The Babysitter (5 page)

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Authors: Kenya Wright

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: The Babysitter
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I shriek in pleasure.

“I can't let you forget me, Paige because for the rest of my life, I'll never get you out of my head.” He guides me back so that I lay all the way down on the counter. “But first I have to finally taste you.”

He buries his face between my thighs and laps at my center like he's feeding himself a bowl of milk.

Moaning, I writhe under him. “Oh, Blake. Baby.”

I'm dripping with his saliva. His slobbering noises rise in the kitchen. In seconds, an orgasm sparks right where he's feasting. I rock into him as his lips dance across my folds and trap my clit into the most delicious wet, hug I could ever imagine.

“Oh, fuck!” I grasp for things to hold onto, knocking over stuff on the counter. Cups and seasonings crash to the floor. Glass splatters around us, but he keeps whipping his tongue around my pussy, licking and stuffing me with it. My orgasm is an explosion of carnal sensations that rock through me. “Blake!”

“Oh yes, come on my tongue.” He thrusts his wet length into me, right as I spasm with even more pleasure, right as I'm thrown over the edge. Groaning, he lands several soft kisses all over my quivering folds. “I love the sound of your moans.”

“Mmm.” I'm a numb mess. There's nothing on my mind but blinding ecstasy

A car door slams outside. The sound ricochets through the house and disturbs the walls.

“Janet,” he whispers.

Suddenly, adrenaline surges through me. I sit up and hop off of the counter. My dress swings open from Blake ripping the front and taking my breasts. My panties rest on the side. I don't waste my time talking to him. I rush to the bottom of the stairs and hide in the shadows right before the front door opens.

Chapter 5

“Blake?” Janet's voice is a hard reminder of why having Blake between my legs was a bad idea. I just want to scratch her eyeballs out and kick her away.

I try not to pity me or my life at times, but these instances were the hardest. Here I stood ready to give all of myself to not only Blake, but his kids too, while this woman had it all and didn't pay none of it no mind.

Why do the people that don't deserve love, get it the most?

“I'm in the kitchen, Janet, cleaning up a bunch of things I accidentally knocked over.” The swishing of the broom sounds next.

“Where's the maid?” Her high heels click across the kitchen tile.

“She ends her day at six in the evening. Did you forget that?”

“I guess. What about the other one, she could do this?”



“Do you mean Paige?”


He sighs so loud it shocks me. “You should really try and remember the person that is taking care of our kids.”

“Don't start with your judging.”

“I'm not judging. I'm just. . .never mind. You're right. I'm sorry.”

“What were you thinking about before I came in?” Her heels click some more and I can picture what she's doing because I've watched her do it so many times before. She's leaning on the side of the counter with her curvy hip swinging back and forth as she taps the floor with her heels. Blake told me she always wanted to be a dancer, but never got a company interested enough to bring her on.

“What does it matter what I was thinking?” Blake asks.

“Because you're hard.”

I cover my mouth.

Her heels make a different sounds not tapping but a few clicks and then it stops as if she walked to him. “Were you thinking about me?”

He doesn't respond and I almost wonder if he will and fear if he'll lie or tell her the truth, that the reason why he's so hard is because his mouth did things to my body that made his own cock solid.

“Let me take care of that for you.” Her words shift to sensual whispers. “Do you remember how I used to spend minutes only sucking on the tip? Do you remember how much you would scream?” She giggles.

“Yes, I remember, but we can't tonight.”


“No. Not tonight, but—”

“Yeah. Yeah. But tomorrow you will. Every day you say that, and every tomorrow it never happens. I have needs, Blake. I won't ignore them.”

“You've shown me that time and time again.”

“Don't do that. Don't you dare do that! You said that all was forgotten and you wouldn't bring up the past anymore.”

I should run upstairs to my room, but I hold my dress together and listen some more.

“I forgive you, Janet, but sometimes it's hard to forget.”

“You're going to have to if you want this to work. I'm not just going to be blamed every day for my past mistakes.”

“I know.”

“It will poison us.”

“Maybe it already has.”

“What?” Janet asks. “Are you trying to say we're poisoned already?”

He sighs again. “We're definitely damaged. This is damaged.”

“Or maybe you are.”

“Maybe I am.”

“This is why I can't be with you. I'm trying to move on, but here you go again second guessing us.”

“Have you thought about what I said, Janet?”

“The answer is still no.”

“We can't do this by ourselves.”

“I don't want to see a marriage counselor. I'm doing yoga and—”

“Yoga? You're in a tight skirt, tube top, and the highest heels I've ever seen you in. You didn't go to yoga tonight.”

“I messed up my yoga pants by dropping juice on them. This was all I had in my gym bag to wear.”

You're lying. You wore that outfit before you left and didn't take a bag with you.

“We go to a marriage counselor or we don't continue.” Blake's words are sharp with no restraint. They even cut through me and I'm nowhere near him.

“You better not be giving me an ultimatum.”

“Take it how you will.”

“I won't talk to a counselor.”

“Then you should probably pack your bags and go back to. . .

“Or I can go out for a few hours, give us some space to truly think over things, and return to my husband and my beautiful kids.”

“I'll still want a counselor involved. We both need one, Janet. Neither one of us is perfect. I'm just as at fault in our marriage being destroyed as you.”

“Don't do this, right now. I'm tired from yoga and I've just had a long day.” The heels click into the hall, just as I was going to rush up the stairs, they sounded in the opposite direction. “I'm going for a drink or two and then we need to talk.”

The door slammed. Minutes later her car started and she sped off.

Should I go to him?

I didn't know what this meant for them and me. Their argument could just be the first of many more to come and not this final chapter in their life.

Just go upstairs. You've got all you'll get from him. Like he said, maybe he's too damaged. Maybe I should just walk away.

But I couldn't.

I go down the few stairs, step out of the shadows, and find him with both of his hands planted on the edge of the counter.

“Blake?” I walked over to him. “Are you okay?”

“You heard what happened?” He didn't look up.


“Was I wrong to say we needed help?”

“No. You're completely right. If you both were going to work out, it would be from someone helping you that knew how to repair broken marriages.”

He looked up at me. “How broken do you think we are?”

I gave him a pitiful smile. “I'm biased in this situation. Does it matter what I think?”

“Yes. It actually does. How broken do you think Janet and I are?”

I don't have to answer his question, but the words sit in my heart to the point that I'm forced to let them all out. “I think you both are so shattered that you'll never find the pieces to put each other back together again.”

“Which is why you should run very far away from me.”


He closes his eyes. “I'm about to say something that may ruin you.”

Please don't tell me he's going to break my heart again.

“What?” It comes out hoarse and drenched in fear.

He opens his eyes and set his gaze on me. “I love you and I'm going to divorce Janet.”

“What?” I screech.

“Since the moment Janet walked into the dining room while we were eating and said she was coming back, I realized that I had to divorce her. Not because all of the crap that she'd put me through, but because of the heart broken expression on your face. In that night, I understood that not only did you have strong feelings for me, but that I had already fallen for you. Because I couldn't bare to see the pain on your face, not for one second.”

“But you pushed me away.”

“Of course I did. I love you, but I'm not too selfish to admit that you should have much better than me, so I pushed you away and decided not to tell you about the divorce. Although I started the paperwork with my lawyers, I kept it quiet. I know the best thing for you is somewhere far away from the drama in my life.”

“That's stupid. You can't love me that much if you would just push me away.”

“I fucking love you. How the hell couldn't I? You've taken the broken bits of me and glued them back together again. You've put my kids back on the right track. You've nurtured and showed us more love than anyone else has ever considered. I'm in love with you.”

My fingers shake. I'm beyond shocked. My nerves flare within my skin. I'm a jittery bundle of chaos.

“Goddamn it.” He hits the counter. “I love you so much, I tried to give you an out and push you away.”

“That's so stupid.” I run my shivering fingers through my hair. “All this time you kept pushing me away for nothing?”

“You're twenty. You shouldn't be bound to some thirty-five year old broken man that has kids and businesses to save. The twenties are the years that are the most carefree. When Janet came back, I knew the truth about my life. That it would never be perfect for you. Janet would rear her ugly theatrics back and forth into my and the kids' lives. If I started a relationship with you, she would never leave us alone.” He shook his head at me. “On top of loading you with my old age and kids, I would be forcing you to deal with Janet's ugliness.”

“I've handled so much in my life. I can handle her.”

“You shouldn't have to.”

“You shouldn't make my decisions for me.” I stop holding the ripped opening of my dress with my other hand and just pull it off of me. It falls to the floor. “What is going on in your heart right now? And don't think for me or try to somehow protect me from you. Just fucking tell me. What do you want?”


“And what about Janet?”

“I'm going to divorce her.”


“She'll fight it like everything else.” He forms his hands into fists. “Can you deal with the storm that will come in this next year? She'll want the kids. I won't let her have them. Plus, all of our properties and restaurants are worth a lot. This won't be a simple legal matter. We'll be in and out of court for years.”

“If you're serious about finally leaving her and giving us a chance, I'll follow you through a hurricane if we need to.”

“I could lose a lot of money battling her.”

I shrug. “I've never had money so it wouldn't effect me.”

He rushes to me and captures my body in those huge hands. “You had your chance to run away. Don't ever say I didn't try to give it to you.”

He consumes me right there. His hands are all over my body, exploring my flesh and delivering tingles of passion to my bloodstream. I've already came, but ready to come some more. “Fuck me, Blake. Fuck me hard.”

“Damn you.” He lifts me up, carries me out of the kitchen, and takes me outside.

Chapter 6

A cool breeze bushes against my bare skin. The pool gleams in the moonlight. A few feet away is a stone wall that overlooks Biscayne Bay. I thought he would be carrying me to the pool, but instead we head over to that wall.

“Promise me that if you're miserable with me, you'll let me solve it before going out and getting pleased by someone else,” he says right as we arrive at the wall.

“I would never cheat on you.”


“No. It doesn't matter how bad the sex might be.”

He sets me down, makes sure I face him, and lifts me back up so that he's in between my legs that are now wrapped around his hips. “The sex will never be bad. On that I can promise you my life.”

“Hmm. So far I have no complaints.”

He rips my panties on the side of my waist. The silk fabric tears with ease and sends a zipping sound through the air. “We haven't done anything yet for you to complain.”

“My pussy disagrees.” I'm unbuckling his belt, diving my hand into his pants, and grasping for his cock.
God, he's so big.
It lays firm in my closed fist. Darkness hides the reaction on his face while he groans as I squeeze and licks his lips. “The things you did to me in your kitchen should get you in trouble in several countries.”

“The things I'm going to do to you tonight will get us banned from the country.”

I moan with delight.

Tires screech in the front of the house as if someone was speeding fast into the driveway and quickly stopped.

Ignoring the noise, he lifts my body up and buries his head into my cleavage, licking and teasing my nipples with that very skilled tongue.

“Janet just came back.” I try to shove him away. “We should stop.”

“I can't.”

“We can't just fuck out here.”

“Why not?” He flicks his tongue against my nipple. “You're right about her messing around. I'm not stupid. I always knew. I just hoped she would do the right thing and stop. But now I'm tired of waiting and I'm done with doing the right thing myself.”

He rubs the tip of his cock between my moist folds. It makes a slurping sound as it slips against my sex.
Fuck. I'll take him right here whether she comes out or not.
I whimper for him to stop taunting me and just fill me.

“I don't want to stop.” He pierces me. “I'm done with keeping my dick from you.”

“Oh, Blake.” I dig my nails into his skin.

He pounds into my hungry pussy, feeding me finally. My breasts bounce in the moonlit breeze. My hair whips around my head. I'm his to change or remain the same if he'll have me. I'm there to never walk away or leave him alone.
I love you too.
Just like I knew he could, he's devours with that stiff cock, grinding into my center like a master.

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