Sweet Vengeance (32 page)

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Authors: Cindy Stark

BOOK: Sweet Vengeance
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right.  You have a remedy for every situation."  She'd said it with a
sarcastic tone, but she couldn't help it.  She hated how vulnerable she felt at
the moment and hated how much she wanted to be next to him.

seem to recall you've benefitted from that a time or two.  But if you'd prefer
to have this conversation with your shirt completely soaked through, be my

immediately felt guilty.  She owed this man her life.  "I'm sorry.  I
didn't mean it like that."  She glanced down at her blouse.  The lacy
detail of her bra showed perfectly through her transparent shirt.  The shivers
coursing up and down her only made things worse.  She crossed her arms in front
of her to not only shield her breasts, but hopefully her heart as well.

minute later, they pulled into an underground parking garage, and Mario dropped
them off at Jase's private elevator.  Neither said a word until they were
locked inside his penthouse on the top floor.

found herself staring at the opulence before her.  This was nothing like the
safe house he'd kept her in.  Even his home in Oregon couldn't hold a candle to
the vanilla leather couches that invited her to sink into their luxurious
comfort.  A wall of water cascaded near the door, its sounds soothing and
peaceful.  Chocolate pillows on the couch matched another leather chair, and a
gorgeous painting that reminded her of the trees in Oregon highlighted it all. 
"You have a beautiful home."

glanced about the room with an indifferent expression.  "It's an

investment?  She narrowed her eyes at him.  "Don't you care about

met her stare, challenging her.  "I cared about my family.  I care about
keeping you safe."  He pulled his wet shirt over his head, before pinning
her with a look that dared her to keep questioning him.  "I care about putting
the Trasatti family behind bars."

gaze fell on his sharply defined muscles, and she swallowed.  Her mind
instantly shifted to the last time she'd found herself against his bare chest. 
She was in big trouble.  She turned her head.  "Is there somewhere I can
clean up?"  A bathroom.  Somewhere.  Anywhere she could hide.

the hall, last door on the right."

refused to look at Jase again.  He'd taken his shirt off in front of her on
purpose.  She was sure of it.  He knew exactly what kind of effect it would
have on her, and she was positive he was trying to throw her off her game. 
Wasn't going to happen.

golds and greens decorated the bedroom, with a huge mahogany bed sitting squat
in the middle.  On the dresser sat a photo of four people.  A family.  She
stopped and then softly padded toward the dresser.  A younger Jase stood with
his parents and little sister in front of a group of pines.  She lifted the
frame.  Looked like somewhere in Oregon to her.  Even at that age, Jase was
taller than his father.  Jase and his sister both had their mother's eyes and
dark hair.  His sister was beautiful, innocent.  They all looked so happy, with
no idea what lay ahead.

heart broke open.  These were the people Jase loved.  The family he would never
see again.  No wonder he'd turned vigilante.  She traced a finger over Jase's
image, tears crowding to the corners of her eyes.  The picture explained more
about him than anything ever could. 

could never compete against that kind of revenge.

set the frame back where she'd found it, knowing this was a side of him he'd
want to keep private.

started unbuttoning her shirt as she moved into the bathroom.  It was just as
beautiful as the rest of his house.  Stone tiles in varying shades of brown
covered the floor.  Dazzling lights illuminated two vanities, each with its own
marble sink.  

peeled the wet fabric from her shoulders as her gaze fell on an exquisite
jetted-tub that looked like absolute heaven at the moment.  She folded her
soiled shirt and laid it on the counter.  Then, she unhooked her bra and
reached for a towel.  The rain had soaked her and chilled her to the bone. 
Bits of gritty dirt covered her arms and legs.  She tried rubbing off the
grime, but she still felt dirty. 

glanced in the mirror and cringed.  A piece of wet leaf clung to the side of
her rain-plastered hair, and her mascara sat in a puddle under her eyes. 
Lovely.  Just lovely.

tub beckoned to her again.  It would be pointless to put on fresh clothes the way
she was, and surely, Jase could be patient long enough for her to get clean.

sighed as the hot water swallowed her body, the bubbling jets pounding her
skin.  She squeezed out some body wash and lathered up, smiling as Jase's scent
surrounded her.  She'd smell like a man when she finished, but she'd be clean. 
She washed her hair and then anchored her feet against the edges to keep her
head out of the water.  She closed her eyes, trying to find solace from her

didn't help.  He waited in the other room for her, but she didn't want to hear
what he had to say.  As much as she wanted to be with him, she didn't want to
have another conversation about why he never wanted to see her again.  Yes, his
reasons were noble, but the fact was, he didn't want her near him.  And that
hurt like hell.

been a fool to think she could convince him otherwise.  Why did she even want
to?  His life was now firmly rooted in the dark and dangerous world that had
taken his family from him.  What kind of future could he have?  After seeing
the photo of his family, she was certain he'd never let go of his revenge. 
Yes, he could set her on fire with a glance, but a stable man who loved her
would be a better choice. 


hadn't crossed her mind once since she'd left town.  That was bad.  Really,
really bad.  The best thing to do would be to find a way to convince Jase to
stop sending money and then run home to Ryan and beg for forgiveness.  At the
moment, going home sounded more like a death sentence.  But it wouldn't be. 
She could make a good life with Ryan if Jase would stay out of the way.  It
might not be thrilling, but it would be solid and dependable.

she should offer to make a trade with Jase—the info she'd gained today in
exchange for a complete severing of their ties.  Then he might get his
vengeance, and she might get peace in return.

*        *

could hear the water running in the adjacent bathroom as he entered his
bedroom, and he realized his mistake.  He deserved to be knocked upside the
head for his stupidity.  What the hell had he been thinking, bringing her to
his house?  She was his weakness, his Achilles heel.  With her around, it was
hard to stay focused on any goals.  Hadn't he learned that the first go-round?

to mention the fact he feared for her life.  He had to get her out of Chicago
and fast.  Even if it meant sending her back into the arms of the man who
waited for her in California.  He needed to do whatever it took to keep her

convinced himself that he hadn't taken her to her hotel because he couldn't be
guaranteed of her safety.  That part was certainly true.  But he knew he'd
brought her home to his place because that's where he wanted her.  Close to
him.  It was easier to ignore the most recent hole in his heart when she was in
Cali, but after he'd seen her last night, he needed her with him.  Even if it
was only until he could get her on a plane home.

he'd made a fatal mistake in his planning because she was now in his bathroom. 
In his tub.  Naked.  

was his own worst enemy.

she took her sweet body out of the water, she wouldn't have any dry clothes to
put on.  She'd be walking around his whole house with nothing but a towel until
her clothes arrived.  His gaze slid to his bed.  He couldn't help but remember
the last time they'd been together.  It had been a different bed, but still the
reminder was there.  She'd been so young then, but he hadn't been able to
resist her.  Now she was older, and if anything, more beautiful.


shoved a hand through his hair.  He needed a haircut.  More than that he needed
to make sure she had dry clothes to wear.  He strode to the phone and punched a
number for service at the hotel below his penthouse. 

need some clothes.  Ladies clothes, size ten.  Jeans and T-shirt, and if you can
get them here in thirty minutes, I'll give you a hundred bucks."  He could
survive that long.  He had to.

hung up the phone, his gaze snagging on the photo of his family.  The festering
emotional knife that he used for motivation twisted deeper in his gut as he
lifted the frame and tucked it inside a dresser drawer.  Then he strode out to
the living room, putting some much needed distance between him and the woman he
couldn't forget.

*        *

loud thunder vibrated the walls.  Allie opened her eyes just as the lights
flickered.  Wow.  That had been loud.  The storm must be getting worse.

blinked a few times, letting her heart rate slow.  She couldn't believe she'd
nodded off.  The whole ordeal with Cates and then with Jase must have taken a
toll on her.  And, though she hated to admit it, she always felt safer and
could relax when Jase was near. 

water had cooled, and although it was tempting to fill the tub up with more hot
water and enjoy the luxury, she'd probably better get out. 

was time to face the man in the other room.  She needed to explain to Jase she
going back to California until she got what she wanted.  Then
she needed to demand to be taken back to her hotel so that she could regain
control of her life.  It was just how it had to be.  She wrapped herself in a
fluffy sand-colored robe that smelled far too much like Jase and headed out the

found him in the living room, standing next to the full-length windows, staring
out.  The scene was magnificent.  Dazzling flashes of lightning escaped the
black, rolling clouds and danced across the sky.  Rain poured over the city as
thunder rumbled through the air.

brilliant flash illuminated the darkened room and was quickly followed by an
alarming sound of thunder.  The lights flickered again.  Allie's mood grew more
somber, and she found herself drawn forward by the brooding man showcased by
mother nature's temper.

mom always told me to stay away from the windows during a thunderstorm."

glanced at her, his face serious, as though he'd been deep in thought.  "I
think she meant stay away from an open window."

That made sense.  "You're probably right."

leaned farther against the window frame, looking down at the streets below. 
She took a step forward, following his gaze.  The amount of water pouring from
the sky didn't seem to affect the number of cars on the street.  Rain smeared
the yellow headlights and red taillights into blurry streaks.  The sky had grown
blacker as the late afternoon faded into evening.

you find me some clothes?"

expelled a short breath that almost sounded like a laugh.  Then again, it could
have been exasperation.  "They should be here in about 10 minutes."

tightened the robe's sash, not sure what to think about Jase's mood.  He was
usually straightforward and certain with his words and actions.  She didn't
know how to respond to the introspective side of him.  "I guess I can wait
that long." 

he answered absentmindedly.  "Looks like you found my robe."

did.  I hope you don't mind."  The feel of the soft terry against her skin
was suddenly unnerving.  Her bath had left her smelling like him, and now, his
clothes surrounded her. 

turned to her with an unreadable expression.  "If I begged you to go back
to California, would you?"

question surprised her, and she took a moment to answer.  "I guess that
depends.  Are you willing to stop putting money into my account?"

sighed and turned back toward the window.  "What difference does that
make?  Most people would be thrilled to have a few extra bucks deposited in
their account each month."

ran a hand through her damp hair as she moved away from him.  A few extra
bucks?  She took a seat on one of the soft leather couches near him.  "It
makes a difference to me, Jase." 

Loud thunder interrupted him.  "Why can't you let me take care of you a
little bit?"

pulled a nearby pillow to her and hugged it.  "Because I don't need you
to.  I can do that myself."

turned to her then.  "What if you can't?  What if something happens?  Who
will take care of you?"

only he wanted to take care of her because he loved her.  "Look, Jase.  I
appreciate your concern.  But we both know this stems from what happened to
your family.  I realize you're having trouble moving on with your life. 
You're...stuck in this stupid plot for revenge."  It broke her heart to
watch it.  "But I can't live that way.  I need to leave this all in the
past and move on to my future."

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