Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

The Bad Boys of Eden (117 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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Chapter Nine

Bonnie wobbled on her legs for a few seconds before some of her drained strength began to return. She may have lost her mind taunting Dex like that. Already her body ached from the last twenty-four hours. Yet the idea of Dex behind her wielding his belt pumped new fire through her veins. She wanted more, whatever it took to wear her out. Every bite, swat and thrust, until she couldn’t take anymore. Then and only then did she have a chance in hell of walking away.

She straightened her spine and entered the living area where he discarded his clothes. With hurried movements, she pulled the belt from the floor where he’d discarded it and turned back to the bedroom. She feared if she took too long he might change his mind and end things now.

Not yet. Please not yet.

She had more space in her head for memories she needed to fill. Bonnie halted. Wait. She sifted through the jumbled mass of emotions running through her and realized the one that haunted her — guilt — did not exist. For the first time in a long time, she didn’t feel guilty. Nor did the ache of sadness threaten to topple her any second. What the heck happened?

She stared at the open doorway not fifteen feet in front of her and knew. The man waiting inside had helped her change. Every tear she’d shed had been worth this moment. Dex understood what she needed and he pushed her until she opened up. With her gaze fixed on the belt resting in her hands, she decided what to do. Both Jim and Dex had insisted on complete and total honest communication and thus far, she hadn’t exactly excelled in that area.

Jim wanted her to be something that hadn’t quite fit and Dex wanted her to explore every possibility before deciding on her next move. He’d assumed a lot about her and she let him believe whatever he wanted. In reality, what he’d shown her and pushed her to had finally opened her heart. There were still walls and some half-truths she needed to deal with, but he gave her the confidence to do so.

With those final thoughts running through her head, she walked through the door with her eyes cast down as she approached the bed. Her peripheral vision couldn’t tell her much other than he still sat on the bed.

She remembered his instructions and obediently sank to her knees, holding the belt out in offering.

“Bonnie, look at me.” His gruff demand startled her, throwing her quickly off balance.

With a healthy dose of reluctance and fear he’d changed his mind, she looked at him, noticing his cock stood at attention on the way up. Her stomach flipped but really jolted when she saw the heat in his gaze. It didn’t look like he’d changed his mind at all.

“You should know I tried to be nice. I was going to curl around you in the bed and pet you until you slept. But you pulled the tail on the tiger and now I’m going to take this belt —” He pulled it from her grasp and slid the leather between her breasts and up her neck and face. “And I’m going to stripe that sweet full ass before I fuck it.”

Bonnie’s stomach jerked at his words. Holy shit.

The determination stamped across his face made goose bumps pop out across her arms and legs. He looked serious. She had a feeling everything up to this point had been Dex holding back. Whatever she’d done, he’d changed.

“Understood?” he asked.

She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“On the bed then.”

He stepped out of the way and she saw three fluffy white pillows stacked near the end of the bed. She didn’t have to ask where he wanted her. She climbed on the bed and draped herself, stomach down over the pillows. They gave her support to relax while keeping her backside high in the air, in the perfect position for his spanking.

When she finally stopped squirming and got into position with her legs spread as wide as she could get them, his hand caressed her bottom.

“Fuck, Bonnie. You torment me with this gorgeous ass and you know it.”

She didn’t understand it but he’d said it enough times in the past to make her sex tingle and clench with need. He loved playing with her ass and she loved having his hands on her.

“I wanted to be nice and treat you like a princess.”

Her head buzzed with lust as he tickled the insides of her thighs. She tried to concentrate on his words but he made her feel so good it was hard to focus.

“Except you keep stealing my control and it’s pissing me off,” he whispered.

“I don’t—”

“Shh. Now’s not the time.” He banded the belt across her backside and pushed forward, shoving her face against the mattress. “Just surrender my Bonnie sub and trust me to give us both what we need.”

She whimpered in response. No words could express the deep connection she felt to him in that moment. He thought he wasn’t being nice to her, but what he gave was exactly what she wanted every single time.

When he pulled the belt away from her she held her breath waiting for the first strike. She didn’t fear it. Quite the opposite. She wanted it more than anything right now.


The sound of the air as he brought his arm down made her suck in her breath a blink before fire erupted across her right butt cheek. Holy fuck. Her body jerked as the breath emptied from her lungs.

“We’ve got nine more, Bonnie sub. As soon as you get back in position, I will continue.”

She couldn’t yet breathe and he was worried about her getting into place? Good lord. She’d been expecting something a little more on the sensual side and he’d gone full force instead.

“Surprised, baby?” His hand touched her hip just to the right of the burning pain in the ass. “I tried to tell you that you weren’t made for the kind of pain I can deliver.”

She considered he might be right, except the way he caressed her and slowly moved over the area his belt had landed on changed the sensations inside her. The heat of pain morphed into a burgeoning pleasure that made her stomach quiver with possibility. With no more thought, she slid back into place on the pillows and silently urged him to continue.

“Okay then, Bonnie. But I expect to hear your safeword if you need it.”

She moaned in answer and she breathed deeply in anticipation. Her body was now warming from head to toe.


The strike of the belt slammed into her flesh. She arched her back and gasped with fire licking at her nerve endings.

“This is what happens to little girls who try to top from the bottom, and to subs who break protocol and run away before a Dom knows whether she is okay or not.” His hands were all over her again and she could only writhe with the heated pleasure coursing through her. “How do you think I felt when I came out of the bathroom with my only thought of holding you close? Taking care of you? You deprived me of that right.”

Sometime while he talked, she must have slipped back into position because he caught her off guard with the third and fourth strike.

“Owww,” she cried.

As if on cue, he touched her. “You aren’t the only one who needs that time after a scene. I was shocked by how much it hurt to find you gone. I couldn't give you the comfort I knew you needed.” His voice broke on the last word.

She wanted to speak, but he gave her no time. The fifth, sixth and seventh strikes came in quick forceful succession. Yes, they stung like hell, but the pain was fading quicker and the moisture between her legs gathering quickly. Her mind buzzed with an overload of thoughts as she tried to concentrate on stringing words together.

“I didn’t think about that,” she said. It was a difficult admission to make. Submissives normally put others feelings ahead of their own and she didn’t. What did that make her then? “I was—” She couldn’t tell him she was afraid of her feelings for him. Nothing he’d ever done or said gave her any indication he wanted to expand their relationship. Even today, this had been engineered by someone else.

“You were what?” he asked.

“I got scared.” She blurted the words before she could stop them.

He smoothed his hand across her aching butt, fanning the flames of a different kind of heat. “It’s okay to be scared. We’ve talked before about how emotions can come on strong during a scene. What’s not okay is running away without telling me you’re okay.”

Tears sprang to her eyes. Why did he want to teach her this lesson? If she shared with him how she truly felt, he’d be forced to try and let her down easy. Bonnie buried her face in the silky sheet underneath her and tried not to imagine that conversation. It was bad enough knowing her feelings were one sided, having to hear it would kill her.

“I’m sorry, Sir. I won’t do it again.”

He shifted behind her and the next thing she knew his lips were pressing to the likely swollen flesh of her bottom. Soft, silky kisses with a little touch of tongue that soothed and excited her. “You are forgiven, my Bonnie sub. Always forgiven,” he whispered.

Her heart soared at his words. This was the logic of BDSM that worked so well for her. If she made a mistake, her Dom would correct her. They’d talk about it and then it would be finished. No hard feelings were left to fester and come back later to haunt them both. Open communication, while not always easy, was the cornerstone of why it worked.

Except she hadn’t told him all of it yet. He didn’t understand how key their first time had been for her. She had to tell him everything.

He peppered more kisses across her sensitive flesh and her immediate need to confess fled. She writhed underneath him and prayed he’d touch a lot more than the one spot.

“You’ve got three more to go. Can you handle them?”

Bonnie nodded her head. “Yes, Sir. I need to finish this.” At least she thought she could. She expected these last three would be the worst. For whatever reason, Dex had opted not to hold back on her punishment and her ability to not only take it, but also derive a certain mixture of pain and pleasure from it stunned her. Although she wanted the pleasure now.

The warmth of his body pressed against hers disappeared and Bonnie braced for the remaining spanks. Seconds ticked by and nothing happened. Dex remained silent behind her and some of the heat in her lower half began to recede. She started to turn and look at him.

His hand pressed into her back and stilled her. “Stay in position and wait patiently, girl.”

The deep voiced command skated up her spine and shook her body with chills. This was a different Dex than she was used to. With her mind so focused on his voice and her body position, she failed to realize he’d moved until the belt landed in a fiery strike across both butt cheeks. Her body jerked from the force and his hand pressed harder against her back, holding her in place. She tried to breathe through her nose to calm the burst of pain when the ninth blow landed perfectly below the curve of her rear at the top of her thighs.

Virgin territory.

She bucked and screamed as tears sprang from her eyes. The tenth and final lash landed across the same newly burning flesh and Bonnie screamed again as the tears freely flowed down her cheeks. She thought she saw the belt land somewhere on the bed when Dex’s body wrapped around hers and his soothing voice sounded at her ear.

“That’s it, baby girl. Let it out. So good.” His hands touched her everywhere as she cried underneath him. The harsh reality of the pain gave way to the cathartic process of tears as she forgave herself for all the wrong choices she’d made lately.

Dex rolled her to her side and kissed his way from her neck to her cheeks where he licked away her tears of relief and remorse.

“Shhh. It’s all better now, my Bonnie sub.” His fingers sifted through her hair and she sank into his warmth. “It’s all good,” he said, continuing to reassure her.

The more he touched and stroked, the more she realized how aroused she’d become. Dex’s giving her pain made her feel good, way beyond the normal cleansing of a punishment. The heat. Oh my God, the heat felt good. And she couldn’t miss the insistent press of his hardness at her hip. He’d gotten as turned on as she had.

“You think too much.” As if he wanted to distract her he bent and sucked a hardened nipple into his mouth. His tongue laved and his hands cupped and lifted her so he could get more into his mouth.

Bonnie groaned. Every feel-good pleasure point she had was hot and ready for more. And with every pull of his mouth, she felt a matching tug deep in her core.

“Dex, please.” She wanted him inside her so badly, she couldn’t stand it.

“Mmm.” The moan only enhanced the exquisite sensations created by his mouth. The man had a wicked tongue and he damned well knew how to use it. He also might have been reading her mind because his lips curved into a smile just as he pulled from one breast and attacked the other with the same fervor.

Her head lolled back against the pillow as she fought for air to keep her lungs from exploding. Everything else too. The throbbing between her legs was driving her mad. When she turned to try and find some source of friction to end her misery, he unwound her arms now wrapped around his back.

“Not yet, my little minx. I’m in charge here, remember?”

As if she could forget. Her exasperated sigh was met with a chuckle as he grabbed her hips and pushed her back on her stomach. “If I recall correctly, I promised you an ass fucking you’d never forget.”

She bit her lip and sucked in air. His dirty talk got to her every time. As much as he enjoyed making her beg to be touched, she enjoyed it even more when he got down and dirty and described exactly what he intended to do to her. Although he was pretty damned big and she’d never had something so large there.

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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