Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

The Bad Boys of Eden (116 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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“Damn, Bonnie. How can you be this perfect? I should stop this.”

Fear shot through her. He couldn’t stop now. “Let me please you just this once.” She begged, not because she had to, but because that’s how bad she wanted to do this. “Just once.”

“You and I both know there is no just once between us. I’m afraid that’s going to be the problem. We need to talk about boundaries.”

“I promise we’ll talk. Right now I need you.”

The tight compress of his lips eased a fraction. “Then suck me, Bonnie sub. Suck me good.”

Oh. My. God. Her sex clenched as she leaned forward and slid her lips over the crown of his bulging erection. There her tongue went to work, laving the sensitive underside with frantic side-to-side sweeps. Heat flooded her from the top of her head to her feet. She no longer cared about anything else because she had him right where she wanted him.

“Fuuuck,” he said. It actually came out more like a groan than a word. He wrapped his hand around the back of her head and pulled her toward him, forcing her to swallow a lot more than the tip.

Bonnie focused on relaxing so she could give up control and take what he wanted to give. That’s all that mattered right now. What he wanted. Or what she could do to drive him crazy with pleasure, as he so often did to her. When he eased the pressure on her head, she sucked hard, determined to not only take more, but to prove how much she wanted him. Maybe, just maybe, if she showed him how much this meant to her, he’d understand she wasn’t exactly what he thought.

“Dammit, woman. Your mouth is almost as hot as your pussy. And it’s going to kill me.” His fingers tangled in her hair and tightened on the strands. Tingles erupted along her scalp and traveled on a shiver down her spine. She imagined goose bumps covering her flesh.

In a desperate attempt to not be distracted by how good he made
feel, she grabbed his thighs for balance and swallowed against him. For a second her gag reflex kicked in before it calmed again. To her surprise and great pleasure, he grew thicker and a pulse of precum landed at the back of her tongue. That burst of tang and musk broke her restraint. She pulled back and dove forward again, shoving him again as deep as she could take him. She didn’t stop there, repeating the move over and over again.

The tingles in her scalp turned to fire that only fueled her faster. Between her desire to give and his hand assisting her efforts, Bonnie began to shake. Despite the wind still gusting around them, all she heard was the heavy breaths sawing in and out of Dex’s lungs. The noises deep in his throat alternated between moans and grunts as she did everything in her power to push him over the teetering edge.

“Bonnie…” He half-yelled and half-groaned.

One minute she had him buried in her throat about to come and the next he’d pulled her off and was hoisting her over his shoulder.

“Dex. Sir. What are you—?”

He didn’t let her finish before she received a burning smack across the back of her thighs.

“Shut up, Bonnie.”



“Seriously. Stop talking now.”


Chapter Eight

Dex tightened his arm across the back of Bonnie’s legs and squeezed harder. Fucking woman and her goddamn mouth. No female should be that fucking talented. Two seconds more and he’d have come so hard down her throat she’d have choked.

Never in his life had anyone threatened his control like she did. He jerked at the door and it popped open under the force of his anger and slammed against the wall. He slapped his hand on the wood to keep it from bouncing back and hitting him in the face.

The need to be inside her rode him so hard, he could barely fucking breathe. His vision had blurred when they were outside and he’d not only crossed over to the danger zone, he’d kicked the fucking barrier out of his way. She wasn’t supposed to be his, but his body wasn’t listening to his brain. He had every intention of claiming her in every possible way before the night was over. Fuck the fancy dungeon and fuck this island.

Right now he wanted in her. Period. He glanced across the cavernous space where the bedroom waited and instead swung her toward the desk he’d used earlier for drawing. Much better.

From here, they had a view of the outside storm and he was beginning to understand why she enjoyed it so much. The dark clouds and violent waves matched every dark emotion he couldn’t control washing through him. He eased her onto the table as much as possible, but she still had to use her arms to keep herself from falling against the glass window.


He narrowed his eyes and growled. She got the message and clamped her lips shut. If he had a modicum of control left, he’d take the time to find a gag.

Instead he spread her legs, grasped the root of his cock and pushed inside her tight, wet sheath. Dex forced himself to stop when he’d worked his way to fully seated. He had to find the will not to hurt her and give her a chance to adjust before he rode her like the animal he now was. All the blood in his body had drained to his cock and trying to control it was damned near impossible.

“You drive me fucking crazy, baby. All I can think about is your hot cunt wrapped around my dick.”

Her muscles fluttered around him as he spoke and Dex dug deeper for some resolve while fighting pleasure so intense, he barely breathed. She didn’t understand the kind of demands their connection brought out in him. Talk about caveman. He gritted his teeth and let the rumble in his throat roll deep and loud.

“You weren’t supposed to be here.” He couldn’t resist working two of his fingers at her clit until she squirmed against him. With another wave of pleasure rolling through him, he realized nothing he did when she was around turned out smart. “The plan was I’d spend a few days here, work you out of my system and then, when my head was on straight, help you find a new Dom.” He pulled half way out of her pussy and shoved back in on a hard thrust.

“That’s the way it was supposed to be, dammit.”

Letting some of the turmoil keeping him wound tight free, Dex fucked in and out of her glorious pussy. Every thrust was met with a pleasure filled moan from Bonnie until he couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled free. “On your knees, Bonnie sub.”

She twisted with his arm and settled on her hands and knees on the desk. In this position, they were both facing the window and when he entered her from behind the first splash of rain slammed against it.

“God Damn, Bonnie. I can feel everything like this. Your beautiful pussy is clinging to me.”

She cried out, either from his words or the possibility he’d hit the sweet spot inside her. Either way, he kept going, moving in and out of her in a fast, furious rhythm.

“I tried to be gentle with you, you know. But it’s impossible. You’ve driven me damn near crazy at every turn.” He leaned over her back and played with her nipples, rolling them between his fingers. This was the only way he knew how to try and calm the raging need storming inside him. He literally wanted to drive into her until they both passed out.

Bonnie pressed a hand against the window and wailed. She loved having her tits manhandled. He pinched both nipples until he heard the catch in her throat. Mmm. He should have grabbed some clamps from his bag. The weighted ones would be perfect.

Dex moved again, stroking her silken walls until he knew she was ready to explode. He trusted she’d find a way to wait until he gave permission. She was a good girl.

He increased the tempo of his thrusts. “This is all you, baby. You did this to me.” Dex grabbed the mass of dark hair she kept flinging around and pinned her head in a backward slant. “One taste of you and all I can think about is how to get inside you again. I have half a mind to chain you to my bed and never let you go. I could turn you into my personal sex slave.”

His stomach jerked at the image of beautiful Bonnie with the generous curves collared and chained like a slave girl. That would certainly take the daddy thing to a new level for her. And the idea she’d be naked and ready for him whenever he wanted drove him to fuck her harder. She bounced and jerked under the onslaught and only his hands gripping her hair kept her from a full face plant into the window.

He studied her back and marveled at the gorgeous crimson flush of her skin. He imagined that perfect porcelain skin with his ink worked into it. The new design from earlier flashed through his mind and he knew immediately that no matter what happened, she had to have it. Had to.

In the back of his mind, he heard a voice telling him to slow down and take things easier with her. He ignored it. She woke something inside him that had no conception of satiety. It only wanted more. And he aimed to answer that demand. Dex lifted her hips until her feet left the floor and slammed fully inside her.

“Never. Going. To. Get. Enough.” He punctuated each word with an equally hard thrust. Her body shook roughly now and he knew she couldn’t hold out much longer.

“Do it, Bonnie. Come on my dick. Fucking soak me.”

Her wail started deep inside until it grew to a scream. Every muscle in her body quivered and her pussy sucked on him so hard, he thought he’d fall right behind her. But he didn’t. Instead he fucked her so damn deep, he imagined his cock touching every inch of her. Hopefully striking every nerve ending, until his Bonnie girl became one writhing mass of electric pleasure.

Eventually her screams turned to whimpers and he decided he’d give her a break while he changed their positions. He wanted the bed and he wanted it now. He slipped free from her clutching body.

“No,” she cried.

He ignored her protest and no longer cared that she’d broken his no talking rule.

“Don’t fret, baby girl. I’m not done. Not even close.”

He hauled her into his arms and carried her across the room to the bedroom suite. No sooner had they cleared the door, he maneuvered her face down onto the mattress. He lifted her hips until her pussy was perfectly aligned and he thrust into her.

“Oh my God,” she cried. She tried to push up with her hands, maybe scramble away and he grabbed them out from under her and folded them around her back. With probably more force than he needed, he held her down and fucked her like the brute he’d always thought he could be.

“Dex. I—I can’t breathe.”

“Yes you can, baby. Take it nice and slow.” He urged her to breathe slowly while his hips picked up the pace. He felt like the damned energizer bunny with the power switch flipped to unfucking believable. His whole body burned with all the sleepless nights when he’d imagined only this. Fucking his Bonnie sub.

“Come again, Bonnie. Do it.”

There was nothing rational about them now. He wanted her wet and crying when he finally exploded.

“You’ve been killing me for weeks. Hell, a lot longer than that." As he stroked in and out of her, his weight bore down on her arms until he knew she couldn’t move an inch.

“You're mine, girl.” He doubted she heard him. Her muffled screams were still loud and filled the cavernous room. Her body bucked and twisted as the most powerful orgasm he’d ever seen rolled through her. He’d gotten her off more times than he could count and never had she been this out of control. Or this into the moment. He never wanted it to end.

Oh shit.

His cock jerked with a mind of its own. Dex squeezed his eyes closed and after a few seconds of useless fighting he gave up, unleashing a blast that shot through him in spine-tingling time. He bellowed in unison with her screams as his release ignited another round of powerful spasms through Bonnie.

Nothing in his life thus far had come even close to the pleasure of coming inside her. He’d marked her in more ways than one and neither of them would be forgetting it anytime soon. From this vantage point, he saw all the bite marks across her back and sides and he knew if he ever stopped gripping her hips she’d bear bruises for days.

Quiet sobs finally broke him from his thoughts and he opened his eyes to see Bonnie’s face turned to the side with tears running down her cheek and into her mouth.

He unscrewed his grip on her arms and eased from her body. He turned her over and gathered her into his arms. She’d need a bath and some rest, but for now he really needed to hold her.

He wiped the tears away until the last one fell before finally asking the question he feared most. “Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head. “Not in any way I didn’t want to be hurt.” Still breathing heavy she finished her statement with a tired smile and just like that, he wanted her again.

“Jesus, Bonnie. Don’t look at me like that or I’ll have my cock up your ass before you can say please.”

Her eyes widened a flash before they sparkled.

“Don’t you dare say it. I
get my belt.”

For a few seconds she looked unsure, half-torn between being good and being bad. Suddenly his spent cock didn’t feel quite so done and the idea of fucking her beautiful ass sounded appealing as hell.

“Please,” she said, her eyes dropping down to his dick.

“Well, fuck me. You said it anyway.” Moving on instinct alone, Dex rolled them over to the side of the bed and he pushed her to her feet. He smacked her butt and said, “Go get my belt then, Bonnie sub and present it properly.”

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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