Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists (70 page)

BOOK: Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists
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Wahhabis, 84, 88–89, 102, 493n 8, 497n 15
Islamic Conflict Studies Bureau, 277
Islamic Cultural Center (M-30 Mosque), Madrid, 175, 177–78, 179, 180, 271
Islamic Jihad, 332, 341–44
Ashdod port bombing, 24–25, 48
Balfour declaration, 85
Camp David summit (2000), 390
Dimona attack, 405–10
Erez Crossing, Gaza,
ethics and war, 367
facts about suicide attacks, 358–62
Gaza attack (2009), 370, 373
(the Land) as sacred, 383
Hamas crackdown, 25, 370–71
humiliation of Palestinians, 357–58
ideology, 371–72
kibbutzim, 449–50
1948 War, 378, 388–89, 390, 391
nuclear program, 405
Palestinian conflict, 351–72, 353, 359,
518n 1
peace and, 351–52, 366–79
political parties, 371
Sabbath observance dispute, 383
sacred values, 375–79, 383
Six-Day War, 89
studies on moral imperative for terrorism, 341–44
Jabaliyah Refugee Camp, Gaza, 24, 48, 352–56
Jabir, 150, 157
Jaelani, Syaifudin, 165, 166, 167
Jaish-e-Mohammed, 275
Jakarta hotel bombings, 135, 151, 152, 164, 165–66
Jalaluddin, 253
Jama’at-e-Islami, 227
Jamaica, 415
James, Levin Lamar, 280–82
Janseen, Dirk, 325
Japan, 391, 392
Jarrah, Ziad, 106, 107, 108
Jefferson, Thomas, 76, 424, 466, 470
Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), 115, 126–27, 236, 501n 12
Afghan Alumni training class and bombings, 156–58
Al Qaeda and, 155–56, 158, 159–62
Australian embassy bombing (2004), 149–50, 152, 157, 164, 165
Ba’asyir and, 14, 18, 117, 119–20, 140–41, 143, 153–54
Bali bombing (2002), 135–54
Bali bombing (2005), 150, 152
Christmas Eve bombings (2000), 143, 145–46, 156, 161
criminal activity to raise funds, 151
Darul Islam and, 122, 139–43
disaffected group, 152
formal structure (PUPJI), 142, 162
founder (Sungkar), 3, 122, 140–43
ideology, 141–42
Lukman Al Hakiem
145, 148, 158, 159, 163
madrassahs, 122, 140, 144, 163, 166, 308, 418
Mantiqi commands, 136, 142–43, 159
as network of friends, marriage ties, family, and mentorships, 162–67
Noordin Top and, 135
passive infrastructure, 166
splintering after arrests, 151–52
suicide bombing campaign and, 151
training camps, 11–12, 118, 123, 159
Jesus of Nazareth, 457
Jews, 9, 46, 69, 73, 84, 85
Abraham’s sacrifice and, 432, 454–55
American white supremacists on, 15
ancient, 304, 320–21, 452–53
anti-Semitism, 107, 196, 365, 387, 498n 1
author’s “switched at birth” question, 14–15, 360
Christian massacre of, 72
Diaspora, 92
German apology to, 389–90
Holocaust survivors’ visit to Majdanek death camp, 395
jihad against, 104, 295
monotheism and, 38, 78, 92
9/11 terrorist attacks aimed at, 107
revolt against the Romans, 91–92
Samson and, 91, 92
Zealots and Sicarri, 91–92, 96, 455
jihad, xii, 10, 35, 79, 83, 114, 235, 406–10.
See also
Betawi interview, 351–52
the Cause and, 33, 129, 482
communism’s demise and rise of, 98
costs of attacks, 206–7
counterculture of extremism and, 276
culture of, 26–27
as egalitarian network, 50, 268, 482
financing of, 207, 208, 211
fiqh al-jihad
(way of), 128–29
global, 42, 108, 159, 164, 176, 236, 473
“going Afghan,” 187, 214
Ibn Taymiyah, Qutb, and, 83
leaderless, 57, 112, 277, 473
meaning of/reframing of, 383–84
moral appeal, 42, 472
motivation for, 35, 114, 340
as network of friends, marriage ties, family, and mentorships, xii, 12–13, 27, 35, 50, 56–57, 114, 124, 146, 147, 149, 150, 162–67, 178–83, 209–10, 236, 290, 310, 406–10, 479
overreacting to, danger of, 455
prisoners as jihadi, 280
profile of jihadi, 36, 50, 106–7, 112–13, 114, 115, 172, 290, 325
re-Arabization and, 84
religion and, 417–19, 458
religious utopia sought, 100
road to radicalization, 178–79, 196, 206, 213, 275–76, 426
as Sixth Pillar of Islam, 384
Takfiri way, 384 (see
as team and blood sport, 328
three waves of, 112–15, 261
types of groups in, 35–36
understanding, 42–43
ways to move from violence, 131–32
women and, 328
youth culture and, 474, 482
Zawahiri and, 101
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali, 250
John Paul II, Pope, 422
Johor Wakalah, 145
Jones, Reginald, 339–40
Jones, Sidney, 166
Jordan, 84–85
Jordanian Brotherhood, 89
Joseph, Craig, 458–59
Junaedi, 148
Kalaji, Maussili, 176, 180, 199
(Kühne), 336–37
Kandai, Ahmad, 124
Karnavian, Tito, 131, 155
Kartosoewirjo, S. M., 122, 137, 138, 139
Karzai, Hamid, 253, 264
Kasab, Ajmal Amir, 505n 9
Keeler, Lawrence, 328–29
Kennedy, John F., 28–30, 31, 97
Kennedy, Robert F., 28–29, 485
Kenya U.S. embassy bombing, 257
Kerry, John, 519n 7
Khan, Abdul Qadeer, 231, 506n 11
Khan, Mohammad Sidique, 1, 272
Khouri, Rami, 388
Khyam, Omar, 272
Kierkegaard, Søren, 432
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 471
Kipling, Rudyard, 225
Kompak, 15, 118, 126–27, 150, 152
Koran, 17, 18, 19, 80, 81, 84, 115, 121, 132, 177, 179, 182, 200, 235, 418, 441, 442, 472, 474, 483
Al-Tauba 111, 351, 370
basis for behavior and sanctions, 103, 129, 153, 183, 351, 370 42:11, 77
Korean War, 334, 414
Kosovo, Albania, 111
Kounjaa’, Abdennabi (the Afghan),
189–91, 198, 202, 214, 218, 486
Kublai Khan, 494n 5
Kühne, Thomas, 336–37
!Kung, 451
LaHaye, Tim, 473
Lakota Sioux, 395
Lamari, Allekama, 203, 503n 3
Lashkar-e-Tayibah (LeT), 228–29, 231–36, 271, 418
Jamaat-ud-Dawa and, 235
Mumbai attacks, 233–36, 273, 505n 9
terrorist training camps, 505n 9
(army), 8, 18, 19
Laskar Jihad, 17
Lawrence, T. E., 85
Leaderless Jihad
(Sageman), 112
“Leaderless Resistance” (Beam), 473
Lebanon, 370, 388
Hamas in, 406, 497n 15
suicide bombers in, 412
Lee, Robert E., 319
Left Behind
(LaHaye), 473
LeMay, Curtis, 31
Lenin, 385
Letter to a Christian Nation
(Harris), 413
(Hobbes), 318
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 7, 66
Lewis, Bernard, 86
Lewis, C. S., 419
Life of Reason, The
(Santayana), 318
Lifton, Robert, 288
Lincoln, Abraham, xi, 386, 479, 480, 486
Lipset, Seymour, 463
Little Prince, The
(Saint-Exupéry), 330–31
Livni, Tzipi, 371, 519n 6
London Underground bombing, 1, 261, 269, 270, 272, 273, 482
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 372
Looming Tower, The
(Wright), 130
Lorenz, Konrad, 309
Louis XIV of France, 75
Lukman Al Hakiem
145, 148, 158, 159, 163
Luther, Martin, 74–75
MacArthur, Arthur, 95
MacArthur, Douglas, 95
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 314–15
See also specific schools
clerics in Afghanistan and, 252
Indonesia, 308, 379, 502n 14
JI, 122, 140, 144, 163, 166, 308, 418
9/11 terrorists and, 418
Pakistan, 164, 235, 418
spread of terrorism, 162–63, 235, 418
study of Indonesian, 308, 379
Takfiri ideology and, 163–64
Madrid Connection, The
(Webster), 503n 3
Madrid train bombings, 168–210, 482, 503n 3
Al Qaeda and, 172–74, 180–81, 195, 201, 205, 503n 3
casualties, 199–200
the Chinaman, 50, 54, 183–93,
the Connector, the Rabbit, and three Spanish stooges, 191–93
ETA blamed, 169, 173, 200, 201
financing, 197, 206–7
hatching the plot, 196–201
key players, 270
lack of organizational structure, 195, 204–6, 503n 3
motivation, 261
Operation Datil arrests and, 180
planning and plotters, 174–91, 503n 3
police agent, 176, 180, 199
police informant, 169, 172–73, 181
political repercussions, 173–74, 195, 201
school attended by plotters, viii
small group dynamics and, 48, 49
social networks and, viii, 49, 182,
suicides of perpetrators, 171, 201–3
and, 36
target suggested by Internet, 195, 196
trial, 168–72, 180–81, 196, 197, 198
the Tunisian, 176–84,
188–91, 195–98, 203
video of Madrid train bomber, 45
Magomadova, Luiza, 327
Mahad Aly school, 164
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 77
Mahmud, Abdelrahim, 318
Al Qaeda in, 160
jihadi school in, 145, 148, 158, 159
Khaled Sheikh Mohammed visits, 158
Sungkar’s chicken farm, 13, 125, 145
terrorists from, 135, 144, 145
Malraux, André, 403, 475

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