Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists (68 page)

BOOK: Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists
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in America, 462–71
battle with Islam, historic, 38, 78–79
Crusades, 71–72, 81
Eastern Orthodoxy, 472
Eucharist and, 442
Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Charismatics, 429, 452, 462–68, 472–73, 476
as globalizing religion, 69–74, 472
history of, 70–76
number of Christians, 429
proselytizing for, 457
Reconquista of Moorish states, 46, 81
spread of, 475–76
Winner’s Chapel, 429
Christmas Day attempted bombing (2009), 114, 274, 284, 477–78, 482
Christmas Eve bombings (2000), 145–46, 156, 161
Churchill, Winston, 85, 330
Cilacap, Java, 165
civilization, xii, xiv, 59, 65–76, 78.
See also
common enemies and alliances, 66, 480
cooperation between genetic strangers and, 38, 67, 303, 434, 453, 457
culture crash, 474–76
“ethics of community,” 457, 458
four great early polities, 69
Greek city-states, 67–68, 320
human associations of non-kin, 290
humans, “social brains,” and, 64–65
religion and, xii, 65, 68–76, 430–32, 450–54, 457
slavery, 425
war and, 65–66, 318–24
Clausewitz, Carl von, 332
Clinton, Bill, 390, 520n 26
Clinton, Hillary, 258
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 485
Collins, Randall, 220
communism, 39, 42, 86, 98, 100, 333, 385, 457, 468, 469, 523n 8
Conscience of a Conservative, The
(Goldwater), 462
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 420, 422
Cordesman, Anthony, 265
counterterrorism, 262–65
Afghanistan strategy, 262–65
anti-jihadi comic books, 481, 482–83
Bali bombings and, 135–36, 149–50
Bush administration strategy, 479–80
community outreach and, 262, 270
“complexity theory,” 286
compromise, 227
constructive investments of “soft power,” 232–33
cultivating moderate imams, 270
current mistakes in thinking, 42
FBI and, 268–70, 282–84
field-based research, 287–89, 480–81
Indonesian police strike team, 155
Israel’s Shin Bet, 385
Jakarta police, 152–53
making jihad groups less attractive, 224
making enemies our friends, 479–80, 486, 489–90
new forms of alliance and adaptation among terrorists and, 151
Operation Datil, 180
Pakistan strategy suggested, 262–65
paying attention to motivation of terrorists, 277
providing alternatives for young people and, 290–91
reframing sacred values and, 382–89
Saudi Arabia’s, 384
signs of radicalization, 270–71
Singapore, 160
social intelligence/social scientists and, 284–87, 289
Spanish police, 176, 181, 199, 203, 204–6, 209
success in Southeast Asia, 260–61
talking to the enemy, 277, 489
understanding social networks and, 261, 289–90
U.S. entrapment of jihadi wannabes, 268–69
U.S. investigators, 207
widgetry and waterwitching approach, 284–87
“Crevice plotters,” 113, 272, 273
Crusades, 71–73, 81
Cuba, 232
missile crisis, 28–29, 330
Czolgosz, Leon, 94
Dabas, Mohanndes Almallah, 171, 178, 179, 180
Dabas, Moutaz, 179
Dahomey people, West Africa, 321
Daley, Martin, 327
Damanik, Rinaldy, 18
Daoud Khan, Mohammed, 245, 250, 252
Dar al-Arqam Cultural Center, 271
Dar al-Harb
(House of War), 103, 104, 139, 180
Dar al-Islam
(House of Islam), 103, 104, 139
Dar al-Kufar
(House of Unbelief), 103
Darnah, Libya, 114
Darul Islam, 122, 123–24, 125, 130, 136, 137, 139–43, 146, 150, 159
Darwin, Charles, 22, 61, 293, 298–300, 306, 325, 422
Davis, Richard, 394
Da ‘war lil-Muqawamah Al-Islamiyah Al-’Alamiyah
(A Call for the Islamic Global Resistance [Setmarian]), 473
Dawa Tabligh mosque, 190, 211–12, 217
Dawkins, Richard, 302, 411, 412, 415–19, 426
Dayan, Moshe, 319
Deadly Brotherhood, The
(McManus), 334
Deccan Mujahideen, 233
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
(Gibbon), 429
De Cremer, David, 325
Dehghani, Morteza, 380
del Olmo, Juan, 169
democracy, 51, 57, 85, 88, 139, 285–86, 333–34, 338, 360, 368, 371, 468, 476
as blasphemous, 100, 153
Democracy in America
(Tocqueville), 466–67
Dennett, Dan, 410, 412, 415–16, 525n 29, 525n 32
Descartes, René, 75
Descent of Man
(Darwin), 22, 61, 293, 299–300, 325
Deutscher, Isaac, 349
de Villepin, Dominique, 393
Diamond, Jared, 65
Dollard, John, 339
Dorzé of Ethiopia, 324
Dreams from My Father
(Obama), 4–5
Dujanah, Abu, 157
141, 148, 152, 153, 158, 164
Durkheim, Émile, 32
Durrani, Ahmad Shah, 246
al-Gama’a al-Islamiyah, 100, 126, 142
Al Jihad and, 156
Al Qaeda and, 102, 129
assassination of Anwar Sadat, 98, 100
jihad against government, 130
Muslim Brotherhood, 89, 99, 100
Napoléon’s invasion, 85, 86
Qutb and, 98, 99
ritual and rise of civilization, 451
Suez Canal and, 85
Takfir wal Hijira in, 100
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 320
El Chino
(the Chinaman).
Ahmidan, Jamal (the Chinaman)
El Gitanillo (the Little Gypsy), 198, 204
Elkharraz, Mourad, 187
Elliot, Andrea, 186
Encyclopedia of Wars
(Phillips and Axelrod), 414
End of Faith, The
(Harris), 410, 411–12
Engels, Friedrich, 469
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 372
Essence of Decision
(Allison and Zelikow), 28–29
“essentialism,” 306–9
Al Qaeda in, 175, 202
Christianity in, 74
community outreach programs, 270
counterterrorism success, 261–62
Dar al-Harb
(House of War), 180
discrimination against Muslims, 55
early human migration to, 63
marginalization of Muslim youth, 270
Middle East and, 85
“mosques” in apartments, 189
Muslim prisoners, 280, 413
Muslims as poor, 279
Muslims as violent, 58
Peace of Westphalia, 75
religion in, 463, 475
terrorist plots thwarted in, 270
“Young Turks” in, 86
European Enlightenment, 39, 40, 75–76, 420, 424, 466, 470
Euzkadi Ta Azkatasuna (ETA), 169, 200, 201, 205
(robbery of non-Muslims), 151
Faisal Ibn Hussein, 88
Bin Ahmad, Farhin
Faris, Iyman, 269
Farssaoui, Abdelkader (Cartagena), 169, 172–73, 181–83, 189, 203, 204
Fathallah, Adelillah, 217–18
Fatih, Abu, 158
(religious decree), 83, 142
Bin Laden’s, 103, 104, 159, 164
Faulkner, William, 323–24
Fazazi, Mohammed, 109, 179
Fear in Battle
(Dollard), 339
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 96, 268–70, 282–84
Feis, Herbert, 87
Fer, Yannick, 465–66
Ferdinand and Isabella,
46, 47
Feri, 149
First Indonesian Congress of Mujahedin, 162–63
folk biology, 306–7
For Cause and Comrades
(McPherson), 338–39
Fort Hood shootings, 276
Algeria and, 85, 101
French Revolution, 460–61
human rights and, 424, 425
only community is nation, 393, 466
politics, vs. U.S., 465
prohibition on veils, 351, 392–93
religious beliefs in, 429
sacred values, 393, 466
secularists in, 475
Frank, Anne, 445
Franklin, Benjamin, 457, 470
Friedman, Jonathan, 322
Friessner, Johannes, 334–36
Fritz, Stephen, 335
(Fritz), 335
Fukuyama, Francis, 462
Galant, Yoav, 373–74
Galileo Galilei, 75, 420, 422
Gambetta, Diego, 416
Gandhi, Mahatma, 374
Garwin, Richard, 239
Garzón, Balthasar, 176, 180, 199, 503n 3
Gates, Bill, 434
Gazueva, Elza, 327
Gazzaniga, Michael, 435
Gedalin, Edward, 405
Genghis Khan, 242, 246, 274, 494n 5
genocide, 35, 295, 297, 329, 414
Al Qaeda Hamburg group, 105–12
apology to the Jewish people, 389–90
dehumanizing of enemy, 321–22
Moroccan community in, 109–10
Nazis as apostates, 523n 8
Syrians in, 109
World War II, why soldiers fought, 319–20, 334–36
Ghalyoun, Basel, 179, 191, 196
Ghani, Abdul, 148, 157
Gibbon, Edward, 429
Ginges, Jeremy, 340–41, 358, 375, 453, 458–59
Glick, Jeremy, 106
globalization, 40–42, 96, 476
collective identity and, 472
economic, 471
global political cultures, 41–42, 114
jihad and, 42, 104, 114
of religion, 456, 471–74
as tipping point in history, 476–77
Glover, Jonathan, 9
God Delusion, The
(Dawkins), 411, 417–19
God Is Not Great
(Hitchens), 411
Goebbels, Josef, 523n 8
Goering, Hermann, 330
Goldwater, Barry, 462
Golun, Heri, 150
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 66, 480
Gore, Al, 423
Gray, John, 39
Great Britain

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