Teach Me (4 page)

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Authors: Alla Kar

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Teach Me
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Oh. My. God
. He kissed me. I was basically begging him for it. He reached across the console of his truck and he found my lips with his. They were full, soft and gentle at first.
This is wrong.
I knew it was but I couldn’t not take the chance. Just once, and I would never do it again. His tongue ran across my bottom lip and I parted my own, letting him slip his tongue into my mouth. I moaned.
Damn it.
I couldn’t help it. He seemed to fuck my mouth with his. I’d never felt so vulnerable with a kiss before.

He returned with a growl, grabbing the nape of my neck and dragging my closer to him. I was half way over the console, my arms gripping at his t-shirt.
Am I really making out with my teacher? He is sexy, but it’s still wrong. I have a boyfriend.

Before I could make myself come to my senses Liam gripped my ass, and pulled me over to straddle him.
Holy fuck.
I could feel his erection between my legs, as he pushed me down on it.
Oh, God.
“Sarah,” he mumbled into my ear, sliding his tongue against my neck. “This is wrong,” he said, wrapping a tattooed arm around my waist.

“I know,” I said back, grinding down on him. “We need to stop,” I said.

Liam pushed me back from him. His gray eyes were wide with excitement, his mouth parted and his breathing heavy. “I’m so sorry.”

I shook my head, all the guilt slamming into me at once. “It takes two,” I mumbled. “I’m sorry I told you to. You’re my teacher, I have a boyfriend.” I crawled over the console and sat in the seat, my head leaning back.

Guilt was one of the worse things to feel…ever. It ate at me on the way home, my entire body overcome with it. It was almost like a virus that spread and took over me. I’d kissed another guy. A man. A sexy man.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose with my pointer finger. “This can be like it never happened,” Liam said. “I shouldn’t have done that to you. You are taken and my student. It can’t happen again.”

I nodded in agreement, even though hearing it made my stomach hurt. “Of course, it was a onetime slip up. It won’t happen again,” I said, matter of fact.

Liam was staring at me in the parking lot. He licked his lips and patted my hand. “To a new beginning.”

I winced. “New beginning,” I whispered. “I guess I’ll see ya in class tomorrow,” I said. I walked up the steps, not looking back and closed the door behind me.

“Tell me what the fuck happened now,” Cody said from the futon.

Ah, shit.

After I explained everything that happened, I realized I was a much worse person that I thought I was.

“Did he kiss good? He has those big lips.” Cody pretended to moan and fan himself. I frowned and held my face in my hands.

“Ah, come on now, Sarah. Matt is an asshole anyway .Why don’t you just storm over there and take Mr. Teacher Man right now. I’ll cover for you if Matt comes home early.”

I shook my head. “It never happened. We defined our relationship and now we’re moving on.”

Cody rolled his eyes. “Come on, Sarah. You have to see the man every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You know that it’s gonna be hard as hell not to pounce on him after class.”

I sighed. “I’m going to bed, Cody. I can’t think about this anymore than I have to,” I said.

“Ah, don’t get cha self down in the dumps about it. Mr. Hottie is a very big upgrade from Matt anyway.”

“Good night, Cody,” I said before shutting my door
. What in the hell did I do?
I climbed into the shower and turned on the hot water. I let it run down my skin, washing away where Liam had touched me. His hands so large on my waist and ass. His lips and tongue caressing my own. My thighs began to feel heavy, and I leaned against the shower wall.
Why had he felt so much different from Matt? Why had he turned me on so quickly?

In between my thighs began to heat, as I run my hand down my stomach to my most sensitive spot.
Fuck, I wished he had stoked me there. No, Sarah.
I shook my head but continued to rub myself, feeling where I wished he had touched. I rubbed harder, thinking of his mouth on my neck, until I exploded thinking of his face. His hands. His touch.

What have I gotten myself into?

Chapter Five






Layla’s tongue was what woke me up the next morning. I opened my eyes and the sunbeams hit my eyes. I winced. It looked like it had cleared up since the rain the night before.

Layla was sleeping beside me, her tongue lapping at my cheek. “Alright,” I said, pulling her to my chest and rubbing her head. “I’m getting up, girl,” I said, sliding the sweaty sheets off of me. The dream from the night before left me sweaty and
. I hadn’t had a wet dream since high school.
I’m a fucking pussy.

I slid into the shower and scrubbed away the grim. I tried to not think about the night before. Sarah’s soft skin, her thick lips and breasts pushed against my chest, but it wasn’t working. She’d said she had a boyfriend. I knew it well before I’d kissed her.
I couldn’t help it? Fuck.
I placed my forehead against the shower wall and closed my eyes. I’d made out with my student. I sat her on my lap, gripping her ass.

“Way to go, Liam,” I mumbled through the water falling down my face. Then I’d told her ‘to new beginnings.”
What kind of fucktard am I?
She was probably glad I took her home to get away from my awfulness.

I growled and slipped out of the shower, drying off and getting dressed. I made myself a fresh cup of coffee and slipped out on the balcony. It was only seven forty five. My first class wasn’t until ten but Layla never did like to sleep in.

I was halfway through the coffee when I heard a door slam. “Where were you, Sarah?” I heard someone shout.

Backing up against the wall, I watched from the corner as Matt followed Sarah out from under the walk way. “I said I was out with Jamie.”

He scoffed, grabbed her elbow and turned her around. “Wanna try that again, huh? You weren’t out with her?”

Sarah snatched her arm away, taking a few steps backwards. “Yes, I was. How in the hell would you know? Why don’t you call her and ask then Matt?”
Would Jamie cover for Sarah?
My stomach twisted as Matt grabbed her upper arm, bringing her close to him. Anger rose in my throat, and I stepped forward. He whispered something into her ear and she relaxed.

He grabbed her face and kissed her. My anger turned to jealousy and I stalked back inside before I had to see anything else. I sat on my chair, rubbing my hands over my face.
Why am I so worked up over my student? You knew she had a boyfriend. It’s better like this anyway.

Layla pawed at my feet and I glanced down at her. “I know girl. I’m a fuck up.”


I pushed my
way through the hallway. They were kids standing around the lobby in the MCB. It felt like high school and the bell had just rung. “What’s going on?” I asked a random guy at the back.

He glanced up at me. “They have some kind of dance they’re announcing for the UAM Baseball team or something. Who knows?” he said, shrugging his shoulders and walking off.

Baseball team. That made me think of Matt. Frustrated, I walked up to my classroom and sat behind the desk. I knew I had to teach today, and teach Sarah. I groaned into my hand.

This was a terrible idea. “You okay?” someone asked. I glanced up and saw one of my female students standing in front of my desk. I couldn’t remember her name.
Ashley maybe?
I wouldn’t be sure. I was too busy trying to keep that Tyler kid from talking to Sarah.
What a dumbass.

I smiled up at her. “Of course, I’m fine. Just a little tired.”

She smiled, showing a set of dimples. She was an attractive girl, and I saw a couple of guys talking to her during class last time. She had a small waist, pretty smile and long brown hair. But, I didn’t want to date her. I didn’t want to jump on her, like I did Sarah.

“Yeah, I know what ya mean. My boyfriend broke up with me last night and I was up half the night crying,” she said, in a true southern accent. She fluttered her lashes and kicked her foot against the front of my desk.

Oh, Jesus.
“That’s too bad. His loss,” I said, looking down at my papers.

“You’re pretty young, aren’t you, Mr. Downs?”

I gritted my teeth. Get your cleavage out of my face, kid. “Well--,”

“Ouch,” the girl yelled, looking back over her shoulder. Sarah was standing behind her. “Why’d you do that for?” she asked, reaching down to pick up her books.
She’d knocked them out of her hand?

Sarah’s green eyes never left mine. She gnawed at her lip with her teeth before storming off toward her seat. My stomach tightened. The girl stood back up, jabbed her finger toward Sarah and rolled her eyes before sitting as far away from her as she could.

What. The. Fuck.
She can’t do that.
She went and made out with Matt and another student can’t even talk to me. Regardless that she was flirting, it shouldn’t matter.
I wanted to grab her and kiss her. Take her somewhere I was sure Matt couldn’t.

She kept her eyes down on her notes the entire period. Tyler tried to make conversations with her, but she smiled and continued ‘pretending’ to read. I went over their map test for next week and gave them the next map to look over. We were going over the UK next week. I dug up some facts and decided I’d give it to them as a bonus for the next test.

“Okay, class. Test next Wednesday study those maps for me,” I said, sliding my papers in my grade book. “Sarah, can I speak with you?” I asked, and I could see most of the class staring at me.

“Yes, Mr. Downs,” she said. My jaw clenched.
Mr. Downs.
I wanted to strangle her. I hated when she called me that.

I waited patiently for the rest of the class to leave. Sarah walked up to my desk and I noticed her shirt for the first time. It was low-cut, her breasts hanging over the silky camisole underneath.
Damn it.
“Um,” I cleared my throat. “May I ask why you decided it was a good idea to throw her books down?”

Sarah pressed her teeth into her lip and I swear she was trying not to laugh. “It was an accident, Mr. Downs,” she said, her voice as silky as her blonde hair hanging down past her shoulders.

I gripped my rolling chair and stood up. “Cut the crap, Sarah. I know you did it on purpose,” I said.

She narrowed her green eyes and pushed the strap of her bag up her shoulder. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It was an accident,
Mr. Downs.”

“Stop calling me that,” I said through my teeth, walking around the desk to stand in front of her.

She glared up at me, her breathing heavy.
Was she mad at me? Obviously? But why? She had agreed that this was too risky.
But looking at her stern face, I knew she was mad and she looked hot as hell, too.

“Why? Mr. Downs. That’s your name isn’t it?”

Biting the inside of my lip, I kept myself from bending her over my table and making her scream my name. “Sarah--,.”

“Liam?” I heard from behind me. I turned around, my eyes wide like I’d been caught actually doing what I wanted to do.

Shay stood behind me by the door, arm wrapped around her books. She smiled, and pushed her red hair from her shoulder. “Is this a bad time?”

“No, what is it?” I asked my voice a little too bitter. I tried to give her a smile to ease the worried look on her face. She bought it.

She glanced over at Sarah gave her a small smile and I swear her cheeks turned red. “I’m going to Monroe tonight and thought I would show you around. Are you interested?”

She glanced up at me, brown eyes wide. I could feel Sarah behind me, and I knew I was being immature but I had to get Sarah out of my head. “Sure, you want me to pick you up at seven?”




I wanted to punch Raggedy Ann in her fucking head. She smiled, wrote down her name, address and phone number on a piece of paper. She waved at me, but I gave her my best
go straight to hell and never come back

“Okay,” Liam turned to me. His gray eyes were watching me closely. He was doing this on purpose. But I didn’t give him time to say anything, I pushed past him. He grabbed at my arm but I snatched it away and went straight down the hallway toward my car. I was not going to any other classes today.

I drove sixty down the twenty five mile limit roads toward my apartment. I wanted to be alone. I wasn’t going to tell Matt I was home. I didn’t want him anywhere near me right now. He had a traveling game that weekend, and I was super excited about it. I had the weekend to think about how stupid I’d been to make out with my teacher. How stupid I was to believe that Mr. Downs would even want me anyway. Not to mention Matt jumped down my throat earlier because he called me and I didn’t answer. I was out with Mr. Downs but he didn’t need to know that. Then he said I was lying about being with Jamie. He knew I was lying.
What the fuck did that mean? He called her before he called me to ask where I was? What kind of shit is that?

“God,” I mumbled, grabbing my bags and running upstairs. Cody was sitting on the floor, a canvas stretched out and paint covering him. “What are you doing?”

I glanced around and caught a glimpse of Zeus underneath the futon hiding. He was scared of Cody. Probably because he could be a tad overbearing sometimes. “I’m painting this damned tree for art class.” He sighed and wiped his forehead. “I hate this shit,” he mumbled.

I faked a smile and walked into the kitchen to grab me a drink. “So, why do I get the feeling you are feeling pretty blue right now?” Cody asked from the living room. “Come in here so I can see you.”

I took baby steps into the living room and held my head against the wall. “What, Cody?”

He sighed, and stood up holding his hands out so that he wouldn’t touch anything with the paint. “What happened?”

I shrugged. “I got mad…I pushed some books out of this student’s hands that was talking to Li-Mr. Downs.”

Cody grinned. “That a girl.”

I shook my head. “No, then he asked me why I did it? Then he accepted an invitation to go out with Ms. Shay. The History professor.”

Cody eyes widened. “Did you push her books down, too?”

I flipped him the bird.

“Come on. I’m sorry. You did agree that it couldn’t happen, right? He actually has the right to go out with her if he wants to. Just saying. Not to mention that you have a boyfriend of your own. Though, I think you should toss him to the curb.”

I knew that. “I know.”

“Hey,” Cody nudged my shoulder, “Why don’t we go out tonight. Let’s go to one of those clubs in Monroe. How about Scruff’s Night Club? Yeah, that’ll do.”

“I don’t feel like going--,”

“Yes, you do. And you will. We’ll leave at eight.”

Curse him.


Cody and I
left Pine Valley at eight. If Cody was one thing it was punctual. He might leave his clothes everywhere, but he wasn’t going to be late. We weren’t even to Crossett yet when Cody started singing along to Taylor Swift on the radio. He had a pen in his hand and using it as a fake microphone. I laughed, and settled back into his Honda’s leather seat. Cody looked perfect, as usual. He had on a button down shirt, tucked into a pair of dark jeans and his hair perfectly quaffed.

If it hadn’t been for Cody I would have worn what I did to school. He threw a huge fit, so I changed. He had put me in a tight strapless shirt, a pair of white blue jean shorts and a pair of wedges. I sighed. It was adorable, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to look adorable. I just wanted to stay at home.

Shay had said they were going to Monroe, but I doubted they would be at a club. I’m sure they would be eating fancy and fucking in the backseat of Liam’s Hummer. She would be screaming his name, they’d get married and then have little teacher babies.

Oh, God.

“Hey, darling. We’re almost there, are you still being a Debby Downer? This is going to be fun.”

I faked a smile and glanced out the window as Monroe started to turn into the night life, I was hoping I would get lost in.

We pulled up to Scruff’s ten minutes later. Cody held his arm out for me, and I linked mine through his. “So, I’m driving home. So, you can liquor up as much as you need to, girl,” Cody said, giving me a
get drunk

That did sound good.

We stepped into the club and were hit with the smell of smoke, liquor, sweat and horny college students. The music was thumping, making the walls shake and the DJ turned the music up a little louder. There was a bar to the left, and the dance floor in the middle surrounded by table, where people sat and drank.

“Whoo!” Cody yelled, throwing his free arm in the air. “Let’s get drinks baby doll, then let’s dance until the sun comes up.”

I couldn’t help but smile and let Cody pull me to the bar. I ordered a strawberry daiquiri and swallowed half of it in one drink. Cody lifted an eyebrow and motioned for the bartender to start a tab. I was on my third drink when Cody pulled me off the stool and into the middle of the dance floor.

We pushed our way to the edge of the floor and Cody turned my ass toward him. “Let’s dance,” he yelled. There was a fast paced rap song on and I grinded against Cody knowing I would never have to worry about roaming hands. This was why I loved going out with him.

I had started to sweat, my hair wild and my hands in the air. I couldn’t make myself stop dancing. Cody was right, this was exactly what I had needed. In the middle of the twentieth song, my heart stopped for a few seconds. I swear my world came crashing down.

“Liam,” I said to myself, sure Cody couldn’t hear me over the music. He was standing at the bar, leaned against it, Shay was sitting beside him, a drink in her hand laughing.
Son of a bitch.

I turned and looked up at Cody. He was downing his second
since he couldn’t drink that much since he was the DD. And he was grinding against the air. “What’s wrong?” he asked when he finally noticed I wasn’t dancing back.

I jabbed my finger over my shoulder. I watched as the recognition showed on his face. His mouth turned into a perfect O. “What the hell are they doing here? Shit, Sarah.”

I nodded and bit my lip, looking back over at him. Shay was staring up at him, and I instantly felt jealous. His shirt fit his chest so tight. I wanted to run my hands over it. “Well, I guess we can still enjoy ourselves. Or do you want to leave?”

“I’ll stay,” I nodded. “It’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

I nodded. He handed me the rest of his drink. “You need this more than me.” I downed it.

Cody and I kept dancing. The drink was almost making me forget that Liam was here, until I looked up and saw him staring at me. His eyes were intent on me, his posture tight. Shay’s mouth was moving but he didn’t seem to be answering her. His gray eyes seemed iridescent in the flashing lights of the club. His hand was clutched around a beer bottle and his jaw clenched.

I bit my lip and started dancing with Cody. I bent over, grinding against his front. “Wow, Sally,” Cody said, straightening me up. He had a worried expression on his face like my ass might bite him. “I have a better idea,” he said, over the music.

Two seconds later, a tall, muscled blond haired boy was standing in front of me. He was stereotypically handsome. Strong jaw, shaggy hair, football player built. He smiled down at me. “Wanna dance?” he asked.

I nodded. He turned me around and wrapped his arms around my waist. It felt uncomfortable only because I didn’t know this kid from Adam. But, that’s what you do at a club, you go dance.

I leaned back into him, swaying my hips to the beat. He pressed his front into my ass and I could feel his erection. I closed my eyes and pretended it was his cell phone in his pocket.

When the music changed I continued to dance, letting myself go in the motions. When his lips traced my neck, my body turned to ice. I couldn’t do that, it was cheating. And I had done plenty of that already. I opened my mouth to say something when something firm jerked my arm and lunged me forward.

Mr. Downs was looking down at me, arm clutched around my arm. My breath was coming in short gasps. Before Blond Boy had a chance to object, Liam was pulling me toward the boy’s bathroom. There were a few guys standing at the urinals. “Get out,” Liam yelled. The two guys exchanged looks and ran out of the room. Liam locked the door, turned around and stared at me.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing, Sarah?” he asked. A vein in his forehead was bulging out, and his face looked outraged.

With shaky shoulders, I shrugged. “What’s it to you, Mr. Downs? Aren’t you leaving your date alone? What’s her name…Ms. Shay?”

His eyes were wide, and his chest rising and falling in a fast pace. “Stop fucking calling me that.”

I raised an eyebrow. I knew I was walking on thin ice, but I pushed it farther. “Well, that is your name isn’t it? Mr. Downs. You are my professor, aren’t you, Mr. Downs.”

A look of outrage crossed his face, and he stepped forward, pushing me against the counter. “Say it again, and you’ll regret it.”

Adrenaline raced through me, as I watched his lips part.
“Mr. Downs,”
I mumbled lowly. I’d always had a smart mouth, and I couldn’t help it.

A smile rose from the corner of his lip. He reached around squirming his tattooed arm around my back. His finger traced my lip, making me shiver. “I don’t think you know what you’re asking for, Sarah.”

I couldn’t make my words come out, I just stared up at him. His finger parted my lips, running inside my mouth. My eyes widened and my stomach clenched. ‘Suck,” he mumbled.

I didn’t. I stood there stunned.

“Suck me,” Liam said again, pressing his growing erection into my stomach. “I wanna feel it, Sarah.”

Wetness pulled in between my legs. It was hot and consumed me. I took his finger in my mouth and sucked it. It tasted like alcohol. He watched as I sucked on his finger, his other arm brining me closer to him.

He groaned, resting his head beside me on the wall.
Oh. My. God.
I couldn’t make myself calm down. I’d never been so turned on in my life. While I sucked harder, twirling my tongue around his finger, he reached up and wiped at my neck. I furrowed my brow.

He pulled his finger from my mouth and gripped my neck with his palm. “He kissed your neck,” he whispered into my ear. The hair on my body stood on end. “I don’t like that, Sarah.” His other hand traveled up my side to grip my breast. I let out a soft moan, unable to hold it in. “I don’t want anyone else kissing your neck, do you hear me?” he asked, softly but firm.

I knew that was a promise I couldn’t keep. Matt always lurched onto my neck like a leech. But, nobody had ever made me feel like this. He was like a predator. So masculine, taking what he wanted. I’d yet to see this side of him, but it turned me on so much I could have stripped and begged him to take me.
This is wrong, Sarah.

My legs felt weak, my stomach hot and heavy. “Okay,” I whispered out. Liam grinned, leaned in and ran his tongue on my neck, right where Blond Boy had. It was like he was marking me, tasting me, making me his.

“Don’t you ever deliberately try to make me jealous again, Sarah,” he whispered in my ear. Holding my neck with his palm, he forced me to look at him. “Tell me to kiss you, Sarah. Say it.”

Holy fuck.
“Kiss me,” I whispered out, my body shaking with want. He growled, grabbed me and slid me up onto the bathroom counter. I was too far gone to even think about what I was sitting on.

His arms went around me, dragging my crotch to the front of his pants. I wished there was no material between us. I wished he would take me. His mouth found mine, and his tongue plunged into my mouth. I wasted no time kissing him back, letting myself get caught in his taste.

His fingers slid underneath my shirt, trailing up to my bra. He pulled down the cup and took me in his hands. “Oh, God,” I whispered into his neck, while his finger nail raked over my nipple.

“You going to make me jealous again, Sarah?” he whispered into my ear.

He palmed my breast, his calloused palm rubbing against the sensitive skin. “Fuck, no,” I moaned, wishing I had more self-control.

Bam. Bam. Bam.
“Open the fucking door! Security!”

Liam groaned into my neck and pulled back staring at me. His gray eyes were heavy, dark and on me. “We’re not finished, Sarah.” He reached up wiped underneath my eyes hard. It had begun to burn. I didn’t ask what he was doing but watched.

“Open the door!”

Liam walked over to the door and unlocked it. It swung opened and a bald headed security guy stormed in. His face was red, and trailing him was Shay. “What the hell?” bald man yelled. His eyes softened when he looked at me. “Are you okay?”

Shay was staring blankly at me. “Yeah, just leaving.”

“You’ve been crying,” bald man said.

“Yeah, I’m fine now,” I said. Shay wrapped her hand around Liam’s forearm and my high came crashing down.
Who was I kidding? He was here with another woman? I had a boyfriend. And he was my fucking teacher.
I closed my eyes for a brief second, gave Mr. Downs the
worst go to hell
look and stormed out of the men’s bathroom.

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