Take Me (9 page)

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Authors: Shelli Stevens

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Ryder laughed and raised an eyebrow at his friend. “As you have known Krystal since she was in nappies, you do realize she will not appreciate having her future decided for her.”

“I have…considered that. And I just ask that I be granted the right to woo her by the means I see fit.”

Ryder narrowed his gaze. “That's quite a bit of trust you ask of me.”

“Yes, it is. And yet you will not give it if you do not think I warrant that trust.”

This is why he approved of Dillon. The man was smart, respectful, and would never willingly hurt Krystal. The fact that he had approached Ryder for approval only compounded the fact.

“You have my blessing.”

Relief swept across Dillon's face and then a small smile appeared. “Thank you. I should warn you, it may not be as easy as I'd hoped.”

Ryder gave a quiet harrumph. “It never is with women.”

“No, it isn't. But it appears your sister has become involved with Trevon Andrews.”

Ryder's pulse sped up and his jaw clenched. Surely his sister was not such a fool. “Andrews? As in that lazy-ass rich boy who thinks it amusing to seduce virgins?”

“One and the same.” Dillon gave a cold laugh. “I suspected something was amiss this afternoon with Krystal, and upon looking into the matter further, realized she imagines herself half in love with the boy.”

“Stop her. I don't want her becoming a tally on that man's weaponry belt.”

“You can rest assured they will not become lovers. She is my future wife and I intend that she remains untouched by any man save for me.”

Ryder's lips twitched, but he wasn't amused. The poor man was delusional. Once Krystal set her mind to something, it wasn't so easily swayed. And if she fancied herself in love with Trevon Andrews, then likely she had already experimented with him, if not already been to bed with him.

He closed his eyes and bit back a groan. By gods, hopefully she wouldn't be such a fool.

“Gods, this is giving me an ulcer. The sooner you wed my sister, the better.”

“Worry no more. It shall be done.” Dillon hesitated. “And what of the prisoner? Are you certain you do not wish me to assist in the questioning?”

Ryder clenched his fists. He'd lost control this evening. It wouldn't happen again. “I am certain. I will handle this and not allow it to become personal. You have my word.”

Dillon held his gaze for several beats, before giving a short nod. “All right. And I will speak with Krystal this evening.”

Ryder waited until Dillon had left, before crossing the room and pounding his fist against the wall. Gods. Maybe he should have allowed Dillon to take over the questioning of Talia. How could he possibly trust himself to not touch her again?

His eyes narrowed and the blood in his veins flowed faster just thinking about it. The image of Dillon being the one to question Talia, getting close enough and using intimidation to make her confess.

Perhaps that would be the best solution. Before the thought could even settle, he shook his head. Just imagining it made his gut burn with jealousy. No other man would be allowed to get so close to her.

He closed his eyes and the memory of her lying on his couch assaulted him. How she'd stared up at him with eyes drugged with pleasure, the way her heavy breasts had felt in his hands.

“Damn. This has to stop,” he muttered to himself. “I'm a fucking professional. I will act like it and just get the information from her.”

His jaw tight, he headed to the gym to clear his head with a run on the virtual mile device.


Talia curled up on the bed and took deep breaths, inhaling the slight floral scent of her room. She stared out the window and fought against the tears that filled her eyes.

Thank the gods Ines had not lingered after escorting her back last night, had just left her alone in the room, a smug smile on her face as she'd walked out the door. She wouldn't be surprised if Ines had known exactly what had occurred between her and Ryder back in his office.

Her cheeks heated and she closed her eyes with a pained whimper. Never in her four years with the Council had she ever felt so hurt, so humiliated…so damn used as she did right now.

Ryder had used her body for his own pleasure and then dismissed her like the whore he believed her to be. But the worst part was that she had wanted him to make love to her, had enjoyed that moment in time with him.

He might not have loved her, but all of the Council put together didn't have an ounce of the passion that Ryder did.

“I'm a fool.” She shook her head and rolled onto her back, pressing the back of a hand against her forehead.

The beeping of the door signaled someone was about to enter. Too despondent to even glance up, she waited for them to announce their presence.

“Talia, do you sleep?”


rystal's sweet high-pitched voice had Talia sitting upright on the bed.

“You have returned.” Her voice cracked with relief at seeing the girl.

“Of course, as I had promised you I would.” Krystal winked and walked into the room. “And I come bearing a surprise.”

“You do?” Hope sparked in her heart with realization. “You have spoken to your brother?”

“Yes, I have.” She grinned. “And I have been given permission to install a teletron.”

Talia's hope hissed out on her disappointed sigh. “A teletron?”

“Yes…” Krystal hesitated, a frown marring her delicate face. “You are disappointed. I'm so sorry, Talia. You were not hoping I could secure your release, were you?”

Yes. That's exactly what she'd been hoping. Talia closed her eyes. Krystal's brother had been her last hope that she'd be set free.

“I'm so sorry, Talia. Though he adores me, no amount of begging or harassing him would convince Ryder to release you.”

Talia choked and snapped her eyes open. “Ryder is your brother?”

“Yes,” Krystal gave her a searching look. “You did not know?”

Talia ran her gaze over Krystal's features. Oh gods. How had she missed it? There were so many similarities: the dark eyes and hair. She was a softer, petite version of Ryder.

Her emotions warred, trying to merge the idea that the only friend she had met on this planet was also Ryder's sister.

“How?” she rasped, her stomach clenching. “You are nothing like him.”

“Oh, Talia.” Krystal sank down on the bed, a heavy sigh. “I know how it must seem. As of now you've only seen the harsh, military side of my brother. A man who is in the planetary army and does his job all too well.” She grasped Talia's hand. “But if you would have met him under other circumstances, where he was not assigned the role as your interrogator, truly you'd realize the man is as soft as a galactic-bred poodle.”

A bark of laughter exploded from Talia's throat. Watching Krystal's eyes widen in shock, she fell into a fit of giggles. The bizarre sensation made her stomach hurt and she shook her head.

“What is so funny?”

“Forgive me, but your reference to your brother as a poodle amused me.” She wiped a tear from her eye.

“Oh…” Krystal pressed a hand to her mouth and hid a smile. “I suppose that did come out a bit silly.”

“Yes. Many animals come to mind when I think of your brother, but a poodle is not one of them.”

“No. I suppose a poodle was a poor comparison.” Krystal let out her own giggle, until they were both laughing outright.

A few moments passed and again they were both calm.

Talia glanced down at her hands. “This will sound absurd—it is absurd—but I am in high spirits right now.”

Krystal tilted her head. “Why is that absurd?”

“Why?” Her laugh this time was more despondent. “Because I'm being held here against my will. Because I'm a prisoner on a strange planet.”
Because I don't understand the complexity of my feelings for your brother
. She closed her mouth before she could add the last bit.

Krystal's gaze turned somber. “I'm so sorry, Talia. But all will be well in the end.”

Would it? Suddenly she needed to know. Needed the reassurance that Ryder would not order the termination of her life in the end.

“Will I truly be safe, Krystal? Can you assure me of that? What will become of me?”

Krystal hesitated. “I cannot answer what will become of you for certain. But I assure you that you will not be harmed while you are here. I trust my brother not to hurt you, Talia. All prisoners are treated humanely—”

“Humanely? Seducing prisoners is considered humane on your planet? Is this common practice for your brother?” The words fled her mouth before she could stop them. What a fool she was! Heat crept up her neck and into her cheeks.

The stunned look on Krystal's face had her stomach clenching. She should not have revealed such details.


“Say no more, Talia. I will deal with this.” The other woman stood up, her mouth drawn tight. “I will send someone to install the teletron shortly.”


“I must speak with Ryder.” Krystal disappeared before she could get another word in.

Oh gods. Why hadn't she held her tongue? For certain she'd just driven a wedge between brother and sister. Ryder would be angrier with her now than he had been earlier.

The door shut behind Krystal and the instant loneliness weighed heavy on her heart. For a few moments things had been different. Her guard had slipped with Krystal. When was the last time she had laughed? Gods, had she ever? Perhaps as a child, but even that was frowned upon.

She lay down on the bed and grabbed a pillow, pulling it against her chest. It was better this way. Developing a friendship with Ryder's sister was just trouble waiting to happen.

She closed her eyes tight and bit her lip. She would not cry again. She wouldn't.


How could he?
Krystal strode through the hall, her fists balled at her side. He had gone too far this time. Never had he ever done something so foolish. Or if he had in the past, she wasn't aware of it.

Up ahead, Dillon rounded a corner and headed her way. Oh, she did not want to make small talk with him now. She increased her pace until she was right outside her brother's office.

“Krystal,” Dillon called out. “I must speak with you.”

“It is not a good time,” she said dismissively and raised her fist to knock upon Ryder's door.

Strong fingers wrapped around her wrist, dragging her hand away from the door.

“What are you—”

“I told you we must speak.”

“And I told you it is not a good time. I must address my brother.” Her temper flared and she tugged at her hand. “Release me, Dillon.”

Instead of loosening, his grip on her wrist tightened. “We will speak outside.”

He began walking and she had no choice but to follow. Her blood boiled and she glared at his back.

“I don't appreciate you treating me in such a manner, Dillon. You are completely out of line.”

He ignored her, punching in the code to open the glass door that led to the outside. The warm spring breeze caressed her face as he led her out onto a walking trail.

“What is so pressing that you could not wait to speak with me?” she demanded.

He stopped once they'd moved a few yards into the trees and turned around to face her. His expression was hard, his usual easygoing nature surprisingly absent.

“You will answer me truthfully, Krystal. Are you involved with Trevon Andrews?”

She felt a blush burn her cheeks, but she lifted her chin and gave a slight laugh.

“I don't see how that's any concern of yours, Dillon.”

His nostrils flared slightly and his jaw clenched. “I'm sorry, Krystal, but from this moment forth you are to have no contact with that man—”

“What?” She inhaled sharply. “Surely you are kidding.”

“If it is found that you are continuing your relationship with Mr. Andrews, then you will be placed under a chaperoned house arrest.”

“Dillon…” She shook her head, her brows drawing together. “Why are you behaving as such? You can't tell me which man I can or cannot get involved with.”

He reached out, his hands grasping her elbows and jerking her close. He dipped his head down toward her.

His breath feathered hot across her cheek, sending funny little sensations through her body.

“I need you to tell me that you understand the warning you have been issued.”

She jerked at her arms, but his hands were like vices. “I understand you can take your warning and shove it up your—”

. Answer the question.”

Krystal stared at him, fury and confusion flowing through her body. Her lips trembled. How could he do this to her? Forbid her from seeing Trevon?

“You have no authority over me, Dillon,” she called his bluff.

His eyes narrowed and his hands moved from her elbow to her upper arms. “The order comes directly from your brother, but make no mistake, I will be the one to enforce it.”

A slow shiver moved through her body, from anger or…something else, she was not certain.

“Oh really. My brother?” Her lips curled downward. “I would hesitate to trust his judgment at this time. How do you follow orders of a man who fucks a prisoner?”

“Watch your mouth.” His expression turned weary. “Swearing does not become you.”

There was no surprise in his reaction to her confrontation in regard to Ryder. She shook her head in disbelief. “You knew. You knew he forced himself upon Talia?”

“Ryder would never force himself on a woman, Krys. You and I both know that.” His tone gentled as his thumb swirled circles against the bare flesh of her arm. Another warm tremble ran through her.

“It matters not. He had sex with a prisoner! Surely there is some form of law against that.” She tried to focus on the conversation instead of the odd sensations flowing throughout her body that his touch created. “Why do you defend him, Dillon?”

“Your brother knows what he is doing.” He sighed and his expression softened some. “But you do not. You know not what type of man Trevon is, likely know nothing of his reputation. You've only just come of age—”

“Do not call me a child.” The hot anger returned, giving her the strength to jerk out of his grasp. She stumbled backward. “I will continue to see whomever I choose, you and your orders be damned.”


“And you can pass that message on to my brother as well.” She gave him one last defiant glare, before turning and fleeing back to the building.


Talia woke to the sound of the door opening. She rubbed the back of her hand across her eyes and looked toward the window. Gods, it was dark out now; she must have fallen asleep. What time was it?

She sat up just as Ines strode into the room. Her heart sank and she gnawed on her lip. Oh, why did she have to see this woman right now?

“I've come to install the teletron.” Ines didn't even glance at her, just crossed the room and began to install a small box low on the wall.

“Thank you.”

The silence was heavy, the resentment from the other woman nearly palpable.

Talia cleared her throat and attempted to make small talk. “I'm surprised Ryder would agree to give me such a luxury.”

Ines's jaw clenched. “I'm not. You've given him the luxury of your body. Consider it payment.”

Talia blanched, her fingers curling into the sheets on the bed. The hatred and jealousy in Ines's voice were blatant.

“You need not feel threatened by me, Ines. I have no interest in Ryder. Whatever ideas he has now about him and me shall pass.” She spoke the words easily, but her stomach clenched and her throat grew tight.

She did not have feelings for Ryder. That would be impossible.

“No, I do not feel threatened by you, Natalia. Not in the least. I know where I stand with Ryder, and I can hardly blame him for making use of the whore that has been taken prisoner.”

Talia flinched, the turbulence in her belly turning acidic. How dare the woman?

“I'd like you to leave now.” Talia's voice shook, but she straightened her spine and held the other woman's gaze. “I have no need for a teletron or your insults.”

“A little too late for both.” Ines tossed the teletron control device on the bed and headed back toward the door. “Just remember what I've said, Natalia. You'll never be more than a traitorous slut in his eyes.”

Ines's words rang in her ears long after the other woman had gone.

Talia squeezed her eyes shut, suddenly nauseous. Sleep. Just go back to sleep. At least while she slept she was free, even if just in her dreams.

She drifted in and out of slumber the rest of the night. Sleep was elusive.

When Krystal arrived at her door she'd already been awake for a couple of hours. Ines's words still lay heavy in her heart.

Talia watched as Krystal crossed her room, carrying a tray and with a hesitant smile on her face.

“Good morning,” Talia murmured.

“Good morning. Did you sleep okay?” Krystal set the tray down on the bed and then sat down on the mattress.

“Not very well, unfortunately. But it is to be expected.” Talia offered a brief smile and picked up some sort of biscuit and nibbled on it.

She watched Krystal with open curiosity. Had she spoken with Ryder last night? There were circles under her eyes this morning, and her smile seemed strained.

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