Taming the Alphas: Part One: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Taming the Alphas: Part One: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance
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“So, what did you have in mind for dinner?” I asked Dave. “By the looks of things it won’t be much.” The fridge looked pretty bare, with one lame piece of fruit, a can of tomato juice, and a squeeze bottle of deli mustard.

“You’re my dinner, Bev.” Dave said with a grin. “I want you for my entrée.”

“Dave!” I gave him a little shove as pleasure rippled through my body. “Silly man—wereman.” The truth was, as weremen and women, we had heightened sexual needs and desires. As a regular woman I’d enjoyed sex and had what I considered to be a normal sex drive. But as a werewoman, I had a passion for sex, and my desire was through the roof. Thankfully, Dave was ready, willing, and able to please me. As a wereman, he had skills far beyond any ordinary lover.

I loved teasing him too. It made the sex even hotter. I would walk my ass in front of him and try to drive him wild with my body and scent. I sashayed over to the sink, making sure I brushed up against him. There were a few dirty dishes in the basin left over from breakfast and Dave’s lunch. I would have to lecture him about cleaning up again … but not right now. I put the seal in the drain and turned on the tap, waiting for the water to heat. As I pulled up the dish liquid from under the sink, I could feel Dave behind me. I deliberately poked my ass out a little more in his direction. I squeezed a little of the soap into the sink and started to wash the dishes.

Happily, Dave took the bait. “That tickles,” I giggled as Dave moved my long blonde hair away from my neck, gently kissing the skin.

“Mmm,” I rubbed my head against him as his lips brushed my throat.

“You taste so good,” he said in a low, throaty voice. “Let me feel those tits of yours.” He inched his hands down my shirt, caressing my breasts; lightly pinching my nipples through the fabric of my top and bra.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of his firm hands. I could barely focus on the dishes in the sink. As I tried to wash a plate, he lowered his hands, moving them slowly down my belly and to the front of my jeans.

“You’ve got way too many clothes on. I would really prefer it if you were naked.” He unzipped my jeans and pulled them down to the floor. My panties quickly followed and puddled with my jeans around my ankles. Without missing a beat, he lifted my right foot then my left, removing them completely and casually tossed them to the side.

On his knees he gripped my thighs firmly. He moved his hands to my pussy and started rubbing my clit. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter. He lightly flicked my ass with his long tongue and then dipped down lower to lick my pussy. I closed my eyes. “Oooh,” I moaned. It felt so damn good. It was hard to focus on washing dishes with his talented, raspy tongue driving into my folds.

“I need full access,” Dave murmured. In one motion, he got up and lifted me away from the sink, carrying me to the kitchen table. My hands were wet with water.

“Hey you,” I giggled as I wrapped my soapy, wet hands around his neck. I gave him a hard kiss on the lips. “Sorry, my hands are wet.”

“Baby, that’s not all that’s gonna be wet. By the time I am done with you, you will be sopping.”

He pressed his body tightly against mine. “Let me see those perky tits of yours.” Inching his hands down my shirt, he pulled my top over my head and undid my bra, tossing it to the side. Totally naked, I leaned back on the table, enjoying his caresses.

“So good,” he murmured as he lowered his lips from my mouth down to my nipples, squeezing and sucking them. They grew turgid under his wet kisses. “God, I love sucking your titties. But you know what I love sucking even more?”

“Mmm,” I moaned. I knew exactly what he meant. I wanted his tongue back down between my legs so bad. “Let’s go in the bedroom,” I whispered.

“I want you Bev, right here and right now.”

“You mean right now—on the table?”

“That’s right, baby,” Dave said. He bent over, leaning across my body, and started licking and kissing my breasts, belly button, and tummy. Then he gently opened my legs wide and flicked his tongue in between my thighs.  With each stroke of his tongue on my skin, I was getting wetter and wetter.

Enough! I couldn’t stand his teasing tongue anymore. I grabbed his head and pushed it deep into my folds. “I need your tongue licking me now!” I cried out.

Dave licked my pussy, savoring my clit.  “Oh God Bev, it’s so delicious. I’m gonna make you so wet and horny for me,” he whispered.  Then, he drove his tongue deep into my pussy. The sensation drove me wild as he licked, over and over again, lapping me with his rough tongue. Oh God, my juices were flowing. Dave was right, he had me sopping, and in minutes I was on the verge of exploding.

“Oh Dave, I can’t take it, I can’t take it!” I screamed out. “It feels too good. I’m coming!” Spasms rippled thru my body. The tremors had barely subsided when Dave stood up and lifted my legs.

“I’m not done with you and your hot little pussy yet.” he moaned. My thighs were shaking as he pushed his throbbing cock into my folds. He drove into me deep and hard the animal in him wild with desire.

“Oh God, that feels so good!  I want to feel your huge dick fucking me even harder!” He moved his shaft in and out, deeper and deeper each time. Stroking my clit with his fingers, I could feel the tension and desire in my body building to another climax. A look of bliss was on his face as he came and I came again—in tandem, our bodies shaking from the pleasure.

He held me tightly as I quivered. “God, you are so good. I love eating and fucking you.”

I pulled him closer relishing the feel of his beefy body. “And you eat and fuck me so good sweetie,” I said softly. “But,” I added reluctantly, “I guess I better go study.” I lowered myself from the kitchen table.

“I know you have to study babe, but we gotta eat. You want me to go pick up a pizza?”

“Yum, that sounds good,” I pulled on my jeans and yanked my tee over my head.

“There’s a new place that just opened up around the corner, ‘Slice of Pizza, Slice of the Pie,’ something like that. I think it’s a chain.”

“Oh, I think I got a flyer on that,” I grabbed my backpack off the floor where I’d dropped it. Unzipping the bag, I yanked out the assorted papers with coupons and other advertisements I’d received when I’d started school again. “Yeah, here it is.” I pulled out a large white slip of paper and glanced at it. “It looks like they actually have a grand opening discount right now.”

“Sounds good,” Dave said.

I looked at the paper a little closer. “15% off for University of Maryland students—ID required. Damn, I will have to go. You don’t have a student ID.”

“I’ll come with you,” Dave replied.

I slipped my heels back on, grabbed my pocketbook, and started pulling on my hoodie as I headed for the door. “Nah, you stay here and check the internet for any new job listings. Just call the number on the flyer and order a large pepperoni so it’s ready when I get there. I’ll be back soon.”

“I love you babe,” Dave called as I headed to the door.

“And I love you!” As I walked to the lobby of the building, I thought about how lucky I was to have Dave. Sure, it was tough right now that he didn’t have a job, but he loved me, and things would get better. We’d work it out.

Walking to the pizzeria, I couldn’t help but notice how dark it was getting; and it was so early. A man walked by me and brushed my shoulder. For a minute, I got the creeps, thinking it was one of those people who were talking about werewolves in the coffee shop. Maybe Dave should have come with me. What if werewolf haters were lurking in the night?




“Damn,” I muttered, fumbling through my wallet to look for my credit card. The minute I realized it was missing, I remembered where it was—inside the dresser drawer back in apartment #631. I put it there a couple of days ago to avoid temptation. I couldn’t afford to charge another dime on my card, though with no food in the apartment, I had decided to make an exception to buy pizza. Crap, I didn’t have it with me.

“Is something wrong lady?” the pizza guy leered at me from across the counter. Even though he was not a werewolf with super senses, I knew he could smell how broke I was. The sick part is, he was enjoying it. I read ‘Jerry’ on his nametag and decided I’d better make fast friends with him. I hated to act flirty with this scum, but maybe it would help.

I flashed my best smile and gestured towards my purse. “Jerry, I seem to have forgotten my credit card and I don’t have any cash with me,” I widened my smile, cooing at him. “Would you take a check for the pie?” I cocked my head towards the pizza sitting on the counter and placed my hand on the box. The smell of the tomato and dough was intoxicating. Licking my lips, I imagined the utterly gooey cheese, mixed with pepperoni, sliding down my throat. The aroma and warmth from the box had me salivating.

Jerry grinned back at me. “Let me see your checkbook balance,” he said.

“Are you for real?” Could I sue this place for invasion of privacy, I wondered? My face flushed as my stomach growled. There was no way in hell I was going to show this idiot my checkbook. But then, reality hit. It was late, I was tired, and nothing else was open. I was so hungry, I knew fainting was a real possibility, and I knew Dave must be super hungry too.

“Whatever,” I said, whipping out my checkbook. I showed him the balance. I couldn’t remember the last time I had balanced my account, but surely I had more than the $14.29 cost of a medium pie with two toppings. I glanced down and saw the last line in the bankbook read $27.32.

“See there, I have it, now give me the pie,” I said, embarrassed. Quickly, I wrote the check and slapped it on the counter. My face started burning as Jerry exploded with laughter.

“Ha ha ha. No pie for you. Slice of the Pie is a strictly cash and carry business. I just wanted to see how badly you wanted it.” He snatched the pie out from under my hands and put it on a high shelf. “I’ll just eat that later,” he added.

Stunned, my eyes filled with tears. Tired and hungry, was I really getting ready to sob over a lousy pizza? I tried to regain my composure. There was no way I was going to let him see he got to me. He looked ready for an argument—excited even, and I was not going to give him the satisfaction.

A pretty redheaded waitress wearing a skimpy tee with two pizza pies on her nipples and the pizzeria’s name emblazoned on the shirt brushed past me. “Night all!” she called to the other staff as she headed for the door. My shoulders slumped as I turned to follow her. Then, I heard a voice I recognized.

“Jerry, give the lady her pie. I will deal with you later.”

“Todd!” I said, startled.

Surprised by Todd coming behind him, Jerry quickly slapped the pizza box in my hands and disappeared, a scowl stamped on his face.

“Sorry about that, Bev,” he said, shaking his head. “Managing the employees can be a bitch. I apologize for his behavior. He is a friend of a friend and I gave him a job. Obviously he will have to change or he will be outta here. Are you getting the pie for you and Dave?”

“Yeah, we’re both starving!” I exclaimed, nodding my head. “I know you said you managed a restaurant, but I didn’t realize it was this one.”

Todd gave me that sexy, toothy grin. “Yeah, it pays the bills. Do you remember Kristen?”

“Yes, of course.” Kristen had also worked as a counselor at Camp Rocky. Like the two of us, she’d been attacked and bitten by the Vlodiks and turned into a werewolf. She always seemed so confident that she’d made me feel crappy about myself. I hated to admit that my insecurities had come out at camp. I hadn’t exactly been nice to her at Camp Rocky, or later on when we lived with the Lycans at Camp Vickers.

“Well, she worked at Slice of the Pie’s Frederick location for a while. When I mentioned I needed a job, she told me to talk to the owner of the pizzeria, Sal, because she knew he was opening this second location near the University.”

“Well, that worked out great for you.”

“Yeah it did, and it’s a decent job. Not what I want for the rest of my life, but cool for now. Enjoy,” Todd said, lightly tapping the box in my hands, “it’s on the house.”

“Wow, Todd, thanks.”

“Just a sec.” He walked over to a cooler and pulled out a six-pack of beer. “You like?” He cocked his head at me, and I nodded gratefully. “This should go nicely with that pie. You and Dave enjoy it, along with the pizza. I am really sorry for what just happened.”

Tears welled up in my eyes. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this,” I muttered softly, feeling like a blubbering idiot.

“Hey, I know you are not tearing up over the pizza,” Todd said gently, “but this mess with the government cover up will all blow over. Go home, drink some beer, eat the pizza, and relax. You are under a lot of stress…”

“You’re right. It has been extra hectic lately.” Between the arguments with Dave, the lack of money, the tough coursework I needed to pass in order to graduate, and the government trying to keep us a secret, life lately had just plain sucked.

Todd put the six-pack in a brown paper bag his hand brushing mine as he handed it to me. Gazing directly into my eyes, he nodded his head softly. “Again, I am truly sorry.”

A tingle ran through my body as our eyes locked. His eyes were so intensely blue … and, he had another pec revealing tee on, with his sexy tats peeking out. I noticed the keys in his hand and realized he was probably trying to lock up and get the hell out of there.

“That’s a lot to carry. Can I give you a ride?”

I shook my head as I turned to go. “You’ve done enough already. I’m just a block up the street. Thanks Todd.”

A shiver ran through my body as I stepped into the night air. It was getting cooler in the evenings, and I was really hungry, which made me feel even colder. But, it was hard to think about food with thoughts of Todd running through my head. “Stop it. I told myself, you are with Dave.” But still, a delicious thrill flooded my body as I imagined Todd buck naked, with nothing but his tats covering him. I licked my lips as I allowed my thoughts to stray, wondering how tasty his skin was … and I swallowed, thinking about how much I would like to find out.

“Shit!” I felt my heel catching in a crack in the sidewalk, and in seconds I was on the ground, flat on my ass with the pizza box lying next to me. I just barely managed to keep from dropping the beer. I could kick myself for wearing cute high-heeled shoes instead of sensible ones I could easily walk in. But, I love dressing cute, and that includes wearing hot little shoes—even if they were a few years old, as I was too broke to buy anything new.

“Hey, pizza lover.” I looked up to see Todd standing over me, offering his muscled bicep. “Let me help you stand up.” I put the bag with the beer on the ground and tried to stand. I felt like a baby deer trying to walk for the first time as Todd gently pulled me to my feet. My ankle was killing me. Not sure if I twisted it, I put my hand on it, wincing in pain. “Look I am going to call an ambulance. My cell is in the pizzeria. So...” Before I had a chance to say anything, Todd swept me up in his muscular arms, cradling me like a baby.

A flush of pleasure enveloped me as I sank into his arms. God, he was so hot. “No, no don’t call an ambulance. It is going to be fine. I just need to rest it.” The last thing I needed was a bill from the hospital; that would totally crush me. The government was giving us a small stipend, but after paying for the apartment and a few other necessities, there wasn’t much left. And with Dave not having a job…

He carried me back into the pizzeria. It felt so good to have someone take over. I knew I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t resist leaning into his chest and inhaling his scent. His natural man aroma was mixed with body wash—spices and citrus. And, there was that underlying animal aroma that we werewolves have. Smelling him helped wash out the pain from my ankle. “Rest for a minute, while I get the pizza and beer, I’ll be back to ice it.”

He returned quickly and plunked the pizza and brown bag on the countertop. “I know you are still gonna want this.” He said.

I nodded. My ankle hurt and I was starving. But seeing him rush around was a delicious distraction from the pain in my ankle and my growling stomach. I loved watching his ass move in his tight jeans as he tried to help me. He was so damn hot. In seconds, he was wrapping a bag of frozen peas in a dishcloth.

“This should take the swelling down,” he said. The bag was icy cold, but as his warm hands positioned the peas over my ankle, a strong desire to rip his shirt off washed over me. What was wrong with me? I loved Dave. Yet, here I was with a dull throb in my ankle, sitting with Todd, and all I can think of is how I would like to feel the throb of his hard cock in my wet pussy!


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