah” I said with a small smile.


His face nuzzled into my neck. “I promise it’s not as bad as it sounds.”


He kissed my neck several times before lying beside me. I turned away from him and was suddenly very tired.


Stay with me.” I mumbled. My eyes shut and I fell asleep.




Horrible dreams invaded my sleep. All I could remember was blue and green eyes staring back at me. It was the same dream I had last week and was just as strange as before.


My head was pounding and it felt like I was being hit in the head with a hammer. I was afraid to sit up and make it worse.


I noticed my boots were off and I was under the covers. I didn’t remember doing it so I guess Seth did all that. Remembering Seth, I rolled over in the bed but saw I was alone.


Grudgingly I sat up and right away I smelled food. That’s what gave me the strength to finally pull myself out of the bed. My hair was a crazy mess so I put it up in a messy bun. I felt icky and needed nothing more than a hot shower and a toothbrush.


I rounded the corner of the hall and saw Seth and Eric sitting at the kitchen table.


A groan escaped me as I plopped down at the empty chair and Eric’s hand slid a small glass filled with an amber liquid towards me.


What’s that?” I asked eying it.


Tequila. Drink it, you’ll feel better.”


I dropped my head on my arm. “Pour it in my coffee.”


I didn’t know even they even had coffee but I was hoping they’d make me some. A glass clinked beside my head and I looked up to see him pour two shots of tequila in a coffee cup. I cringed inside just seeing it.


Drink up.” he said scooting it to me.


I put cream and sugar in it before taking a few sips. Seth gave me a wink and it made me feel a little better.


There was food all over the table. Eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, and what looked to be home fries.


I looked up surprised. “Did you cook all this?”


I was actually talking to Seth but Eric answered me. “I did. Seth doesn’t cook.”




Yes, I cook. Is that such a surprise?”


I ignored him and started filling my plate up with everything, grabbing the ketchup and syrup. I probably looked like I hadn’t eaten in weeks. It was all amazingly good. I felt so much better after eating and drinking my tequila coffee.


Seth and Eric were in a conversation as I sat there and watched both of them. They looked like two normal guys. Maybe I dreamed everything they told me.


Eric looked over at me, “So I take that you spending the night is a good thing. You’re not running down the street telling the whole city that there’s an underworld.”


Apparently I wasn’t dreaming. I swallowed, “An underworld? I think I missed that part of the conversation.”


Seth looked a little worried, “It’s nothing. There are just other things out there besides us. You don’t have to worry about them though.”


Yeah, you just have to worry about me and him.” Eric said with a smile.


Yeah and this Declan, or whatever his name is.” I threw out there.


Eric head shook, “Don’t worry about him either.”


Well I’m glad they were all so calm about this. I played with what little food was left on my plate and thought about what I was going to do now.


I need to call my brother. He’s probably having a heart attack wondering where I am. You know, since somebody told him about Chris.” I cut my eyes at Eric to let it be known I was talking about him.


He’s your brother. I figured he had a right to know. If me or Seth aren’t around you need someone else to watch your back.”


Yeah but Lance has a temper. If he sees Chris even looking at me he’s going to flip out. I don’t want him to get in trouble over something stupid.”


It’s not stupid. You’ll thank me in the long run so just shut up and deal with it.”


Seth reached over and punched him hard in the arm. “Watch it.”


I’m just sayin.” He said throwing his hands up.


I appreciate that he was trying to help but at the same time it was very aggravating. They were all acting more freaked out than I was about this whole Chris thing. I decided I wasn’t going to tell them about seeing Chris outside my dorm the day before. They would all just flip out and run back to the school ready to pummel him which would end them all in jail. I wondered if they could even be put in jail.


I need to go back to my dorm.” I said standing up.


Seth’s looked at me, “Well we have to go take care of some things so if you want you can just drive my truck and bring it back later.”


You want me to drive that thing? I can barely get in and out of it.” I moved my gaze to Eric and a greedy smile came across my face.


At first he looked confused at my expression. It took him a second to catch on before he started shaking his head vigorously. “Oh no. No, no, no. You are not taking my car for the day.”


I kept the smile on my face and he looked at me appalled.


Ten minutes later I was driving down the road in the black Mustang. Eric caved eventually and gave me a long lecture about driving his car. I didn’t know what the big deal was, I had driven it before.


It was strange how life took these odd turns. Last week my life was normal. I was a senior in college living my life the way any twenty-two year old should. Now I was strung into a world that I still had no idea how to fully comprehend. I should have been scared to death, but wasn’t. Instead, what really scared me was my own reaction to everything.




Chapter 7








Ashley wasn’t in the room when I got back. I was able to take a shower and get dressed in silence; I was glad to be here by myself. If Ashley was here she would probably bombard me with questions about where I was last night. I could pull off lying to her with no problem but didn’t have enough energy right now to attempt it.


When I was finally ready I did something I hadn’t done in a long time and that was grabbing my camera bag out of the closet. I headed out the door and when it closed I noticed a yellow post-it stuck over the peep hole. I snatched it down and scanned it over.
Don’t make me hurt you,
it said.


My heart started hammering in my chest as I crumpled it up and threw it in the trash can across the hall. I didn’t want to look at it anymore. Chris immediately came to my mind but then I thought of Charlie. He backed down pretty quickly last night but that was only because Seth and Eric were there. I was alone now and had no one here to protect me.


I brought out my phone and dialed Seth’s number. It rang and rang but no one answered. Awesome. The one time I was going to ask someone for help and they didn’t answer. I didn’t have Eric’s number and calling Lance was definitely out of the question. There wasn’t much I could do so I pulled myself together and tried to forget about it.


I headed outside and went to the car, locking the doors. As soon as I started the ignition I looked up to see a green Jeep pull in front of the car giving me no way to exit; I was surrounded by nothing but parked cars.


My brain stopped working the second I saw the Jeep. I knew exactly whose car it was and just the thought of it was enough to send me into a panic. I fumbled in the cup holder for my phone and re-dialed Seth’s number. As I waited I looked back up to see Chris step out of his car and start towards my driver side.


He started pounding his fist on the window, screaming, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. His face was red and his eyes were empty. Was he seriously trying to break the window with his fist? I tried to strain my ears to listen if Seth had picked up.




I need you now!” I screamed into the phone.


What’s wrong?”


Chris is trying to break the window of the car and I can’t leave.”


His voice rose in a panic. “Where are you?”


Chris’s face came closer to the window and I tried to avoid his gaze. “Cam, open the door. I just want to talk to you.”


Go away!” I screamed at him.


He spoke in an eerily calm voice. “Don’t make me hurt you.”


After hearing his words it was obvious he was the one who left the note on my door.


Cameron where are you!” Seth’s voice shouted from the phone.


The dorm parking lot.” I rushed out.


Chris backed away from the window which had small smears of blood on it from his fist hitting the window so hard. He started towards his car and I felt a small wave of relief.


I think he’s leaving.” I told Seth.


I’m on my way just stay in the car.”


I was about to respond to him when I saw Chris pull a crow bar from behind the front seat and start back towards me.


Oh my God!”


What?” Seth asked. I didn’t have enough time to respond when the crow bar slammed into the window. It didn’t bust but left a crack down the middle.


What was that?” Seth shouted.


He’s –“


I didn’t get to finish because Chris had struck the window again and this time it shattered. The glass flew at me and I covered my face with my arms, dropping the phone in my lap.


Chris reached in and unlocked the door, swinging it open. “I told you I didn’t want to hurt you! Why are you doing this to me?”


I looked up and saw his hands start to come for me. I tried to swat them away and grab the crow bar from him but he shoved me back in the seat and backhanded me right in the mouth.


My tooth cut the inside of my lip and I could taste the blood already. I forgot about it as he grabbed both my arms and yanked me out of the car.


What the hell is wrong with you?” I screamed.


Just then he pushed my back against the hood with his hand at my throat. My adrenaline started pumping and I reflexively brought my knee up between his legs. I heard a groan escape him as he hunched over on top my body. I tried to push him off of me but he was too heavy so I balled up my fist and started punching every inch of him I could reach.


He didn’t seem too fazed by it because he leaned back up and grabbed both of my wrists. I was able to snatch one of them away and slammed it against the side of his head causing him to stumble to the side a little.


When he regained his stance he brought his fist up to hit me again. I cringed, preparing for the blow that was about to strike me. But before he could hit me someone tackled him, sending him to the ground.


I sat up and went to look at what happened but a pair of warm hands grabbed my face and I was suddenly looking into wild blue eyes.


Are you okay?” Seth asked alarmed.


I grabbed his wrist and nodded as he kissed my forehead and hugged me to him. There was a scuffle was going on beside me and I looked to see Eric beating the pulp out of Chris. His fist was almost a blur as he pounded it into Chris’s head numerous times.


I shut my eyes trying to drown out the awful noises coming from Chris. Lance came out of nowhere and grabbed me, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. Once Lance got here Seth left my side and tried to pull Eric off Chris. It was no use though, Eric was in a rage and nothing could stop him. If he didn’t stop soon he was going to end up killing him.


Eric!” I screamed his name as loud as I could.


And just like that, he stopped.


Seth took a step back as Eric slowly turned around to look at me. His eyes were crazy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any one’s eyes look the way his did. They were just as empty as Chris’s were.

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