Take Me (17 page)

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Authors: Shelli Stevens

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Krystal's protests became distorted, the darkness grew.

Must stay awake
. Talia tried to move her head but nothing happened.
Must help Krystal
…Darkness claimed her.


Ryder sat up in bed, unease clawing at his gut. Glancing at the time, he noted there were still a few hours before the dawn. Something was wrong.

He climbed out of bed and pulled on clothes. There would be no sleep for him until he realized what had caused his unease.

The building was quiet, the halls empty, and nothing seemed out of place. His glance moved farther down the hall to Talia's door.

His gut twisted and he sighed. He should have visited her before retiring for the night. He'd intended to, but by the time Dillon had gotten back with confirmation that the emperor was safe, the midnight hour had long since passed.

Perhaps that was why he'd awoken. The guilt at the abruptness in which he'd treated her.

He moved down the hall, not really sure what he intended to do. The light under her door gave him pause. She was awake? At such an hour?

Frowning, he reached her door and typed in the code. The door swung open and he stepped inside. Not seeing her in the bed, his blood pounded harder. He glanced in the bathroom and found it empty, and then strode to the walk-in closet to glance around.

“Son of a bitch.” His fist slammed against the wall, his body began to shake.

Half her clothes were missing and she was nowhere in her room. Somehow she had escaped—possibly with someone else's help.

He ran out of the room, his legs eating up the length of the hallway as he moved to Dillon's room. Why had she run? His gut clenched. Had it been out of guilt? Or had he just pushed her too far? Fuck!

His fist pounded on the metal frame, resonating through the hallway.

“Dillon, you must awake!” he shouted.

There was activity inside the room, and then the door swung open. Dillon stood frowning in the doorway in his robe.

“What has happened?”

“Talia, the prisoner,” he clarified, “has escaped.”

“How is that possible?” Dillon shook his head, his gaze narrowing. “Unless someone has assisted her.”

“Those would be my thoughts exactly.”

“Shit. Hang on, let me get dressed and we will find her.”

Dillon disappeared back inside and the door shut behind him.

Ryder growled in frustration, ignoring several people who'd come out of their rooms to discover the cause of the early morning disturbance.

Who could have freed her? There was only one person he could think of, and to imagine his sister capable of such an act of treason made him ill.

The door opened and Dillon came out, fully dressed and seeming wide awake now.

“Have you checked your sister's room yet?”

“No.” Ryder shook his head grimly. “I already fear what I will find, and I will need your help in locating both of the women.”

“Fuck. I should have chained her to me,” Dillon growled. “I should have expected her to run.”

“Let us not be too hasty until we are certain.”

They entered another corridor and Ryder exhaled in an attempt to calm his pulse.

Reaching Krystal's door, he typed in the code he'd recently installed. The door slid open and they both filed inside.

The room was empty. Her closet and drawers had been ransacked; shoes were strewn across the floor.

“Damn. Well, I've learned my lesson.” Dillon's jaw went tight. “Your sister or not, she will be residing in my quarters from this point forward.”

Ryder didn't protest, as he intended to enforce the same plan with Talia. If they retrieved her. His scowl deepened. No, they would retrieve her. And once she was back, he intended to teach her a bit of a lesson. No prisoner escaped from him, damn it. Especially not one that he was half in love with.

“Do you have any idea where they may be headed?”

“I suspect she has run off to meet Trevon this evening.” Dillon's harsh tone conveyed his anger. “And she freed a prisoner. She cannot be allowed to get away with this, Ryder.”

Ryder nodded, not at all pleased with the idea of his sister being punished, but knowing she must be. Anyone else would receive a severe lashing and days in the confinement brig.

“I know, and I will let you handle her. Just promise me that when we find them…”

“I will not be overly harsh,” Dillon assured him.

“Thank you.” Ryder shook his head as they made their way back through the building. “Let us check the grounds within close proximity of the building first off. If there is still no sign of them, then we shall have to notify the general.”

“Do you think Talia is fleeing back to the Council?”

“No,” Ryder answered immediately. There was no way he could know for certain, but his gut had a pretty decent instinct that she would not return to them.

“Are you sure you are not speaking what your heart would like to believe?”

“Don't try to analyze me,” Ryder snapped. “I am not in the fucking mood.”

“Gods, you are right. I apologize. I am on edge as well.” Dillon was silent for a moment. “Wait a minute. That's it. I have a feeling I know where they are.”


“The aliaberry orchards. Krystal had met Trevon there once before, if not many times.”

“Then let's go. It is all we have to go on right now.”

They exited the building, moving quickly through the gardens. The night was lit by the light from the moons and stars, but in the shadows of the trees one could still hide.

“How far to the orchards?” Ryder asked. “I cannot remember the last time I traveled there.”

“It is but a few minutes off the path once we reach the turnoff by the lake.”


Gods, let them be there
. Ryder's blood pounded harder and he increased his pace, his mouth drawn tight. What if she had left him? What if Krystal had sent her on a pod back to Zortou?

No. You cannot think that way.
They reached the turnoff by the lake and took the trail that led to the orchards.

“Do you hear that?” Dillon paused, gesturing for him to stop.

Ryder went still and tilted his head. The faint, high-pitched sound of something crying—a bird or a woman—rang through the night.

“Did you bring a weapon?” Ryder asked quietly.

“I did not bring my electro-mace. But I have my fists, and they will serve me well.”

“I have a knife in my boot should we need it.” Ryder ran his glance over the rows of aliaberry bushes, but could see nothing. “Let's continue forward.”

They surged forward with a practiced stealth, moving down one line of bushes. Ryder kept his ears tuned for another cry, but there was nothing.

Ryder cursed under his breath. “Perhaps it was not a woman—”

“You bast—” Another scream ripped through the air, but was immediately cut short.

Dillon issued a low growl and sprinted forward toward the sound. Ryder removed his knife from his boot and then did the same.

That scream had come from Krystal. He'd recognize his sister's voice anywhere.

They rounded another row of bushes, and the form of two people struggling on the ground came to light under the moons.

Dillon launched himself at the pair, jerking Trevon away from Krystal and throwing him back a few feet.

Ryder went forward to help his sister, not bothering to check on Trevon, who was undoubtedly getting the life beaten out of him.

He grasped his sister's arm, pulling her to her feet. Her body trembled and she gripped the edge of her dress, which had been ripped.

“Release me,” she hissed. “Dillon, do not kill him!”

Ryder's concern faded into annoyance. “Have you gone mad? He was attempting to—”

kill him,” she repeated. “I want to cut off his penis with a dull blade before you do.”

Ryder blinked, momentarily thrown by her statement, and then shook his head. “Where is Talia?”

Krystal made a strangled gasp and pointed to a tree at the end of the row of bushes.

“She has not moved, Ryder. I tried to get to her…”

His sister's voice grew dim in his head and he sprinted toward Talia's limp form. He fell to his knees, the blood roaring in his ears as he reached to check her pulse.

Relief weakened his muscles and he lowered his head, the air rushing from his lungs. Thank gods. She lived. Her pulse was slower than it ought to be, but still strong.

“Talia.” He smoothed the hair back from her forehead. “Can you hear me, princess?”

She groaned and her eyelids fluttered.

“There you go. Open your eyes, Talia.”

Her eyelids fluttered again and then opened enough to reveal the blue around the pupil. Her gaze seemed unfocused, and then suddenly became quite alert.

“Oh gods,” she whispered. Her face lost more color, if that was possible. “Ryder…”

“Do not say anything right now, Talia.” His jaw hardened. Her fear of him, knowing she'd tried to run, was evident in the way she stared at him. “I am not in the mood to listen.”

He slid his arms under her body and cradled her against his chest. No, when he had her safely in his quarter, then they could discuss just how foolish her decision had been.

“Dillon, I am taking Talia back to my quarters. Deal with Krystal—”

“Deal with
” Krystal shouted back, planting her hands on her hips. “Why do I need dealing with?”

Ryder stared at his sister and attempted a calming breath. Whatever punishment Dillon chose to deal out, she deserved.

“You went too far this time, Krystal.” He shook his head and turned to head back to the building.


illon raised his fist and then crashed it back into Trevon's jaw again.

“Dillon, enough!” Krystal cried from behind him.

Her voice, and knowing she might have even been begging for Trevon's release, infuriated him further. He punched him again and heard the rewarding crack of bone. Trevon fell limp against the ground, now out cold.

Satisfied he'd inflicted enough damage for now, Dillon stood up and turned around.

The blood rushed through his body, pounding in his veins. He sucked in a large gasp of air, attempting to regain some of the control he'd lost.

“Do you beg for him, Krystal? Your lover?” He stalked her slowly, his gaze moving over her slender body. The swell of her breasts could be seen through the fabric of her dress that Trevon had ripped.

Her gaze widened as he advanced upon her, and she ran her tongue over her lips.

“I just do not want you to beat him to death, Dill.”

“Does he not deserve it? Would you have me believe that you were a willing participant in that little exchange?”

Her cheeks filled with color and fear flickered in her gaze. She took a step backward. “You know I was not.”

“Then do not ever defend him.” He closed the space between them and grabbed her arm. “Come with me.”

“What? Where are we going?”

Her steps could not match his long ones, and she stumbled as she attempted to keep up. He took a deep breath and slowed his steps.

He did not intend to take her back to the living quarters. Not right now. Having Ryder in the same building would simply not do for the intentions he had for Krystal.

“Dillon, wait. You have missed the path back to the living quarters,” she protested.

“We are not going back to the living quarters.”

Turning them off the trail, he weaved them around the lake to where a small cabin was located.

“Not going…” she repeated and then tugged at her hand. “Release me. I am tired and do not wish to deal with this nonsense.”

“Nonsense?” His pulse spiked again. “You dare call the stunt you have pulled tonight nonsense?”

“You are overreacting. I did not even marry him as was planned.”

She had been on her way to marry him? A chill swept through him. Gods, to think how close he'd been to losing her tonight.

He spotted the cabin up ahead. It was a historical building, one of the few wood structures left on the planet. Generally it was rented out to honeymoon couples for a large chunk of money. Thankfully, tonight it appeared vacant.

“What are we doing here?” She glanced over at him, but he ignored her and went to work breaking into the old-fashioned lock.

The door swung open, squeaking on its hinges. He stepped inside, tugging her after him, but she dug her heels in.

“Dillon, I am not going in here. It smells like…ugh. I do not even know what, but it smells bizarre.” She shook her head. “I insist you take me back to my room at once.”

Dillon released her hand long enough to turn on the lights.

“Get inside, Krys.”

She hesitated, her mouth drawn tight, displaying her displeasure. Finally, she sighed and stepped through the doorway.

Pleased with the small success, he shut the door behind her and twisted the lock.

The interior of the cabin was small, with just a bed, dresser, and small bathroom. Krystal walked to the middle of the room and folded her arms across her breasts.

“What is the problem, Dillon? Why have you brought me here?”

Her brown curls spilled over the pale curves of her shoulders. Her brown eyes flashed with defiance. Gods, she was beautiful. Beautiful and ridiculously naïve.

He took a step toward her. “Do you realize what you have done tonight, Krystal?”

She blinked and then shrugged. “It matters not. I had intended to marry Trevon, but as you can see, that is no longer an option I intend to consider.”

“You were foolish to sneak out and meet him. If we hadn't come along—”

“I had perfect control of the situation.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder and glared at him.

“He would have forced himself upon you.”

“I would have gained the upper hand.”

“You are a petite woman, I seriously doubt that.”

Her nostrils flared. “Did you just refer to me as short? You are an ass.”

“And then there is the other matter,” he murmured approaching her.

“And what matter would that be?” She lifted an eyebrow, her lips twisting.

He stopped in front of her, leaning down until his face was just inches from hers. “You freed a prisoner.”

The next breath she took did not sound as steady, and as she stared at him he could see the dilation of her pupils.

“She was being treated unfairly. If I had had more time I would have sent her on the first sky taxi off the planet.”

Dillon's jaw hardened. The woman thought she was invincible, could get away with anything.

“You have gone too far this time, Krystal. You cannot go unpunished.”

“Too far?” Her hands planted on her hips and she lifted her chin. “You and my brother have gone too far. Ryder for thinking it is perfectly all right to fuck a prisoner—”

“Watch your mouth.”

“And you for thinking you can control me,” she continued as she glared at him. “Thinking that I would ever be desperate enough to consider you as a husband.”

His blood raged through his veins and he clenched his fists at his side. “You will be my wife.”

“The hell I will! Fuck you.”

“That is
.” The anger exploded inside him and he grabbed her arm and dragged her toward the bed.

“Release me! What will you do? Force yourself upon me just as Trevon attempted?” she cried out, pounding his back with her free hand.

“No.” He sat down on the bed and dragged her across his lap, jerking her dress up over her ass and up to her waist. “I am doing what should've been done to you years ago.”

He brought his palm down hard on the pale curve of her ass, ignoring her choked scream.

“How dare you!”

“You have brought this upon yourself, Krystal.” He tightened his grip on her and brought his hand down again, ignoring her fists that beat against his leg.

“Oh!” She squirmed on his lap, the humiliation in her tone evident. “I hate you, Dillon.”

“You want to act like a child, Krystal? Then you shall be treated like one.” Smack. The cracking sound amplified in the cabin as her pale flesh grew red.

Smack. He slapped her ass again. His breathing grew heavier as he stared at the contrast of his red handprint against her pale white flesh. How hot her buttocks became from the spanking.

His cock stirred and he took a deep breath.
This is not supposed to turn you on

“Would you prefer lashes?” Smack. “Or time in the confinement brig?”

She sobbed again, her stomach grinding into his cock. All thoughts left his head momentarily and he stiffened, his erection stabbing into her belly.

“You would not do that to me…” she sobbed and her tears dampened his pant leg.

“I would prefer not to, Krystal. That is why I have taken your punishment into my own hands.”

Literally. He let his hand linger after the next slap, molding the soft flesh of her buttock into his palm.

She groaned again. This time it didn't sound like that of a woman in pain. He glanced at her face. Her head was turned and she faced the wall; her eyes were closed.

He inhaled sharply and slid her farther down his lap, so her ass was raised higher and he could see the cleft of her cunt between her legs. The pale pink folds glistened with moisture.
She was aroused.

He brought his hand down again, less hard this time. Taking time to move his fingers up the crack of her ass, circling the tight little hole he intended to fuck someday. Her breathing grew heavier and she no longer squirmed against him.

“Do you realize the mistakes you have made tonight?” His voice grew hoarse.

He felt her nod against his leg.

He brought his hand down again on her reddened ass cheek, and then slid his palm downward. He used two fingers to run over the slit of her pussy, feeling the hot wetness that gathered on her lips.

She inhaled sharply and her body stiffened

“I think you liked getting spanked, kitten.”

“No…” she groaned, but her ass lifted against his palm. “Nobody likes getting spanked.”

“Really?” He pressed his two fingers together and then slid them between her folds. Hot cream met the tips of his digits and he groaned.

“Oh gods.” She gasped and wiggled against him. “Please, Dillon.”

He took a deep breath and then thrust the two fingers inside her. Her choked cry gave him pause. Gods, if she was this tight around his fingers, what would she feel like squeezing his cock?

Her muscles clenched around him, and she made the sexiest little moans.

“You like that, kitten?”

“No,” she gasped the word, and her nails dug into his thigh. “Yes.”

He laughed and pulled his fingers out slightly, before moving them back inside her wet channel, deeper this time.

“I do not understand. Every time you touch me I feel ill.”

“That is not ill. That is the effects of your desire for me.” He lifted her off his lap and sat her down on the bed. “I will assist you in easing the discomfort.”

She did not protest as he pulled the dress from her body. Her breasts were small and firm, with large red nipples that were already hard.

Her waist was tiny and her hips had just enough curve. Between toned thighs, soft brown curls shielded her swollen sex.

“Krystal.” His voice cracked. Gods, she was beautiful. How long had he imagined her like this? Imagined touching her and tasting her.

Her breasts lifted with each quick breath she took in. Her gaze locked on his with complete trust.

“Lay back, kitten. Let me help you.” He climbed onto the bed and pressed gently on her shoulders, easing her backward until she was supine.

Sliding his hands up her legs, he pushed apart her thighs and kneeled between her legs. Bringing one finger to her sex, he slid into her slick folds again to find her clit.

Her hips bucked when he found it, and he rubbed the thick swollen flesh as he watched her face. Her breathing grew heavier and she closed her eyes.

“Do you like that? And do not lie to me this time.”

“Yes,” she sighed. “Oh yes, Dillon.”

“Good.” He slid his finger toward the entrance to her cunt, gathering more cream and bringing it back to lubricate her clit while he rubbed it.

She groaned, the tension in her body visible as her fingers clutched the bedspread.

“Relax, kitten. Take a deep breath and just let yourself enjoy the pleasure.”

He used his other hand to hold apart her pussy lips, so he could observe the hot flesh he massaged. Her pink clit was swollen, nestled between the folds of her cunt and covered with shiny cream.

He wanted to taste her. To watch her lose control when he took her clit in his mouth.

Leaning down, he nuzzled the side of her thigh and breathed in the musky scent of her desire.


He glanced up at her. Her eyes were wide open again, her gaze hesitant as she stared at him.

“Shh. Close your eyes, Krys, and just enjoy.”

He pressed his tongue against the hot button of flesh and her guttural cry filled the room. Gods, she tasted good. Tart and sweet, the purest of feminine juices.

He licked her again, sliding his hands under her ass to lift her cunt snug against his face as he drew her clit into his mouth.

Krystal gasped and her thighs tightened around his head.

Suckling her sensitive clit, he brought his fingers to her entrance and eased them inside. Again he paused when the hot silky walls of her cunt clenched around his fingers.

“Oh gods,” she hissed.

“Easy.” He moved his fingers in and out, preparing her for when his cock would ultimately be inside her.

He swirled his tongue around her clit as the vision of what was to come filled his head. His cock lengthened another inch. Gods. To be inside her, to be able to stake his claim on her.

Her desperate cries increased, her hips lifted against him as her stomach began to tremble. She was close, he realized. Wanting to push her over the edge, he closed his teeth over her clit and thrust his fingers faster inside her.

“Dillon!” she screamed and her hot cream coated his fingers.

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