Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (17 page)

BOOK: Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“I’m sure he does. As I know, you do, too. In fact, I’d like to see that.”

“Yes, I do, too.” He growled, actually snarled. “Tomron will broadcast the whole exchange for all to see. He likes the limelight.”

“He wants to see Braeden and his son beg. It’s part of his insanity.”

“Well, I don’t have a choice. I’m going.” He looked at her. His eyes were damp with unshed emotions.

“No.” She shook her head.

“No, what?” His amber eyes gleamed brighter. She continued to caress his head. She held him like a child in her arms.

“No, you can’t go alone. I’ll go with you.”

“No you’re not.” Val chuckled. “There’s no way I’m taking you.”

“Yes, I am. I don’t want you to go without me. You must take me. Please.” She looked at him, emphasizing her insistence. “Allow me to go.”

“Why?” He looked stunned. “There is no need to put you and our child in danger. That’s just silly. I’m sorry, Zalora.”

“I can’t stand for you go without me. It’s too dangerous. I can be an asset.”

“Yeah, you bet it’s too dangerous. Exactly why you’re not going with me.” He fisted his right hand again. He was trying hard to control his upset. She could see his tension flow through him.

“I’ll be so worried. Plus, I’m a powerful empath. You have to understand my gift. I can feel the Realmist’s emotions. This is an incredible asset. They project their emotions well. It can be very helpful to your success. I could help you, save your family with my gift. This gift is one of the reasons they fear us.” She squeezed his arm. “Let me be present during further communications. You’ll find me helpful. I’m one of the ones the Realmist fear. The reason they want to destroy our world. There’s a reason for their fear. But we’ve always kept quiet and out of other’s problems. But they’ve brought it to us now. Not all Tallusians have my power, but some do. My mother was very powerful. I’ve inherited her talent and more. Let me show you. Trust me, as I’ve trusted you.” Val looked at her strangely.

“What of our child?” He turned and bent his head, kissing her tummy. “I don’t want harm to come to our child. This would be putting our babe at risk. I can’t allow that. I have a duty to protect the both of you.”

“I don’t want to put our child at risk either.” Zalora clenched her teeth, too. “But trust me, our child needs his father. My going will assure your continued existence.”

“Really?” He cocked his head to the side, a look of surprise on his face.

“Yes, possibly. Let me show you what service I can provide. It’s invaluable and a well-guarded secret. The Realmist are Earthen humans. They’re very readable to me. I can predict their actions easily. This gives you an edge, to tell when they’re deceitful. I’ll help you avoid a trap.”

“They are deceitful all the time. No doubt this is a trap. That’s just my worry.”

Zalora continued to rub his back with her hand in a circular motion. Val was silent for several minutes.

“If I can take you. You must obey me at all times.” He looked her into her eyes. “No being a hero.”

“Okay.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ll be happy to obey you.”

“Oh yeah? I’m not making any promises. I’ll think on it.” He winked. “It’s good to have an obedient mate.”

“Speaking of obeying.” She smiled. “We can’t hold our ceremony now. Not with all of this going on.”

“What’s that got to do with obeying?” Val looked puzzled.

“You know, during the ceremony our priest instructs the wife to honor, obey, as well as serve her husband in everything.”

“You’re kidding?” He had a smirk on his face.


“Oh, I like those vows.” Val smiled.

“I bet you do.” Zalora hit him with her open hand.

“No, we can’t have a ceremony now. I’m glad you understand.”

“Of course I do.”

“I want it to be a nicer one anyway with family and friends attending. When we celebrate, it’s always big and festive. You don’t even have a pretty dress to wear. I have lots of sisters and aunts, so I think of these things.” He shrugged. “I’ve learned from the Braeden women a perfect dress is essential for all important events.” Val winked.

“You’re right. I thought about it, too.” She smiled. “All I have is oversized work clothes to wear. I want it to be a family affair, too, if not my family, yours. I do want a beautiful dress. I’ve always dreamed of having a special ceremony.”

“You’d look lovely to me no matter what you have on. Without clothes is good, too.” He pulled her head down to his, kissing her again. “I’ll inform your father we will be having our ceremony later.”

“Oh no, that’ll be fun telling him.” She rolled her eyes. “Be as nice as you can, no need making things worse. Please. He’s just not himself.”

“I will.” He played with her hair. “We’ll celebrate our mating at a more appropriate time. He’ll have to understand.”

“Yes, anyway.” She shrugged. “It seems my father has disowned me.” She closed her eyes. “So why do I care what he thinks?” She shrugged again. “I don’t understand his reaction. But…I’m not going to let it continue to burden me. I’ve been through too much. I’ve done nothing wrong. He’s the one who has acted awful.” Zalora frowned. Val kissed the tears from her face. A beeper sounded in the room, interrupting them.

“Damn, I wanted to make love to you.” He looked at her, disappointment in his eyes. “Yes, computer.”

“Call from the Command Deck.”

“Okay, let them through.” Another beep sounded.

“Captain, we’ve received Tomron’s instructions. We’ve forwarded them to the Admoncor, and Kade is waiting in your office. Thyson will be available by com.”

“Thank you, Jerrian. I’ll be right there. Com out.” Val sat up. He hovered over her. Pressing her into the soft mattress, he kissed her.

“Hey, Father says you aren’t to touch me until we’ve married.” She gently pushed at him again.

“Oh yeah?” Val raised his brow. “A little late for such a rule.”

“Well, yeah.” She playfully pushed him away. “But that’s his rule.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Val covered her mouth with kisses until she stopped resisting. Pressing his full body against hers, he moved his hips, imitating sex. She could feel his hard cock against her. It strained against his uniform. “I want you now.” He gently nipped her neck. “Damn Tomron for everything wrong in this universe.” He continued to pump against her. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her shoulder. He ran his hands over her breast, gently squeezing. “Nice, feels so good.” He nipped her shoulder.

“Val.” She playfully nipped him back.

“Hmm? I like what you’re doing.”

“They’ve called you. We don’t have time for this.” Val rested his forehead against hers. After a moment, he sat up on the side of the bed, his head in his hands. He huffed.

“I’ll come to see you before we leave. If I can take you, I will. But I’m still thinking about it.” His eyes looked sad. “I don’t know if it’s a wise decision. In fact, I’m sure it’s not.” He shook his head. “It’s not.” His bright eyes looked at her. “It’s really not. I’m allowing my feelings for you manipulate my better judgment. I really shouldn’t.” He shook his head.

“Trust me. My skill is what they fear.” She sat up next to him, taking his hand. She caressed the back of it. “Let me show you how I’m skilled when I’m focused.”

“Fine, I’ll be back after I read Tomron’s demands and discuss it with the others.” Val stood and walked into the cleaning chamber. Zalora heard water run followed by splashes. When he came out of the room, his face and hair were wet. His wet hair glistened in the dim overhead lighting. “I hope I’m not sorry about taking you. I am still not certain that’s what I’m going to do. Just saying.” His eyelashes looked long and thick, making his unusual eyes stand out. Zalora felt her body respond to him. Her pussy dampened, and her breasts ached to be touched. She wanted him. She craved him. But there were more important things besides satisfying her needs. “I’m leaving for my meeting. I’ll keep you informed.” He moved away. “Oh, we’ll have to delay going to the Med-Vac camp to see your friends, too.”

“I know.” She smiled up at him. “Don’t have any stress over that.”

“I’ll have Tantia set up a com link with the camp. You can at least speak to them while you’re waiting.”

“Okay, I’d love that.” She smiled. “That’s very thoughtful of you.” She followed him. He bent down to kiss her cheek.

“I’ll be back.” Quickly he strolled toward the door, and then he was gone.


* * * *


“Fucking crazy man.” Kade’s face distorted as it began to transform into his beast. Even his jaw jutted out oddly. His fingernails grew, looking as claws. He looked monstrous in his between state. Val could feel Kade’s fury. It rushed through him.

They constantly spent time together. They fought side by side. They knew each other so well. Since they both were born, the war with the Realmist terrorizing the universe had raged on. There had never been a time of peace. He knew Kade and all of his moods as Kade knew him. Others near a partially transforming, fury-filled Alpha Prime Wolfton would be frightened, moving away from him. There was a bit of unpredictability in the situation. It would not take much for Kade to become unreasonable, irrational. But Val was his equal, so he did not fear him at all.

“Kade, let’s focus.” Val swallowed hard, pushing back his need to join Kade in his rage-filled transformation. “We can’t both allow our beast to take over in this. We have to talk about our plans, confer with Father. This has to go smoothly to make sure all is well. It’s likely not to be.” A beeper sounded.

“Yes, computer.” Val knew he sounded exasperated. He rested his elbow on the table, his head in his hand.

“King Zambali is at the door.”

“Fuck that.” Val hit his hand on the table. It shook as if it could fall to the floor. “I don’t need to deal with him now.” Val curled his lips, baring his teeth as he felt irritation ripple through him.

“You’re telling me to pull it together.” Kade glared at him. “I’m going to have to pull you off of your mate’s father if the man says the wrong thing again. Try to remember he’s still your mate’s father before you go for his throat. It could make her mad at you if you killed or damaged him.” Kade smirked.

“Yes, I know. Very true.” Val closed his eyes, exhaling. “I really was close to losing my cool. But we have to pull it together for Kara and Kristal, and the others. I’m letting Zambali in. I’m going to get rid of him quick. If I go for him, take me down.” Val looked to Kade, then stood, counting to ten. “Some of Zambali’s people are involved, too.” Val looked toward Kade, waiting for him to relax, too. Kade took a few deep breaths, and his face shifted back, except for his eyes. Kade nodded, indicating he was ready for Zambali’s company.

“Computer, allow Zambali to enter.” The door opened. Zane Zambali walked into his office. His expression was friendlier, which instantly relaxed Val. He nodded to each of them as he approached their conference table. Thyson’s image was on the com screen. He also looked agitated.

“Come in, King Zambali. Have a seat.” Val motioned to a chair next to his. “How can we help you?”

“Excuse me, Captain Braeden.” He nodded to Val. “Captain.” He nodded to Thyson. “Commander.” He nodded to Kade. “I do wish to speak to all of you. This is in regards to Clitax Tomron. I’ve heard what has occurred. I’m sorry about your sister and aunt, your guards. I wish you success in getting your people and family home. I am also concerned about my citizens.”

“Thank you.” Val nodded. “We are working at resolving this crisis.”

“Also, I would like to speak to you on a personal note.” He directly looked at Val then smiled. “Concerning my daughter. May I take a seat?” He put his hand on one of the chairs.

“Yes. I’ve invited you to do so.” Val nodded again toward the chair. His legs tensed under the table as the man sat down.

“Captain Braeden, I want apologize to you regarding my behavior earlier. I was out of line. My emotions were unleashed from all I have been through recently.” He looked down at his folded hands. “I deeply regret my actions. I’ve embarrassed my daughter. I regret that mostly.” Tears glistened in his eyes. “I’m grateful you brought her back alive. I owe you much for doing so. I love my daughter. I’ve already lost one child and cannot stand to lose another. It was unbearable.” A tear rolled down the old man’s face. “She reminds me so much of her mother. Zalora’s a beautiful and talented woman. She is exceptional. You don’t even know, you couldn’t know, the extent of her talents.” He shook his head looking down. “At least not yet. She’s creative, intelligent, and compassionate. She’ll make a wonderful mother and wife…mate to you. Please forgive me for my actions. Let’s start again. I accept you as my son. I want you to make my only daughter happy. She has chosen well.”

“King Zambali. Please call me Val.” Val’s hands gripped his thighs as he tried to remain unemotional.

“You may call me Zane.” The older man nodded.

“Zane, it is forgotten.” Val nodded. He smiled at the man. Zane seemed to loosen up, too.

“Very well. I hear Tomron wants to conduct a prisoner exchange.”

“Yes he does.”

“Also, he has twenty of my citizens or at least twenty more in his custody he didn’t already kill.” Zane buried his head in his hands. “This is a nightmare.” He wiped his brow as he refocused on Val. “What I’m about to tell you will seem odd. You will struggle with it. But I tell you in truth as well as out of concern. I think it can help.”

“I’m listening.” Val laid his hands on the table leaning forward.

“Take Zalora with you.”

“To the prisoner exchange?” Val cocked his head as he looked at Zane. “Is that what you’re telling me?” Zane paused, looking at Val, then to the other men.

“Yes, I told you it would seem odd. Of course, keep her as safe as possible. I know it has danger. But listen to her counsel. She’s extraordinary, especially with Earthen humans. She can practically hear their thoughts. It’s really their emotions, but they’re so powerful she can predict their behaviors. She’ll be an aid in this. I hate sending her into danger. But she is as her mother was, a most powerful empath. She has many talents.” He looked down again. “In times past, Tallusians practiced openly our extraordinary abilities. But those like the Realmist have made us hide.”

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