Tentyrian Legacy (12 page)

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Authors: Elise Walters

Tags: #tentyrian legacy, #paranormal romance, #tentyrian, #paranormal, #vampire, #romance, #elise walters, #vampire series

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“You do, I promise,” Daria said, trying to
shush him.

Aristos brushed her fingers away and kissed
them instead. “I was speaking with Maximos and Pello earlier, and
they say all the Covens are confident their new homes are ready and
secure. It bodes well.”

Daria replied with a smile and said, “Thank
you, love. All in a day’s work, though. I must go for a bit; I’m
meeting my sisters and mother in the library. See you soon.” Daria
gave Aristos a kiss and disappeared.

After speaking with Hita, Phoebe found
Claudius relaxing on a divan sipping from a chalice. “Phoebe
sweetheart, I’ve been waiting for you,” said Claudius as he patted
the seat next to him. “Come sit and enjoy.”

“I need to tend to some Luminary business for
a short while,” Phoebe replied. “Are the twins okay?”

“Yes, I checked on them a while ago,”
answered Claudius. “Sleeping like angels. Tale is watching them
like a hawk, of course.”

“I would expect nothing less. Save me a seat.
I’ll be back soon. And keep those eyes off the dancers,” chided
Phoebe playfully.

“You know I only have eyes for you, kardoula
mou,” said Claudius sincerely as he reached up to run a hand
through her long blonde hair. Within seconds, Phoebe disappeared
before his eyes. “Damn Luminary,” laughed Claudius as he settled
back with his drink.



All four Luminaries stood in the library
around the circular table. The table, twelve feet in diameter, had
been carefully carved with the zodiac of Tentyris in its center.
The floor-to-ceiling bookshelves of the library took up almost the
entire room, with the exception of the windows on the south side
that overlooked Tentyris. The library functioned as their place for
royal deliberation and conference.

“Where is Mother, Phoebe? Did you find Hita?”
asked Daria impatiently.

“She said Mother went to lie down and that we
shouldn’t disturb her. We all know she hasn’t been feeling well,”
Phoebe replied.

“I would normally agree, but I have this
lingering feeling that I know won’t go away unless we speak with
her. Let’s go to her bed-chamber,” said Daria. But before the
Luminaries could leave to find their mother, they heard piercing
screams from outside.

The sisters ran to the windows to see flames
bursting from at least fifteen villas. “We must hurry and direct
the firefighting efforts,” exclaimed Daria. Instinctively, the
sisters held hands and shifted outside. Daria took charge
immediately, organizing the Tentyrian Guard to direct water from
the Sacred Lake to the burning villas through their telekinetic
abilities. Zoe of Aquarius, who could manipulate water, set to work
handling the fires that burned the strongest. Some of the Coven
villas, particularly those to the east, were too far away for their
abilities to reach. Consequently, the Tentyrians had to use a long
siphon to draw water away from the lake to douse some of the
villas. The coordination of the siphon and pump took precious time
they didn’t have.

Under Calypso’s and Phoebe’s direction, the
Coven leaders began shifting in and out of the villas looking for
trapped servants, Guardians, and young Tentyrian children who were
left sleeping during the ceremony and celebration. Narcissa
directed the injured humans and Tentyrian healers to the
Sanatorium, where they began healing burns and injuries

Fortunately, the majority of the complex’s
inhabitants were at the Royal Villa, which was untouched by fire.
All of the Luminaries’ husbands and children were safe. However,
the fires in the fifteen homes raged aggressively. Fires in the
villas almost never happened since they were constructed of
limestone, and the kitchen layouts, fire pits, and ovens were
purposefully designed to prevent such disasters. The fires were
clearly not accidents, as they were coordinated and well timed.

After hours of labor, the flames were out.
But the night’s suffering was just beginning to unfold. Daria and
her sisters turned their attention to the Sanatorium, where about a
dozen humans were being treated for burns. They would be fine in a
matter of days. Unfortunately, six servants, one Tentyrian child,
and one Guardian had died. The child was Karis and Damian’s, as
their villa was the farthest to the east and the farthest from the
lake. It was also likely one of the first homes that ignited.

Karis’ inconsolable cries of grief for her
daughter Calandra could be heard for miles, as she lay next to her
daughter’s burned body. Damian tried to move Karis, but she
resisted anyone’s touch. Even the pleading of her Virgo sisters
didn’t help. Damian turned his grief into anger while he exploded
several of the Sanatorium stone benches into dust. Karis and Damian
had shifted to their home, but they were too late: Calandra and her
Guardian had died of smoke inhalation. Their daughter was found
clutched in the arms of her Guardian, who had tried to cover the
girl’s small body with her own. The damage was too severe to be

In the panic of the fires, the sisters did
not see their mother, which was unusual. Hathor would normally be
on the front lines of any disaster, regardless of illness. Horror
washed over Daria. She shifted immediately into Hathor’s bedroom
and vomited at what she saw. Minutes later, her sisters realized
where Daria went, and they shifted in to see the gruesome

Hathor’s head was severed, just like their
father’s had been. The once crisp white sheets of her bed were
drenched in blood.

Cadmus and Argus burst through the doors,
hearing the Luminaries’ cries. “This is impossible!” Cadmus shouted
when he saw Hathor’s body. “I checked on her not more than fifteen
minutes ago, and she was alive. When the fires broke out, we
immediately went into her room to ensure it was secure. She was
fast asleep. We bolted the balcony door and remained stationed at
the front, in case we came under siege. There are guards stationed
in every hallway and entrance. The balcony door has not been
penetrated. Look! It is still locked. Plus no one can scale those
heights!” Cadmus was frantic.

“Hathor never awoke, and we checked on her
repeatedly!” said Argus desperately. “No one has entered through
these doors. Cadmus and I have been watching vigilantly. And we
would have heard a struggle. This situation is impossible!”

Without hesitation, Daria breached their
minds with a mind tap to see if they spoke the truth. The two
guards stood frozen while she combed through their thoughts. Except
for her husband and sisters, Daria now trusted no one. However,
what Cadmus and Argus said was true.

“What they say is accurate,” said Daria

“How can this have happened?” cried Narcissa

“I don’t know, but it will be found out,”
replied Calypso solemnly. “Cadmus. Get Hita. My mother’s body needs
to be wrapped and taken to the Sanatorium. Sisters, there is
nothing we can do here. We need to discuss our plan of action and
call all Tentyrians to the temple for a meeting—quickly.”

“I am not leaving Mother!” said Narcissa

“Narcissa, there is nothing we can do. Even
you can’t help her. She is dead. Hita will be here any minute,”
consoled Phoebe.

Cadmus returned running and delivered yet
another blow. “I didn’t need to go far. I just heard from another
guard. Hita is dead. Her body was found in the gardens, and her
throat was slit.” Daria took a deep breath. Narcissa’s cries grew
louder. This was a well-crafted plan, indeed.

“Cadmus and Argus, stay with our mother’s
body until we return. Don’t leave this room or say anything to
anyone,” Daria commanded.

“Mistress, it is not safe. I can’t allow you
to leave without guards,” said Argus. Daria didn’t register Argus’

“Sisters, let us go now,” she ordered.

With clasped hands, the Luminaries shifted to
the library. Daria checked that the room was empty and bolted the
door. Narcissa found a chair to curl up in and continued to cry.
Phoebe kneeled by her side to try and comfort her while Calypso
remained standing near the windows expressionless as she surveyed
the scene below. The commotion outside had calmed. The fires were
out, but the heavy scent of smoke permeated the air—even inside the
villa. Meanwhile, the lights from the Sanatorium burned

Several dozen Tentyrians remained in the
courtyard, trying to make sense of what had happened. At Aristos’
command, the Guard was vigilantly patrolling and keeping the peace.
They urged all Tentyrians home until further notice was given. The
handful of Tentyrians who lost their homes was at the Sanatorium
tending to their servants, or they sought refuge with their fellow
Coven members. From the windows, Calypso could see the Guard
brigades riding horseback by torchlight, scanning Tentyris for
suspicious activity. It was going to be a long night.

Daria knew they needed to move quickly as she
paced the library floor. She was upset and frightened but resolved
to be strong for her people. “Our grief will have to wait,
sisters,” Daria said. “We need to address the situation. Tentyris’
Visionary is dead, which means that we are now the Primary Rulers.
We will need to conduct a full-blown investigation as to how this
happened and who is responsible. If it was at the orders of
Auletes—who is undoubtedly now dead—then he received help from the
inside. Outsiders alone could not get past the Guard, kill our
mother, and set the fires. The perpetrators received help. Whether
that help is human or Tentyrian, we will find out!”

“We were planning on leaving tomorrow,
Daria,” said Phoebe. “Do we delay and conduct the investigation?
That will take months. And we need to give Mother a proper
Tentyrian service. It should be done right.”

“I agree,” answered Daria carefully. “It will
be done right. However, our people are not safe here. I think we
should stay an extra month, no more. That will give us enough time
to discover who or what is behind this and pay homage to our dead.
After which, we will leave for the mountain and the Covens will
disperse. The Council will then convene at the Rising of Sirius,
which is fifty-seven days away.”

“I think we need to lock down the complex,”
said Calypso. “We can confer with the rest of the Council, but we
will need to systematically question the people. The best way to do
that is to ensure no one leaves or comes into Tentyris.”

“Hopefully there are some witnesses,” said
Phoebe. “Although, tonight is likely linked to Father’s death. And
there were no witnesses to that crime. The method of our parents’
execution is the same. Whoever is responsible knows how to kill
Tentyrians. I think it’s obvious someone from inside Tentyris is
helping take us down.”

“Like Stavros or Calix?” suggested Narcissa
between her teary hiccups.

“Maybe. It’s true they didn’t want us to
abandon Tentyris,” reasoned Daria. “But they have been with Mother
since the beginning. They are like family to us, despite our recent
differences. I saw them helping put out the fires. And I saw them
in the hall throughout the night. I’ll admit, the fires make me
suspect Aglaia and Asia. No one is as skilled with fire as them.
But I also saw them in the hall. I suppose they could have slipped
out, but fifteen fires at once?”

“What would any of them have to gain from
setting them?” asked Phoebe. “Our decision to leave will not be
reversed. If anything, this further supports us leaving.” There was
a long pause as the sisters absorbed the situation.

“Mother must have been killed before the
fires,” said Calypso. “Otherwise, she would have helped in the
rescue efforts. Therefore, the fires weren’t a distraction to kill
her. So what was the purpose?” The sisters had no answers, only

“But Cadmus and Argus were telling the truth
when they said they checked on Mother not fifteen minutes before we
found her,” said Daria. “This means there is mind control afoot. We
should question all Council members first. We will start tonight.
And no one is to leave Tentyris. We are issuing a lockdown, to your
point, Calypso. Our people right now need comfort and assurance
that our leadership will continue effectively. We no longer have
our Visionary, but the strength of the Zodiac continues. Tomorrow
at sunset, we will bury the dead.

The traditional mourning rituals will be
followed, and we will grieve. Then, in twenty-eight days, we

For Daria, assuming the position of
leadership was one she accepted readily. As the eldest sister and
First Luminary, she had been groomed for this role since birth. It
was agreed that Daria would make the announcement to their

“Let us go, then,” proclaimed Daria. “We need
the Guard to notify our people to meet at the temple immediately. I
will tell Aristos to inform them and begin the temple call.
Calypso, tell Cadmus and Argus to wrap Mother and carry her to the
Sanatorium. They should ensure the same happens to Hita. We’ll need
Mother’s sistrum. Calypso, retrieve it from her chamber. Phoebe,
can you help Narcissa repair her makeup? We’ll all need to be
composed for this meeting. We’ll shift to the temple in thirty
minutes. Remember, this sadness is but a moment of time.”

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