Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (25 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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Never mind, what are we going to do?”




I leaned up from the window, “Just like that? Leave? Are they going to let us?”


Only one way to find out,” He grabbed my hand and headed out the room.


Oh God, we were going to get killed.


I grabbed my cell phone from the table and stood beside him at the door. My hand tightened around his instinctively, I was petrified.


Eric turned around to me, “All we’re going to do is walk out of here, get in the car, and leave. Just act normal.”


I nodded nervously and headed out the house beside him trying to keep my gaze trained on the passenger door and nothing else. Eric walked me to the door and opened it for me to get in. I started to sit down when I was violently shoved in the car. It was so forceful that I almost made it to the driver seat but was stopped when my knee shoved painfully into the shifter. There was grunting from behind me and I heard the door slam shut. When I turned around I saw Eric on the other side of the window and something was sticking out of his side that looked like a knife.


I smashed my hand down on the lock of the door and looked back out the window to see a man was standing a little ways away from Eric. The man took a couple steps forward and then suddenly rushed at him. Before I could blink Eric reached in the back of his pants and pulled out a knife, shoving it repeatedly into the man’s stomach.


The man fell to the ground and Eric rushed around the hood of the car getting in the driver seat. We flew out of the driveway and just as we started down the road I saw another man standing a ways away in the middle of the road. I started to wonder what we were going do when Eric gunned it heading straight for the guy. My hands slapped over my eyes and I brought my knees up to my chest waiting for the impact. The car didn’t slow down as a loud thumping beat against the hood and I heard the windshield crack. When I opened my eyes the car was speeding out of the development and I noticed a very tiny crack on the passenger side of the windshield. I looked in the side view mirror but didn’t see any evidence of a man being run over.


Eric let out a shaky breath and it brought my attention back to him. I gasped seeing the knife still sticking out of his side.


Pull it out.” He said with gritted teeth.


I sat there and tried to comprehend what he was saying. He wanted me to pull a knife out of his side?


Pull it out Cam.” He repeated.


His voice brought me back and without thinking I reached forward and yanked it out. He sucked it a sharp breath through his teeth and I felt the car swerve a little bit. When I looked back at where the knife had been I saw a massive amount of blood starting to soak through his grey shirt. I pulled off my sweatshirt and lifted his shirt to put it against his side. Hopefully it would help stop the bleeding so he could heal.


You don’t have to do that.” He said keeping his eyes out the windshield.


Either I do this or the whole interior of your car will be bloody.”


A little smile came on his face, “You got a good point.”


See, I’m good for something.” I lifted the sweatshirt off to see if he was still bleeding. He was so I shoved it back on there.


Eric pulled away from me slightly, “Don’t push so hard, it’s still a little sore ya know.”


Sorry.” I squealed.


My eyes went to the clock and saw it was after midnight. A thought came to me and I realized Amy wasn’t at the house. She must still be with my brother. For a second I started to get mad and then quickly got over it. It was actually a good thing she wasn’t at the house, if she was then I would have some major explaining to do or worse, she might have gotten hurt. I looked at his side again and it wasn’t bleeding anymore so I threw the sweatshirt in the back on top of a duffle bag. My phone was lying in the floor where it landed when Eric had pushed me in the car. I picked it up and dialed Amy’s number. She didn’t answer, which agitated me a little, so I called Lance instead. He didn’t answer till almost the last ring.




Hey, is Amy still with you?”


He hesitated, “Yeah.”


I think she should stay with you tonight.”




As much as it killed me to know they would be staying together it was the only way to keep her safe.


Well its past midnight, what would be the difference in her staying the night with you?” I sounded a little snippy but really didn’t care.


Alright well I’ll see you tomorrow then.”


Tell her to call me before you take her back to the house.” I said before he could hang up. He said he would and then I ended the call.


Should I call Seth?” I asked.


No, I’ll call him when we figure out where we’re going.”


I set my phone in the cup holder and watched as we flew through the city. “What happened, why were they there?”


They were there to watch you for Graham. It seems he has some sort of obsession with you. Seth thinks that maybe he was just trying to scare him into getting Stephan back faster when he said he would take you no matter what.”


But you think something else don’t you.” I said catching on.


I think that the obsession is serious and he wants you for the same reason Declan does.”


I swallowed, “And that would be…”


I don’t know yet. Stephan works for Declan so Graham might know why Declan wants you.”


Wouldn’t Graham tell you why?” I thought these two were friends and that Graham was the one telling Eric all the information on Declan.


Not if he thinks he can get you all to himself and doesn’t want me to know the reason. He probably thinks that by telling me that I’ll want you too.”


I looked back out the window. Well at least he was being honest about everything. This whole ordeal seemed to be getting worse. First I had Declan after me for lord knows what reason, and now I had Graham after me for the same exact reason. If I hadn’t met Eric and Seth I had no idea where I would be right now.


Why do you protect me?” I said turning to look at him. “If it were me in your shoes I would care less what happened to me. You said so yourself last week, if you were Seth you would have let me go a long time ago.”


His head shook a little, “I didn’t mean what I said.”


Yes you did.”


I told you before, I don’t date. What you all are going through right now is the reason why. In my opinion, Seth’s being selfish staying with you. He won’t let you go because he wants you with him and no one else. At the same time, having you with him isn’t good. All it’s going to do is hurt you.”


I shook my head, “I knew that already. You’re still not answering my question. Why are
helping me?”


He took a long time to answer. The whole time I just sat there and watched him, waiting.


I’m not helping you, I’m helping Seth.”


I nodded to myself and decided to accept his answer. Eric and I would never be real friends. I prayed for the day to come when he was no longer in my life. I sat there for what felt like forever just wishing my life were different in any kind of way. I wanted to have never gone to lunch that day with Lance and seen Eric on that crosswalk. I wish I never went to that party that night. I even wished I went with my second choice college, Old Dominion, and never came to BU. So many wishes I had, none of them would ever come true though.


Where are we going?” I asked. It had been about an hour and Eric hadn’t talked to me since he basically told me he could care less what happened to me, he only cared about Seth.


I don’t know, I’m just driving.”


I pointed my hands at the road dramatically, “Are you serious? How the hell are we going to get back if you’re just driving off into nowhere?”


I’ll turn around at the next exit.” I didn’t like the tone in his voice. It was almost zombie like.


What’s the matter with you?”


Nothing, just call Seth and tell him what happened.”


I kept my eyes on him as I grabbed my phone and dialed Seth’s number. He answered almost immediately.


Hey, is something wrong?”


I looked at the clock and it was almost three in the morning. “Yeah, they came to the house. Eric was stabbed again and now we are driving…to nowhere.”


You’re okay though right?”


Yeah. Amy was with Lance so she wasn’t there but now I don’t know where we’re going.”


Let me talk to Eric.” He said stressfully.


I tapped the phone on Eric’s shoulder and he grabbed it while keeping his eyes on the road. I tried to listen to their conversation but there was no point. All he said was yeah, okay, and a few times he said alright. When he was done he didn’t even hand the phone back to me so I could talk to Seth, he just hung up and set it back in the cup holder.


I kept giving Eric sideways glances. He had barely moved an inch. Eventually we pulled off an Exit into a gas station. Before I opened the door I held out my hand to him.


What?” He was looking from my face to my hand trying to understand what was going on.


I need money, I’m hungry.”


Do I look like an ATM?” he said hopping out of the car.


Well someone was in a shitty mood. I got out and walked around the car to the gas pump where Eric slid a credit card in and out of the machine.


I crossed my arms and leaned back against the hood of the car watching him start to pump gas. “You know I never thought I’d actually care if you were in a bad mood or not but right now I’d really like you to get out of it.”


I’m not in a bad mood. I just have a lot on my mind.”


Care to fill me in?”


He turned around and looked at me, it seemed like he was trying to look mad but wasn’t doing a very good job of it.


It’s none of your business.”


I would disagree with you but I’m not too fond of getting left out in the middle of nowhere.” I started to look around at my surroundings. The gas station was the only building for miles. It was just randomly placed right off the highway.


You know I wouldn’t leave you here.” He mumbled.


I shook my head with a little humor, “I’m not too sure about that. I never thought you would let me starve but look what you’re doing right now.”


He reached in his back pocket and rolled his eyes before throwing me his wallet. “Go. Eat.”


I smiled and made my way in the store. After walking around a bit I picked up a bottle of water and some sort of pastry thing. They looked good so I grabbed four of them and a candy bar.


I opened Eric’s wallet and pulled out a twenty to pay for everything. As the lady was getting my change I noticed Eric’s license sitting there behind the little clear plastic. I took a closer look and read his name, Eric Nathan Lawrence. I never knew what his last name was. Come to think of it I didn’t even know what Seth’s last name was. That was just sad. I’d been dating him for over a month and didn’t know his last name.


I took my change and headed back out to the car. Eric was sitting there waiting for me looking a tad bit irritated. I handed him his wallet as he pulled out of the gas station and headed back in the direction we came from.


What’s Seth’s last name?” I blurted out.


His irritated look went away and he finally smiled. “You don’t know your own boyfriend’s last name?”


Shut up. Just tell me what it is Eric Lawrence.”


He laughed again, “I see someone went snooping in my wallet. Did you find my big wad of condoms too?”


Must have missed those,” I said with a smirk. “Really, what’s his last name?”


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