Suppressed (Suppressed Saga) (3 page)

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Authors: Elliett Earhart

BOOK: Suppressed (Suppressed Saga)
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I raised an eyebrow at him, “What made you think that?”


I just have a feeling you don’t.”


I shrugged and went to stand up. “I really don’t know you well enough to say I don’t like you.”


He straightened up next to me. “You’re friend talks a lot. Ashley.”


She thinks you’re hot.” I said blatantly.


He grinned and I saw his perfect white teeth. “You don’t think I’m hot?”


I didn’t need to tell him that, he already knew. But I could tell he just wanted to hear the words come out of my mouth so I intentionally ignored the question.


Yeah, you think I’m hot.” He concluded.


I slightly rolled my eyes, “Are you really that full of yourself?”


No, but if it makes up for it I think you’re the most beautiful girl here tonight.”


Well thanks.” I said this with no enthusiasm what so ever.


I started heading into the house but felt him following beside me. “I think you should give me a chance to prove I’m not a jerk.”


I guess he
hear my little comment earlier. I stopped just outside the French doors and glanced over at him. “And why would I do that?”


Because I’m not a jerk. Well, sometimes.”


See, right there, you just admitted it.”


I said sometimes. I would never be a jerk to you.”


Yeah, that’s what they all say.”


I started to go back in the house but was stopped by Chris, my stalker ex-boyfriend. At one point I was a phone call away from getting a restraining order on him.


It was like he was trying to make his presence known as he buffed himself up in front of me. “Hey Cam. How are you?”


Um, good.” I tried to side step him but he was taking up almost the whole doorway and I couldn’t get by. He had shaggy blonde hair with beady eyes, and was muscular, very muscular. Looking at him now I can’t believe I ever dated him, he was such a douche.


His eyes went to Eric who towered over top of him. “I’m Chris.” He said holding out his hand.


Eric didn’t grab it but nodded and said his name.


For some reason Eric didn’t look too happy. To me his eyes started to get a little brighter, I didn’t think that was even possible. I told myself it was just the alcohol and left them both standing there in the doorway glaring at each other.


I was just getting ready to walk by the beer pong table when I felt a hand grab mine and spin me around to the table. Lance brought his arm around my shoulders as he leaned on me. “Come on Cammy, be my partner.”


He only called me Cammy when he was wasted. I decided to be his partner and played a game. Lance and I were pretty good when we teamed up. The more I drank the better I got.


We won two games and then the next two people walked up to play against us. I looked to see who it was and saw Beth’s boyfriend Jack and some guy I didn’t know. Whoever this guy was he wasn’t bad looking. I was surprised when he winked at me, and for some reason I winked back. He had very light brown hair and vibrant blue eyes. His muscles were very noticeable in the tight white t-shirt he wore and I wanted to touch them so bad. His eyes seemed to sparkle and I liked it.


Cammy!” Lance screamed in my ear.


Huh?” I said looking at him.


It’s your turn. Jeez, I can’t take you anywhere. Every time I turn around there’s some dude trying to undress you with his eyes.”


I smacked his arm and gave him a look of disgust. “You’re stupid.”


What, I’m serious.” He shrugged with a laugh.


I shook off his comment and threw the ball right into the cup. The blue eyed guy chugged the drink and I gave him a little smirk.


After that we were all at war. It seemed like we were playing for about an hour but was only half that. The game was close and each team was down to one cup on each side. My head was dizzy from all the drinking and I was a little wobbly on top of it. Callie was standing beside me cheering me on as I was about to make a shot. I turned to her and put a finger to my lips to shush her up while Lance started waving his hands around trying to get everyone to be quiet so I could concentrate. It didn’t help because I missed completely.


The whole room let out a groan as I smacked my hand on the table. Blue eyes, that’s what I called him in my head, was up next. I felt like I was standing there forever waiting for him to take his shot. This game was becoming too stressful. I brought my hand to my mouth and waited patiently as he threw the ball and made it in perfectly.


I stomped my foot aggravated and snatched up the cup to drink it. The room broke out in cheers and groans as the game ended. I looked over at Blue eyes and he was laughing with Jack as they watched me. He laughed even harder as I childishly stuck my tongue out at him.


God that was the craziest game of beer pong I’ve ever seen.” Callie said beside me.


I know.” I said absently. I looked over to where Blue eyes had been standing but he was already gone. I was little perturbed by it but it was no biggie.


You did good.” A voice said in my ear.


I turned around and there he was. A smile came to my face and he smiled in return. His teeth were almost as perfect as Eric’s.


You did good too. You had to be good to beat me and him.” I said nodding to my brother.


Yeah, Jack told me that you all were good. I had to shut you down though, sorry about that.”


Its fine, I got you next time though.”


I’m Seth.” He said holding out his hand.


I grabbed it and to my surprise it was overly warm, “Cam”


Is that short for anything?”


Cameron. My parents just knew they were having a boy and when I came out a girl they decided to stick with the name.”


I don’t think it sounds bad. I like Cameron.”


I usually wasn’t very talkative with guys I just met but he brought it out in me for some reason. I think a part of me was welcoming the distraction he gave.


So tell me about yourself. Do you go to school here?” I asked.


No, schools not my thing. I’m more of a work guy.” He leaned against the now empty beer pong table and crossed his arms causing his shirt to tighten.


How’d you know about the party?” I said trying to keep my eyes focused on his.


My roommate. He goes to school here.”


Do I know him?”


Probably not.” He said shortly.


I stood there and talked to him for about another half hour. He told me he was a bouncer at a club in the city. He didn’t look large enough to be a bouncer. Yeah he was tall and had muscles but I always thought they were beefy and massive. Every time he laughed it made me laugh and I was amazed with his smile. Everything about him was so well put together and breathtaking.


After a while I figured it was time to end the conversation, “Well it was nice talking to you.”


I started to turn away but was stopped when his overly warm hand touched my elbow. “Cam, um, did you maybe want to go out with me sometime?”


Sure” I said automatically. If I wasn’t in his presence I probably would have smack myself in the forehead for being so girly and excited.


His eyes sparkled again and he took out his phone to get my number. I gave it to him before throwing him a small wave and almost stumbling away.


I started to make my way over to the bar where I knew Callie or Ashley would be. My eyes randomly went around the room as I made my way through the house. That’s when I saw Eric again and he was talking to one of the frat boys, Collin. Just like before, he stopped talking and traveled his gaze my way. The second his eyes caught mine I looked away and continued my walk to the bar.


I eventually found Callie who was talking to Brad again at the bar. Ashley was next to her, leaning on her elbow, she looked about ready to fall out.


I poked her in her side and she shot up. “Where do we go?” She blurted out.


I busted out laughing along with Callie and Brad at her odd behavior.


Aw honey,” I said patting her head. “Are you okay?”


I’m fine, I’m fine. Ready for another shot?”


I don’t think you need another one. I think it’s time for us to go.” I leaned down and pulled her arm around my shoulders. After yelling bye to my brother I made the short walk back to our dorm. It seemed longer since I was almost dragging Ashley along with me. Her dead weight was a killer. Every once in a while she would mutter something incoherently and I would laugh to myself.


We finally made it up to the dorm and I yanked her shoes off before covering her up. I put on my sweatpants and a tank top before lying in bed and drifting off into a drunken sleep.




Chapter 2








I had weird dreams all night long. I kept seeing the same two eyes popping up, a pair of blue ones and a pair of green ones. They were both very vibrant and blinding. There were no faces though. It was strange. They seemed to get brighter and brighter then eventually both faded away into nothing.


My phone starting ringing whatever song Ashley had put on there. I didn’t answer it and let it ring until whoever it was finally hung up. My head had a slight throb to it, I didn’t think I drank that much but I guess it was enough to give me a little headache.


There was a small fridge between mine and Ashley’s bed, I leaned up and opened it to get a bottle of water. After downing half of it I sat it on the floor and reached under my pillow where my phone was. The time said it was noon but I still felt like I could sleep for another couple of hours.


I checked the missed call and it was a number I didn’t know. I hit send and let it ring a few times before a guys voice answered.


Hi, did someone just call my phone?” My voice was slightly raspy.


Hey, it’s Seth. Did I wake you up?”


I smacked myself in the forehead. “Um, no, no. Sorry, I didn’t know it was you. What are you doing?”


Well, I’m actually going to look for a new truck today. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come with me. You’ll make it less boring.”


Yeah, I’ll go with you.”


Alright well I’ll pick you up in about an hour. Is that okay?”


Yeah, just come to the south parking lot and I’ll be waiting there for you.”


I hung up and lay back against my pillow. It wasn’t like me to just go out with some random guy I just met but I guess it was time to try something new.


Ashley spoke up from her bed, “Who was that? Eric?”


No, why would he be calling me?”


He was staring at you all night I was sure he got your number.”


I told you, he seemed like an ass. Yeah, he’s definitely sexy but I’m not going to try and go there.”


So who was it then?”


Seth, the guy who I played beer pong against.”


You mean the one that beat you and Lance?”


Even though I couldn’t see her face I knew she was smiling.


Shush it.”


I stood up and went to the closet pulling out a pair of skinny jeans and some black knee high boots. They didn’t have a heel on them; I wasn’t going for a very showy look. I slid them both on before throwing on a long sleeve, grey v-neck shirt. After throwing my hair up into a pony tail I went to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. When I got back to the room I redid my eye makeup and pulled on a light black jacket. I told Ashley bye and snatched up my keys, phone, and bottle of water before heading out. She let out a small groan before falling back asleep.

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