Take Me (7 page)

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Authors: Shelli Stevens

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She turned and hurried out the glass doors, running all the way to the aliaberry orchard. It was near empty, but she spotted Trevon right away.

He lounged beneath a tree, sipping on a flask as he stared up into the sky. His blond hair was longer than most men's, falling over his eye and giving him a disheveled yet sexy boyish look.

Her sandaled feet caught the mud in the orchard, but she didn't bother to wipe it clean, just hurried to the man who consumed her thoughts. The man whose cock would be the first to break her virgin barrier.
Oh, how wicked.

“Trevon,” she breathed, falling at his feet. “I've—”

“Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting?” He sulked and lifted a flask to his lips. “Sitting in a fucking orchard?”

Her mouth parted and her excitement dwindled some. “I'm sorry. I was delayed in the hall.”

He reached out and handed her the flask, lifting an eyebrow. Rarely did she drink, but she took it after a moment's hesitation and took a small sip.

“Come on, you can do better than that.” He pushed the flask back to her lips, forcing a good amount of the fiery liquid down her throat.

She coughed, pushing the flask away as her eyes burned.

“There you go, baby.” He reached out and ran a hand over her bare shoulder, licking his lips. “Your nipples are hard. I like that.”

Her pulse sped up and heat spread through her body. “I kind of thought you might.”

“Yeah. Aren't you going to kiss me?”

He wanted her to kiss him? She bit her lip and then leaned forward, pressing her mouth to his.

“Fuck. You need to open your mouth.” He grabbed the back of her head as his tongue shoved past her lips. He tasted like alcohol, and her stomach rolled for a moment.

Relax. It gets better. Misty told you some men get like this
. Krystal took a calming breath and let her tongue rub against his.

He groaned and lifted his head. “Yeah, that's better. So, baby…” He slid his hand from her shoulder down to the top of her breast.

Her breath hitched. He'd never touched her breasts before. Would he now? A hint of moisture gathered between her legs.

“So…are you going to let me see those titties?”

Her brows drew together. Not exactly the most romantic proposition. But then…she thought of his lips on her breasts, sucking on her nipples, and suddenly it didn't matter. She wanted to try it.

“I've been thinking all day about it, Trevon. And yes. I want you to be my—”

“About time.” He jerked the bandeau top to below her breasts, and then she was naked from the waist up.

The cool air tingled against her erect nipples, heightening their sensitivity. Oh gods. And soon his mouth would be on them. A man would be pleasing her.

“Damn. You don't have a lot to work with, baby, but I'll try.”

Humiliation hit hard and she jerked backward, her eyes wide. He may as well have called her flat-chested. Oh gods, how embarrassing. She should just leave now, before this got any worse.

“Ah, don't get so defensive. I didn't mean it like that.” He smiled that charming smile that had first made her stomach flip a few months ago. “If we get married I'll use some of dad's money to have larger breasts installed on you. But for now, I can still suck on them.”

New breasts installed? She opened her mouth to argue, but he had already pulled her forward and now leaned over her. His lips wrapped around the tip of one nipple and he began to suck.

It felt nice…but nothing too exciting. She tried to get into it, closing her eyes and moaning as he made loud, wet sucking sounds.
This was what Misty had raved on and on about?
Ugh. She'd rather stick to her clitabrator.

He lifted his head. “Will you suck on my dick, baby?”

Suck his dick? Her heart pounded, but not because she was excited. She'd never seen a penis and the thought of suddenly having his out in the open…Her stomach turned. The idea of sucking on it made her even queasier.

This was too much. Too soon. And she wasn't even sure she wanted to see Trevon's erection right about now anyway.

“I cannot stay. I'm sorry.” She jerked the bandeau top up over her breasts again. “We will have to meet later.”

“But you just got here!” he whined, brushing a strand of hair out of his eyes.

“I know. Yes, and I am sorry. We have a new prisoner, and I forgot that I am needed.” She stood, and before he could protest again, ran back to the living quarters.


e shouldn't have let her walk out those doors. Dillon did a spinning side kick and took out the collapsible mannequin, then waited—for the tenth time—for it to spring back up.

Going aliaberry picking, my ass
. The exercise mannequin sprang back into place and he kicked it back down with a roar. Where had her basket been? And who wore perfumed oil to pick berries?

For two years he'd waited for Krystal to come of age. Waited quietly and patiently to make his claim on her. From the moment their relationship dynamics had changed that one summer day two years ago.

They'd been swimming down at the Olasee River and she'd come out of the water half-naked, water dripping off the small curves of her pert breasts. She'd dragged him back in for a water fight, a young woman trying her legs at flirting and having fun. He'd not only lost the water fight that day, but his heart as well.

Two years
. He did a front kick to the head of the mannequin. And he'd wager his next money installment that today she'd been off meeting some other man.

The mannequin popped back up, but he ignored it this time. He ground his teeth together and headed for the showers. Krystal belonged to him. Now he just had to find out who this asshole was moving in on his territory and set him straight.

Dillon took a quick shower and then headed back to his quarters, but was interrupted when his communication mobile rang.


“Dillon, it's Ryder. Can you drop by my office?”

“I'll be there in two minutes.”

He altered his route to swing by Ryder's office, giving a sharp rap on the door before entering.

Ryder stood gazing out the window, unusually stoic.

“What's going on?” Dillon asked, standing in the doorway.

Ryder turned from the window. “I need a favor. I would request that you allow me to handle the entire interrogation process of the prisoner.”

Hand over complete control? Dillon's brows drew together. Never in the ten years they'd worked together had Ryder ever made such a request.

“I see.” He considered the request. Ryder wouldn't ask if he didn't have a good reason. “All right. I'm available should you need backup, though.”

“I know. And I thank you for that.” Ryder's jaw clenched. “If you could follow up on those leads about the attack, in the off chance she doesn't talk.”

“Will do.”

Ryder nodded again. “Thank you, Dillon. For not asking too many questions.”

“You'd do the same for me.” He already was doing the same. He guessed Ryder suspected his feelings for Krystal, but had never brought it up.

He turned to leave and then remembered Krystal's request. “By the way, your sister wants to have a word with you later.”


Ryder waited until his friend had left the room and then jerked a hand through his hair.

Talia was the key to preventing the attack on Belton. She likely had all the information inside that pretty head, of when and how the attack was to take place.

How he'd get her to talk was the question of the hour. She'd made it clear that she wouldn't tell him, and torture was outlawed on the planet. Not that he'd torture a woman. Hell, even the thought of using it on a man made him uncomfortable.

If she didn't respond to his questioning he would move on to other means. Means he'd find quite enjoyable. He was well aware of her response to his touch, though she continued to fight it and him.

But damn it, they didn't have long. Word on the street was the attack on Belton was planned sometime in the next few weeks.

One thing he couldn't afford was to lose control tonight. He went to the door and pressed in the code to lock it.

Walking back through his office, he headed straight toward the small shower. Turning on the spray, he stripped out of his clothes, dusty from the escape from the Council's building, and stepped under the water.

He would send for Talia in an hour to begin the questioning, and he would need a clear head.

Closing his eyes, he wrapped his fingers around his cock and visualized the scene in her bedding unit in her home early this morning.

Her breasts had been large and crowned with fat pouting nipples. His mouth watered as he recalled the sweet taste of her through the cotton. Oh gods. He stroked the length of his cock, thrusting his hips forward.

Then there was her pussy. Smooth and soft, with perfectly formed labia lips that protected a responsive little clit.

The urge to suck on it made his dick grow even harder. He groaned and moved his hand faster. In his head she thrashed on the bed, calling out his name as he sucked her clit, fucking her sweet cunt with two fingers.

Then the vision changed. She now kneeled at his feet, her lips wrapped around the head of his cock. Deeper she brought him, and harder she sucked on him. He pressed his free hand against the wall of the shower and pumped his cock faster.

“Fuck.” His sac tightened and a second later sticky cum shot out under the stream of the shower. Again and again, until he was spent and his erection began to subside.

Now he had a clear head.

He reached for the shampoo and washed his hair, then ran a bar of soap over his body. After ensuring he was thoroughly clean, he turned off the shower and stepped out.

He walked straight to the intercom and pressed a button.

“Yes, Colonel?”

“Please prepare the prisoner in the clothes I've instructed, and have her brought to my office.”

“Yes, Colonel.”

He released the button on the intercom and went back into his office to find some extra clothes.


The knock on the door jerked her out of a deep sleep. Talia sat up, her heart thudding as she blinked in confusion. Oh yes. She was a prisoner. How could she have forgotten?

The door swung open and another unfamiliar woman came inside. Unlike Krystal, she was more severe in appearance. Brown hair hung down her back in a braid and she wore the same military uniform Ryder had been wearing earlier.

“Get out of bed,” the woman snapped. “Your presence is requested by Colonel Jacobs.”

Talia covered her mouth to hide a yawn and swung her legs out of bed.

“Colonel Jacobs?”

The woman's smile was condescending, as if she were talking to a toddler. “Yes, the man who brought you here.”

“Oh, you mean Ryder.”

The smile disappeared, her eyes flashed. “You should not address him so informally.”

“Well, perhaps he should not have abducted me.” She looked around. Where were her shoes?

“You'll need to change.”

Talia glanced back up. “Excuse me?”

The woman's mouth tightened, and her gaze held something…. Resentment?

“He wants you to wear this.”

Talia lowered her gaze to the small red fabric in the woman's hands.

“What is it?”

The woman's face reddened and she suddenly looked more annoyed.

“You cannot be serious. You need me to explain what it is?” She shook out the fabric revealing just a short tube of fabric. “It is a dress. A night dress, to be exact.”

“You wear such things to bed?” Talia's eyes widened, the horror in her voice apparent.

“You really are from another planet, aren't you?” The woman rolled her eyes. “Night dresses like these are worn not for practical reasons, but when one is going to have sex.”

Talia's jaw clenched. “I am not having sex with him.”

The woman's mouth twisted into a scowl. “Well, apparently he feels differently. Put it on.” She tossed the dress at her and it slapped across Talia's cheek before sliding to the floor.

Talia bit back a groan of frustration and leaned over to pick up the dress. There would be no avoiding it. She looked back at the other woman.

“Will you at least give me the privacy to change?”

The woman's mouth pursed. “No. I am to watch you the entire time I am here.”

“Surely not while I change?”

The woman just stared at her and made no move to even look away.
What a bizarre person

Talia sighed and pulled the cotton dress she'd been issued over her head. The cool air hardened her nipples and she gratefully tugged on the thin red fabric. When she looked down at herself, she groaned.

Nothing was hidden. The dress only began just above her nipples, which could be seen clearly through the fabric, and then ended just below her sex. The cleft of her cunt was just a shadow. Should she bend over, the dress would be above her ass cheeks. As it was, the fabric only came down just below the curve of her buttocks.

“All right. I am dressed. Somewhat.” She grimaced and looked up at the other woman. “What else…”

The blatant hatred on the other woman's face took the rest of the words from her mouth.

“Follow me. I'll take you to him.” The woman turned on her heel and walked through the door.

Talia paled. She had to walk through the halls in this dress? Taking a deep breath, she followed her through the door and into the hall. She kept her head high, her gaze straight ahead.

They passed a few people in the walk to his office, and she knew her face was burning with humiliation. Never before had her body been on such obvious display in public. The Council had always kept her covered unless she was in the chamber with them.

The woman paused outside a door near the end of the hall and gave a sharp rap.

“You may enter.”

A tremble moved through Talia's body at the sound of his voice beyond the door.

The woman opened the door and walked in, not bothering to look back to ensure Talia followed.

Talia hesitated and then stepped inside after the woman.

Ryder stood silhouetted against the window. He turned as they entered the room. His gaze honed in on her, hot and intimate even across the thirty feet or so that still separated them.

Her heart pounded harder in her chest. She wanted to lower her gaze, or look away, but it was impossible. Her throat went dry and her nipples tightened under the thin fabric.

“Here is the prisoner, sir. Would you like me to get you something to drink?”

The other woman's voice had taken on a much more sexual tone, adding fuel to Talia's suspicion that she had feelings for Ryder.

“No.” His gaze never left Talia. “We need nothing else at this time.”

“All right…. Well, you just let me know if you would like me to arrange to have food sent—”

“Leave us, Ines.”

The woman went quiet and then she nodded. “Of course, sir. Thank you.”

She turned and headed for the door, her gaze sending hateful darts at Talia.

The door clicked shut behind her and Talia licked her lips, her heart beating at a furious pace now.

“I suspect that woman doesn't like me.”

“Ines?” He quirked an eyebrow and crossed the floor toward her. “Why do you care?”

Her pulse quickened at the intent she saw in his gaze. “I don't, I suppose.”

“Do you like the dress that I had sent to you?”

He stood just inches away from her now. His woodsy scent swirled in her head, making her dizzy.

She closed her eyes. “To call it a dress is a mockery.”

“Perhaps.” His hands settled on her waist, his thumbs smoothing up and down the fabric. “Your body hides no secrets in that dress. I like it.”

Flames licked through her body at his touch and she opened her eyes, meeting his gaze again. “Did you also like having me paraded down the hall so everyone passing might see all
my secrets?”

His mouth curled into a half smile and his hand slid up her stomach to cover one of her breasts possessively. Her nipples tightened further, pressing into his palm as liquid heat filled her pussy.

“Am I not just showing off my spoils of war?”

“Bastard.” Her cheeks warmed and she grabbed his wrist, attempting to pull his hand away from her breast. “Leave me be.”

“Princess, we're just getting started.” He released her and then reached up to touch the knot on her head. “This will not do.”

He had the knot freed before she could attempt to stop him. Her hair spilled heavily down her back and his fingers threaded through it, tightening around the strands.

“Beautiful. So beautiful, Talia.” He tugged, jerking her head back. His lips nuzzled the pulse on the curve of her neck. “From now on you will always leave your hair down when you are in my presence.”

She closed her eyes as her knees weakened and cream gathered between the folds of her cunt. Was this the part where he seduced her? Convinced her to tell him everything about the Council? And if she did, then what?

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