Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (18 page)

BOOK: Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“For fear.” Zane made a gesture with his hands. “Almost everything’s motivated by fear, hate, or love. In this case, it’s fear. It seemed, in ages past, more Tallusians had exceptional gifts. Now, these gifts are mostly dormant or perhaps more skillfully hidden.” He paused as if thinking. “The gifts have various manifestations.”

“Not all Tallusians are gifted?” Val closely watched the older man.

“No. Some gifts or powers can be frightening. Trust me, they can terrify you. Some Tallusians possess the Tallusian fire. It is a strong and very horrifying power. I’ve not known of anyone who’s had the power in ages.”

“What is it?” Kade leaned forward.

“It makes one’s blood boil.”

“Blood boil?” Val looked to Kade then to Zambali.

“Yes, the Tallusian wielding this power could make their victim cook from the inside out. Their blood literally boils. It melts its victim. If not stopped in time, it causes a tragic death, very painful.” He shook his head. “I’ve heard stories of a powerful Tallusian who used this power when filled with rage. It’s incredible and scary. A story to give outsiders nightmares.”

“No wonder others feared this power.”

“Yes exactly. This is why the Realmist targeted us, for this reason as well as our other gifts which can be like weapons when used as such.” Zane looked at each man nodding his head. “He fears us for our differences, our powers, as he fears your powers and differences. He calls us witches, an archaic word for someone who’s magical. He means it as a magic evildoer. Or sometimes they call us sorcerers. These terms aren’t meant to be complimentary.”

“Yes, I’ve heard Tomron use the word witch.” Val nodded.

“You see, an empath or physic who possesses Tallusian fire is a living, thinking weapon. In the wrong hands, it can be dangerous. Like I told you, I’ve not seen or heard of one for ages. Most stay in hiding, fearful of revealing their gift. As it’s dangerous to reveal this talent. Some don’t even know they possess this talent as they’ve never used it or had reason to. If they do, they’re ostracized out of fear or they would be taken by others to be used as an evil tool. If other worlds heard of them, they would disappear, drugged or blackmailed to do the bidding of their warden.”

“I can understand why some would want these Tallusians.” Kade sat back in his chair. “They do sound interesting, dangerous, and possibly extremely valuable.”

“There are other skills, too. Such as mind control. This is feared almost equally or more. A Tallusian skilled in this can make you take your own life. The weaker the victim’s mind, the more the Tallusian can control them.”

“Wow, now I understand much better why they targeted your otherwise peaceful world.”

“Exactly.” Zane nodded. “We believe the Realmist are looking for such a powerful Tallusian. War such as this will bring them into the open. Plus they want to destroy any threat.”

“Yes, I see.” Val pushed his hair back off his forehead.

“This is why for ages we’ve focused our energies on the arts. Relaxing, calming pursuits. War would open us up to using some of our skilled empaths and physics. It would not have been good for the rest of universe or ourselves. We tried to remain passive, keeping a low profile.”

“You’ve explained a lot.” Kade continued to watch him closely.

“I hope so. The skill Zalora has demonstrated since she was a child is the ability to detect lies. She reads people. She is amazing. She can predict future behavior based on projected emotions. You can ask her if someone is being deceitful or if they’re smiling in your face while holding rage in their heart. The benefit of this is amazing.” He paused. “Zalora’s very skilled. In fact, she suffers at times from the bombardment of others emotions. I’ve protected her from exposure. However, she has assisted me over the years. She told me she doesn’t feel Xihirians’ emotions. You’re wired differently. She’s relieved to be free of it. She suffers a lot on our world because her ability is so strong. Truly, she is never at peace. This is one reason she surrounds herself with children. Their emotions are simpler, less intense.”

“I see.” Val nodded.

“I’ll be upset if she loses the father to her child. So do as I suggest. And yes, I spoke to Zalora. She sent me here to you. She loves you very much. I’ve come to respect your relationship. I’ve calmed down. I do realize you’re committed to her. Your mating is as marriage. I am satisfied.”

“Yes, the mating is a lasting relationship.”

“I understand.” Zane looked him in the eyes. “I complied with Zalora’s compelling request to come to see you. I do want what is best for you both. I apologized to her as well. I think you should know. She is and will always be my child.” The older man seemed tired.

“I see. You think it is truly wise to take my mate who is with child? ”

“Yes, I do. I know she will have risk. But this has to be stopped. She may be able to stop or at least slow the Realmist. She has convinced me.” He glanced down at his hands.

“I see.” Val studied him.

“If I doubted this, I would not ask you such a thing. Zalora is a very capable woman.”

“Yes, she is.” Val just stared at him. “Very well, we will take her with us. I’m taking Kade, four other soldiers, a medtor with his medadvisor. Plus there will be a crew on the loaddisk.”

“Yes, I think from what you’ve said she may be helpful,” Kade added. “We’ll protect her with our lives.”

“Thank you. I know you will find her an asset to your mission.”

“Regardless, I’m worried about the safety of our mission in general. I don’t want her to be hurt or our child. And neither does Kade or anyone else. We’re a close, loving family. But if Zalora can help us free our sisters as well as escape unharmed, it will be worth the risk I think.” Val tapped his fingers on the table.

“Tomron’s a madman. You’ll need all the help you can get.”

“You don’t have to tell us.” Val shook his head.

“Yes, my world’s in ashes due to his insanity and hatred.”

Tension rolled down Val’s back.

“We’ll be leaving in approximately twenty-four hours. We’re taking a loaddisk to Terrian. It’s two hours from here by loaddisk. Tomron’s supposed to be waiting there for us with our sisters and our guards. We’ll be taking the Realmist prisoners currently in custody on Thyson’s ship. My father will be meeting another Realmist group on Farstation to exchange Philio Starson at the same time. Then Tomron’s supposed to free the Tallusians they have on one of their ships.”

“No doubt he has it all set up. I won’t be surprised if he has plans to double cross you in a significant way. Zalora will be able to predict many things.”

“No, he can’t be trusted. But we have no other option.” Val rubbed his face with his open hand. “He’ll be broadcasting our meeting as well as the Farstation meeting where my father will be handing over Philio Starson.”

“Oh, that one’s crazier than Tomron. To release Starson is a shame, a real danger to everyone.” Zane shook his head. “Tomron loves the drama as well as the attention.”

“Yes, we know. We plan to recapture him along with Tomron. We will end them both.” Val looked at Thyson then Kade. “But we’ve no choice but to turn Starson over and follow for the most part what Tomron has instructed. I’m just praying we all get out of there alive. My father and his crew, too. So, I’m still reluctant to take Zalora. She’s carrying our child. It goes against everything I know. Plus, I don’t want to lose our sisters or our men. This is a delicate situation.” He looked at Kade.

“Yes, this is true. But, I tell you, Zalora’s gift can prove invaluable. She can even feel emotions even through communicators if the humanoids are projectors. But the closer the better, the more accurate she can be. Anyone she has contact with except some, such as Xihirians, she can feel.”

“King Zambali, I mean Zane, I appreciate you speaking with me about this.” Zane smiled. “I want you to know I love your daughter. I’ll take good care of her. I want you to be involved with her life, with us, our children. Pray all goes well so we can have a future.”

“I will do so. I will pray to our Creator.” Zane stood. “I’ll allow you to continue to confer with your officers in private. I do appreciate your time along with you trusting in my advice.” Zane turned, heading to the door.

“We’ll see you when we return.” Val stood, following him to the door. “And thank you.”

“Take care of my child in this mission and in her life. I know you’ll do your best.”

“I will.” The door closed, and King Zambali was gone.

“Well, some questions are resolved, such as why Tallusia.” Kade raised his eyebrow.

“Yes it does.” Val nodded. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll see you in the morning to prepare for our mission. Please confer with father in my absence. I need to spend time with my mate.” Val looked first at Thyson’s image then to Kade.

“Yes, you do,” Thyson agreed.

“We’ll call if something develops.” Kade stood up to see Val out.

“Kade, you’re in charge while I retire.”

“Sure thing.”

“Computer, Commander Kade will be in command of the Black Beast until further order. I will be in my quarters with my mate for some private time. Please do not disrupt me unless critical.”

“Yes, Captain Val Braeden.” The computer voice was crisp.

“When we leave for our mission, Commander Jerrian will be in charge.”

“Agreed,” Both men answered.


* * * *


When Val opened the door to his suite, soothing instrumental music played over the computer’s intercom. The lights were off except a small light on his desk. Also, she’d left a light on in the cleaning chamber. It spilled into the rest of the quarters, casting some light over the bed. It was obvious Zalora had made herself comfortable. For the first time, his suite felt like a home, as much as it could on a spaceship. Zalora was asleep in his, their bed. The bedding halfway covered her. She was a vision of beauty. Her gorgeous hair spread out over the pillows welcomed him to touch its silken strands. In the dim light, its curls shone like a precious metal. He wanted to run his fingers through it, to tug on it as he took her body with his.

Images of what he had in mind flooded his brain, making his cock stiff. She had on a white, modest nightgown, making her look virginal. It had long sleeves, which buttoned at her wrist. Her neckline was closed up, buttoning to her neck. After examining her, he walked over to the windows to gaze out into space. He loved to watch the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies from the ship’s viewers or windows. Standing by the window for while, he contemplated all of the happenings in such a short time. His life had forever changed.

Turning, he looked back at his bed. He had a mate, a child within her. Tomron threatened to take the things he loved. The Tomrons had plagued their family for too long.
This will end.
He watched for Tallusia to appear in his window.

He must have stood by the window for over an hour deep in thought. Tallusia finally appeared. It was a bright blue ball out in space as lovely as the pictures of earth he’d seen. It shone like a precious gem. The beauty was diminished by the Realmist’s attack. However, after a great amount of work, it would be restored. There was hope for it. However, the Realmist had to be stopped permanently to ensure no further damage to it or to other innocent planets.

Quietly Val moved around the room. He reviewed some papers on his desk, putting his signature on documents requiring it. After finishing his paperwork, he took off his uniform, dressing in leisure pants. Spotting leftover food on his table, he helped himself to it. After eating, he grabbed his free weights, started doing lifts. With his mind racing, he could not sleep. When he couldn’t sleep, he always exercised. He had to tire his body in order to force his mind to rest. With his mate deeply sleeping, he wasn’t going to have sex. He’d prefer sex to lifting weights. But she was exhausted.

After doing a series of exercises, he walked to the end of his bed, wishing her awake. Watching her sleeping in his bed made him feel warm, pleased, yet worried all at the same time. Now he had found her, the mate all Xihirian males sought for themselves. He couldn’t risk losing her or dying himself, not now. They had much to do, to share.

He’d never feared danger or death. Mostly he was fearless. He merely took things as they came. From now on, he had Zalora along with their child to consider.
How does my father do it?
He shook his head.
How does any man do this when they have a mate and children?
When he saw Kristal and Kara in Tomron’s custody, it infuriated him, worried him, too. He’d never felt so helpless. Anger spiraled through his body as he thought of their captivity. They were sweet, innocent girls. Never should they have been involved in such violence. They should not see what he and the other soldiers had experienced. They were not warriors in this continual war. His father and grandfather had tried to protect them. But the wickedness of the Realmist grew no matter what they did to fight back.

Making Tomron a martyr was not a really good solution either. It would rally more groups, which were prejudiced, together. They would come out stronger toward humanoids, which were different.
Why the fuck can’t they leave us alone?
Some would be blind to Tomron’s crimes. Things just had a way of working out unfairly. It was all in how the propaganda spun it. The Realmist would spin his martyrhood into being at the hands of dangerous beasts. Beasts who should be put down. Then the cycle would continue.

Val shook his head in disgust. Zalora rolled from her side to her back. She sighed. The sound of her sigh made his mind refocus on her instead of their impending doom.

“Val? Is that you?” Her expressive purple eyes looked at him.

“Yes, my mate. It is me,” he whispered. His breath nearly caught in his throat as his need for her shot through him. He had a pain in his heart and his cock at the same time. “I didn’t mean to frighten you, my lovely mate.”

“What are you doing?” She moved her head and body as if she enjoyed the softness of their bed.

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