Teach Me (5 page)

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Authors: Alla Kar

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Teach Me
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Chapter Six




I was livid. Despite the fact from being totally turned on, and wanting to bend her over the counter, she gave me a
go to hell
look and stormed out.
What had happened?
I glanced down at Shay and I figured it out very quickly. She had wrapped her hand around my arm.

“I think we better go,” I said, nonchalantly taking my arm from her hand. “It’s getting late,” I said.

Shay’s big brown eyes widened and she frowned. “We hadn’t even gotten a chance to dance yet. What was up with that girl? Isn’t she one of your students?”

Damn it. Shut the hell up.
I nodded. “She was crying so I talked to her. No big deal.” It was a big deal. A hugely inappropriate, horny big deal. I walked out of the bathroom and into the night. I could hear Shay’s heels clacking on the pavement behind me. I knew I was being rude, but I couldn’t stand to look at her. I wanted to go back into the bathroom and have my way with Sarah.
God, her skin was so soft.
I could have touched her all night. I went into predator mode when I saw her dancing. I couldn’t stop myself. And making her suck my finger.
God, she might get turned off by that.
Her lips felt just right around it, sucking and stroking it with her tongue. I rolled my eyes and prayed the trip back to Monticello would be a quick one.

Shay was uncharacteristically quiet. She had been an
date. She wasn’t really my type.
No, because my students are my type
. I knew how ridiculous I sounded but I couldn’t help it. I wanted her.

“This was fun,” she whispered as I pulled her up in front of her house. I knew she was being polite, it wasn’t fun at all. She glanced over at me. She was waiting on something and I knew what it was.

“Yeah, it was fun. Maybe we could do it again sometime,” I said. Shay frowned when she realized I wasn’t going to kiss her.

“Yeah, for sure. I’ll see ya at school okay?” She shut the passenger side door a little harder than necessary. I sighed, rubbed my hands over my face and started my Hummer.

When I got back to my apartment, I sat on my balcony, patting Layla’s head. I sat there until I heard Cody and Sarah pull up. Cody was laughing hysterically and Sarah was staggering along the side of him.

Anger rose in my throat. The look she gave me made me want to rip her clothes off. I waited until I heard their loud footsteps coming up the stairs. When I heard their keys fumbling around, I snatched the door opened.

Cody and Sarah both stood motionless, wide-eyed at me. “Can I talk to you, Sarah?” I asked as nicely as I could.

She glanced over at Cody who shrugged. “I’m actually kind of tired,” she said, crossing her arms.

I gritted my teeth. “Get your ass in my apartment, Sarah,” I growled at her.
Way to go, Liam. That’s the way to make a girl want to come in your home.

She narrowed her eyes. “I said no,” she snapped back.

Cody stared at me, eyes wide. Before he could say anything I walked over, slung her over my shoulder and looked at Cody. “This won’t take long.”

He was laughing when I shut the door.

“Let me the fuck down now!” she screamed, hitting me in the ass. Her legs were wild and I assumed it was because of the drinking she had been doing.

When I got to the kitchen, I tossed her on a bar stool. She stood up straight, eyes ablaze. “How dare you,” she spit out.

“How dare I what, Sarah?” I asked, stepping closer to her.

“How dare you take me into the bathroom and then have Shay on your arm. I’m not even supposed to be here. I’m supposed to be in my apartment with Matt. Not here, wanting you to take me. You’re not who I need in my life. You’re confusing me. I just fucking met you and now I want all of you. I’ve never had a desire to cheat, until now. I’ve never wanted my…
. What the hell is wrong with you?” She pushed against my chest.

Red swarmed my vision.
This is my fault?
I grabbed her wrists, holding them in one hand, gripping her chin with the other one. “How dare I, Sarah? If I’m not mistaken, I didn’t make you kiss me. I didn’t make you straddle my lap, or suck my finger. You willingly let me. Just like you’re going to willing let me have you now.”

She didn’t stop me. I knew she should, but I was utterly glad she didn’t. Gripping her hips, I pulled her toward me, encircling her legs around my waist.

She struggled to unleash her hands, but finally grabbed the nape of my neck and dug her fingers into me.
My tongue parted her lips, and my dick jumped at the feeling of her tongue on mine. Reaching around I squeezed her ass, feeling the tightness and wanted to see it without any clothes between us. She kissed me harder, pushing me further into her legs, with her own. Sliding my hands up her sides, I slipped her shirt over her head. My mouth dried at the sight of her black lace bra, her silky breast hanging over it.

Tugging at the clasps, her breasts fell from their hold. Her nipples were pale, small and made me push back the overwhelming feeling to fuck her instantly.

I took one in my mouth, swirling my tongue around her nipple. She held my head, as if she was scared I would let go. “Don’t stop, Liam,” she moaned.

Smiling in her breasts, I traveled back up to her ear. “You want me to keep going, Sarah?”

She dug her nails into my arm. “Liam--,”

“Mr. Downs to you,” I said, nibbling at her ear. “Tell me what you want me to do to you, Sarah. Say it.”

She was quiet for a few long seconds. “I want you to take my breast in your mouth, Mr. Downs,” she said, lowly.

My dick jumped again. If I didn’t stop I would come all in my pants. “Say it louder,” I growled into her ear.

She whimpered, but it sounded more from pleasure. “Mr. Downs, take me in your mouth. Please,” she begged.

I smiled into her neck and took her nipple in my mouth. She gasped, holding my head still. She tightened her legs around me, grinding into my thigh.
With my other hand I gripped her other breast, it felt so full in my palm.

Unable to stop myself, I sat up. I grabbed her jean shorts unzipped them, and tossed them to the side in two seconds.
Holy fuck.
She was in matching panties a little pink bow on the front.

“Spread your legs,” I said, my voice low.

She obeyed, sliding them opened. Bending to my knees, I pulled her to the edge of the bar stool. Sliding my fingers over her, on the outside of her underwear, almost made me come. “Ah,” she groaned.

“Sarah it’s okay if you’re not ready for this. I think we should savor this. But, I want to see you come first. I want you to look at me, watch me so I can see your face.”

She was silent, body shaking. She nodded once, a look of pleading on her face. Pulling her panties to the slide, I slid my tongue against her. “Liam,” she gasped, holding my head in place. She shivered, but I pressed her thighs wider, keeping her in place. Lapping at her, I ran my tongue over her. “Liam,” she yelled this time, her body shaking.

“Open your eyes, look at me.”

Her eyes popped opened, her mouth parted and she looked down at me. “Liam,” she begged.

Giving her what she wanted, I slipped two fingers inside her and she exploded around me. Her face was the hottest damned thing I’d seen in my life. Her mouth was ajar, eyes wide, cheeks pink and she was panting at me like she never wanted anyone else.

When she came down from her high, I picked up her shorts and helped her into them. She didn’t say anything for a long time. Finally she looked up at me. “That shouldn’t have happened.”

I nodded. “No, but it did.”

She smiled, showing her teeth. They were perfectly white and straight. “I’m glad it did,” she whispered.

I smiled, reached around and pulled her to me. She tilted her head upwards, offering me her mouth. There were things I wanted to do to that mouth. But good things come to those who wait.

“You have a smart mouth,” I whispered.

She smiled, cocking an eyebrow. “I do.”

“I’ll have to fix that,” I whispered into her ear. She laughed and groaned when her phone started to ring.

She looked down at her phone and then back up at me. “I need to take this,” she mumbled.

I nodded, and strained myself to listen to who was on the other end. “Hello,” she said. It was too low. I couldn’t hear a thing.

“What do you mean…strange? What’d she do? Wait…now? Ugh…okay, come on over.” She pressed the End button and looked up at me. “That was Tyler he is upset. He had asked my friend Jamie out. He said she was acting strange.” She scratched her forehead. “It’s late anyway. I guess I’ll see you…later.”

I tried to hide my disappointment. I wanted her to stay. I wanted to cook her dinner, to talk to her. I’d just made her come on my fingers, and I wanted so much more. “Sure,” I said. I gestured toward the door. She walked out and stopped.

“I don’t know what I’m doing. Just so you know. I’m not normally like this.”

I nodded. I knew she wasn’t. “I know. Me either. We’ll get this straightened out. I swear it.”

Chapter Seven





My head was spinning when I walked back into my apartment. Cody was sitting on the couch, legs shaking. “Finally!” he yelled. “What happened, did you do it? Did he kiss you?”

“He kissed me alright,” I mumbled, slumping to the couch.

“Ah!” he yelled. “Tell me. Please!”

I laughed. “Calm down, Cody.” I gave him some details and he fanned himself, lying back on the couch.

“Why are you here? You need to get your ass back over there and let that sexy man take you. Teacher or not, he is fucking hot.”

I sighed. “Tyler called. He had asked Jamie out, and said she was acting very strange on their date.”

“You’re telling me you left his apartment to come here to talk to Tyler about Jamie? Jamie is weird, Sarah. She jumps from guy to guy.”

I sighed. I heard three quick knocks on the door. “Come in,” I said.

Tyler walked in. His eyes were wide, and he looked utterly confused. It was weird to see him in descent clothes rather than baseball attire. His hair was combed, he’d shaved, his shirt was tight and tucked into his dark jeans. “Hey,” he said, scratching his head. He took a seat on the zebra print bench on the other wall.

“So, what’s going on? You said Jamie was acting weird.”

“Weirder than normal?” Cody mumbled.

I gave him a shut up look and waited for Tyler to answer.

He shrugged. “We went to Ameca, then to the movies. She was fine, but then she got a text and started mumbling shit to herself.”

“What was she saying?”

He sighed and ran his fingers over his face. He looked like he actually gave a damn that she was upset. “I don’t know. It was more to herself than anything. And then,” he sat up straight, looking at me, “when I mentioned your name she got pissed. Are you two in a fight or something?”

I bit my lip. “Not that I know of. She had gotten mad at me earlier this week, but she’s been over here since then and everything was fine. I don’t know what could be wrong with her. But, I’ll find out.”

Tyler nodded, stood and walked toward the door. “Thanks, Sarah. Let me know if you find out what I done wrong.”

Cody let out a laugh when he left. “That kid doesn’t need to get too upset about Jamie. She isn’t worth it.”

I slapped her arm. “Don’t be a butthead.”

“We aren’t in third grade anymore, you can talk like an adult.” He smiled.

Take me in your mouth, Mr. Downs.
My face heated but I pretended to punch Cody in the arm. I was talking like an adult.

“Well, anyway. I’m heading to bed. I have to open in the morning. Love ya.” Cody walked toward his room and I got up once I heard the door shut. I dug my cell out of my pocket and called Jamie.

It went straight to voicemail.
What is wrong with her?
I checked my messages and I had one from my mom and two from Matt. They lost their game and was heading back to school tonight. I groaned. I got up and walked into my bathroom. I didn’t need to deal with Matt right then. I had just made out with my teacher, and my best friend was mad at me. Not to mention, I needed sleep. I wiped my makeup off and slipped under the covers. Zeus jumped up beside me, curling in behind my legs.

It only took me a couple of minutes to drift off, dreaming about Liam’s hands on me.


When I woke
up the next morning Matt wasn’t beside me. It was shocking but I was kind of glad that he wasn’t there. It was eleven so Cody would already be at work. I took a shower, pulled my hair into a sloppy bun and grabbed my backpack. I had a writing assignment due next week and I hadn’t started.

I didn’t really need to go to the library but I went anyway, just to get out of the apartment. I fought the urge to walk over to Liam’s apartment. I didn’t think I needed to see him so soon. I wasn’t that kind of girl. I couldn’t believe my lack of self-control. I was sure everyone would hate me if they knew I was interested in my teacher.

I rolled down my windows and let the wind numb me on the way to the library. After driving around for ten minutes, I caught a car pulling out of the library parking lot. I slid in after him. The library was deserted, so I grabbed a table on the second floor. I pulled out my notebook and started writing. I loved to write, but sometimes I would get carried away. Before I knew what I was doing, I had described Liam perfectly on paper. I bit my lip and started to tear the paper. “No,” I whispered to myself. “No one would know. My teacher would be the only person reading, and it wasn’t like she would piece my hero of the story to Liam.

I continued writing, describing his gray eyes, the freckle on his chin, the strong line of his jaw. Thirty minutes later, I had a short (fictional) story written about a girl seriously attracted to this guy. I almost laughed at myself.
This is pathetic.

“Hi, Sarah,” I heard from in front of me. I looked up at Ms. Shay. She was giving me this small smile, gesturing toward the chair across from me.
Really? You can’t find one more seat in the damned empty library?

“Sure,” I said, turning the page so that she didn’t see anything and piece them together.

“How are you?” she asked, still staring at me.

I glance up at her brown eyes, they were narrowed. “Fine, you?”

“Great. Are you okay from last night? You seemed…flustered when I came into the bathroom. What happened?”

None of your damned business.
Of course I couldn’t say that to a teacher. “My boyfriend broke up with me,” I blurted out. It was the first thing that came to my mind.

I tugged on the end of my blonde ponytail. “So sorry,” she said, biting her lip.
Yeah, you look really sorry.

“Thanks,” I mumbled, chewing on the end of my pen.

“Look, Sarah. We need to cut the crap, okay? I’m sorry that your boyfriend broke up with you, but I know you like Liam. I can see the way you look at him.”

I fought the urge to let my eyes widened. Instead, I cocked an eyebrow and tilted my head to the side. “He’s my teacher, Ms. Shay. What are you insinuating?”

I heard her grit her teeth from the other side of the table. Her fingers were wrapped tightly around some book and her chin tilted into the air. “Don’t play coy with me, Ms. Thomas. I know he’s young. I know he’s good-looking, and I know you’re after him. Don’t let me catch you alone with him again. Or I’ll sing like a canary.”

My jaw almost fell to the floor. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, but I would appreciate if you left me alone. I have things to do,” I said, pointing toward my paper.

She glanced down and back up at me. She stood, hovering over the seat, watching me intently.
This woman in a fucking freak.

“Hey, babe,” I hear from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder at Matt, walking toward me.

Ms. Shay smiled. “Really looks like he broke up with you last night, huh, Ms. Thomas.” She then turned on her heel, her red ponytail swinging and walked away.

“Broke up with you?” Matt asked, taking a seat beside me. His black eyebrows were pulled down and he was frowning.

“I have no idea what she was talking about. I heard she was crazy.” I spun a circle around my temple with my finger.

He smiled. “They’ll hire anyone these days. So, what’d you do last night?”

“Went out with Cody to Monroe. We danced.”

“Did any guys flirt with you?” he asked. I don’t know why he always asked that, it wasn’t like he would go track down the guys and beat the hell out of them. And plus, the only guy really on me was Liam.

“Nope,” I lied.

He nodded and fidgeted with his phone. It had started buzzing a few seconds before but he didn’t answer it. “You gonna get that?”

He shook his head. “Nah, it’s not important. But, hey, you know we have that baseball dance coming up. You wanna go?”

Not really.
“Yeah, sure. When is it, next week?”

He nodded. “Yeah, you’ll have to have a dress.”

I nodded. “I’ll get one.”

“Okay,” he said, standing up. I saw his fingers tighten around his cellphone but I didn’t ask. “I’m going to head over to Tyler’s apartment.”

“Okay, hey, did you hear about Tyler going out with Jamie? He said she started out really weird. I wonder what’s wrong with her?”

Matt’s jaw tightened. “When?”

“Last night. She won’t talk to me either. I don’t know what the hell is going on with her.”

Matt gave me a small smile. “Don’t worry about it.” He kissed my forehead. “It’s probably nothing.”
He ran down the stairs and disappeared. I figured I’d had enough excitement for one day and went home.

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