Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (14 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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Everything going okay? Nothing strange happen?”


I got car sick on the way up here. And then when we stopped at the store I thought people were staring at me.”


What do you mean?”


I thought these two men were watching me. Eric went back in to check them out but they were gone. I guess it was nothing.”


Well call me if anything else happens.”


I will.” I pulled the phone away and was getting ready to hang up when I heard Seth say my name.


Yeah?” I said bringing the phone back to my ear


I miss you.”


A wide grin spread across my face, “I miss you too.”


With that, I hung up and tossed the phone beside me on the bed. The grin was still on my face when I heard a knock on my door. I sat up to see Eric leaning against the door watching me.


Was that Seth?”




Did he say anything?”


Nope, I told him about the guys I saw at the store. He said to call him if anything happens.”


His eyes rolled, “Yeah, because there’s a lot he can do six hours away.”


Go mingle with my family or something.” I said waving my hand like he was an annoying fly buzzing around my head.


They’re not my family, they’re yours. You should be down there with them.”


I got up and walked by him. “Who are you, Dr. Drew?”


I didn’t want to admit to him that he was right. It was my mom’s birthday and who knows when the next time I was going to see her. Then something occurred to me and I stopped dead at the top of the stairs causing Eric run into the back of me.


What are you doing?”


My hand came to my face, “I forgot to get my mom a birthday present!” I said in a harsh whisper.


He looked horrified. “You’re not telling me we have to go shopping are you?”


You don’t have to go with me.”


You know I can’t let you go by yourself.”


Fine, but we have to hurry up.” I ran back to my room to get my purse then grabbed Eric’s arm as I flew down the stairs. Lance’s keys were on the table next to the front door and I snatched them up before yelling out everyone that we would be right back.


My house wasn’t too far from the mall. It would only take around fifteen minutes to get there. I can’t believe I forgot to get my mom a present. Lance reminded me of everything but that. First I forgot her birthday, twice, and now I forgot to get her a present.


Eric kept his gaze out the window like he was taking in all that was around him. I knew that’s not what he was really doing because he looked too interested.


Does it bother you, what we are?” He said this out of nowhere with his focus still out the window.


I looked over at him oddly, “No, I’m fine with it.”


Everything was silent for about a minute before he spoke again.


He really likes you.”


I figured he was talking about Seth. “Well I really like him too.” I said back.


Yeah, I figured that. You wouldn’t be going through all this if you didn’t.”


I inwardly sighed to myself at his words.


Well it’s not your alls fault this is happening. You said it yourself, if I met you guys or not, I would be dragged into this.”


Yeah but it’s not just that. You knowing about us is dangerous, they can use you against him.”


I know.” I said solemnly.


He let out a long, loud sigh and went back to the window. The rest of the ride was silent. When we got to the mall Eric followed me around wherever I went. Like me, my mom loved art and photography. She was always taking pictures and drawing things. There was a photograph and art shop somewhere in this place if I could only remember where it was. We wondered around for what seemed like forever till I finally found the store.


Eric leaned in close to me as we walked in. “For someone who lived here for eighteen years of her life, you seem a little lost.”


Shut up.” I snapped.


I started browsing around the store. Eventually I found a black and white picture of a peacock in a field. It was so beautiful. I liked it so much I got two, one for my mom and one for myself. When we left there I made a stop at the Hallmark store to get a gift bag and a card. After I checked out I went to find Eric who had wondered off by himself. I found him at the front of the store chatting up some girl.


I stepped up beside him and threw him a smirk. “I’d hate to bust up your game but we need to get going.”


He looked like he wanted to strangle me. This look didn’t bother me at all, it was actually pretty amusing.




I turned to look at the girl he was talking to who had said my name. After taking a good look at her I realized who it was.


Amy? Hey, how are you?”


Amy was my best friend in high school. She had the same personality I did except she was a tad bit nicer. Her hair was dirty blonde and perfectly straight. I always thought she was really pretty with her light brown eyes and the little beauty mark she had on her chin. I don’t think I had talked to her in two years. Just seeing her made me realize what a bad friend I was.


I’m good. Is this your boyfriend?” She looked embarrassed as she glanced between me and Eric.


Him? No, definitely not. He’s just a friend of me and Lance’s from school. We’re here till tomorrow for my mom’s birthday.”


Oh, what are you guys doing?”


We’re going to Lagoon for dinner.”


Her face lit up, “I’m the bartender there. I’m actually working tonight.”


That’s great. Well we’ll see you there.”


Yeah, come see me, I’ll give you all a free drink, or ten.”


I gave her a smile and a wave before heading out of the mall with Eric. When we got to the car he hopped in with a grin on his face. “She’s a cute one. What was her name, Amanda?”


My jaw clenched, “Her name is Amy. And she’s a nice girl so don’t go getting any crazy ideas.”


Eric started laughing but abruptly stopped and looked out the windshield. Even from this angle I could see his green eyes start to slowly grow brighter and brighter.


What is it?”


Get out of here, now.”


I threw the truck in drive and pulled out quickly. My knuckles were starting to whiten on the steering wheel from clenching it so tight. If he had a look like that on his face then something had to be wrong. I didn’t know what it could have been but my nerves couldn’t take much more.


After five minutes of silence he pointed to a random road, “Turn up here.”


I did what he said and turned left at the next intersection. He had never been here before so I didn’t understand what he was doing, or if he even knew where we were going.


Eric suddenly spun around in his seat and looked out the back window. His arm came back up and he pointed absently out the windshield, “Park right here.”


After parking the truck I turned to see what he was looking at. There were a bunch of cars passing by on the street we just came from but that was all I saw. Then I saw a red Suburban with blacked out windows had its blinker on and started to turn down our street, but then swerved back around at the last minute and kept back to the road it was originally on.


Eric smacked my thigh, “Do and U-turn and go back to your parent’s house.”


I pulled the car back around like he said and went back the other way.


What’s going on?”


He ignored me and put his phone to his ear. I hated being ignored. If anything I was going to eavesdrop on his conversation because I was pretty sure he was calling Seth.


I think they’re here.” he said in the phone.


There was a couple seconds pause before he replied. “Yeah, we went to the mall and when we were leaving I sensed one here. I got her to pull into an alley and saw the car…Yeah I know…Alright …Call me when you’re close.”


I waited a minute for him to tell me what was going on but he didn’t.


So…” I said trying to start the conversation.


So what?”


Are you kidding me? What the hell is going on?” I nearly shouted at him.


It’s obvious isn’t it? They know you’re here. Seth is on his way. He’s going to take you back and I’m going to drive back with your brother tomorrow.”


Is it the men I saw at the store?”


I don’t know. I didn’t get to see them did I? You saw just as much as I did.”


I didn’t like the tone he had. Anyone could tell he was pissed. “Well how did you even know they were here?”


I felt them. It’s like a vibration or something. I guess you could call it radar.”


Shouldn’t you have been able to sense them at the store then?”


No, it usually only goes off if I’m touching someone. Whoever was in that car was different. To make it go off without touching them they have to be powerful. It couldn’t have been the men from the store. I would have felt it then like I did now.”


This was so confusing. All this information was enough to make my head split. I decided to quit asking questions hoping it would make my life a little easier. I pulled into my parent’s drive way and got out of the car.


Eric grabbed my arm when we were halfway to the house and pulled me back to him, “Listen, just act normal. They won’t come after you in a public place. I think their just watching you right now. Seth will meet us at dinner and we’ll all stay here tonight. Tomorrow Lance and I will leave and they’ll think your still with us. Once we get far enough away you two will come. We just can’t take the chance that they might try and take you.”


Okay Eric, I’ll do whatever.” I yanked my arm from his grip and headed into the house.




Chapter 9








One of the perks about being the only daughter was that I had my own bathroom in my bedroom. I could overhear Lance and Eric bickering in the hall over who got to take a shower first. It was kind of amusing and slightly pulled me out of my bad mood, but not so much. The only good thing about the situation was that Seth was coming.


I took my time in getting ready. Even though Eric said they wouldn’t attack in public I was still scared for my family. Seth was right; this would probably be my last visit here for a while.


I put on a skin tight, multi colored, striped dress that ended right above my knee and had quarter length sleeves. I kept in my diamond hoops and didn’t feel like really doing my hair so I swept it up and a stylish but messy pony tail. After doing my little bit of makeup I slipped on my black heels and grabbed my mom’s present to head down stairs. My dad, Lance, and Eric were already down there waiting. Apparently the birthday girl was taking her merry old time too.
“You look very nice Cam.” My dad said as I made my way down.


Thanks.” I said with a forceful smile.


As we all stood down there waiting I directed my attention to Lance. “I saw Amy at the mall. She’s the bartender at Lagoon.”


His arm went around my shoulders and he leaned on me. “Oh yeah, I remember her. Is she still hot?”


Yeah.” Eric answered before I could say anything. I rolled my eyes and he winked at me. “Did I tell you Seth was coming?” he said bring his attention to Lance.


No, what changed?”


He had to go to Portland for work so he figured he would just come up here when he got done. He said he would meet us at dinner.”

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