Tara The Great [Nuworld 2] (28 page)

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Authors: Lorie O'Claire

BOOK: Tara The Great [Nuworld 2]
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“Yes. We’ve searched for their campsite. I just awakened from a dream about you. I know

you can help us.”


What? He dreamed about her? What kind of dream? Had the dog-woman come to

him in a dream? She tried to remember if he’d told her whether or not he’d seen the

dog-woman before. She was guiding the Runners and Gothman based on a vision. She

had faith in her vision. But did she have enough faith to guide another race that was far

from an ally?


Okay, Crator, I could use some words of wisdom right about now.


She looked toward the window. Did she confide in this man who’d held her captive

for six cycles?


“I don’t suppose you could ever forgive me for what I did to you. Tara, I’m sorry. Like I told

you before, I’m sorry we didn’t meet under different circumstances. I was deceived about your

nature. I see that now. Crator speaks to you.”


Tara watched the words appear in front of her. He was asking to be forgiven. She

thought about what Darius and Patha would say. Patha would forgive. She’d seen that

trait in him as she’d grown up. She wasn’t sure what Darius would do. She lifted her

hands and held them above the keyboard for a second, hesitating, then she typed. “I

forgive you.”


A floorboard creaked behind her. She turned to look but had no time to react before

Darius grabbed her and yanked her out of the chair. He had both of his hands wrapped

around her neck and lifted her straight into the air. “What exactly do you think you’re



There was no way Tara could respond. She dug her fingers into his hands,

desperately trying to release his grasp. He held her so her feet dangled several inches

off the floor.



She kicked at him savagely as she gasped for breath. “Let me go!” She squeaked out

the words as she tore at his fingers.


“You were in here plotting with the leader of a nation that we don’t even have an

alliance with, you were. In the middle of the night, almost as if it were behind your

lord’s back, I’d say. It looks like Tara the Great may not be so perfect after all.” He

shouted the words so loudly, several dogs started barking outside the open window.

“I’m glad to see you have it in your heart to forgive him.”


Then he threw her.




Up against the wall next to the window.


She let out a scream in spite of herself and began gasping to fill her lungs with air.

Her hands went to her throat where she could still feel his fingers. Coughing, she

turned to confront him.


“You left our room every night for a half-cycle, refusing to share my bed. A

punishment from my lady, it was.” He was coming at her again. “Why haven’t you

forgiven me?”


“Darius, wait.” She tried to block him but hadn’t recovered enough from being



He raised his hand and brought it down with incredible fury across the side of her



The impact sent her sprawling across the floor. She brought herself to all fours

quickly, the coppery taste of blood filling her mouth.


“You were with him for six cycles, you were.” He hovered over her. “I’m thinking

you weren’t his prisoner the entire time. And now you’re caught red-handed, you are,

having a conversation with him while I sleep in the next room.”


She pulled herself up and wiped blood dripping down her chin. “You’re wrong,

Darius. The transmission was left open.”


“Shut up!”


He took one large step and was on top of her, lifting her up in the air while she

flung at him in self-defense. “I should have done this a long time ago, yes.”


He lifted her above his head. Adrenaline brought on by jealousy and rage must

have aided him, because he’d never been able to overpower her this easily before.


All of a sudden, an arm appeared in the darkness of the doorway. Someone pushed

a laser into the back of Darius’ neck.


“Put her down now, Darius.” Torgo wasn’t shaking and he didn’t look afraid as he

walked into the room. He was completely enraged.


Darius threw Tara and, once again, she slammed against the wall and slid to the

floor. Her loud grunt was enough indication of the pain from the impact. She scrambled

to her feet as Darius turned on his brother.



“I told you to stay out of the house, I did!” He moved toward his tall, but not yet as

well-developed, younger brother.


Torgo leapt backwards to stay out of arms reach, but kept the laser pointed at

Darius’ face. “This is my house too, it is.” He growled just as his brother often did.


And he sounded impressively confident. So much so, that not only did he stun

Darius, but Tara looked at him with astonishment as she picked herself up.


“You lay one more hand on her, you do, and I swear I’ll kill you.”


“Torgo, this isn’t your concern, no.” Darius actually lowered his voice as he studied

the laser. His gaze went from the laser to his brother’s face. “Now turn around and go

back outside. You’ve work to do, you do.”


“My work is done, it is.” Torgo sounded almost too calm. “Now I’m needed in here.

Back down and leave her alone, I say.”


“Torgo,” Tara spoke with authority. “Put down the laser. You’re very brave, but—”


“More like foolish.” Darius glared at his brother.


“She wasn’t doing anything wrong, no.” Torgo held his brother’s gaze.


“How do you know what I was doing?” Tara asked, alarmed.


For the first time, Torgo’s confidence seemed to falter. He looked at Tara and began

to lower the laser. Darius made a move toward him and Torgo backed up a bit,

straightening his arm again. He glanced from Darius to Tara, but he didn’t answer.


“I asked you a question.” Now Tara spoke firmly. She walked up to Torgo and

grabbed the laser without hesitation. “And put that damn thing down.”


“I was monitoring your transmission,” he said quickly.


Tara opened her mouth to say something.


Torgo hurried on. “I was bored, I was. There’s nowhere comfortable to sleep out

there, and you said to stay out of the house.” Torgo tossed his head at his brother.

“We’ve converted all the bikes you instructed us to use, we did. They’ve been tested

and are ready to go, yes.”


Torgo paused and saw that he had both of their undivided attention. He stood as

tall as he could, spreading his legs slightly and puffing his chest. He spoke to Tara as he

continued, although he kept giving his brother quick glances, feeling vulnerable now

that he was unarmed.


“Tara, I knew he would try something like this when he emptied the house, I did. I

daresay you embarrassed him out there this afternoon in front of his guards, yes.” He

swallowed, hoping neither of them would notice his growing uneasiness. He was

defending Tara’s honor, though. Certainly that amounted to something. “If he put a few

bruises on you, broke a bone, something like that, he would save face in front of his

soldiers. Tara, we’re Gothman. We have to be lord over our claims, or we’ll be thought

as fools.”



* * * * *


“And you?” She put her hands on her hips, still holding Torgo’s laser. “Will you

beat the woman you claim if she doesn’t behave the way you want her to?” She moved

a hand to her face and rubbed her jaw, sure she would be able to produce the wanted



“I’m thinking it would depend on the situation.” Torgo now looked completely

awkward stuck in the middle of Tara and Darius’ argument.


“I see.” Tara looked from Torgo to Darius. “I hope you’re man enough to look over

each situation very carefully.”


Torgo turned red, and Darius looked like his anger would rekindle.


She challenged Darius with her eyes, then handed back the laser to Torgo. “Take

some blankets and head back outside. Sleeping in the hay is pretty comfortable.” She

escorted him by the arm when he looked like he would protest. He still seemed worried

that she was in danger with his brother.


“Maybe you should keep it, yes.” Torgo tried to put the laser back into her hand.


“Don’t worry about me.” She turned and clobbered Darius in the stomach, causing

him to clench his fists and tighten every muscle in his body. In spite of that intimidating

gesture, Tara laughed. “He’s not going to hurt me. I’ve sparred all my life. Do you think

a Runner can’t take care of herself? Go make sure my bike is converted as well.”


Torgo’s eyes widened at her request, and he looked at Darius.


Tara turned to her claim, as well, wondering if he’d given instructions for them not

to convert her bike. If so, there would be somebody else getting hurt.


“Go take care of her bike,” Darius grumbled.


Torgo headed toward the staircase, but he watched Tara until he began to descend.


“You forgive him but not me, I see.” Darius followed Tara back into the computer

room. It wasn’t clear whether he was making a statement or asking a question.


“You haven’t asked me to forgive you,” Tara pointed out. She slumped into the

chair, forcing a look of indifference at his deadly presence, when all she wanted was to

hear those words from him. Nothing Gowsky did to her hurt as badly as knowing

Darius was the papa of her sister’s child.


But Darius was an incredibly proud man. He remained silent, studying her, his

hands on his hips. Tara met his eyes, and he returned a scornful look.


For a second, he looked like he would strike her again and she braced herself.

Instead, Darius dropped onto one knee before her. “Tara-girl, will you forgive me?”


She blinked, and in spite of herself, her mouth fell open. Was this her all-powerful,

merciless Lord Darius? Was this the dark warrior who took what he wanted and offered

no explanations in return? She stared into his dark, haunting gray eyes.


How could she refuse the most handsome, challenging man she’d ever known?

Besides, hadn’t he noticed she’d already forgiven him? Or at least, she’d decided to put



it past them, and thought that had been apparent during their lovemaking. She smiled

back and rubbed her jaw. “I was going to forgive you, but now I think you need to

apologize for hitting me.”


He took her face gently in his hands and leaned forward to kiss the green and

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