Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3 (24 page)

BOOK: Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3
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“Kill her!” Craig shouted out to the men on the upper level. “Blow her up if you have to but I want to see the remains to know she is really dead.”

Craig watched as eight of the men moved along the narrow catwalk above him. His eyes widened when he saw a dark shadow moving up behind the group. He blinked his eyes again to clear them. What the fuck was that? He raised his good arm and aimed. He fired a shot but the shadow had already moved beyond where he was aiming.

“Behind you!” Craig shouted out before he felt a hand wrap around his throat.

Craig was jerked roughly around. He dropped the gun in his left hand and grasped at the hand with his good hand. Choking, he looked in horror at the dark silver flames
blazing in the eyes of
the largest man he had ever seen
in his life
. The dark face and short dark hair were clearly etched in stone.

Teriff held the man responsible for harming his new daughter. He would not kill him. That privilege would go to Mak. Teriff slid a translator up to the man’s ear and inserted it. He wanted this human male to know what the leader of the Prime had to say.

“You have harmed my new daughter. The Right of Justice falls to my son to kill you. You have been sentenced to death,” Teriff said with a grin letting his canines extend so Craig could see just what devil he had woken up. “I look forward to
him kill you.”

Craig stared in horror at the creature in front of him. “What the fuck are you?” He choked out hoarsely.

“Your judge,” Teriff said with a grin enjoying the stark terror scenting the man.

Teriff squeezed his hand until the man he had pinned against the metal beam went limp. He would make sure this one went back with them. He quickly secured the man to make sure he did not go anywhere. Teriff was finished with human males. From the few he had met they were dangerous creatures that had no appreciation for the male

s right and responsibility to protect the more fragile female. Maybe
was why these human women, who appeared so delicate and fragile, were in fact fierce and strong. All he knew was he would not tolerate any human male besides Angus Bell. He would never let any human male near his family again.

Teriff turned as he heard gunfire from up above. He saw Mak moving through the group with a cold efficiency. Bodies flew over the railing as he quickly dispatched with one after another. Teriff looked around to see if Derik had appeared yet. He knew his younger son was after one of the men who had tried to escape. When he had gone around the side of the warehouse after the other two men Mak had seen there had actually been three men. Though, two of them seemed to be roughing up the other one. He had quickly dispatched with the two men but the third had escaped. Derik was pursuing him and would take care of him.

He watched as the last body fell. His was proud of his son. He was a true warrior. Teriff knew the challenges his son had faced. He knew of the rejection of the females because of his son’s size and strength. He watched the fear in the eyes of the other warriors when he walked by for the same reason. When Tresa insisted he be allowed to travel to the human world he had been resistant. Not because he worried about his son’s safety or even Terra’s. He knew he could protect them both. He worried for his son’s heart. Only his family knew of the warm heart that beat under the intimidating skin of his second son.

Watching the fierce rage in his son’s face as he fought to protect his mate gave Teriff an appreciation for his own mate’s wisdom. She told him that Mak had found his bond mate. Teriff gave thanks to the gods and goddesses who worked in their own ways. He was proud that h
second son had found a female fierce enough to match him.

Chapter 21

Mak’s shoulders heaved as he fought to calm the fire burning through him. Bodies littered the upper and lower levels. He had shown no mercy as he cleared a path to his mate. He turned in a tight circle to make sure there was no other threats before he moved to the location the men were so focused on.

Tansy je talli, talk to me,
Mak said urgently.

He felt his fear increase when she did not reply. He stopped at the door. His eyes scanned the small room narrowing on the dark streak on the wall before he followed it down to the figure lying still on the cold, hard floor.

A curse escaped him as he rushed forward and knelt beside the inert figure. He gently rolled her over swearing even louder when he felt the slick blood on his hand. His fingers trembled as he pushed her heavy mane of red hair away from her face so he could see if she was still breathing.

je talli
,” Mak whispered as he felt the faint pulse beating in her neck. “What have you done this time you stubborn human female

Tansy’s eyelashes fluttered against her pale, cold cheeks. “Mak,” a faint whisper sounded before her eyes opened slowly.

“I am here,” Mak said gruffly tearing the sleeve of her gown away from the wound in her arm.

“I thought you had left me,” she whispered faintly.

Mak’s eyes flashed with rage. “Never! And when you are well I am going to whip your ass for this little stunt. Never again, Tansy. Never again will you go off on your own.”

Tansy fought to keep her eyes open but she was so cold and tired. It was too much for her. Her lips curved in a small smile as she felt Mak apply one of those miracle pain patches to her neck.

She really did need to get a case of the damn stuff to keep on hand,
she thought tiredly.

“No, you do not,” Mak grunted out. “You will not need it if I keep you tied to my bed.”

Tansy didn’t even bother opening her eyes. She didn’t think she could open them even if she wanted to. She simply turned her head into his hand and sighed.

“Okay,” she replied softly before she let the darkness take her again.


“When is she going to wake up?” A voice complained. “She’s been asleep forever!”

“Tink, quit bouncing on the bed,” Mak’s deep voice said sternly. “I told you not to come here yet.”

“Of course we were going to come,” another feminine voice said with a hint of humor in it. “We Bell girls do what we want when we want.”

“I have to agree with that,” a male laughed before soft giggles and the sound of kissing teased Tansy’s ears.

“Oh God, there they go again! Will you two get a room!” A soft voice said from the other side of her.

Tansy fought through the layers of cotton in her head. She turned her head toward the last voice and forced her eyes to open. Hannah sat next to her. At least, Tansy thought it was Hannah. The girl sitting next to her looked like the old Hannah she remembered. There was a soft glow to her face and her eyes were bright with happiness.

“Personally, I think your parents have the right idea,” a deeper voice replied.

Tansy’s eyes widened as a male pulled Hannah up off the bed and into his arms. From the soft moan her big sister was giving, she was definitely not upset about him kissing her. Tansy’s head jerked around when she heard the dark groan of another man. Where in the hell was she? Grand Central Station?

I do not know this Grand Central Station but I am about ready to kick them all out,
Mak’s relieved tone echoed softly through her mind.

“I think they all need to get their own rooms,” Tansy replied huskily. “Where am I?”

Tilly let out a soft cry while Tink bounced up and down on the bed in excitement. Hannah turned but remained held tightly in the arms of the man who had been kissing her passionately. Tansy noted the flushed, pink glow to Hannah’s cheeks and the contented smile on her face as she leaned back into the man’s arms.

“You are in our bedroom on the island I told you that was near Borj’s house,” Mak said in exasperation.

He couldn’t get near his mate with all the females crowding around her. They had arrived unexpectedly this morning. Personally, he was ready to kick them all out. He had been waiting impatiently for his mate to finally waken. The healers had assured him she would survive but that her body and mind were exhausted and needed additional time to heal before she would.

He had returned to his world the minute he gathered Tansy’s unconscious form into his arms. His father had returned shortly after with the body of the unconscious male who had betrayed Tansy. The man was now dead. Mak had demanded the Right of Justice. To be fair, their healers had healed the male before he fought him. The man’s pleads for mercy fell on deaf ears as Mak took his time killing him. By the end, the man was begging for death. Even then, Mak did not let it come too quickly. He wanted the man to feel the same pain as what he had ordered others to do. There was still one more male he had needed to find. The one called Drew. It had taken a few days but RITA was very good at locating people who did not want to be found. She discovered him through the cameras that were located throughout Tansy’s world. Mak had visited him at the dirty hotel he was hiding at. He had taken him to the same isolated warehouse they had used when they tried to kill his mate. Mak made sure the man suffered the same fate as his mate’s first love.

“Oh sweetheart, you gave your dad, me and your sisters an awful scare,” Tilly said tenderly as she brushed Tansy’s hair back from her face. “When I first saw you…” her tearful voice faded away.

“I knew you could kick some ass but Teriff told us how you were blowing the bad guys up and…,” Tink said shifting until she sitting and looking down at Tansy with wide eyes. “Did you know I killed a bad guy? It was totally gross. I got this really yucky green goop all over my favorite hammer. It was some type of ….” Tink gasped as she was physically lifted off the bed into a pair of huge arms.

“I think it is time we gave your sister and my brother a few moments alone,” J’kar said with a dark flash of his eyes.

“But, I was telling Tansy about…” Tink began.

J’kar brushed a firm kiss across her mouth. “I know. I do not like remembering you being in danger,” he replied quietly. “I need you.”

Tink’s face flushed and her eyes lit up. “Are you horny again?” She whispered loud enough that everyone could hear her.

J’kar looked at Tilly and Angus and gave them an apologetic smile. “The chemicals released by her pregnancy has a very positive effect on me,” he explained sheepishly.

Angus laughed and pulled Tilly into his arms. “Don’t worry about it. The same thing happened to me when Tilly was pregnant. Why do you think we ended up with three girls so close together? I thought she was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen when she was rounded with them. Still has the same effect on me now,” Angus said as he buried his nose in Tilly’s shoulder.

“Oh, you! You are such a romantic!” Tilly giggled.

“I can understand as well,” Borj said quietly wrapping his hands protectively around Hannah’s waist so they covered the slight swell.

Tansy gasped. “You too?” She asked in wonder.

Hannah smiled down at Tansy before she leaned over and brushed a kiss across her forehead. “He makes me feel complete,” Hannah whispered to Tansy. “I’m not afraid anymore.”

Tansy stared deeply into her older sister’s eyes searching for the truth in her words. What she saw brought new tears to her eyes. She saw the truth in Hannah’s eyes. There were no more shadows. There was no fear. There was just a warm happiness and love. She looked over Hannah’s shoulder at the man standing so protectively behind her big sister. The look in his eyes promised he would always protect Hannah.

Tansy nodded, unable to say anything over the lump in her throat. She turned her head, seeking Mak. She needed to feel him. She needed him to hold her and make her feel that same sense of freedom.

I am here, je talli,
Mak said tenderly.

Tansy stretched her arm out to him. She loved the feel of his large hand wrapping around hers. Neither one of them noticed the room growing quieter as everyone left. Nor did they notice as Tilly and Angus looked on with tears in their eyes as the huge, alien male gently scooped their little girl up into his massive arms and held her like she was the most precious thing in the universe. Angus pulled his wife closer and quietly closed the door to the bedroom. Pulling her down the hall to the living area where everyone else had escaped to, he paused and pulled her to him so he could feel her tiny form pressed against his.

“She’ll be alright now,” he murmured as quiet sobs shook Tilly’s tiny figure.

“I was so scared we would lose her,” Tilly cried softly into Angus’ chest. “I was afraid we would end up…”

“Shush,” Angus said breaking off her tortured words with his lips. “Someone out there was looking out for both of them. All three of our girls will be safe, loved, and protected from now on.”

Tilly looked up into the eyes of the man who had captured her heart so many years ago. He might not have the build of a warrior. He might not have the physical strength of a warrior. But, he had the heart of one and that was all that mattered.

“I love you, Angus Bell,” Tilly said. “I love you so much.”

“I love you more, Tilly Bell,” Angus said with a soft groan. “I have from the first moment you kidnapped me.”

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