Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists (72 page)

BOOK: Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood, and the (Un)Making of Terrorists
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martyrdom and, 25
as “Mother of the World’s Problems,” 363, 368, 370, 374–75
Nablus, West Bank, 357–58
partition of, 386
peace and, 351–52, 366–72, 373–79
Ramallah, 358
rituals and martyrdom, 453–54
sacred values, 375–79, 383, 385
studies on moral imperative for terrorism, 341–44
suicide bombers, 326, 352–56
survey, conditions for peace, 375–79
survey, ranking of most admired people, 533n 6
third wave of jihad and, 114
Palin, Sarah, 463–68
Pape, Robert, 263
Pardo, Khalid Zeimi, 179, 180, 195–96
Patek, Umar, 148
Patterson, Gregory Vernon, 281
boredom and, 324
Camp David summit (2000), 390
current era and, 329
improbablity of permanent, 331
Israeli-Palestinian, conditions for, 351–52, 366–79, 396–400
“moral absolutist” sentiment and, 377
prospects for, hopeful signs, 377–79
reframing sacred values and, 382–89, 400–401
sacred values and, 346, 373–401
survey, conditions for peace, 375–79
symbolic concessions and, 378, 389–93, 519n 6, 519n 7
words of apology, recognition, or respect and, 379, 389–93, 396–401
Pearl, Daniel, 275
Pelosi, Nancy, 304
Pennell, T. L., 5, 248, 256
Peres, Shimon, 361
Pershing, John J. “Blackjack,” 96
Persians, ancient, 67–68
Pertama, Dani, 167
Petraeus, David, 132
Bates Treaty, 96
counterterrorism in, 261
jihadis in, 96
in, 95–96
Moro Islamic Liberation Front, 159
Moros, 96
Rizal Day bombings (2000), 156
U.S. repression of insurgency, 95–96
Philippines ambassador’s residence
bombing, 4, 123, 126, 145, 156
Phillips, Charles, 414
Pierce, William, 474
Pinker, Steven, 329, 412
Plato, 168
Plutarch, 295
Poland, 457
“Principles of Jihad”
(fiqh al-jihad),
prison radicalization, 279–84
James terrorist plot, 280–82
as Prislam, 283–84
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The,
107, 365, 387
Qaradawi, Yusef al-, 276
Qari Hussain Mehsud, 265
Qawasmeh, Muhsein, 409, 410
Qayyum, Sardar Abdul, 230
Qotadah, 157
Qudah, Salman al-, 499n 9
Qutb, Sayyid, 83, 98, 99, 100, 104, 111, 308
Rajaraman, Ramamurti, 484
Rantisi, Abdel Aziz al-, 25, 363, 365
Rapoport, David, 93
Rationalization of Jihad
(Sharif), 499n 9
Rauf, Abdul, 148
Rauf, Rashid, 269
Razdolskaya, Lyubov, 405
Raziq, Hashim Abdul, 367
Reagan, Ronald, 66, 236, 480
Reda, Sayem, 18
Red Crescent, 15
Reid, Richard (shoe-bomber), 274
religion, xiv, 403, 410–27.
See also
Christianity; Islam (Muslims)
Abraham’s sacrifice and, 432, 454–55
ambiguity of the sacred and, 382–84
in America, 461–69
atheism and, 416, 437, 523n 8
atrocities/terrorism and, 413–14
beliefs as rationally inscrutable, 448–49
causal relations between war, poverty, ignorance, and, 415
civil rights and, 470–71
collective identity and, 472
conflict between groups and, 457
cooperation and, 426, 450, 451, 457
costly commitment and, 433–34, 446–50, 455, 456, 475
counterintuitive beliefs, 440–44
Dawkins’ argument, 417–19
distant diety of eighteenth century, 76
early man, 65
emotional component of, 444–45
end of faith arguments, 410–27
enforcing moral and altruistic norms, 431–32, 452
“ethics of divinity,” 458
in Europe, 463, 475
evolutionary enigmas of, 430–34
existential anxieties and, 76, 430, 440, 444–45
fear-hope and, 32, 485
globalization, 69–74, 456, 471–74
Haidt and Joseph’s Internet Study, 458–59
human behavior and, 416–17
human need for, 37–40
human rights and, 39–40, 423–25
humans as storytelling animal and, 434–37
increase in fervor and new religious movements (NRMs), 429
intolerance, hate, and fanaticism, 474
jihadis and, 417–19
materialism and, 415
monotheism, xii, 37–40, 68–76, 78–79, 424, 456
morality and, 458–61
murdering of innocents and, 92
natural origins and evolution, 428–56
new atheists, xiii, 32, 417–27, 524n 23
new fundamentalism, 472
primacy of large-scale society over kin and tribal loyalties and, 38, 434, 453, 457
realist illusion and, 423–25
rituals, 444–54
sacred values, xiv, 11, 37–38, 40, 344–46
science/science-based morality, 31–32, 75–76, 412, 415–27, 430, 525n 29, 525n 32
small group dynamics and, 33–34
socioeconomic level of and, 414–15
study of, xiii–xiv, 426
supernatural agents, 437–40, 449, 450
survival of, 214
taboos, 452
Ten Commandments, 443–44
terrorism and, 406–7
toxic nature of, 375, 410
tribal trust and common cause instilled by, 32, 78, 450
as unifying families, 448
universality of, 458–61, 474–76
utopian communities, 449–50
wars and, 68, 414, 457
zealotry and, 454–56
(Plato), 168
Revolutionary Catechism
(Nechayev and Bakunin), 93–94
Richard I of England, 81–82
Rifaat Anouar, Asri (the Kid),
189–91, 198, 202–3, 214, 486
Ring Banten, 146, 150, 152
Rizal Day bombings (2000), 156
Robertson, Pat, 437
Rohim, Abdul, 159
Rois, 150
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 87
Roosevelt, Theodore, 94–95
Rosenthal, Josh, 105, 106
Rosenthal, Marilyn, 105–6
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 393
Roy, Olivier, 472–73
Rumsfeld, Donald, 391–92
Russell, Bertrand, xiii
Russia, 9
anarchists as terrorists in, 93
Beslan massacre, 327, 365
Bolshevism, 97
Moscow subway bombings, 327
Okhrana, 96
religion in, 475, 476
Soviet-Afghan War, 99, 242, 247, 251–52
Stalinist, 98
tribalism in, 9
Rwanda, 35, 414, 415
Sabit (Saeffudin Zuhri), 165, 166
Sachdeva, Sonya, 379
sacred values, xiv, 40, 373–401
author’s studies of Muslim mujahedin, 11
cooperation and, 37–38
cultural differences, 394
Indonesia, India, Iran, and, 379–82
intractable political conflicts and, 346, 369, 375–79
Madagascar proverb, 373
Medin experiment, 522n 52
as nonrational, 38
Pashtunwali, 381
reframing, 382–89, 400–401
self-serving posturing and, 395–96
study of, 401
survey, conditions for peace, 375–79
trade-offs and, 394–95
violent response and, 344–46
West Point, 384–85
words of apology, recognition, or respect and, 379, 389–93, 520n 26
Sadat, Anwar, 83, 98, 100, 346, 400
Saeed, Hafz, 229, 234, 236, 505n 9
Sageman, Marc, 48, 55–56, 107, 108, 109, 112, 168–69, 170, 258, 276
appearance before Senate, 261
on Lamari, 503n 3
“leaderless jihad” and, 112, 473
Madrid train bombings, 503n 3
research on Al Qaeda enlistment, 328, 364, 416
in Tetuán, Morocco, 211–13
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 330–31
Saladin, 77, 81–82,
Salafi Islam, 83, 90, 99–100, 102, 103, 119, 141–42, 181, 271, 472–73, 497n 15
Salam, Abdus, 232
Saleh, Anwar Adnan Ahmed (Sheikh Saleh), 174, 175, 179
Saleh, Basel, 362–63
Saleh As’ad, Kyai, 137
Salem, Mahmoud, 24–25
Samara, Hammad Riaz, 281
Samboja, Heri Sigu, 150
Samudra, Iman (Abdul Aziz), 123, 134, 135, 136, 143, 145, 146, 148–49, 150, 151, 158, 161, 167
Bali bombing (2002), 18, 121–23, 137–38, 141, 144, 146, 148
Sanchez, Olga, 181
Santa Ana bombings (2001), 157
Santayana, George, 318
Sarjiyo, 141, 158
Saudi Arabia, 87
Al Qaeda and, 102
Ba’asyir and Sungkar in, 141
funding of Muslim centers, 175
jihadis fighting in Iraq, 114–15
prison interviews with terrorists, 114–15
Wahhabism and, 102
Savitsky, Valentin, 29
Sayyaf, Abdul Rasul, 141
Schama, Simon, 470
Scheuer, Mike, 495n 15
science/science-based morality, 31–32, 75–76, 412, 415–27, 430, 525n 29, 525n 32
secularists/secularism, xiii, 23, 37, 38, 39, 83, 86, 100, 101, 139, 250–51, 344, 379, 411, 412, 418, 421, 429, 450, 454, 473, 474–76, 484, 489
Sedaka, Dov “Fufi,” 518n 1
Senguen, Aysel, 106
Serhane Abdelmajid Faket (the Tunisian), 176–84, 177, 188–91, 195–98, 203, 208, 271, 503n 3
Setmarian Nasar, Mustafa (Abu Musa al-Suri), 174, 175,
Setyono, Edy, 157
Shahri, Sufyan al-Azdi al-, 104
Shahzad, Faisal, 265, 269, 276
Shalit, Gilad, 370
Shallah, Ramadan, 332
Sharif, Sayyid Imam al-, 499n 9
Sharon, Ariel, 358, 361, 378, 390, 519n 6
Shehi, Marwan al-, 105–12
Shibh, Ramzi bin al-, 107, 108, 110, 110, 111, 112, 180
Shikaki, Khalil, 359, 360, 367, 372
Shuar of Peru, 324
Shweder, Richard, 458
Singapore, 15, 160
Sinjar Report on Foreign Fighters in Iraq,

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