Tara The Great [Nuworld 2] (31 page)

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Authors: Lorie O'Claire

BOOK: Tara The Great [Nuworld 2]
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ready to take off running, and restrained him while freeing Ana from her sidecar.


“I want to go play.” Andru twisted in Tara’s arms.


“Me too,” Ana wailed as she tried to help her mama release the belts securing her to

the sidecar.


“You two will stay put and be good.” Tara’s tone settled the twins, and they looked

at each other, as if silently communicating their frustrations.


“I’ll get her out, Mama.” Andru smiled at Tara, and his gray eyes glowed in the



Tara straightened and watched the twins as Andru helped his sister from her seat.


She squatted and began picking up contents of a bag Ana had accidentally kicked to

the ground. She looked up to see Jolee already talking into her comm and smiled. She

knew the young woman would be a good choice. She saw that things needed to be

done, and she did them. It didn’t matter if the job was pleasant or not. Jolee didn’t mind

getting her hands dirty.


Tara had grown up with Jolee, as she had with the other two assistants she’d

recruited: Trev and Fartha. She’d hesitated on selecting Trev. He was handsome, but

not her style. She knew Darius wouldn’t be thrilled to see him among her trio. But he

was good at strategic planning. His papa had advised Patha until he’d been killed

during their war with the Sea People. Trev had learned his papa’s trade, and she

needed his skills.



Fartha had married Farn, the highest-ranking officer in Patha’s army…her army.

She’d actually decided on Fartha several winters ago because the woman had numerous

connections among the army officers. Knowing personalities was as vital as knowing

warrior capabilities.


“I have Cali on her way over.” Jolee flipped off her comm but left it on her ear.

Apparently, she was ready to work and excited to be involved in the heart of the action.

“What next, boss?” The grin on her face was contagious.


Watching Cali take the twins stabbed at her heart. Andru and Ana should be with

her; but this was war and she had a job to do.


Inside the trailer, Trev contacted all the clans for the second time that morning, and

instructed them to journey toward the Blood Circle Clan site and remain on high alert.

There were twelve clans on record, with the Blood Circle Clan having the most

members. The clans ranged from as small as one hundred members, to the larger clans

reporting almost a thousand in their ranks. There was power in numbers, and Tara’s

assistants agreed it was a good tactical move.


Fartha communicated with her husband, and he called in all armies. Some of their

best warriors had left with the Gothman soldiers to cross the mountains the day before.

Fartha now identified those fighters held in high esteem who remained on site. She

continued to talk to her husband over her comm while connected through the landlink,

compiling armies and preparing assignments.


“The Red Rock clan reports being the farthest away,” Fartha said to him then stared

at her landlink. She nodded to something said to her and punched keys as she spoke,

“You’re right. They have a little over a hundred members, but they are on their way.”


“Haven’t the Three Rings clan submitted some proposal for an improved version of

the laser?” Jolee asked.


“Yes, that’s right.” Tara nodded and opened a nearby landlink, then pushed the

button and watched as the screen lit up. “Make a note to see if any of the weapons are

ready for battle.”


Jolee sat at the large kitchen table with Tara and pulled up what maps could be

found of the eastern part of their continent. She noticed Jolee’s surprise when she

accessed the Neurian transmissions and began searching their pages for maps.


“So now what are you doing?” Jolee seemed to have given herself to the position of

first assistant. It fit her personality, Tara thought. She just automatically jumped into



“I learned a few things while in Southland.” Tara smiled but didn’t look up. “These

people have some incredible landlink programs running.” She stopped at the page

containing the glider diagnostics and printed it for Fartha.


“Well, I’ll be.” Jolee kicked her long, thick legs up on the chair next to her. Her

bright green eyes danced as she grinned at Tara. “You’re good, Tara-girl.”


“I want all bikes converted. Obviously, start with the warriors who will be our front

line. Organize a team of mechanics and set up shifts to work around the clock. Tell them



if they have any questions, to contact Torgo. A small team under his direction converted

ten bikes last night.”


In response to a small beeping sound, Tara reached across the table for her comm.

At the same time, the screen on her landlink went black. After several images flashed in

front of her, small letters appeared at the top of the landlink as they had the night



She watched the screen as she fixed the comm to her ear and heard Darius’ voice.

“Tara. We’ve company coming, we do.”


“Tara!” Fartha sounded excited. “There’s a large army approaching us from the

east. I don’t have a fix on them yet to give you a count. I’d say they’re three or four

hours away.”


Tara looked at the landlink screen in front of her.


“Tara, I recognize your login number now. You’ve got a large army of Lunians approaching

you. Estimated arrival time: 4 hours. I have an army equipped with 500 gliders that can reach

your southern borders in approximately 5 hours. We don’t claim to possess your warrior skills,

but our technology is superior to yours. Do we have an alliance?”


Tara was being forced into a sudden decision about trade with the Neurians. If she

took the wrong step, the Runners and Gothman could lose the chance at unlimited oil,

something they desperately needed.


“Gowsky just contacted me,” Tara relayed to Darius. She purposely cut short her

message, knowing their comms could be tapped.


“I’ll be right there.” Darius cut the communication.


She stared at the screen and thought for a minute.


“I can speak for the Runners. We have an alliance. Our protection for your oil.”


She exhaled and waited for a response. Her first command decision. Why did it

have to be one concerning the Neurian government?


“We’ll discuss that when I get there.”


Gowsky was coming?


Darius entered the trailer without knocking less than ten minutes later.


She realized he hadn’t asked her where she was, yet he’d come right to her. Oh, her

stubborn pride. When would she admit she didn’t yet possess the leadership skills he



He viewed the small group with an iron stare, then let his gaze fall upon Trev.


Tara introduced the three Runners as her personal assistants. No one batted an eye

when she introduced Jolee as her first assistant.


Darius nodded and came around behind her to view her screen.


Jolee jumped up and pushed a chair to the back of his legs, and he sat.


She then moved into the kitchen and Tara realized she was making coffee. Jolee had

been a good choice.



The brief conversation was still on the screen, and Darius showed no emotion as he

read it. “Is the transmission still open?” he asked quietly, and with way too much

control, Tara thought.


“I’m not sure. I haven’t figured out how to tell if they’re individually transmitting

yet.” Tara began to type.




“Yes, Tara.”


She looked up at Darius.


He reached in front of her and began typing.


“This is the Lord of Gothman. You may cross our nation’s border in return for 100 flasks of

oil. Other negotiations may be made upon delivery of the oil.”


Tara looked up at Darius but he didn’t return her look. His expression was cold and

powerful. She hoped he wouldn’t kill the Neurian upon his arrival.


“Lord Darius, I look forward to the opportunity of asking forgiveness for detaining your

mate. Your terms are acceptable. Your reputation is well-noted, and I can only pray that Crator

will allow you one day to consider me a friend.”


Tara looked at Darius again. If anything, his expression appeared colder than

before. His dark gray eyes finally turned and summed her up with a hard gaze. She met

his gaze, hoping she didn’t seem too curious about what was in his mind.


He turned back to the landlink and closed the transmission. “Come outside with

me.” He stood, causing her assistants to glance his way.


“Let me know as soon as we have details on this approaching army,” Tara said to

Fartha. “And I want to know as soon as other clans start to arrive.”


Trev nodded.


Jolee looked at her questioningly, and Tara knew the woman wondered if she

should accompany Tara or not.


“Get those mechanics in gear, Jolee.” Tara followed Darius out of the trailer.


They walked toward an open area where mechanics already were working on the

bikes. Darius led with his hand behind her elbow, barely touching her, yet steering her



“Since your clan site borders the Gothman nation, in the future, please don’t agree

to an alliance of any kind without consulting me first.” He continued to look ahead,

guiding them toward the bikes. He sounded nonchalant, as if they were talking about

the weather.


“We need their oil.” She felt a need to defend her decision. Tara wanted the alliance.

Even if they’d discussed, or more like argued, over the matter, she would still want it.

An alliance with the Neurians could only make them stronger. She’d bet on it.


“Which I negotiated, not you.” He looked at her this time.


She felt the weight of his stare.



“I have the responsibility to protect Gothman, I do. If that means asking you this

favor, then I ask.”


Ask a favor? Did he actually sound humble? Not Darius. Yet, she thought he

softened just a little.


No. He was working her, testing her leadership skills. That had to be it. Darius

didn’t ask favors; he issued commands.


She wasn’t sure she liked this. He was easier to control if he didn’t get under her

skin too far. “I’ve called in all Runner clans. All the Runners on Nuworld wouldn’t fit

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