Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (22 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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When we were on our way back to the truck I saw an ice cream shop and pleaded with Seth to go in. I know it was cheesy but I was in the mood for ice cream.


Eric wasn’t at the house when we got back and I took it that Seth made sure he was gone so we could be alone.


I leaned my hand against the wall and took off my heels. “Thank you for tonight. I had a real good time.”


Oh it’s not over.” Seth said pulling me to him.


There’s more?”


A lot more.”


I had a feeling I knew what that was and felt a smile come to my mouth as he started kissing down my neck. His fingers went under my shirt lifting it off me and I brought my arms down to his shoulders.


You have a lot to make up to me for going away this weekend.” I whispered against his mouth.


He laughed and laid me on the bed to start the best part of the night.




The next morning Seth woke me up before the sun came up. I didn’t understand what he was doing until he told me he was leaving. I threw a pillow at him and was extra grumpy because it was so early. He gave me a kiss and told me he would hopefully be back Saturday night, maybe Sunday morning. The worst part was that I knew Eric had to be home because Seth would never leave me here by myself.


I went back to sleep to escape my bad mood and when I woke up I smelled coffee and bacon. Well there were some perks on having Eric be here in the morning, he made a bangin’ breakfast.


I walked out into the kitchen to the sound of rock music playing over the radio. I actually liked the band that was playing; Sixx: A.M.


Eric was standing over the stove with no shirt on and some basketball shorts. He was holding a spatula, banging it lightly against the pan to the beat of the music. A smile pulled at my mouth as I watched him do this. If we were on speaking terms I would definitely have a comment for his behavior. I quickly stopped smiling and removed my eyes from his chest to go and pour myself a cup of coffee. Eric looked up at me for a second but went back to what he was doing. A few minutes later he set down a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me. Everything was good as always. I drained the last bit of my coffee and went to get up but stopped when I heard him talk.


What time do we need to pick up your friend from the airport?”


The way he said ‘your friend’ irritated me. He acted as if he didn’t sleep with ‘my friend’ and like he didn’t know her name. I pointed my finger to the fridge at the post-it I stuck there the other day saying what time Amy’s flight got in.


He looked back at it and rolled his eyes, “Oh I’m sorry I forgot to check the fridge for your hidden messages to me.”


I almost said something but bit my tongue and headed back to the bathroom to shower. It was already past nine and the airport was about forty five minutes away. We had to be there at eleven thirty so I had to hurry up. But I also knew Eric had to shower too so I decided to take my merry old time just because I could. When I eventually got out he was standing in the hall leaning against the wall waiting for me.


And you call me the ass hole.” He said glaring at me.


I smiled smugly and headed to the bedroom to get dressed. When I was finally ready I walked out and was surprised to see Eric already out here dressed and waiting for me. He was in timberlands, faded jeans, and a white hooded sweatshirt. Even though I hated him I still couldn’t stop myself from thinking how sexy he looked every time I saw him.


I don’t understand why she didn’t just drive.” He said as we headed down the highway. I kept my mouth shut and my gaze out the window.


I came to the conclusion that as soon as this all was over with I was going to invest in getting a car. That would make my life so much easier and I wouldn’t have to rely on anyone to take me anywhere. I might not use it a lot but it would be nice to have for situations like these.


Realizing I still wasn’t going to talk to him he cranked up the music. I didn’t mind, it was better than listening to him ramble.


When we got to the airport Eric stood off to the side and I waited near the gate. After a while Amy walked through and I went up to her smiling.


How was your flight?” I asked.


She groaned, “You know I hate to fly.” I noticed her eyes scan around the airport and land on Eric. The real reason she probably wanted to come was to see him again. Well I had news for her, she was wasting her time.


Well let’s get going.” I said pulling her arm.


Her attention came back to me as we started walking out of the airport. Eric stayed a little ways behind which I didn’t mind. He grabbed Amy’s bag when we got to the car and threw it in the trunk before getting in.


Did you want to go back to the house or do something else?” he asked turning to me.


I looked back at Amy and she shrugged.


We’ll do whatever you want, just tell him.”


Amy shrugged, “I’m hungry let’s go get something to eat.”


Eric started the car and we left. I named off a couple places for her to choose from and she picked some grill I had only been to once with Seth. Since being with him I had been to almost every restaurant in the city at least once. Neither of us cooked so it was the only way we could eat unless Eric was home to do so.


So where’s Seth at?” She asked.


Working. He won’t be back till Sunday at the latest.”


Her head leaned between the seats. “So it’s just you two staying at the house?”


I sighed, “Unfortunately.”


Amy looked quizzically back and forth between the both of us, “I thought you two got along.”


She hasn’t talked to me in about a week.” Eric said.




I turned around in my seat and gave her a fake smile, “Because he’s an ignorant, self centered ass hole who doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.”


Amy’s eyes grew wide and she looked over at Eric for a reaction.


Yeah, I’m self centered.” he said sarcastically.


I spoke directly to Amy, “I’d be careful with him, he only cares about himself.”


I was surprised to hear Eric cut in with a loud voice, “I only care about myself? Everything I do is for
Ever since I met you I’ve done nothing but help you. There is nothing about me that is self centered, if anything it’s all centered on you. Look at what I did to Chris for you.”


That wasn’t for me. You were just pissed off because he busted your window.” I pointed to his driver side window to emphasize my statement.


He whipped his head around and looked at me like I was crazy. “You think I did that because he busted out my window? You are the most ungrateful person I’ve ever met.”


Maybe I would act a little more grateful if you didn’t go running off at the mouth telling me how messed up your life has been since you met me. Or did you already forget about the stuff you said?”


If you would talk to me then maybe I would have been able to apologize or even explain what I meant.”


My hand waved in the air, “You don’t need to explain shit to me. I can comprehend what you said pretty well.”


The car came to a stop at a red light and he turned to me, “You’ve never listened to anything I said before, what makes what I said then any different?”


I realized he was right. God I was stupid, if anything I was letting him see how upset he made me. I shouldn’t even have been that upset in the first place and shouldn’t even care what he said at all. He was a jerk; I shouldn’t have expected anything more from him.


You know what, you’re right, let’s just go back to hating each other. Life was a lot easier then.”


The light turned green and his focus went out the windshield, “I don’t hate you, you’re the one who hates me remember?”


I finally smiled, “Yep, and don’t you forget it.”


I turned back to Amy who looked so confused and a little flustered. “Sorry about that. We have a very complex relationship.”


She shook her head and scrunched her face up a little. “Why do you hate him?”


Eric laughed, “Don’t ask, she’ll never tell you. Even I don’t know.”


Are you serious? You hate him and he doesn’t even know why?” She looked back at me waiting for my answer.


I was to the point that I didn’t care if anyone thought badly of me for not telling him why I hated him.


Yep, and you know what?” I turned to face Eric so he would know I was speaking directly to him. “I’m never going to tell you why I hate you. Just know I have a very good reason and leave it at that.”


Whatever Cam, I’d probably be better off not knowing anyway.”


What he said was truer than anything I’ve ever heard.




Chapter 13








Spending time with Amy made me remember all the easier times. The times when all that mattered was who was going to take you to prom, having acne, and what clothes to wear. I missed those days, they were long gone though. Eric was that reminder as he shadowed us all day in everything we did.


So I went on-line before I came and saw that the Boston Music Festival starts tonight. Did you all want to go?”


I looked over at Eric and he shrugged.


Yeah we can go. Maybe I’ll call Lance and see if he wants to go too.”


An excited smile went across her face. “Okay. What are we going to do for Valentine’s Day, its tomorrow?”


God she was chipper. I almost forgot how overly excited she was about things. “Um, I’m not sure, I haven’t really thought about it.”


It sucks Seth’s won’t be here to spend Valentine’s Day with you.”


We celebrated last night. It’s not a big deal.” I grabbed my necklace remembering the night before.


Her hand swiped mine away from my necklace and she picked it up, ogling at it. “Ohhh is that what he got you?”


Yeah” I said in a small voice.


Wow, it’s pretty. You’re lucky.” She dropped my necklace and sat back in her seat.


Yeah, lucky.” I muttered low so no one could hear.


I wished Seth was here, without him I was weakening. As soon as we got back to the house I headed straight to the bathroom and pulled out my cell phone. Seth didn’t answer and it just made me feel ten times worse.


As I walked back down the hall I saw Eric was in the kitchen getting a drink and Amy was standing near the end waiting for me to show her where to go.


Hey sorry, I had to pee really badly.” I motioned for her to follow me back to Seth’s room.


This is our room, you can stay in here with me if you want, but there’s the couch too if you’d rather do that.”


She dropped her bag, “I’ll stay in here.”


I gave her a playful look, “Or there’s always Eric’s room.”


She let out a laugh and shook her head, “I don’t think that’s going to happen.”


Why not? You all – well I don’t want to butt in your business but, you know...”


Her head shook, “That was a onetime thing. Don’t get me wrong it was amazing but I have a feeling he’s not that into me.”


Well I guess she was smarter than I gave her credit for. I’m glad she wasn’t looking for anything more because if I had to watch her unsuccessfully swoon over him all weekend I think I was going to be sick.


Well he’s a jerk. And it’s his loss.” I tried to say something positive. I didn’t know if him not being into her bothered her or not, but if it did then hopefully what I said would cheer her up.


After hearing what I said she gave me a weird look and I was a little confused at why.


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