Tending Their SECRET (10 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

Tags: #bartender romance

BOOK: Tending Their SECRET
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“Because I fucking love your pussy. I love
licking it, sucking it, fingering it, sliding my cock into it.
Anything I can do to it is top ten in what I love in life. Until
you’re ready for me to do the other things, I’m going to have my
mouth on it, and in it, as often as possible. Just thinking about
tasting you is enough to make me almost come. Like seriously, I’m
close right now.”

“Really?” she asks, licking her lips as I


“How close do you get when you think about
me taking you in your mouth?”

“Ellie,” I warn as she unzips her skirt,
dropping it to the floor.

She shrugs off her jacket, but leaves the
corset on. I know without her telling me that she’s going to keep
it on. That’s okay. I don’t want her to rush anything for me. That
would be disastrous for both of us.

I lift my shirt over my head and kick off my
shoes. As I reach for my pants, her eyes flash. I move my hips a
little, putting on a show for her as I slide my jeans and boxer
briefs over my hips.

“Is this my dance?”

“Not even close. Just a little entertainment
for your viewing pleasure.”

“So thoughtful, Hawk.”

“For you, always.”

“Thank you,” she says quietly.

I need to lighten things a little. I don’t
want her crying while I make her come unless they’re tears of joy.
“How are we doing this? Separately again, or can we play

“Together. Definitely together.”

“Can’t wait to have me in your mouth again,

“You look like you need it,” she teases
back, looking pointedly at my fully erect cock as it looks back at

“I could wait.”

“Could you?” she asks, sliding her panties
down her legs, so she’s only left in that sexy as fuck corset.

Her pussy’s glistening already, and my mouth
starts to water just thinking about licking that all up. I don’t
even remember the question she asked me as I walk over to her. I’d
already checked out the townhouse when we got here, and I know
exactly how I want to do this.

“Do you still practice hanging upside down
like you did in training, Doll?”

“Sometimes. If you’re asking if I can be
upside down for a good amount of time without getting too
light-headed, then the answer is yes,” she tells me, her eyes

“Good. I thought we could do this a little
differently tonight.”

“I’d like that.”

I walk her to the stairs, but instead of
going up them, I move us around to the side. “Can I pick you


I grasp her hips and lift her to grab the
wooden spindles on the side of the step that’s the best height for
us. “I’ve got you, El. Flip, please.”

She does as I ask, moving her legs above her
head, and wrapping them around the wood. I help her lower her upper
body down to the right height, and make sure she won’t fall. “Oh
wait,” she says, sitting back up.

I hold her as she takes down her hair for
me. Oh yeah, this is going to be hot. Very, very hot. Once she’s
done, she lowers herself back down. I know she’s strong enough to
stay upside down on her own, but I’m going to hold her hips anyway.
I step into place, and then it’s on.

She teases me, licking and nibbling up and
down my length and all along my tip as I tease her back. The
playing goes on for a few minutes, and then we both get serious.
She takes as much of me as she can into her mouth, and I suck and
bite her a little harder. This position is doing it for both of us,
but I won’t come until I’ve gotten at least another three from

Her first one comes on quickly, surprising
me—and probably her—with its intensity. She can multi-task like a
pro, so she doesn’t let go, but I definitely get sucked harder than
normal. I laugh against her as she tries to suck me at a more
comfortable pace again. She smacks my ass, and I renew my efforts,
twisting my tongue the way I know will push her right over again,
and it does.

She starts to sag against the pieces of
wood, and I realize that she’s not going to last this way for her
third one. Good thing I carried packs that weighed more than her up
mountains in the military, because I’m not ready to abandon this
position yet.

I pull her legs up around my neck and back
away from the steps, moving closer to the couch just in case I need
it. I stand in the middle of the room, with my arms banded around
her back, and her knees against my shoulders as she fucks my face
while sucking and stroking me until we both can’t take any more. I
come first, despite my best efforts to wait for her, and as she
sucks it all down, she screams against my cock, and squeezes my
neck with her thighs. Not hard enough to kill me, but enough that I
have to fall back onto the couch so I don’t drop her.

She stays there on top of me for a minute as
we both try and catch our breath. “Aiden, that…that was the hottest
thing I have ever done in my life. I can’t even imagine anything
hotter than what we just did.”

“Give me time to get my brain cells working
again, and I’ll try to top it. But yeah, best ever. Nothing else is
even close.”

“I went a little crazy at the end.”

“Oh yeah, you did. It was amazing. You’re
amazing,” I tell her as I turn her around and pull her next to

“Me? You just held me upside down while we
sixty-nined? I’m pretty sure you win the most amazing lover in
history award.”

“Do I get a medal like Jake’s?”

“How about a trophy? We can’t be copying
people, even if they are some of our best friends.”

“Please. If anyone should be copied, it’s
us. And yes, I’ll happily accept a trophy.”

“I’ll order you one once I have enough
strength to call Isa for the shop info.”

“I can wait. I know I earned it, and that’s
what’s most important.”

“Sure it is. Like you’re not going to parade
it around to the guys like Jake does with his medal.”

“Hey, Nate and Matt could earn their own
awards. The fact that they haven’t yet is a little disappointing,
actually. They really need to step up their game.”

“I’d love to see you tell them that.”

“I might…once they’re drunk enough for me to
take them both on. Or maybe I’ll just tell them one at a time. I
can hold my own with one of them.”

“You’re going to fight your friends over a
stupid sex award?”

“There is nothing stupid about sex.
Especially if you’re doing it right. Despite your promise of a
trophy, I must not have if you think that way. We’re going to have
to try that again.”

I start to pull her up, but
she smacks my hands away. “I can’t. Like seriously, there is no way
in hell I can do
again right now. If I promise to never use the words ‘stupid’
and ‘sex’ in the same sentence, can I take a nap?

“Okay. But it’s going to be a big trophy,
right? Like Stanley Cup size?”

“Sure. Whatever you want,” she says,
snuggling back into my side.

I don’t miss her eye roll, but I’ll let it
go for now. She needs her sleep, and honestly, so do I. Award
winning sex is not for the weak.

* * *


I slip out of Aiden’s arms a few hours
later, because I have a call to make. I go upstairs so I won’t
disturb him. “Hi Ellie,” my shrink says.

“Hi. Did I wake you up?”

“No. You know I’m an early riser. Did
something happen?”

“Yeah. I did some things with Aiden.”

“I’m going to assume that you mean sexual

“Yes. Those.”

“Are you going to elaborate or did you just
call to gloat?”

“Oh my God. You have a crush on Aiden?”

She laughs. “Who doesn’t have at least a
little bit of a crush on Aiden? But I really just said that to get
you to relax a little.”

“True, and thank you. So yeah, we had some
oral sex.”

“Because you’re comfortable with

“Yes. You know that…that those men never put
their mouths on me.”

“I do. How are you feeling right now?”

“Happy. Satisfied. Grateful.”

“Did you take off all of your clothes?”

“No. I left my corset top on. I wasn’t ready
for it all yet. I guess I should’ve let him start with my breasts,
but I wanted his mouth on well…you know…. I wasn’t ready for
everything, so I chose that first.”

“Did you let him touch you anywhere

“Um, still on my hips and my face. We held
hands again. Oh, and he touched my legs a little. And my back.”

“Nowhere else?”

“Not yet. I can’t yet.”

“That’s okay. You need to be comfortable, or
it won’t be fun for either of you.”

“I know. He knows it too, I think. Aiden’s
not going to do anything to make me feel uncomfortable, or push me
in any way.”

“From everything you and Nate have told me
about him, I wouldn’t expect anything less. Do you want to bring
him in for a session with you when you’re back home?”

“I think so. Maybe after I tell him. He
knows I’m in therapy, and he knows that I talk to Nate. I don’t
think he likes that, but he’s not saying anything.”

“It’s normal for him to be jealous of

“Jealous? No. He’s not jealous. It’s not
like that with me and Nate.”

“There are different kinds of jealousy. He
knows you’re not interested in Nate romantically, but Nate knows
everything, and you haven’t even scratched the surface with

“You just told me not to push things.”

“I definitely don’t want that. I just want
you to realize that it’s not just the sexual things that must be
frustrating for Aiden. You’re not responsible for him and how he
feels, but you should be aware of his feelings.”

“You’re right. I guess that’s why you’re so
good at your job.”

“I’m not always right, but I try to be

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll talk to you soon.”

I hang up and lean my head back against the
wall. “Did your call go well,” Aiden asks from the doorway?

“I’m sorry. Did I wake you up?”

“Yeah. I was afraid you were sneaking

“It’s my place.”

“It’s a Corrigan place, and even if it was
yours, you might have wanted to leave.”

“I wouldn’t leave you.”

Neither one of us brings up the fact that
he’s the one who runs when things get too serious, or difficult. “I
followed you up, but then I heard you on the phone. Was that your

“Yes. I wanted to tell her that we did some

He nods. “Okay. Did you want to talk?”

“No. I’m good.

“Yeah. We’re good.”

He says the words, but a little part of me
doesn’t believe him. The part that remembers what my shrink said
about him being jealous of Nate. She was right. I can’t control his
feelings, but I also shouldn’t ignore them.

“I promise that one day, I’m going to tell
you everything. It’s not that I want to keep things from you—I
don’t. I just can’t tell you right now.”

“I want to help you. That’s all. It kills me
not to be able to do that.”

helping me. Being patient and
making me feel safe and loved—that’s helping.”



“Did you get enough sleep?” he asks,
climbing over me on the bed.

“Not for a repeat of earlier, but if we can
lie down this time, I can probably muster up enough strength for
one more round.”

“Alright. We have to work in a few hours, so
I guess we can be boring and traditional this time.”

“The horror.”

“Seriously,” he says, dropping his head
between my legs. Definitely not boring.

Chapter 9


I’m whistling while I work, making sure the
bar is set up the way I like it. The other guys do a great job, but
Ellie taught me to be particular, and so I am. The door opens, and
I see Nate and Jake walk in. They stop to talk to Theo, and it
makes me wonder if he’d like to come work with us at Corrigan &
Co. He’s way too qualified to be a bouncer forever. I’ll have to
talk to Matt. And my mom. She may just kill me for trying to steal
him away, but I’ll just buy something that says how great she is.
Mom’s love that shit.

“Someone’s happy,” Nate says with a knowing
smirk, as he walks up to me.

“Yeah, I had a good night,” I tell him with
my jaw clenched.

“Do we have a problem, Aiden?”

“I don’t know, Nate. Do we?”

“I’m just going to go sit at a table to wait
for the girls while you two talk out whatever this is,” Jake

I watch as he leaves us,
and feel like an ass. Isa, Jade, Ellie, and Vicki have been out
looking at wedding dresses all day. The three of us were supposed
to talk about the weeklong fishing trip we’re taking with Matt
soon. I just hate that Ellie is talking about our sex life with
Nate. Jade, sure, I get that. But not
best friend.

“Are you going to talk to me, or is our
friendship over for some reason I don’t know about?”

“She talks to you.”

“She?” he asks, and then a light goes off in
his brain. “You have got to be fucking kidding me. Again with this
shit? I cannot believe that you’re still angry about Ellie and me

“When it’s about our sex
life, yeah.” And the other stuff, too, but I don’t want to admit
that again just yet. Even to my best friend.
to my best

“Let’s get one thing straight. Ellie and I
talk about what happened to her, and what happened to me. We have
never—not even once—talked about what the two of you do together.
She wouldn’t tell me, and I wouldn’t listen. That’s for her and
Jade, and you and me to talk about. I know she’s feeling more
comfortable with you, but that’s it.”

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