Tending Their SECRET (11 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

Tags: #bartender romance

BOOK: Tending Their SECRET
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“Then why’d you smirk at me when you walked
up to the bar?”

“Because you looked like a well satisfied
man. Anyone could see that. Hell, you’ve called me out on it

Shit. Yeah, I have. “I’m sorry. This is
just…hard. Really hard. Trying to navigate everything with her, and
then this other crap that’s going on.”

“You’re doing good with her. That I know.
She looked really happy when she picked up Jade earlier.”

“Thanks for saying that.”

“I’ve always got your back. You know that.
What else is going on? Are you still doing your thing at

“Yeah. Not as much, but I do go out. Some
weird stuff was going on for a little while, but it stopped.”

“If it hadn’t stopped, would you have told
me or Matt so that we could help you?”

“I can handle things on my own.”

“There’s a reason you have best friends,
Aid. It’s so we can help you. You helped me when I needed it, and I
remember you asking me to be there for you one day. If that day has
come, I need to know.”

“Thanks, but I got this. Like I said, it
seems to be over anyway.”

“You’re not alone. Just know that,

I nod, because I
know that. I have the
guys, and I have Ellie. Plus my parents and everyone else in the
Society. I don’t have to go on my path alone. I know it, but I also
know that I will never ask any of them for help. It’s just not the
way I’m built.

“It looked like it was safe to come back,”
Jake says, walking over to us.

“Yeah. Sorry about that, man. You could’ve
stayed, you know.” He shrugs, and I know he’s thinking about how he
was filling in for me at Corrigan, but now I’m back. Matt’s keeping
him on, there’s no way he’s not. He’s part of our group, and I
already feel close to him, even if we didn’t serve together. I’ve
known him casually for years, because of our parents; although I
always liked him, the timing never worked out for us to hang out.
He’s a few years younger than the three of us, but he’s had just as
much experience as we have, maybe even more. “We need to hang out.
Just the two of us. Nate and Matt got you all to themselves while I
was gone, so now it’s my turn.”

“Anytime. You name it, and I’m there,” he
tells me with a smile.

“Cool. Now let’s talk about your bachelor
party,” I say, rubbing my hands together.

“Bachelor party?” Norma asks, coming behind
the bar. “Have you hired dancers yet, because my friends and I can
dance for you guys.”

She slides her hand up my chest, and I grab
it none too gently. “This is the very last time that I’m going to
tell you not to put your hands on me. The only thing I will ever
need from you is for you to do your job. Which definitely does not
include touching me. I don’t hit women, but she will,” I tell her
nodding towards Ellie, who has conveniently just walked in.

“I’m not scared of her.”

Nate and Jake both burst out laughing.
“Honey, unless you have a death wish, you should be very scared of
Ellie. I’ve seen her take down guys training to be MMA fighters
without breaking a sweat,” Nate tells her.

Her eyes go wide, and she backs up as Ellie
walks over to me. “Hi, Hawk. Did you miss me?”

“You know it,” I tell her, as I grab her
hands and pull her to me. “Thanks for picking the dress I

“You’re welcome,” she says, giving me a

She was really cute
earlier, when she was trying to figure out what to wear. Growing up
with a bunch of older brothers didn’t give her much help with how
to be a proper lady. Not that I’d ever want her to be that—I love
her just the way she is. The Society trained her well, and Stella
picks out most of her clothes, but she still gets self-conscious
sometimes. This dress is black with solid material covering her
from tits to thighs, and then a layer of some kind of mesh or
crocheted fabric over the top, covering more. She looks trendy,
, all at
the same time. I knew it was perfect the moment she put it

“Did you pick out a pretty, poufy bridesmaid
dress?” I tease.

“Aiden, what have I ever done to make you
think I would suggest my bridesmaids to wear something poufy? Pink
yes, but no pouf. Besides, we were just looking. Stella would kill
me if I picked something without her,” Isa says, glaring at me.

I hold up my hands in apology. “Just messing
with my girl, Isa. Don’t go all bridezilla on me.”

girl would never turn into a bridezilla,” Jake says, nuzzling
her neck.

“Nope. I’m too logical for that.”

“That giant rock on your finger doesn’t look
so logical,” Tieny says as she joins our little group.

Isa wiggles her finger. “I love that it’s
not traditional. A girl’s gotta be frivolous sometimes.”

“I wouldn’t want traditional, but I wouldn’t
want pink, either,” Jade tells her.

“Got it. No pink,” Nate says.

“What about you, Ellie?” Tieny asks, winking
at me.

“Oh. I wouldn’t want a diamond of any color.
My favorite stone is blue cabochon, but I’m not sure if they make
engagement rings from them.”

“I’m pretty sure they make engagements rings
from any stone you want if you have the money to pay for it,” Vicki
says, nudging my shoulder. “You better start looking, Aiden.”

“He doesn’t have to. I mean…um, this is
really awkward now. I should get to work. See you guys later.”

Awkward? Doesn’t she
realize that I
be buying her a ring? I mentioned forever, and told her I
would be asking her to marry me one day, but maybe I wasn’t clear
enough. At least I know what kind of ring to look for. I mentally
thank Tieny for that.

* * *


I hear a commotion at the door, and then Tim
and Andres are rushed in by Theo. The door is still open long
enough for me to hear the disgusting things people are saying.

“Go home,

“If I let you suck my
dick, can I meet the President?”

That’s it. I’ve heard more than enough. I
throw the door back open, and address them all. “You are on private
property, and I have more than one gun. I suggest you take your
hate and run along home before I accidentally shoot you before the
cops get here.”

Heather comes to stand by my side, and she
says she’s going to press charges on anyone who doesn’t leave. Her
presence only seems to fuel the crowd, and I have to push her down
as someone throws fruit at us. It smashes against the door as they
start in on her.

“I can give it to you good
since your obviously husband couldn’t.”

“Did you like to take it
in the ass? Because I’m down for that.”

“Enough!” Aiden roars while pulling us
behind him. “The next person to say one fucking thing to my mother
is going to be going home in an ambulance tonight. I guarantee

Theo, Nate, and Jake come outside to stand
next to him, and the crowd starts to finally move away. I would,
too. I just wish it hadn’t come to that. I should’ve been able to
handle things without their help. Especially since Aiden thinks I’m
here to protect his mom.

“I’m sorry you had to help, Aid. It’s
supposed to be my job.”

“You did your job. No one
hurt my mom. It’s
job to protect the women I love.”

“You do realize how sexist that sounds,

“Let me rephrase. It’s my job to take care
of everyone in my life. Tonight, it just happened to be the women I
love. I would’ve done the same for my dad and Andres.”

“Nice to know you have my back,” Andres says
to him.

“Of course I do. You’re my friend.”

“Would I still be your friend if you were
dating someone our age?”


“Well, I mean, you have to be nice to your
dad about me because you’re apparently robbing the cradle, too,
right? I just learned that Ellie here is ten years younger than

“Andres,” Tim says sharply.

“It’s an honest question,” he says with a

“You can honestly fuck off,” I tell him,
leading Aiden away.

“My dad loves him, and he was once my best
friend. I have to remind myself of that more and more every day. No
matter what I say or do, he just won’t let up on the insults and
stupid comments. I just don’t understand,” he says once we’re alone
in a corner.

“He obviously has some issues. You’ve done
what you could. I’ve heard you try and make amends,” I tell him,
rubbing his back.

“I really have. I know I’m an asshole, but
we didn’t grow apart because of that. He took a different career
path. I didn’t want to give up mine to follow him. Maybe I should
have,” he says, hanging his head and running his hands through his

“Look at me, Aiden.” I wait until he does.
“You followed the path you were supposed to be on. If you hadn’t,
you wouldn’t have followed Matt to Corrigan & Co. We would’ve
never met, and you wouldn’t be one day getting a giant trophy to
commemorate your skills as a lover. Would you really want to trade
all of us for someone who only seems interested in himself?”

“I definitely wouldn’t want to give up my
trophy,” he says with a smile.

“You’re an ass,” I tell him, and then I’m in
his arms, and his lips are on me.

“You know I was kidding. I could give up
anything except for you, Doll. Trophy included.”

“Not your friends.”

“I’d choose you. I’d hate to lose them, but
I can’t lose you.”

“Good thing you’ll never have to

“Shouldn’t you both be working,” Dave says,
once again sneaking up on us and trying to ruin our night.

“Shouldn’t you be at home pressing your
tie?” I ask.

“Nice one, El.”

“You both think you’re so special and funny,
but you’re not.”

“Really?” I challenge him. “Let’s go ask Tim
if he feels the same way.”

“Crying to Daddy? I didn’t peg you for a
tattle tale, Aiden.”

“I’m not. I don’t need my dad to take care
of you for me. We can go anytime.”

“One day I’m going to take you up on that,
and you’ll be sorry. The Golden Boy won’t look so good when I
rearrange his face.”

“I can’t wait for you to try. Really, please

“I hate you.”

“No. Oh my God. Now we can’t invite him to
the wedding, Aiden. My numbers will be all off,” I say with a

“You don’t have a ring,” Dave tells me,
narrowing his eyes at my hand.

“She will.”

“Then she’s stupider than I thought she was.
I guess growing up in bars kills brain cells, huh?”

I lunge for him, but Aiden holds me back.
“You say what you want about me, but leave my family out of

“Or what?” he taunts me.

“You don’t want to know.”

“He’s not worth it, El. Just let him walk
away. Back to his pathetic life.”

Tim and Andres are in front of us before I
can reply. “What the hell is going on over here?” Tim asks.

“Your boy here insulted Ellie’s family. I
suggest you move him along. I love you, Dad, but I’m going to let
go of her if he doesn’t shut up.”

“Dave,” Tim says, sighing as he looks at
him. “I’m not sure where all of this is coming from, but I’ve
noticed your behavior lately. You’ve been very aggressive towards
Aiden, and now Ellie. You’re a great worker, and we’ve become
close, but Aiden is my son. Don’t make me choose between you,
because I’ll always choose him. Always.”

“Over anyone,” Andres says, his mouth in a
tight line.

“Yes. My son comes before everyone else. I
won’t apologize for that.”

“I think we should just get back to work.
Have a good night, everyone,” I tell them.

I lean up to kiss Tim on the cheek, and then
glare at the other two. I’m not sure which of them disgusts me
more. That’s not true. I know, I’m just not going to say it

Chapter 10


“Are we going to my place or yours tonight?”
Ellie asks, coming up and wrapping her arms around me.

I know she’s going to be upset, but I can’t
go home with her. “Why don’t I meet you at your place later,

“Are you and the guys going out?”

“No. I just need to be alone for a little
bit. Do I have to start telling you when I take a piss now,

“Fuck you, Aiden Ford. Or better yet, I

“El,” I tell her, grabbing her hand. “I’m
sorry. That was a dick thing to say.”

“Yeah, it was.”

She pulls her hand out of mine and crosses
her arms over her chest. I close my eyes as I try to figure out a
way to fix this. I shouldn’t have taken out my bad mood on her. I
can’t tell her that I’m going out hunting, but I didn’t have to act
like she’s smothering me. She’s not like that, and I know she never
will be. Even if she was, I wouldn’t mind it. She can smother me
all she wants.

“It’s not you. This has nothing to do with
you. I swear. I’m just keyed up from all the bullshit earlier
tonight.” There. I told her part of the truth. That’s something,

“Why would you want to be alone? I could
help you work off that extra energy.”

And fuck if she isn’t
right. If I wasn’t such a messed up sociopath, I’d be coming up
with some new ways to earn that trophy she’s getting me. But I am
who I am, and that’s a hunter. Ellie calms me, and keeps me from
killing, but I can’t stop hunting. Helping people is integral to
me, like the blood flowing through my veins. I

“Later. I promise.”

She looks like she wants to
say something, but stops herself. She takes a moment before giving
me a fake smile. “Great. I’ll see you later. Have fun being

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