Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (12 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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I quickly put the car in reverse and spun around to face the other direction. Eric slid against the window and started coughing noisily. I flew down the street not having any idea where I was going, I took one last glance into the rearview mirror and saw the men were gone.


What happened to you? I thought you could heal quickly or something.”


When I’m basically gutted it’s a lot harder to heal than a simple scratch.” He groaned out.


My phone rang and I answer it with a shaky hand while trying not to take my eyes off the road. “Hello?”


Where are you?” Seth said.


I found Eric. He’s been stabbed.”


He let out a long sigh. “Alright, head over to the house and I’ll meet you there. Are you okay?”


A little freaked out but that’s nothing new. I’ll see you at the house.” My voice was a little snappy as I ended the call and dropped the phone in the cup holder.


Eric let out a shaky breath, “Don’t be mad at him, it’s my fault.”


I’m not mad.” I said trying to make myself believe it more than Eric.


Fifteen minutes later I pulled into the driveway. Seth wasn’t here yet so I was on my own getting Eric into the house. He tried to do it himself but could barely walk so I had to hold him up the best I could.


I gently lay him on the couch before going to the kitchen to get a wet rag and a bowl of water. Eric already had his shirt off when I got back. My insides turned as I saw two open gashes on his stomach. One looked like a clean cut but the other looked like it had been slashed there deeply.


I took his disgusting shirt to the trash and came back to sit next to him. He was leaned back on the arm of the couch with his eyes closed and his chest heaving up and down heavily. I tried to concentrate on anything other than his chest. Even though he was all bloody his body was still amazing.


Do you want me to get the blood off of you?” I asked trying not to startle him.


You don’t have to.” He replied with his eyes still closed.


It might make it feel better.”


If anything it would make it look not as grotesque. I took the rag and ran it over his stomach. He sucked in against the pain and I pulled back afraid he was going to start screaming at me. He didn’t so I just kept wiping off as much as I could without getting to close to his wound. When I was done I thought it looked a lot better. The cuts didn’t look as bad so maybe he was starting to heal.


I didn’t want to bother him so I got up and took the bowl to the sink and threw the rag in the trash. My hands were all blood stained so I washed them off. While I was making my way back to the living room I heard a key in the door and saw Seth come in.


His eyes lit up a little but he kept a serious look on his face. Eric sat up slowly and glanced at Seth. “Did you get any of them?”


One, how many were there?”


Three,” he winced a little as he sat up the rest of the way.


I spoke up, “I saw the other two; they came back for him. I got him in the car and when we were driving away they came out of an alley.”


Seth looked at me and then threw a glare at Eric. “What were you even doing going with them? See what happens went you go off by yourself. What if something happened to her?”


I wouldn’t have let anything happen to her, you know that.”


You wouldn’t have been able to fight off an old lady with a walker the shape you were in!” Seth yelled at him. I could tell he was pissed. I didn’t like that they were talking about me like I wasn’t there. If they wanted to sit here and yell at each other then it was fine by me. I turned and took off down the hall to the bedroom, leaving them to their argument.


After changing back in to my sweat pants and tank top I wrapped up in the comforter and lie down on the bed. I was the one who said I was okay with everything so it was hard to be mad at Seth. It wasn’t his fault that Eric got stabbed. Truthfully, it was Eric’s fault, but I still didn’t want to blame him either. I took a deep breath,
I can handle this.
I knew things were going to be a little hectic when I found out what they were.


The door opened and I looked over at Seth. He closed it behind him and came to sit by me on the bed. When he spoke he didn’t look at me, “If you want out you can just tell me. I won’t be mad or anything.”


If I wanted out I wouldn’t be here, I would have just left Eric lying in the middle of the road.”


I don’t want to bring you into something that’s going to be hard for you to get out of.”


I don’t want out. I’m fine, really.” I trailed my hand up his arm lightly. He leaned over and gave me a kiss before getting up and going to the other side of the bed. I closed my eyes as he wrapped his arm around my stomach and fell fast asleep.




Chapter 8








Sunday was about the same as Saturday. Luckily I brought some of my books over with me and got to do some school work. Eric was gone early in the morning but I saw my camera I left in his car the day before sitting on the kitchen table. I’m surprised he didn’t shatter it in retaliation for getting his window busted. I was glad he gave it back in one piece, seeing as I paid seven hundred dollars for it. Actually my parents did.


Seth and I went out to eat before he took me back to my dorm room. He made me call Ashley to make sure she was there before dropping me off. I made a point to ask him if I would be safe on my own and he said I should be fine for right now.
For right now
. He might not have thought those words would frighten me, but they did.


Ashley was in her fruity pajamas when I walked in and she had the music blaring. I turned it off and she jumped about a foot in the air.


Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me.” She said with her hand to her heaving chest.


Sorry, what have you been doing?”


I emptied out my duffle as she told me about the test she had tomorrow and how she spent most of yesterday in the library studying and doing research.


Has anyone said anything about what happened with Chris?” I asked nonchalantly.


A few people asked me if you were okay. Brad said he could tell Chris was going to snap soon. He said he was fidgeting a lot in class and always talking to himself. Girl let me tell you, you know how to pick em.”


I groaned, “Don’t remind me. I can’t believe I dated him. It was the worst mistake of my life.”


I lay down on my bed and turned out my light.


So did you have fun with Seth last night?”


I didn’t have to see her face to know she was smiling. “Yeah, I guess. We really didn’t do anything.”


I bet…”


I rolled my eyes but thankfully she didn’t see me. If she only knew what I really did last night…


Most of the week I was bombarded with people coming up to me asking if I was okay from Chris’ attack. Eventually it got pretty annoying and I swore if one more person came up to me I was going to throttle them.


Seth came by a couple nights with something to eat for both me and Ashley. She took a quick liking to him. I’m sure if she knew as much as I did about him she would think twice about that.


I wanted to be alone with him but every time he came by Ashley was there. Seth told me the other day that he really wasn’t a bouncer, I pretty much figured that much out on my own. But I never got around to asking him what he really did during the day. I figured it was something demonic. After thinking this I realized how crazy I sounded. If I voiced any of this to another person I would surely be put in an insane asylum.


It was Thursday night and I was sitting on my bed cramming for a test I had the next morning in my unnecessary Pre Calculus class. My phone vibrated on the night stand and I answered it without looking to see who it was.




Hey.” It was Lance.


What you doin?” I asked absently.


I just got off the phone with mom. We’re leaving Saturday morning at nine.”


My mind processed what he just said. At the same time there was a knock at the door and Ashley went to answer it. Seth walked in and I gave him a quick smile before going back to my phone conversation.


Where are we going?” I asked with a little confusion.


Mom’s birthday remember? I told you this already.”


Crap, I forgot.”


I figured you would. You’re not backing out though. If you do I’m going to tell them about Chris.”


I knew he really wouldn’t but I had already said I was going so I guess I had to. “Fine, I’ll see you bright and early Saturday.” I threw on a fake smile that he obviously couldn’t see.


Love you, bye”


Yeah, love you too.” I said sarcastically.


I ended the call and looked up at Seth who seemed a little bewildered and worried at the same time.


I sat up on the bed and started to explain, “I have to go home for the weekend. It’s my mom’s birthday.”


I waited for him to tell me I couldn’t go or something along those lines but he did nothing but nod and lay back on my bed with his hands behind his head.


Ashley said she was going to get a shower and walked out of the room. Now that she was gone I crawled up next to him and rested my head by his. “Alright, tell me what you’re thinking.”


He turned on his side to face me. “I wanna kiss you.”


I smiled and leaned forward giving him a long, intense kiss. After I got my fix I pulled away and eyed him, “That’s not what I was talking about. How do you really feel about me going to Maine? You don’t think I should go do you?”


I think you’ll be okay. Eric has a friend who said Declan is backing off for a little while. I still don’t know what he wants with you, which makes me a little uneasy but I think you should take the chance to go home while you can.”


What do you mean while I can? Is there going to come a point where I can’t go back there?” My nerves were suddenly on end at hearing what he said. I felt like I did the other day when he told me I should be safe,
for right now.


I don’t know. Right now it’s up in the air. Don’t worry about it until you have to.”


I started chewing on the inside of my cheek out of nerves. Seth’s hand went up the back of my shirt as he got closer. “I said don’t worry about it. Now kiss me while your friend is gone because this will probably be the last time we’re alone till you get back.”


I let out a laugh and did what he said as he brought his mouth on mine and rolled over on top of me.




Saturday came quick. I rolled out of bed grouchy and not in any kind of mood. I had been up all night with a project I had to do for Photography. It wasn’t due until next week but I wanted to get it out of the way. Everything was so hectic I didn’t even get a chance to pack the night before so I was up earlier than I had to be.


I threw on a pair of ripped up jeans, my Converse sneakers, and a long sleeve, lime green shirt. After doing my makeup I put in my diamond hoop earrings and started to pack my duffle bag. When it hit nine I said bye to Ashley who probably didn’t even hear me but grunted all the same. It was freezing outside so I slipped on my brown North Face jacket as I searched the parking lot for my brothers Yukon.


I was surprised when I noticed Seth’s truck parked next to my brothers. As I got closer I saw Seth leaning in the driver window talking to Lance. He gave me a wink when he saw me walking up and I smiled in response.


What are you doing here?”


The expression on his face changed at my question. I stopped beside him and looked in the truck. There was one other person in there besides my brother.


Oh God no, you are
coming with us.” I said in horror.

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