Teach Me (9 page)

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Authors: Alla Kar

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Teach Me
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Chapter Fourteen




After I took a shower, I met Cody downstairs. He was brushing through his hair with a tiny comb and picking at his face.

“Stop picking at your face.”

“Gotta look good, Sarah. I can’t go into town looking any kind of way.”

I got into my Jeep and started toward town. “So, after errands where are we going? Wanna go get lunch?”

“Yeah, and I need to go look at Suzi Page 2. I need something to wear tonight that’s not too flashy but shows I have class. You know I’m a professor now.”

Cody held back a laugh. “That’s right, dinner with his parents. And sure Ms. Thomas, I’m sure you’d be a great teacher…not. You hate kids.”

“Well,” I straightened up. “I’m teaching adults not children. Although, most act like children.”

Cody nodded. “Oh, what was up with the text last night. What happened at the party?”

I gave him a brief rundown and he covered his face laughing. “You and him seem to be prone to accidents, Sarah. Let’s hope you two don’t get caught.”

“We’re going to Monroe to eat. We can’t risk eating here. Everyone would know in point two seconds.”

“Isn’t that the truth.”

After we paid a few bills, and ate, we headed to Suzi Page 2. It was a nice, small shop on the square up town. It was the only place in town, besides Stage, to get anything decent to wear. Cody and I walked in and started to take a look around.

“This is cute,” Cody said holding up a small dinner dress. It was fitted on the sides, and flared at the waist. It was super cute. He raked through the rack and pulled out a size six. “Here, go try this on.”

I changed in the dressing room, then stepped out so Cody could see. He raised an eyebrow and smiled. “You look hot, almost hot enough to kiss, but I don’t think I’m there yet.”

I laughed and twirled around in the mirror. “I love it. I think that he will--,”

“Love it,” someone said from the counter. I glanced over and Ms. Shay was standing behind it. Her brown eyes were narrowed and her hands intertwined on the desk.

“What are you doing here?” I blurted out.
You’ve got to be kidding me.

“I work here. I have a little girl, and sometimes teacher salaries aren’t enough. Who you going out with tonight? Matt?”

I gritted my teeth. “No, actually, he cheated on me with my best friend. I have a
date tonight. Go ahead and ring this up, I’m getting it.”

I walked to the dressing room and stripped.
How fucking nosy can one person be?
I wanted to strangle her. Did she not get it? Liam didn’t want her. They had been out once. I didn’t know what
happened on that date, but I was pretty sure nothing. Nada.
Maybe that’s why she is so bitter.

Cody rapped his fingers against the door and I let him in. “She is a freak,” he said, helping me out of my dress.

“Ugh, I know! I want to strangle her. She is always in my business, and she stops by his classroom all the time,” I whispered, pulling my jeans and shirt back on. “Can you get anymore desperate?”

“She is riding the line,” Cody agreed. “Now, let’s go so we can get you ready.”

I paid for my dress, giving her a wide smile before leaving.

Liam was waiting in my apartment when we got home. Zeus was curled in his lap and Layla sitting beside the futon. “Are you a professional burglar?” Cody asked.

He smiled and motioned for me to join him. “No, but y’all should keep your doors locked. I heard Zeus barking and came to check on him. It was unlocked.”

Cody sighed. “I could have sworn I had locked that door. Good Lord, I’m going nuts. I’m heading to change, I have work tonight.”

We watched Cody leave and as soon as his door closed Liam looked over at me. “What you got in the bag? Some more lingerie?”

I tapped a finger on his nose. “Wishful thinking. A dress for tonight. I’m getting a little nervous actually.”

Liam tipped my chin to look at him. “Don’t worry about it. Be yourself. Well, pretend you’re a math teacher and be yourself. We met at work, we wanted each other as soon as we saw each other.”

I nodded.
That was true on my end.
“Okay, it’s five. So, I guess I’ll get ready and meet you where at seven?”

“I’ll pick you up. My momma would have my head if I didn’t pick you up.”

I laughed and nodded. “Okay. See you then.”




“Fuck, I’m nervous,” I mumbled to myself. I was standing in front of my bathroom mirror. I had a pair of nicer jeans on and a white tank top. I’d have to wear a long sleeved shirt or my mom would have a panic attach, she didn’t approve of my tattoos.

“Don’t look at me like that, Layla,” I said, staring down at her. She was wagging her tail and drooling. I patted her head and pulled on a long sleeved button down. It was white and looked good against my skin. I had acquired a tan since moving.

My mom had text me saying they would meet us at Walgreen’s, since they didn’t know where I lived. I tried to explain but she wasn’t listening. I locked up and walked toward Sarah’s door. I knocked three times and she answered the door. She had a worried expression on her face, but fuck if she didn’t look hot. Her dress was fitted to the waist, then spread out, coming to her mid thigh. Her long legs looked longer with the shoes she had on.

“Do I look okay?” she asked, clutching her purse.

I nodded. “Fuck yes.”

“Okay.” She nodded.

Offering her my arm, I helped her down the stairs to my truck. I opened the door for her. “Listen, there is no reason to be nervous. They would never be mean to you, it’s me they’re disappointed in.”

She frowned and touched my face. “They’re stupid if they are really disappointed in you. You know that, right?”

I nodded.
No. “
Yes. Now, let’s go. Mother gets antsy having to wait.”

We drove to Walgreen’s and I noticed my parent’s SUV quickly. It was perfectly washed. Mom and Dad weren’t rich per say, but they had enough to live comfortably. Sarah gripped my hand when I pulled up beside them. Mom got out first. Her dress was over the top for anywhere other than somewhere in New York. Monticello wasn’t exactly the Ritz and neither was Monroe. “Liam,” she said, smiling an overdone smile. She reached her arms out, taking me into her embrace. She smelled like home. A part of me missed it. Then Dad walked around the side of the car. He still had his hair cut military style, even though he was retired. His gray eyes matched mine, but his serious face didn’t.

“Son,” he said nonchalantly.

“Dad.” Shaking my head, I looked to my left where Sarah was standing. She looked petrified. I grabbed her arm gently. “Mom and Dad this is Sarah. Sarah, this is Mom and Dad.”

Mom giggled and offered her a hug. “You’re a pretty little thing.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“No, call me Cheryl.”

Sarah nodded and looked up at my dad. He offered her a hand and a barely there smile. He could have at least spoke.

“So, where are we going tonight?” Mom asked.

I wrapped an arm around Sarah. “Monroe, it’s about an hour from here.”
“No,” Mom said, shaking her head. “I’ve been in the car all day and I want out. Let’s eat here. Is that okay?”

“No,” I said, gritting through my teeth. “There aren’t very many places to eat here.”

“Son, your mother doesn’t want to drive any longer. We’re going to eat here. We’ll find somewhere. Come on.”

Oh, fuck.

Dad pulled up to the only Italian restaurant in town. Panorama. “Liam what are we going to do? Everyone here knows I’m in college and there are probably students eating or working here. We’re going to get caught.” Sarah’s eyes were wide and I swear I saw tears swell in them. “You can’t get fired.”

I leaned over and pressed my lips to her. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise. If we see someone we’ll just play it by ear. Hide behind the menu or something. Go to the bathroom.”

“I’m going to seem like I had an upset stomach. Because, there will be people in there that we know.”

“Come on.” I lead Sarah inside behind my parents. I quickly scanned the room, but didn’t see anyone I knew. That didn’t mean they didn’t know Sarah. I squeezed her hand and walked behind my mom. Pulling the chair out for her, I searched again. We were in the corner, and I hoped no one could see us here.

“Lovely place, for such a small town,” Mom said. “Have you eaten here before, Liam?”

I shook my head. “No, not yet.” We placed our drink order and made small talk.

We had gotten our appetizers when I finally relaxed. It didn’t seem like anyone we knew was going to come in. “So, Sarah,” Dad said. “How did you and Liam meet?”

She smiled. “I teach math at UAM and we met through work.” She glanced over at me and winked.

Dad snorted. “You approve of him teaching?” He said it like it was a curse word.

She furrowed her brows, and I touched her leg underneath the table. “Yes. We need more teachers in the world. And Liam has…different ways of helping the student’s study.”

I choked on my bread. “Sorry, wrong hole,” I said through a laugh.

Dad narrowed his eyes but dropped the subject. Sarah’s leg tapped my shin and traveled up my thigh. I tried not to smile, but it slipped.

“What are you smiling about, Liam?” Mom asked, furrowing her brow. The waitress was sitting our food down and Mom thanked her.

“Nothing, just happy.”

“I’ll say,” Sarah whispered, reaching toward my dick. It was ready to go.

“So, Sarah. Do you see yourself being happy with my son?” Dad asked.

“Kent,” Mom said, shaking her head. “They’ve only started dating, let’s not pressure them into on another.”

“I’m just asking, because I know feelings can change. And with him not taking on a job with a lot of money, she could easily be persuaded to leave.”

I saw red. I could have slammed my fist into my father’s face. Instead, I threw down my napkin and stood up. “I have to use the restroom. I’ll be back.”

How could he? I knew he would bring it up, but twice? Was he trying to ruin my life? I had moved to get away from him, and now he was coming to visit and talking down on me? What kind of man is that?

“Liam,” Sarah whispered, her hand on my back. “I’m sorry. He is wrong, ya know? He doesn’t know you well enough to know this is what you want to do.”

“Don’t talk,” I said, bending to kiss her. “I don’t want any more words.” She nodded and let me push her against the wall of the bathroom hallway.

I didn’t care who came up and saw us. I wanted her. I wanted to encircle her legs around my waist and take her hard and deep. Make her scream my name.

My hand was up her dress, stroking at her panties when I heard, “Sarah.”

We both turned to see Matt staring in the entranceway to the bathrooms.

Oh fuck.

“Matt,” Sarah said, pulling at her dress, but he wasn’t looking at her anymore, he was staring at me.

“You fucking sick prick.” He balled his hands into fist at his side. “You like to fuck your students. You get a rise out of it. You get your hands off my girlfriend.”

My jaw was twitching. I knew I shouldn’t hit a student, and could get fired but I wanted to lay his ass out on the floor. “Matt, I suggest you leave right now. I don’t want any trouble.”

He let out a bitter laugh. “Of course you don’t, you pussy. You want to fuck my girl and let me stand by and watch.”

“I’m not your girl, Matt. You fucked Jamie. It’s over. We’re over. I’ve moved on.”

Matt stared at her. “You’re fucking with me, right? He is your teacher! I will not have it. I’ll tell. Everyone will know in the morning and Liam will lose his job.”

“You had your chance, Matt. Now, step aside.”

Matt stepped forward, pushing me in my chest.
God, no.
Rage was running through me like lightening. “Don’t touch me again.”

“Matt get back,” Sarah warned.

He took another push at me, this time sending a punch to my jaw. I’m not gonna lie it fucking hurt. My jaw was throbbing but I stood there anyway. “Hit me, bastard!” he yelled.

I gritted my teeth together. “Hit me!” he screamed.

Unable to control my anger, I came back and knocked him in the jaw. He stumbled back over a potted plant and fell to the ground. His eyes were wide, and a streak of blood ran down his face. “What’s going on in here,” Dad said, rounding the corner.

Who I assumed was the manager, walked over and asked if we could leave. I didn’t ask any questions, only grabbed Sarah’s arm and drug her to the truck.

Chapter Fifteen






I sat in his truck while Liam talked to his parents. I could see the realization that I was his student on his mother’s face. She even gave me a few evil glances. I buried my head into my knees. Matt had been so outraged. He’d asked to be hit. He wanted to fight. And now everyone in Monticello would know about Liam and I. He would get fired, and I would be left to be the girl that fucked her teacher.

I groaned and pushed back the tears. When Liam slammed the door to his side I looked up. He was staring at me. “Well, they’re fucking mad. But, who gives a damn.” He started his truck and started back toward the apartments.

“You know he is going to tell, right?”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“What are we going to do?”

He ran his fingers through his brown hair and sighed. “I have no idea. But, tonight, we’re going to make it worth it.”

Liam carried me into his apartment. He didn’t bother with Layla who was waiting for him. He laid me on the bed and covered himself over me. “Sarah, I’m sorry about all of this, but I don’t regret it. I care about you, I like you.” He kissed my jaw, and then my lips. I was breathless when he pulled away. “I probably won’t have a job much longer, but we’ll figure something out.”

A tear traveled down my face, but he wiped it away. “Don’t cry. Let’s be with each tonight, okay?”

I nodded. He attacked my lips with his own, and grabbed my neck, holding me down on the bed. His kiss was hot and demanding. I couldn’t do anything but let him take me. I wanted to keep him here with me forever. Tears were burning my eyes. I cared about him more than I cared about Matt, and I’d only known him a week. Most would call it lust, but I called it a connection. He looked so dangerous, tattooed and hard. But, he was one bad boy that would be good to me, one bad boy that wanted what he wanted and took it. One bad boy who taught instead of fought. One bad boy who caressed instead of tugged. One bad boy who was mine.

His fingers found the edge of my dress, slipping it over my head. He tossed it to the side and pushed my panties to the side. Before I could handle the torture any longer he slipped inside of me, making me moan.

“I’m gonna make love to you, Sarah,” he mumbled against my ear. “Tell me you want me.”

“I want you.”

He trailed his finger in circles over my most sensitive place. He mumbled dirty things into my ear, while caressing me so gently. “Tell me to fuck you.”

I whimpered, my body igniting against him. “Fuck me.”

He moaned, entangling his fingers in my hair and making me look up at him. “Watch me. Don’t look away. I wanna see you.”

I bit my lip, shaking from the pleasure. He was a bright light, blinding the darkness. A soft breeze on a summer night. His hand gripped my ass, making it burn from the strength of his grip. He gave me slow strokes, coasting in and out of me. “Liam,” I mumbled against his neck. “You feel so good.”

He was breathing hard in my ear. “Come for me, baby. Look up at me.”

I glanced up at him, his gray eyes smoldering.
How did I get this lucky? And how can it all be gone in one second
. One person seeing us will end it. It was already ended.

He plunged his tongue into my mouth at the same time he cupped my breast. It was all I needed. I exploded around him. My muscles contracted against his length. He mumbled underneath his breath, shuddering right after me.

He didn’t speak afterwards, he pulled me to his chest, where we both fell asleep.


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