Tears on My Pillow (3 page)

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Authors: Elle Welch

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Tears on My Pillow
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November 26




     Qia is worn out from yesterday’s activities and doesn’t notice when I get up to go to bathroom so I decide to sneak over to Kelly’s room. I need to get this broad out of here ASAP! I can’t believe she came over here on the rag and then expects a brotha not to look at her sideways. She must be out of her mind with all the money I am spending to have her here. I could be using that money to wine and dine my wife, if I am not getting what I want out the deal.

     I knock on her door and begin to think maybe she did me the favor of leaving on her own because she hasn’t answered the door yet. As I stand there, I get distracted by a cute little tenderoni that is walking down the hall and seems to be staying in the room next to Kelly. I nod my head toward her and lick my lips in approval as she turns towards me and smiles briefly. She is swiping her key card to open the door. Her face, breasts and that ass are definitely on ten.

     I turn back to face the door just as Kelly finally opens it. I push my way in, aggravated that she had me waiting so long and then has the nerve to answer looking like someone’s grandmother. She has some red bonnet on her head and some floral flannel pajamas on. I take in her look and think to myself, ‘
Yup you gots to go.’

     “Hey baby I wasn’t expecting you this early in the morning,”
she says as she tries to wipe the crust from her eyes and the drool from around her mouth. Why would she even open the door without cleaning herself up? Who the hell did she think would be at her door?

I say, not bothering to mask my irritation.
“I am going to have to cut your part of the trip short. You will be leaving this evening instead of in two days.”

she whines, fully awake once she hears that she’s headed home.
“Why are you doing this? You told me that this would be a good time for us to spend some time together. You’ve been so busy with your stupid wedding that we haven’t had any alone time.”

     “That’s what this was supposed to be, “alone time for us” Until you came here unable to fulfill your duties.”

Jakari please don’t send me home. I am sorry it came late. I really missed you and wanted to see you so I just came on the trip anyway. Come on let’s go out on the balcony and watch the sunrise.”

     I need her to leave peacefully and not cause a scene, so I follow her out to the balcony. I watch her most redeeming feature sway in front of me as she leads the way.

Wash up first girl,”
I tell her, shaking my head.

November 26




     I can’t believe this dude is acting like I have the plague because I have my period. You would think he never heard of one before. Even after sucking him off lovely yesterday, he still set up my check out for later today so my ass would have no choice but to go home.

     He is being a total jerk! I’m able to convince him to sit out on the balcony with me for a little while, hoping that I will be able to sweet talk him into changing his mind. I do everything I can to talk him down off the ledge he is currently on, but he just really isn’t budging. Not even after I let him take a picture of me with his dick in my mouth and his cum all over my face. I love the way he takes control and grabs my hair, but he didn’t have to throw my bonnet over the balcony. But even then I don’t complain.

     I really have to play my cards right because I really want to keep Mr. Jakari “Money Man” Roberson around. He is everything I have ever wanted in a man. I mean hell; he flew me to Jamaica and paid for my suite at this nice ass hotel. I have only been seeing him for a couple of weeks, so imagine what could happen if I manage to stick around for a while. I will just be a good little girl and go on home hoping that he gets over this whole situation by the time he gets back.

November 26




     I get back to our suite seconds before my wife. She walks through the door, her skin glistening with sweat and her full breasts heaving up and down from her hard breathing.
“Hey my love.”

     “Good morning baby,”
she says as I walk over to give her a kiss. I grab her around her waist and pull her into me. It always turns me on to see her after a run. She pushes away from me like she always does when she is sweaty.

     “NO baby! I’m still sweatttyyy! That is GROSS!”
I allow her to wiggle out of my grasp and she goes straight to the shower.

     I hear the water come on in the shower and then my phone vibrates indicating I have a text. It’s a text from Azia Collins.

Hey my favorite professor! (smiley face with the hearts for eyes)

What’s up?

I can’t stop thinking about you and that boa constrictor between your legs!

So you miss him, huh?

When will you be back?

It won’t be too long

     I reply thinking that I have to be real careful with this one because she is cute but young and I don’t need the drama. That’s why Kelly is here, or was here, and she isn’t.

I can’t wait for you to get back and give me my fix!

Oh really?

     Azia is one of the students in my Differential Equations class. She is a light skinned, big booty shorty. She came to my office hours one day with a pair of what I like to call denim panties on. Her white jean shorts were so tight and so short they could have easily been mistaken for underwear. Her white tube top really accentuated her breasts. I could hardly concentrate on what she was saying because her nipples were poking out through her shirt and seemed to be screaming my name.

     She had come to ask me for additional time on an assignment. Now, I love to help my students out when I think they genuinely need it. However, it has to be damn near a natural disaster for me to accept late work. But, with what she was offering as compensation, I had to bend my rule the same way I had her bent over my desk. Since then, I’ve hit her off a few times.

     Thinking about Azia’s fat ass and knowing that my wife is naked and wet in the next room, I lock the screen on my phone and toss it on the bed. I take my clothes off and drop them on the floor. I am already hard thinking about what I am about to do to my wife.

     I open the bathroom door and the steam slaps me in the face. I close the door and walk over to the shower. I open the shower door and step in with my dick leading the way. Qia is standing under the shower head rinsing the shampoo out of her hair.

    She turns to face me and the site of the water running down her face, hitting her breasts and dripping from her perfect nipples has me gone. They look like perfect black raspberries, just waiting for me to suck on them. I step under the water with her and we lock lips. Her lips taste so sweet. I can feel my manhood pressing up against her body, sliding across her stomach. I lift her up against the shower wall and push my eight inches of steel into of her wet, pulsating secret garden. She moans and wraps her legs around my waist.

Oh yes baby, take me. Give your wife all of that big, black dick
,” she moans into my ear.

It’s all yours Mrs. Roberson. “Now and forever
.” The shower head continues to rain down on us as our bodies join in ecstasy.

     As I push my rod deep inside of her, she grinds her hips, rotating her honey pot. It feels amazing! Her love juices coat my pole as the water pours over our bodies. Her moaning is making me increasingly horny and bringing me closer and closer to a climax. I can feel my legs getting weak as I begin to explode and release my seed inside of her. She nestles her face in my neck and begins to suck on it as I feel her vault tighten around my exploding pipe and her body start to shake as her volcano erupts seconds after mine, releasing all of its lava.

     We take turns washing each other and decide to hang out around the suite until dinner tonight.

     We step out the bathroom and I notice the notification light is blinking on my phone. I check it and its Kelly just saying that she would be headed to the airport in a couple of hours and wants to know if I want to come by and see her off.

     I choose not to answer.

     “Everything okay Jakari?”
Qia asks as she lotions her legs.

     “Yes everything is great, just one of my students saying that the tutoring session has helped a lot.”

November 27




     We pull up in front of Bellefield Great House and Gardens in the car that Jakari has hired for the evening. This place is legendary and even more fabulous then the online reviews say! This is one of the places I’ve been stalking online because I wanted to come here while we were in Jamaica! The house is set on ten pristine acres of land and even in the darkness the sprawling veranda and the jalousie windows grab my attention. Awwww, this man right here! This husband of mine had the nerve to rent out the whole backyard of this magnificent place so that it would be just the two of us back here.

     We are ushered to the back of the house by an attractive dark skin brother in a black tuxedo with a crisp white shirt and black bow tie who introduces himself as Trevor. When we get to the back of the house, I see a table for two set up in a beautiful white square shaped gazebo. The table is small and round with a red table cloth on it. The chairs are adorned with red chair covers that have a white bow tied around the back of them. The trees that are surrounding the gazebo are lit up with white lights, illuminating the entire area. There is a red runner leading from the back door of the mansion to the gazebo and netting hanging all around to keep the bugs at bay. I love it!

     Trevor helps us get seated and then reintroduces himself, letting us know that he will be our waiter for tonight. His dreads grab my attention because they are a sort of reddish brown color and are so clean and neat looking.

     He pours wine into our Waterford Crystal wine glasses and I notice the wine is a 1999 Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc. I say
“Thank you,”
and smile at Jakari because 1999 is the year we met. He always does little things like this to show me how much he loves me. And I love him that much more for his efforts.

     Trevor places our menus in front of us.
“I will give you a few moments to look over the menu”.

     When Trevor is out of earshot I say,
“I knew you were up to something when you went missing yesterday morning!”
I say smiling so hard because I am unable to contain my excitement. Jakari winks letting me know I am right. I don’t know what I did to be blessed with a husband like him but I sure am glad I did whatever it was!

     “Baby what are you going to eat? This menu is like a book and everything in it looks so good.”
I say still perusing the menu.
“You know what just get me whatever you get that way if I don’t want it you can have it,”
I say putting my menu down.

     At that moment I spot Trevor heading our way. I smile at him as he approaches our table and he smiles back and nods. I see Jakari looking a little irritated by the exchange but he gets like that from time to time so I just ignore it.
“You ready to order sir?”
Trevor says with a pen and pad in his hands.

     Jakari looks at him for a brief second before speaking.
“For the appetizer we would like grilled red chili prawns with fried green papaya. For the main course we will both be having the stuffed red snapper and tossed salad with house dressing.”

     Trevor collects our menus and says
“Very good Sir. I will return shortly with your appetizers.”

     “Trevor, before you leave, I notice you don’t really have an accent. Are you from here?”

     “Yes ma’am, I was born here but when I turned school age my parents sent me to stay with my uncle in the states to go to school. I would only come back here when school was out.”

     “OH! Okay! I was just expecting to hear a little bit of an accent from our waiter.”

     We laugh as he says “
I hear that a lot”.

     Trevor heads back to the house to put in our orders. Jakari asks, with a little more attitude than is needed,
“Why are you so interested in our waiter?”

     I playfully roll my eyes, trying to take some of the tension out of the situation.
“Jakari stop! I was just curious about his accent.”
I can tell he is frustrated and I certainly don’t want his jealousy to ruin our evening so I stand up walk around the table and step behind him.

     I kiss him on the cheek and put my arms around him, running my hands across his chest. I softly suck on his earlobe. I then whisper in his ear
“You know that you are the only one for me”.

     “I’m sorry baby but you know how I get about you.”
He says trying to come out of his tantrum.

     “There’s really no need to feel any type of way Jakari.”
I say bending down and leaning over his shoulder so I can see his face.

     Jakari pulls me around on the side of him and guides me into his lap.
“I love you so much Qia. You really have no idea.”
We get lost in the moment and begin kissing. We don’t even notice Trevor is back with the appetizers until we hear the second plate hit the table.

     Jakari walks me back around to my side of the table and helps me push my chair back up to the table. He returns to his seat and says,
“Thank you Trevor.”

     Trevor nods.
“You are quite welcome Sir. Will there be anything else?”

     “No, I think we’re good for now.”
Jakari replies.

Trevor says as he walks back towards the house.

     “These prawns are absolutely delicious,”
Jakari says while biting into one, “
And spicy

     “Yes, they are.”
I say chasing a bite of prawn with a bite of fried papaya and a sip of wine.

     “Have you been enjoying yourself?”
he asks looking at me over the top of his own wine glass.

     “I actually have hun. I even met a new friend on the shopping trip you sent me on.”
I look up from my plate so I can catch his reaction.

     “Oh wow! That’s different for you!”
He laughs.

     “Shut up!”
I laugh because he is right. I stay to myself, but Tiffani is someone I couldn’t help but like.

     “Her name is Tiffani and she is here celebrating her tenth wedding anniversary.”

     “That’s cool”
Jakari says while stabbing another prawn with his fork.

     Jakari’s phone vibrates so he reaches in his pocket to retrieve it. It must have been a text because he seems to be using his thumb to swipe back a response.
“Who’s that?”

     “Uh….babe….it is just Chandler being nosey.”
He chuckles and glances up from his phone.

     Chandler is my best friend and Jakari’s brother. In high school Chandler and I shared a lot of the same classes and he was quiet and introverted just like me. We ended up befriending each other and getting along really well. So well that people often speculated we were dating.
“I can’t wait to get back and tell him about our trip. Tell him I will fill him in when I get back.”

Jakari says, sounding almost like he isn’t really even listening to me. He doesn’t even take his phone back out. I can just hit Chandler up when we get back to the suite. Since Jakari has his phone, and I don’t have any students calling me, he thought it would be best if I left my phone at the suite. He says that it will help me focus on him and our special night he has planned and he is so right.

     I go back to enjoying my entrée when I notice a few guys nearby setting up what looks like a DJ booth. I figure they are setting up for an event that is going to happen sometime tomorrow. Jakari stands up and comes over to me. I’ve just finished the last bite of my food, so I finish chewing and then wipe my mouth with my cloth napkin.

     Jakari extends his hand out for me to take it. I grab his hand and rise to my feet. He leads me down the three steps which led out of the gazebo and takes me around the back of it. I see that there is a dance floor set up and that is when I realize the DJ is for us!

      We step onto the dance floor and the white lights along the perimeter of the dance floor light up. I gasp at how beautiful it looks. He gives me his crooked ‘I-know-what-you-like’ smile and winks at me. My eyes become watery and just as a tear escapes my eye, Jakari wipes it away and softly kisses me on the lips. He bows to me.
“May I have this dance pretty lady?”
I can only respond by nodding my head yes because I am still speechless.

     He pulls me close and wraps his arms around my waist. At that very moment the DJ begins to play “Overjoyed” by Stevie Wonder. I lay my head on his chest and allow myself to enjoy this moment and reminisce about the first time we made love which was to this very song.

     We slow dance to a few more oldies but goodies and then move on to trying to outdo each other with some of the old dance moves: the Dougie, the Snake, the Wop, the Running Man, the Steve Martin, and the Da Butt. We even break out the Kid ‘n’ Play kick step. When Jakari has the DJ play “The Electric Slide” and “Step in the Name of Love” I have to kick my Manolo Blahnik’s to the side. We’re having a blast!

     We are out of breath and on cloud nine by the time our dessert arrives. We walk back to the table and take our seats, laughing and wiping away our sweat. We share a simple piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, my favorite. We take turns feeding each other cake. I place a piece of cake on my fork and guide it to his mouth. He eats the cake off the fork and begins to slowly lick the frosting from in between the tines of the fork which reminds me of how he teases my clit with his tongue. I squirm in my seat as I feel myself getting wet watching his tongue clean my fork.

     Jakari guides a piece of cake to my mouth and I open my mouth wide to accept it. I slowly wrap my lips around the fork and begin to pull the cake off the fork while staring into his green eyes. I allow my tongue to make circles around the tip of the fork and collecting a small amount of chocolate frosting on my tongue in the process. I make a big production of swallowing the frosting and I can see the hunger in his eyes as I do. I know what my man likes!

     We finally finish teasing each other with the cake when Trevor shows up to collect our dishes. He hands Jakari a receipt to sign so they can charge his credit card for the evening. Trevor then reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small rectangular box with an envelope and hands it to me.

     “For you Missus Roberson.”

     I raise my eyebrows and look over at Jakari.
“Thank you Baby. But you didn’t have to get me anything. Being your wife is all the gift I need.”
I feel more tears welling up in my eyes.

     “Open the envelope first my love.”

      I set the small rectangular box on the table to free up my hands to open the card. The envelope is white and Jakari has written To: My Queen on the front of it. I open the triangular flap of the envelope and notice that the inside is gold, matching the gold bow on the box.

     I pull out the card and notice that a house we looked at two months ago is pictured on the front. I open the card and my eyes almost pop out of my head when I see the words

My Queen I want to give you the world

But for now I will start with a home.


your King.

     I look up from the card and Jakari pushes the box towards me. I pick up the white box and open the top. There are two gold keys lying inside. I look at Jakari with the most confused look ever. I shake my head from left to right like ‘no you didn’t’ and he nods his head up and down
“Yes I did baby!”

     I finally manage to say
I was extremely loud but I couldn’t help it at the moment.
“I thought you said you didn’t like it.”

     I lay the keys down on the table and put my hands over my mouth in an attempt to keep from screaming.
“I didn’t like it….I LOVED it!”
He says smiling and showing all thirty two teeth.
“And, more importantly, so did you. It’s the perfect place for you to fill up with our babies.”

     I smile with tears rolling down my cheeks. I lean forward across the table so my husband and I can lock lips. I am so happy that the car service arrives to bring us back to the resort.

     We get settled in the car and I can tell that Jakari loves how his surprise turned out. I am ecstatic as well and extremely turned on by this man right here. This man, MY man, My HUSBAND just surprised me with a brand new house! I decide to show my appreciation immediately and in the words of Tiffani ‘
keep it spicy.’

     I straddle Jakari as the car pulls away from the Bellefield Great House and Gardens. I begin to plant soft kisses on his luscious lips while unbuttoning his shirt. Our kiss rapidly becomes more and more aggressive. Our tongues start to mingle as I undo his belt and unbutton and unzip his black pants.

     I free his dick, MY dick, from his boxers and begin to stroke it up and down, up and down, up and down while allowing my thumb to massage his helmet. A small amount of pre cum escapes his pipe and I use my thumb to cover the helmet of his dick with it. The feel of his cum on my thumb has given me an immediate urge to taste him.

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