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Authors: Shelli Stevens

Take Me (18 page)

BOOK: Take Me
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He lowered his mouth to plunge his tongue into her cunt, lapping up her juices. He stayed with her, drinking her essence and kissing her sex until her body went slack and her shallow breaths filled the air.

“How do you feel now, kitten?” Dillon sat up, still cupping her pussy in his palm.

Her eyes were dazed, her lips parted and damp. “I…amazing.”

His mouth curled into a smile and he lay down on his side next to her. He drew his finger across her collarbone and then down between her breasts. Her breasts lifted as she took in a deep breath, pressing her distended nipples closer toward him.

He drew his fingers across the swell of the breast closest to him, circling the areole but ignoring the tip.

“You did not mind…” she began and then paused, her cheeks turning pink. “Touching me there with your mouth?”

“You tasted exquisite, Krystal.” He lowered his mouth to hers, plunging his tongue between her lips to find hers.

She groaned and her tongue rubbed against his, hesitant at first before growing bolder. Dillon circled his fingers around her nipple again, before moving to pinch the tip. He caught her gasp in his mouth and deepened the kiss.

Massaging her nipple, he broke his mouth from hers and kissed her neck, running his tongue against her throbbing pulse, before moving lower. He kissed the slight swell of her breasts, and then continued to the dusky areole. Tracing his tongue around the circle, he finally drew it across the rigid tip.

“Oh.” Her hands clutched his hair, holding his head against her breast.

He gave a husky laugh and wrapped his lips around the nipple. Drawing it into his mouth, he suckled the warm tip while continuing to fondle the other one.

When her cries grew desperate, he switched his mouth to the other one, biting, licking, and suckling the tip until her body writhed beneath him.

He released her nipple slowly, the suctioning pop loud in the cabin. Sitting up he removed his shirt and then reached for the fastener on his pants, keeping his gaze on her face.

Her eyes widened and she watched his movements with an intensity that would have made him laugh had he not been so damn aroused.

He pushed his pants down and off, his cock springing forward hard and thick.

“Krystal, you must trust me,” he murmured and laid back down, covering her body with his own.

Nudging her thighs apart, he positioned himself between her legs. He lowered his head, covering her mouth while using his hand to guide his cock between the lips of her cunt.

A tremble racked his body as her fingers traced the hair on his chest. His tongue rubbed against hers and he sank an inch into her wet heat.

She groaned and lifted her hips, her nails brushing against his nipple.

He hissed and pressed inside another inch.

“Dillon, please.” She squirmed under him, her head twisting back and forth against the pillow.

He took a deep breath, gripped her hips in each hand, and thrust all the way inside her. His brain registered the thin barrier after he'd already torn through it.

“Dillon.” Krystal gasped and her palms pushed against his chest.

Gods. Dillon remained still not moving inside her. “I'm sorry, kitten. The sting will pass shortly.”

He glanced down at her face. Her eyes had a sheen of tears and her mouth was tight. He had suspected she was a virgin, but could not be certain until he'd plunged into her tight channel.

His chest tightened with emotion and he tenderly brushed a curl off her face.

“I do not know if it will pass, Dill.” She whimpered and the muscles of her cunt clenched around him.

“Trust me.” He lowered his mouth again and initiated a slow, thorough kiss.

After a moment she stopped pushing him away, and her body relaxed under him. He felt more warm cream surround his cock and tentatively made a shallow thrust inside her.

Her moan was one of pleasure this time. He growled in approval and made a few more shallow thrusts until she was lifting her hips to meet his penetrations.

Placing one hand on the bed, he braced his weight above her and increased the pace. The silky, hot sheath of her cunt squeezed his cock and the air hissed from his lungs.

“Krystal, by gods you are amazing.” He moved his free hand between their bodies and found her swollen clit.

She gasped and her cunt contracted around him again.

“You're so hot, kitten. So perfect.”

He thrust deeper and rubbed her clit faster.

“Dillon…” Her head shook back and forth on the pillow. “Oh gods, Dillon, what are you doing to me?”

“Loving you.” He pressed hard against her clit and she screamed, her body shuddering beneath him. “I love you, Krystal.”

His sac clenched and he groaned, just as he came hard inside her. Each thrust back into her he emptied a little bit more of himself, of his soul.

Krystal lay still beneath him, but he could feel her fingers drawing circles upon his chest.

He gave a ragged sigh, before rolling off of her and pulling her into his arms. She flowed with him, until he was on his back and she lay on top of him, her head nestled under his chin.

His heart pounded a mile a minute and he stroked his fingers through her hair. She was his. Now and forever.

“That thing you just said…” Her lips moved against his neck and he bit back another groan as the blood in his cock stirred again.

“What thing?”

“You said you loved me.” Her tongue flicked his pulse. “Did you mean it?”

“Yes. I meant it.”

Her cheeks turned pink and a tiny smile curled her lips. He slid his hands down to rub over her ass. If he looked at it, would his handprints still be on the hot cheeks?

“I've loved you for two years, kitten.”

Her lips parted and her eyes widened. “For two years?”

“Yes. For two years I have watched you and waited.”

“Waited for what?”

He slid a finger into her cunt and then brought it back to the rosebud between her ass cheeks. “Everything.”

He heard her breath hitch. “Everything?”

“Everything, kitten.” He wiggled his finger into the smaller hole, loving the little cry of surprise she made. “And one day soon, this as well.”

“Oh. That sounds kind of different.” She moaned and then yawned. “Oh gods, I'm sorry. What time is it?”

“Mmm. I don't even want to know.” He glanced out the window where the faintest hint of daylight glanced through the curtains. “I wish you would have picked a time other than the middle of the night to run away.”

“You would have caught me if I had left in the afternoon.”

“I caught you anyway, kitten,” he reminded her with a light tap on her ass.

“Ah yes, I suppose you did.” She snuggled against him, her arms tightened around his waist. “And I have to say, I am glad you did.”

He was damn glad, too. His brows drew together. What if he hadn't arrived in time? What if Trevon had…
Don't go there

“Why did you want to marry him? Trevon?”

She was silent for a moment. “I'm not sure. But in the end he did not want to marry me. He just wanted…”

“To bed you?” His mouth tightened and his blood pounded harder through his veins. “Were you really in love with him?”

“No, I don't think so.” She kissed his neck again. “I think I was in love with the idea of being in love.”

He took a deep breath in. “I must know. Will you think about him after tonight? Try to see him again?”

“No, Dillon.” She lifted her head and gave him the sweetest smile. “You have opened my eyes. Compared to you, Trevon is but a pathetic, spoiled boy. You are…” She drew a fingernail down his chest. “A hard, virile man who knows exactly how to please a woman.”

His chest swelled with pride and his grip on her ass cheeks tightened. “I pleased you?”

“Yes. You know you did.” Her hand moved farther down his abdomen until it reached his penis, which grew harder by the second.

“Krystal,” he groaned, thrusting against her hand.

“Yes, my love?”

My love
. He jerked his gaze to her face. Had she realized what she'd just said? Her gaze was confident and honest. She knew.

“Nothing. Just don't stop.” He groaned and pulled her head down for another kiss.


yder adjusted his grip on Talia and carried her through the door to his bedding chambers. He brought her straight to the bed, thinking briefly how strange it was. No woman had ever stepped foot in his private chambers. It was his sanctuary.

Laying her on the bed, he pulled off her jacket and brushed a strand of hair off her face. Gods, she was too pale. At least she had responded out in the aliaberry orchard, if even briefly.

“Talia,” he patted her cheek again. “Please, open your eyes, princess.”

She made a small noise but did not open her eyes.

His pulse jumped and he grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze. “Good girl. Now, can you open your eyes?”

“I would rather not,” she said, her voice faint, but it sent relief through him. “I have the worst ache in my head.”

“Gods, princess, you had me so worried. It looks like you hit your head pretty hard.”

“It felt pretty hard,” she muttered.

“Let me get you some water.” He jumped to his feet and strode to the refrigeration unit built into the wall.

After pressing one of the buttons, a cup dropped onto the shelf below and began to fill with water. Once it had filled, he took it and strode back to the bed where she continued to lay still.

He sat down on the bed next to her. “I'm going to hold a cup of water to your lips. Can you tilt your head up a bit?”

She grunted, but obligingly lifted her head a little. He pressed the cup to her mouth and she parted her lips, drinking a few sips.

After a moment, she pushed it aside and lay back against the pillows.

“Are you angry with me?”

Her voice wavered. With fear? Regret? He couldn't be sure. His jaw tightened as he continued to stare down at her.

Her eyes were still closed against her pale face, silken strands of red hair spread out on the pillow. He ran his gaze over her.

“Am I wrong to assume that you were planning to leave Belton?”

She was silent for a moment and then a quiet, “No. You are not wrong.”

“Why?” The question ripped raw from his throat. “Gods, why, Talia? After last night—”

“After you gained all the information you needed from me, you mean? After I became of little use to you?” Her words were weak, but the accusation behind them strong.

Ryder took a deep breath. Would they never get past this? This lack of trust they seemed to have for one another?

“Is that what you truly believe?”

She sighed. “It matters not.” The hint of tears at the corner of her eyes undermined her words.

“It does, Talia.” He leaned down and trailed the back of his hand across her cheek.

Her eyes opened, the uncertainty in her gaze obvious. “Why?”

Good question
. “Because it does.”

Her smile was weak. “That is not a good enough answer.”

“Well, it will have to do.”

“Am I to be punished?”

“No.” He placed the palm of his hand over her forehead and then smoothed back her hair. “Though any prisoner would be locked up in a maximum security cell after an escape attempt.”

“And when will I be placed there?” Her tongue ran over her lips and he bit back a groan.

“You won't. I have decided you will stay in my chambers until we decide what is to be done with you.”

Heat flared in her eyes and he heard the shift in her breathing. Was she pleased that she would be staying with him?

“What do you mean when you say done with me?”

“We cannot keep you as a prisoner forever,” he murmured. “But we cannot free you until the situation with Zortou is under control.”

“I see.” She sighed and turned her head, so that she looked at the wall.

“How are you feeling?”

“A bit dizzy, and my head throbs.” She raised her hand to touch the back of her hand. “You were right about Trevon, he is a vile—” Her words cut off on a gasp. “Oh gods. I nearly forgot. How is Krystal? Was she hurt? The last thing I remember…oh no.”

“She was well when I left her.” How concerned she sounded. Perhaps the bond between his sister and Talia was greater than he had realized.

“When you left her?” She struggled to sit upright and then fell back to the pillow with a groan. “Where is she now?”

“With Dillon, who is likely carrying out her punishment as we speak.”

“Krystal is being punished?”

He watched as the color faded from her face and gave a brief nod. “Of course.”

“She is your sister.” Her tone sharpened.

“And she not only freed a prisoner, but disobeyed strict orders to cease any contact with Trevon.” He pulled the blanket up to her chest and then stood and walked toward the door.

“She is young and determined,” Talia argued. “Will he hurt her?”

“I have ensured that she not be hurt, but I have left the punishment up to Dillon's discretion.”

Her expression grew pinched and she closed her eyes. “The poor girl, she has already been through enough.”

“By the fault of her own choices.” He typed in the code to open the door. “I will send someone in with medicine. Rest for now.”

He stepped out and the door swung shut behind him.


Talia lay in bed, staring at the flecks of color in the black ceiling.

Was it possible that he cared for her? Could Ines's words have held more jealousy than truth?

She had prepared herself for the worst. For a whipping that would likely leave scars. Or, as Ines had threatened, to be handed over to Ryder's soldiers as a plaything. How could he not be furious? She had attempted to escape!

And yet the only reprimand she was to receive was being forced to stay with Ryder. Which, in truth, was no punishment at all. More a pleasure…

There had been no anger in his gaze when she'd awoken. Only a desperation and concern.

Where was she anyway? She turned her head, ignoring the ache as she glanced around. It was a luxuriant room, the bed she was upon more extravagant than one she'd ever laid in. The mattress nearly molded to her body, the pillows sweetly scented and soft as air.

There were chairs in the middle of the room, a sink and refrigeration unit on the side, and a large-looking bathing chamber near the door.

The room wavered and she laid her head back against the pillow to ease dizziness. The medicinal woman had come into the room shortly after Ryder had left and given her some form of medication.

It appeared to be taking effect. She closed her eyes, tightened the blanket around her, and let the medicine take her away.


Two hours passed and still she slept. Ryder checked in on her numerous times, but whatever medicine she'd been given for the pain had put her into a deep slumber.

He placed a call to Dillon's communication mobile and when there was no answer disconnected the line.

Likely Dillon was struggling to persuade Krystal of his feelings of love at this moment. Or else beating the stubbornness out of her.

His lips twitched as he walked back to his office. The door at the end of the hall opened, and he saw the silhouette of a woman.

“Good morning, sir.”

. He sighed and gave her a brief nod. “Good morning.”

He watched her approach, already prepared for her to make some form of a sexual advance, but she gave him a funny little smile and then kept walking.

A bit relieved, he turned and watched as she continued down the hall. Perhaps he had been hasty in his decision to have her relocated, though she certainly appeared to be taking it well enough. Perhaps she had come to realize what a great opportunity it truly was.

He narrowed his eyes and then opened the door to his office. It mattered not. There were more important issues at hand. Such as checking on the status of the emperor.


Krystal opened her eyes, having been awakened by the sunlight that slipped through the curtain of the cabin.

She smiled and shifted backward, closer to the hardness of Dillon's body. His cock pressed snug against her ass and his arm draped heavy around her waist.

A small giddy sigh escaped her throat and she shifted her legs. There was a bit of soreness between her thighs, but it was a delicious and wicked feeling.

Never would she have considered Dillon to be a possible lover. Even after that day in the hangar, she'd been convinced that she'd only had a momentary lapse in sanity.

I should have known.
For years they'd had a close friendship, had spent many hours together, and still she'd missed the signs. The signs that Dillon had been viewing their relationship in a different light.

Too bad she had not learned of it earlier. Last night had been wonderful. Her nipples tightened and liquid pooled between her thighs.

She closed her eyes and stifled a groan. If Dillon had not spent half the night punishing her and then making love to her; she would have awakened him and initiated another session. But he was a soldier who needed his sleep.

Moist, hot air caressed the back of her neck. “Are you awake?”

Or maybe he considered sleep to be overrated.

“Very much so.”

His lips moved against her nape and a tremor shot through her body.

“How do you feel this morning? Are you sore?”

“Only just a bit.” She gave a breathless laugh. “I am more…aroused, so to speak?”

“Mmm. Is that so?” His husky laugh brought more cream between her legs.


The arm around her waist shifted and then made a slow descent to the curls between her legs.

“Very wet.” He dipped a finger between the folds of her sex and she gasped. “Did you dream of me, kitten?”

“I do not recall.”

“I would like to be the only man you dream of from now on.” He slid the finger up to her clit and began to tap it, until she squirmed against him. “And I would like you to come for me.”

“Dillon…” She groaned and parted her legs. Gods, she wanted his fingers inside her. She wanted his cock inside her. “

“I will not take you so soon with my cock.” The regret in his voice was evident. “Your body is still recovering. But I will take you with my mouth.”

He rolled her over onto her back, and then slid down her body. He wasted no time, and when his lips fastened around her clit she nearly leapt off the bed.

Gods, he was so good at this part! She thrust her fingers into his hair, clutching the soft strands as his tongue circled the hidden sensitive nub.

She lifted her hips with a whimper, the walls of her cunt clenching and unclenching with the need for something to fill it.

As if hearing her silent request, he slipped a finger inside her and began to move it in and out slowly.

The pleasure spread through her body, the heat taking over. He suckled her clit harder, curling his finger inside her cunt and pushing her over the edge.

Her toes curled and she cried out, riding through the explosion of bright lights in her head and the racing of her heart.

She gasped and opened her eyes, pulling him away from her and urging him up to kiss him. Gods, how fast he could bring her to orgasm.

His mouth covered hers and she tasted herself, rubbing her tongue against his. He gave a murmur of approval and slowed the kiss, before lifting his head.

“I like that you no longer fight us.”

“How can I?” she murmured. “We are a perfect fit. And speaking of which, please…I must have you inside me again. The mouth was wonderful,” she smiled and bit her bottom lip, reaching her hand between them to touch his cock. “But it is this that I am craving.”

“All right, love, but I will need to be extra gentle.” He tapped her nose and sat up. “Before that, however, my communication mobile is blinking. Give me a moment to check it and then I will be back. We have all morning to enjoy one another.”

She watched as he climbed out of bed and went to the dresser. He had the most beautiful backside. Pressing a hand to her mouth to hold back another giggle, she swung her legs out of bed and walked toward the porch.

The cabin they were in resided on a lake, and she could not resist peeking at the view.

Opening the door, she stepped outside and inhaled the fresh air. It mattered not that she was naked; the cabin was isolated with no one to see.

She yawned and braced her arms on the railing of the cabin, watching the sparkle of sunlight on the lake. A reflection in the sky caught her eye and she lifted her gaze.

“Odd. My communications mobile has become unresponsive.” Dillon stepped outside and came up behind her. “What are you looking at?”

BOOK: Take Me
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