Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3 (26 page)

BOOK: Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3
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He had to finish what he started. He had to make her understand that when she didn’t listen to him or at least work with him she endangered both their lives. He had to show her what their life could be like together so she never wanted to take a chance of their being apart.

With a growl, he pushed back away from her lips and moved down her body in a concentrated attack on her senses. He licked, kissed, and stroked every inch of her. He moved down her legs, took his time releasing more of the mating chemical as he marked the inside of her thigh, before he let his mouth hover over the slick lips of her pussy.

“I am going to taste you,” he whispered. “I’m going to drink you down. Then, I am going to turn you over and fuck you hard.”

Tansy was gasping as she listened to what he was planning to do to her. Her whole body was one throbbing nerve. Every touch pulled at her taking her to such a height that she felt like she was about to shatter at any moment. She didn’t see how anything else he did could take her any further up the pinnacle of heaven than what he had done so far.

“Please,” the soft whimper burst from her raw throat. “Please…”

Mak ignored the soft word
burying his face between her slick folds and nipping them when they tightened in response. Tansy’s hoarse cry drove him on. He pulled the swollen folds back attacking her protected core with his rough tongue. He drank, lick, and feasted until she screamed out, convulsing around him as she shattered.

He waited as she came down from her climax. He stroked her throbbing vaginal walls with his thick finger drawing her climax out before he pulled them out. Now, he would let her know what it felt like to be truly taken. With her body throbbing from desire, he would build her up again and again until she melted into him as one.

Mak sat up and gripped Tansy’s small waist in his hands. He would need to be careful. He would need to balance the pain with the pleasure. He turned her over before she realized what he was doing and pulled her up onto her hands and knees as far as the restraints would allow. Holding her around the waist, he let his hand fall on her smooth lush ass with a slight sting.

“What the …” Tansy cried out at the stinging blow to her ass. “Mak, what are you doing?”

He brought his hand down on the other rounded cheek watching as it turned red with his handprint. Tansy cried out again, fighting the restraints now. He leaned forward and pulled gently on the chain swinging from her nipples.

“Oh!” She cried out arching into the tug.

“I told you I was going to whip your ass,” he said huskily bringing his hand down again a little harder than rubbing the spot to take out the sting. “Let me. You will see it can be enjoyable.”

“If you think it is so enjoyable, let me spank your ass!” Tansy bit out even as she tilted her ass up to take another slap. She moaned out as he brought his hand down again and again.

Mak knew she was ready when she lowered her head down to the mattress and waited for another stinging slap. Instead, he positioned himself behind her and forced his cock between her slick folds not stopping until he was buried balls deep inside her. He reached over and wound her thick red hair around the palm of his right hand while he used his left hand to rub her.

He moved deep, hard, and fast giving her no mercy as he took his own pleasure while giving her the same. He pulled on her hair, forcing her rise up. The angle forced his cock deeper. A deep shaking began inside him as his climax built to an explosion that tore a cry from deep inside him.

“Forever!” He yelled out hoarsely. “You are mine forever!”

Tansy’s own pleading gasps echoed his as she came again. She was beyond thinking. She had shattered long ago. She had also realized what he meant that one could not survive without the other. The concept had been so foreign to her before. Now she understood what Mak had been trying to tell her all along. They were bound together with a bond so strong and yet so fragile that if one were to perish so would the other. They were no longer two separate entities but two halves of one whole.

“Forever,” Tansy promised as exhaustion took her and she descended into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Mak slowly released his mate, lowering her body gently to the bed. He refused to feel remorse at taking her so soon after her waking. He knew he needed to seal his claim on her before she had a chance to reconsider or think it possible for her to break the bond connecting them. He let his hand move to rest for a moment over her stomach. If the Gods and Goddess were looking on, he was sure they would have blessed him and his mate with a child.

Or two if her sisters were any indication of how P
rime males and human females br
Mak thought with a contented grin as he pulled the covers over them.

He pulled his mate’s sedated body into his enjoying the feel of her lush curves. He closed his eyes and gave a sigh. He let his mind connect with his mate so he could monitor her in case she needed him. The moment he touched her, a wave of warmth flooded him. A curve tilted the corner of his mouth even as sleep overtook his tired body.

Chapter 23

The President of the United States sat back at his desk in the Oval Office looking over the new documents that had been placed for his review. He ran a weary hand through his hair and loosened the tie around his neck. With a muttered curse, he pulled the tie free and tossed it over the back of his chair with his jacket. Standing, he stretched before moving over to the windows overlooking the front lawn. The vice-president was pushing for him to agree with attacking a country in the Middle East that was still c
one of their allies. Lately, he had been getting a feeling of unease with some of the reports he had been receiving from his second-in-command. He turned around determined to review the report again.

He was just sitting down when he jerked back in alarm as a shimmering doorway appeared in the middle of his office. He moved to reach for the alarm mounted under his desk but some instinct told him to wait. His hand hovered over the button as he waited to see who or what came through the opening.

His eyes widened as three very petite but very beautiful women walked through. A split second later, they were followed by a small group o
f huge males. Askew Thomas’ eyes
widened as he took in the size of the males towering over the females. The female with the long red hair turned and scowled at the men.

“Quit trying to be so… so bossy!” She was saying as she glared at the largest man.

“Oh, you can forget it!” The smallest female said rolling her eyes. “J’kar is about to have a heart attack just because I insisted on coming with you. Like he thought I would miss an opportunity to meet the President!”

One of the men said something in a low tone which drew a snort of laughter out of all the women. The oldest woman turned and smile at Askew as he sat frozen with his hand wavering above the button. She took a hesitant step forward.

“Mr. President, my name is Tilly Bell. These are two of my daughters, Jasmine and Tansy. Tansy works,” Tilly was saying before a low growl behind her stopped her. She rolled her eyes before continuing. “Tansy
to work for the government in a special program.”

“Mom, I can speak for myself,” Tansy said ignoring Mak’s attempt to pull her back behind him. “Knock it off!” She muttered under her breath. “He’s the friggin’ president, not an operative.”

Tilly smiled apologetically to Askew who was still sitting looking at the strange group standing in front of him. Rising up out of his seat, he decided to trust his instincts that they meant no harm to him. It was obvious the three females were human. It was equally obvious that the four males were not.

“Perhaps you should begin again,” Askew said moving around his desk so he could stand in front of Tilly.

Tansy took a step forward ignoring Mak’s silent threat to whip her ass again. “It might help if you allow us to insert a translator so you can understand everything that is being said,” Tansy began quietly. “It doesn’t hurt nor will it
do anything other than translate
between our language and theirs.”

Tansy stood still waiting for the president to decide whether he would allow them to insert the translator or not. She kept his gaze determined to show she would not waver. The President’s eyes moved from her to the four men with intense silver eyes. He studied each carefully. His gaze paused on the oldest male who looked back at him arrogantly. It was obvious all four men were used to commanding others but the oldest male held that to an even higher level. It was obvious he was used to being in charge.

Askew looked at Tansy and gave a brief nod. He knew who she was. Her name was on the report he had been given. It had identified her as being a traitor and extremely dangerous. She was implemented in everything from drug running, to deliver
weapons to their enemies, to human trafficking. Looking into her clear green eyes and determined face, he didn’t believe a single thing in the report.

Borj stepped closer to the President and held up a small device. He indicated he was going to place it near his ear. Askew remained still waiting as the huge man placed the device against his ear. Within seconds, the man took a step away from him and bowed his head.

“Mr. President, my name is Borj ‘Tag Krell Manok. I am an ambassador for our world,” Borj straightened and nodded to the men behind him. “May I present my oldest brother, J’kar. He commands our warships along with my brother Mak,” Borj said waving a hand to the largest man Askew had ever seen. Borj turned and nodded to the oldest man. “May I also present Teriff ‘Tag Krell Manok, my father and the leader of
Clans and our world of Baade

Askew swallowed as he realized he was in the middle of something nothing in his experience had prepared him for. He was being introduced to aliens. He fought a wave of terror. His eyes swung around to the three small women standing near the men. They appeared to see nothing wrong with the entire situation.

“Oh, you poor dear,” Tilly said moving up to Askew. “They really aren’t as big and bad as they look,” she said looking behind her at the men. “Well, they are but only if you piss them off,” she said cheerfully.

“Mom, you are not helping the situation,” Tansy muttered.

“I thought she did a good job,” Tink protested. “I mean, it’s not like they are the Juggernauts or anything.”

“That is Juangan,” J’kar corrected coming to stand closer to Tink.

“Whatever!” She said cheerfully. “The Juangan’s are these really huge lizard looking creatures that eat everyone including each other. The cool thing is if you pop them on the head with a hammer their skulls crack like a walnut.”

“Tink, you are not helping the situation either,” Tansy said in exasperation. “I really should have come alone.”

“No!” Four very angry male voices echoed loudly through the room.

One of the doors to the Oval Office opened and two of the president’s security force rushed in. They stumbled to a stop when Mak snarled at them. They drew their weapons staring at the four huge males who were standing protectively around the women.

“Leave us!” Askew ordered. “Now! And not a word to anyone on this until I debrief you.”

“Sir…” one of the men began.

“That’s an order,” Askew said moving so that he was standing between his men and his visitors. “Wait for me outside and do not let anyone, and I mean anyone, enter.”

“Yes sir,” the man replied looking with uncertainty at the small group.

Once the door was closed, Askew walked over to the small bar set up along the wall. He poured himself a drink before he raised it with a questioning look. Teriff smiled and took a step forward.

“We would enjoy sharing refreshments with you,” Teriff said with a smile. “What are you called human.”

“Askew Thomas,” Askew replied handing a drink to Teriff.

“I have been called a ‘grandfather’ and a


by my new youngest daughter but you may call me Teriff,” Teriff replied downing the drink in one swig.

Askew bit back a bark of laughter as he watched the youngest girl’s face turn a bright red. “I only called you that because you were being mean to me and I just found out I was pregnant with twins! You can’t hold it against me forever,” Tink said moving to sit down on one of the couches.

Before she could sit, one of the huge males, the one called J’kar, reached for her and pulled her down on his lap. He appeared to be trying to calm her from the urgent whispers being muttered. Whatever he said must have worked because she turned her face into his shoulder and nodded quietly.

“Mr. President, I have some very important information I need to share with you,” Tansy said quietly walking over to hand the President a flash drive. “I worked as an operative with CPAT until recently. I uncovered information that is vital to the country and to your personal safety. There was no one I could fully trust with delivering the information I have. It has all been checked out. I want you to know I would do whatever it takes to ensure your safety and that of my country,” Tansy finished.

Askew took the flash drive from Tansy turning it over in his hand several times before he said anything. “I would like to see this now, if you don’t mind,” he said quietly.

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