Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists (67 page)

BOOK: Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists
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Alexander II of Russia, 93
Alexander the Great, 68, 242, 295
al-Gama’a al-Islamiyah, 100, 126, 142
Algeria, 85
civil war, 101
targeting of fellow Muslims, 101
Algerian Groupe Islamique Armé (GIA), 101, 175, 473, 503n 3
Al Ghazali, 80, 81
Al Ghozi, 134, 157
Al Harakat Salafiyah.
Salafi Islam
Alhumaidan, Khaled, 290
Ali, Abdullah Ahmed, 321–22
Ali Imron, 121, 122, 131, 134, 136, 141, 144, 145, 148, 158, 163
Al Islam
144, 163, 164
Al Jazeera, 174
impact of, 49, 53–54
Sharia and Life
show, 276
Web site, 499n 9
Al Jihad, 100, 102, 111, 129, 156, 499n 9
Al Khwarazmi, 79
Al Kindi, 79
Allouch, Faisal, 181
122, 140, 144, 154, 163
Alonso Cano mosque, 189
Alouni, Tayssir, 174
Al Qaeda
Abdullah Azzam’s vs. Bin Laden’s, 128–31
Abu Qatada and, 175
Afghanistan and, 98, 99, 175, 208, 240, 253, 256–57
anti-Semitism, 107
assassination of Ahmad Shah, 253
assassination of Anwar Sadat, 83
Awlaki and, 276
as backer for plots, 271–72
Bali bombing, 138–39, 146, 155–56
coining of term, 129
core beliefs, 99, 129–31
demonization of America by, 485
diminishing of, 260, 261
education/science background of members, 416
Egyptian embassy bombing, 102
in Europe, 175, 202
fatwa of 1998, 104
filmmaker Sayem Reda, 18
global Islamic movement, 103, 104
Hamburg group, 105–12, 113
history of, 98–104
JI and, 158, 159–62
jihadis seeking to join, 113
Khartoum period, 102–3
lack of centrality, 104
lack of control over grassroots, 57
lack of recruitment by, 272
Madrid train bombings and, 172–74, 180–81, 201, 205, 503n 3
medical cell, 113
“near enemy”/“far enemy,” 90, 102–3
9/11 terrorist attacks, 253
noncombatants targeted, 102
nuclear threat and, 232, 240
Pakistan and, 98, 101, 259, 260
as social movement, 98
suicide bombers and, 326, 497n 15
Taliban and, 260, 263
third wave of jihad and, 114
training camps, 175, 261, 272, 505n 3
Training Manual, 59
U.S. as target, 102–3, 269
U.S. embassy attacks, 257
bombing, 103, 160, 257
as viral movement, 98
Zarqawi as founder in Iraq, 50, 196
al-qaeda al-sulbah,
Al Risala
newspaper, 27
Al-Tawhid wa al-’Adl,
Amakchar el-Amrani, Adelmonim,
Amanullah, 250
American Civil War, 323–24, 335, 338–39, 479
American Revolution, 347, 458, 460
Among the Wild Tribes of the Afghan Frontier
(Pennell), 5–6, 248
Amrozi, 119–21, 131,
143, 145, 148, 501n 13
anarchism, 92–98
Anasazi of American Southwest, 321
Anderson, Benedict, 9, 39
“Andrea del Sarto” (Browning), 24
Aqidah at-Tahawiyah
(Fundamentals of Islamic Creed), 125
Adnanis amd Qahtanis, 9
patrilineage and kinship, 303
as social category, 309
as tribal, 9
Arafat, Yasser, 366, 369, 386–87
Arendt, Hannah, 221
Aristotle, 68, 295, 485
Arkhipov, Vasily, 29
Art of War, The
(Sun Tzu), 316, 332
Aryan Nations, 473–74
Asch, Solomon, 219–20
Asep, 158
Aslam (Parmin), 164
Assad, Hafez al-, 174
Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal, 86, 250
Atef, Mohammed, 108
Atok, 15,
Atrium Mall bombing (2001), 156
Atta, Mohammed, 105–12, 110, 175, 179, 180
Embassy boming (2004), 149–50, 152, 157, 164, 165
Pendennis case, 235
Averroës (Ibn Rushd), 81
Awlaki, Anwar al-, 276
Axelrod, Alexander, 414
Axelrod, Robert, 382, 396, 398
Ayalon, Ami, 385–86
Ayash, Yehia, 363
Ayub, Abdul Rahim, 143
Azhari Husin, 127,
135, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 158
Azizi, Amer, 179, 180, 180–81
Aznar, José Maria, 173, 200
Aztecs, 321
Azzam, Abdullah, 3–4, 115, 125, 128, 227
Ba’asyir, Abu Bakr, 20–21, 20, 117, 119–20, 125–26, 130,
140, 158
Bali bombings and, 20, 119–20, 136, 151, 501n 13
(nature), 14–15
forms Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid, 164
ideology of, 140–41, 153–54
JI and, 14, 18, 143, 164, 501n 12
Osama Bin Laden and, 20, 159
parable told by, 21–22
prison interview, 19–20, 120, 153
school established by, 122
speech, 162–63
Bacon, Francis, 266
Bafana, Faiz,
158, 159
Bakri, Sheikh Omar, 272
Bakunin, Mikhail, 93
Bali bombing (2002), 4, 127, 135–54, 163–64
Afghan Alumni and, 141, 157
Al Qaeda and, 138–39, 155–56
Ba’asyir and, 20, 119–20, 136, 151, 501n 13
interview with plotters, 123
key players, 119–23, 134, 141, 143–44, 146–49,
planning process, 146–49, 155
Samundra and, 18, 121–23
Bali bombing (2005), 150, 152, 157
Banna, Hassan al-, 227
Baradin (Baharudin Latif), 165
Baraeva, Khava, 327
Barak, Ehud, 371, 390, 520n 26
Barfield, Owen, 256
Barghouti, Marwan, 370, 533n 6
Bartels, Larry, 461
“Battle of Salamis, The” (Aeschylus), 67
Beam, Louis, 473–74
Ben Aboud, Bilal,
211, 215
Ben Aboud, Muncif, 211,
Ben-Gurion, David, 386
Ben Israel, Isaac, 361, 362, 366, 370–71, 520n 26
Berg, Nick, 172, 273
Bergen, Peter, 416
Bering, Jesse, 437
Berns, Greg, 220
Berrebi, Claude, 363
Beser, Jake, 30–31
Beslan massacre, 327, 365
Betawi, Sheikh Hamed al-, 370
interviews, 351–52, 362–64, 367, 370
Beveridge, Albert, 95
Bible, 472
American attitudes toward, 462, 466
counterintuitive events in, 441
Deuteronomy 13:6, 15, 474
Galatians 3:28, 471
John 1:1, 66
Judges 16:30, 91
as literal word of God, 442, 462
Luke 14:23, 457
Numbers 31:17–18, 274
Revelation, 473
Revelation 12:10, 474
Samuel 15:23, 474
Bin Abdul Rahman al-Husainan, Khalid, 277
Bin Ahmad, Farhin, 3–4, 11–13, 15, 18, 131–33, 157
interview, 123–28
Bin Laden, Osama, 51, 77, 99, 103, 128, 135, 231, 257, 499n 9
in Afghanistan, 253, 257, 263, 473
Al Qaeda and, 101–2
Azzam and, 3–4
Ba’asyir and, 20
CNN interview (1997), 257
fatwa declaring global jihad, 159, 164
“Fatwa Urging Jihad Against Americans,” 428
as hero to youth, 213, 486, 533n 6
ideology, 128–31
interview with, by Alouni, 174
“Jihad Against Crusaders and Jews,” 104, 295
LeT and, 229
Moussaoui and, 161
9/11 and, 108, 112, 499n 9
nuclear threat and, 232, 240
Setmarian and, 473
video praising 9/11 terrorists, 107
World Islamic Front for Jihad, 295
Zawahiri and, 101, 102, 129–30
bioterrorism, 240
Bosnia, 127, 174, 175, 176, 179, 273
Bouchar, Abdelmajid, 203
Boyer, Pascal, 441
Breaking the Spell
(Dennett), 410
Brooks, David, 465
brotherhoods, xi-xii, 33, 138–39, 304
ancient peoples, 304
friendship and, 309–12
as “imagined kin,” 39, 290, 430–31
killing and dying for, 13, 27, 33, 50, 56–57, 97, 106, 191, 317, 325, 328, 333–35, 345–46, 479
sports and, 12–13, 48, 51–52, 189, 405, 408–10
use of term, 304
Brown, John, 470
Browning, Robert, 24
Bryan, William Jennings, 95
Buddha (Gautama Buddha), 68
Buddhists, Falun Gong, 429
Burke, Jason, 273
Bush, George W., 53, 155, 266–67, 378, 390, 495n 15
Farewell Address, 93
Iraq and, 87, 495n 13
Buss, David, 327
Cambodian genocide, 414
Canada, 463, 464
Capra, Frank, 339
Carajá Indians, 439
Cause, the, 33, 335–40, 482
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 149–50, 236
Ceuta, Morocco, 50–54, 215
Alonso Principe barro, 50
Chabab, Muhsein al-, 56
Chaoui, Mohammed, 176
Charles V of Spain, 47
Chays, Sarah, 265
Chebli, Dris, 179
Chechnya, 111, 112, 127, 175, 176, 179
Beslan massacre and, 327
“Black Widows,” 327
suicide bombers in, 326
third wave of jihad and, 114
Chedadi, Said, 179
Cheney, Dick, 479
conquest of Tibet, 518n 2
Israeli apology to, 520n 26
Japan’s apology to, 391
“Ping-Pong diplomacy” and, 388
ritual and rise of civilization, 451
Chomsky, Noam, 32
Christian Identity Movement, 473
Christianity, 69–76, 79, 454–55

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