Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

The Bad Boys of Eden (118 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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Dex shoved the pillows she’d rested on out of their way. “Need you on your knees, baby.”

With her ass still on fire from Dex’s belt and her pussy all but dripping with wanton need, she turned and caught his eye. “I’ve never—” She’d kinda sorta almost but not really been a virgin when he’d taken her at the club, but this. This she really wasn’t sure about.


He stroked her flaming butt cheeks and Bonnie all but melted on the spot.

“You’ve had a plug here before.” He tapped her small hole. “More than once. So there’s nothing to worry about. I’ll make it feel good, I promise.”

Her belly whooshed at his words. Despite her fear, she had no doubt Dex would do as he said and she’d love it. The man had a knack for making a woman’s body sing.

He shifted behind her and she gasped when his tongue slid between her cheeks. Nerve endings lit up and a soft cry escaped her lips. Okay, so maybe she wasn’t a virgin in any true sense of the word, but Dex didn’t really know how little actual experience she had before coming to him. Not that she hadn’t seen just about anything and everything within the club walls. Certainly nothing shocked her.

Except how good he always made her feel. She was certain she’d never get accustomed to that. At that moment, Dex pressed forward and laved her sensitive flesh mercilessly. Maybe what she lacked in practical experience was made up with what she’d learned by observing. Her fingers curled into the sheets and she lifted her hips trying to hold onto the pleasure coursing through her.

He removed his tongue and she bit back a whimper of protest. She’d gone too far and he'd taken away—

Oh. Holy. Shit.

No, he certainly didn’t take away. He’d come prepared for this and instead he pressed his now lubricated fingers against her opening and pried her apart one tiny inch at a time. The nerve rich area shot sensations up and down her spine until she wasn’t sure if her head would blow off or her legs would collapse. She tried to breath, calm her racing heart. Not that he gave her a chance. What felt good going in felt even better going out.

Bonnie moaned. How could she not? The overload of sensations was too much to keep inside. Her muscles tightened as she tried to keep calm.

“No. Don’t tense up, sweet baby girl. You know how this works. The more you relax, the better it feels. And when my cock slides inside this gorgeous ass, I intend for it to be amazing for both of us.”

“It’s—it’s already amazing,” she said. Whether Dex realized it or not, nothing made her feel as submissive as his body behind her doing whatever the hell he wanted to. Whether it was a flog or a whip or even his cock taking her, when his body or restraints pinned her down and demanded her acceptance, she felt owned clear to her soul. No one ever had made her feel quite like that.

Following his direction, she relaxed her muscles and took more of what he gave.

“That’s it. Such a good girl.” He stroked deep and the world around her began to fall away. Nothing to feel guilty about. And no one to make her feel she wasn't good enough. Only pleasure and the climbing, clawing hunger she got for one man when he touched her.

Bonnie didn’t understand how she’d let this happen, but here in this moment, she didn’t care.

With another plunge of his fingers and smooth release, she cried out, pushing back against his hand.

“Mmm. Sometimes I can’t resist your greedy little soul.” Dex pulled his fingers free and immediately lined his cock up to her entrance. Bonnie shook with the fight to remain still.

“Don’t stop breathing, Bonnie sub. I aim for this to be good and for that you need air in your lungs.”

“Why?” She barely got the question out before he pressed forward, not exactly fast, and not slow either, but steady and constant as he speared her backside and filled her beyond belief. Her sudden gasp matched his movements as her breath whooshed from her lungs in tandem with his cock’s invasion. The sweet burn nearly undid her.

“Take another breath sweet girl and when you release it, push back.”

This is exactly how he’d taught her to take a plug, except this time it was bigger and far hotter than she’d imagined. As if to nail home his intent, he reached beneath her and stroked her clit.

“Shit. Dex. I mean, Sir. Don’t.”

His chuckle vibrated against her back. “Feels good, baby?”

She moaned. “Going to come like this.” She panted, her breaths short and choppy.

He released her bundle of nerves and pushed upright. “No you won't. You're a good girl, remember? You’ll do anything it takes to wait for my permission.”

She bit her lip and clamped down hard. Bastard. He was right of course. He could force it if he wanted to, but he usually gave her just enough rope to think she couldn’t take another second and then he’d relent. Sometimes it was maddening, but it was always.
. Explosive.

The pressure-filled sensation of an impending orgasm continued to climb even without his fingers stimulating her, thanks to his now slow thrusts creating mind-numbing friction. Her pants quickly turned to wails as the need for relief loomed imminent. In this position, with him filling her backside all she could feel, besides the pleasure, was certain loss of control.

“Sir,” she whined, careening toward the edge of nothingness.

“Not yet, Bonnie.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to the curve of her shoulder. “I rather enjoy watching your struggle as my cock claims what is mine.” His teeth clamped down on her skin and she cried out again. Not from pain, oh no. They were way past that point into constant burning pleasure that threatened to consume her at any second.

“Need to come.” She panted the words, barely able to breathe.

“I know, baby. Hold on a little longer for me okay?”

He was trying to kill her. She tried to think of something else, anything that would take her mind away from the pressure, but nothing worked. Every thrust in and slow drag out pulled her a little bit more under his spell. Despite her attempt to still the process she found her hips rocking back against him as he moved, meeting him on every stroke.

Why wasn’t her body listening to her?

Because he owns you now
. Again, it felt like he read her mind. His tempo picked up and she swore he drove deeper each time. Bonnie thrust her head back and clawed at the bed. The insistent pressure wouldn’t stop. The sharp sting of pleasure bit down on her and wouldn’t relent. Panic filled her.

“Going to come, can’t stop. Please, Dex.

His fingers sought her pleasure center once again with urgent efficiency. “Then come, sweet girl. Come.”

Bright pinpoints of light burst in her vision. Bonnie’s body shook with the force of her granted release as it exploded over her. She was vaguely aware of the screams tearing from her chest as she bucked and jerked through every excruciating pulse of pleasure.

“Fly, Bonnie. Fly. And take me with you.” His fingers tightened on her hips to the point the sweet agony of his grip melded with the glorious electric shocks driving her into cataclysmic bliss. She could do nothing but ride the crest as it tore through her. Dex’s moans behind her fueled her higher than before and she fell headlong into a deep, dark pit of delirium.

With her mind floating in the aftermath, Dex pressed kisses over her back and hips as he withdrew from her body. “You are amazing, Bonnie. A true treasure. Thank you for this perfect gift.”

She pitched forward and sank into the cool mattress beneath her, barely able to think let alone respond. Every ounce of energy had been depleted and she felt on the verge of passing out. Her arms and legs refused to respond when she tried to move.

Forget it. Not moving.

Those were her last thoughts as the exhaustion and utter satisfaction pulled her under.


Chapter Ten

Dex sat in the chair across from his bed and watched the peaceful rise and fall of Bonnie’s chest as she slept sprawled across his bed. The storm outside had finally passed and the moon shining through the window played a variety of shadows across Bonnie’s pale and marred skin.

His stomach cramped. That was his doing.

Even in this dim light, he could see the dozens, maybe hundreds of marks he’d left on her when he’d fucked her until she passed out. Disgust roiled through his stomach. He’d gone insane. How else did he describe his utter loss of control earlier this evening? He couldn’t explain his inability to stop when it came to Bonnie. He’d waited so damned long for her.

Even now, feeling angry and frustrated, he wanted her. Fortunately, he’d regained enough control to keep his baser urges in check. This time.

After she’d blacked out, he’d gathered his strength and left her just long enough to gather warm towels and some Arnica cream from his play bag. He’d spent the next thirty minutes bathing her and making sure that every mark on her body had been cared for. The entire time he worked, she didn’t wake or stir. He moved her around like a rag doll.

Since then he’d sat here watching over her, making sure there were no unexpected effects of his rough treatment of her. She remained peaceful in her sleep. And so damned beautiful it made his chest hurt when he breathed. He hurt her. More than he ever hurt anyone. Save for the few times he accidentally broke skin during his training with a whip several years back. How was he supposed to stop thinking about that? He closed his eyes and tried to stave off the memories.

He tried his whole life to be different from his father and this is what he got. A woman he’d rather die for than hurt. And yet...

“What the hell is going on here?” Dex surveyed the scene in front of him and cringed. His naked father was lying face down on the bed with his arm draped over an equally naked woman, who was not his mother, beaten to hell and back. Marks were all over her arms and chest from what he could tell, and one of her eyes looked suspiciously swollen.

“Go away.” His father slurred rather than yelled, obviously drunk again. “You don’t belong in here.”

The woman looked at him then with what looked like fear in her eyes. He understood that emotion well enough. He’d seen it in his mother’s eyes every day before she finally gave up and left again. The look this woman gave him practically begged him to help her.

He wasn’t sure how much help his scrawny ass could give her if his father fought him. At eleven years old he didn’t have a lot of power to use against his large asshole dad.

“Let me take her home so you can rest in peace.” He had no idea how he’d get this woman home but his instincts were all about getting her away from him.

“Shut up, you little shit. What do you know about peace? It’s your fucking fault I can’t find peace.”

He knew in his head not to listen to anything the old man said, but that didn’t stop the burning behind his eyes at the hate-filled gaze his father turned on him. He wanted to run away, but there was no escape.

“Sniveling little brat. She must have really hated you to leave your sorry ass with the likes of me.”

There was no arguing with that. His mother had left and she’d been happy to leave him behind with the monster.

“Don’t hit her anymore, Dad.” His voice came out a hard whisper that must have set something off in his father. He moved from the bed shockingly fast for a man who appeared too drunk to be awake.

“Fine. She can leave and it’ll just be me and you. Who do you think that will fare well for?” He grabbed Dex’s shirt with thick, dirty fingers that might have been caked with blood and hauled him forward.

This close, it took all he had not to vomit in his face. The rancid smell of old sweat, cheap alcohol and dirty cigarettes washed over him. Dex immediately twisted in the grip in a desperate attempt to get away. “This has been a long time coming.” He raised his right hand and Dex closed his eyes to wait for the blow.


Dex jerked when his father twisted at the sound of the woman’s voice behind him. He looked too. She’d gotten out of the bed and stood next to them without any clothes on. His mouth dropped open at the sight but it wasn’t because she was naked. What little he’d seen of her before didn’t compare to what he saw now. There were enough scratches and bruises on her body that he could play connect the dots. He was so absorbed in her injuries, he almost missed her mouthing the word ‘run’ to him.

“Get back in that bed.” The dark, dangerous growl of his father’s voice scared him. He’d heard it before and it always came before something really bad happened.

“Only if you join me.”

Distracted, his father dropped his hand and retreated. “Are you sassing me woman? Cause you know better than that shit.” He was on her in an instant and apparently Dex was forgotten in whatever messed up mind his father lived in. Still stunned he’d escaped his father’s fist, Dex watched in horror as he grabbed the woman around the throat and squeezed. He couldn’t know how that felt, but it looked super scary. Somehow this stranger kept her eyes on him and the way she flicked them toward the door made it obvious what she wanted him to do.

Torn, Dex moved a few inches and stopped. He couldn’t leave her here. What if his father…

A female scream pierced the air and forced Dex to move. He had to get help before his father killed her. He tore from the bedroom and ran for the front door. His heart raced as fear moved him faster than ever before. He only had to get to the neighbor’s house down the street where he could use the phone and dial 911.

“Get back here, you little shit.”

Oh God. His father was right behind him.

He picked up speed. Only ten more feet to the front door. He knew he’d make it. Seconds later, his small hand wrapped around the handle and twisted, pushing the door open as fast as he could. The cool night air rushed inward and Dex jumped down the stairs two at a time and ran...

Dex stood and pushed his fingers into his hair and rubbed his head. He hated that he couldn’t wipe his shitty childhood from his memory. That had been right after the second time his mother walked out on them. It wasn’t the last.

His brain told him he really was nothing like his father. But seeing Bonnie tonight in the bed worried him. How far would he go? How far would she let him? He stared out the window, letting his gaze wander to the furthest edge of the blurry horizon in the far distance. Agreeing to come to this island had been a mistake of epic proportion. The escape he had hoped for backfired on him.

He still had to fill Gabe’s obligations for this trip. Dex glanced at the clock and realized he’d missed his planned entrance in the dungeon by several hours. Not that he gave a shit. He’d finish what he came here for and then he’d get Bonnie the hell out of here and back home. The longer they stayed here together, the more chance he had to hurt her and he wouldn’t go there again.

In fact… He walked out to the desk where he’d drawn hours earlier and tore off a half sheet of paper and grabbed his pencil. He wrote Bonnie a quick note telling her he’d gone to the dungeon to meet with the staff and he’d be back late. He also reminded her that she’d had a rough couple of days and needed as much rest as possible. His instructions included a soak in the jetted tub in his bathroom and a call to room service for a hearty meal. He walked back to the spacious bedroom and placed the note on the nightstand next to her head so she wouldn’t miss it.

Before he could walk away, he brushed a lock of hair from her cheek and bent down to press a kiss to her luminous skin. Despite all his doubts, it wasn’t easy to walk away from her. Fortunately, the one thing he did learn from his childhood experiences was he wanted to be the kind of man who put other’s needs ahead of his own. And in this case, Bonnie needed someone far different from him.

Someone gentler.

After a last lingering stroke of her arm, Dex turned away and headed out the door.

Outside, he breathed deeply and let the warm ocean breeze tease over him. His thoughts returned to the moment he’d spied Bonnie outside his cottage window. The image of her nude form back dropped against the churning sea would forever remain seared into his memory. She had a bit of a hidden wild streak in her he’d love to see more of. Dex sighed. He couldn’t keep thinking about her like that. Time for a distraction, pronto.

Dex gritted his teeth and focused on the castle in front of him. From a distance it looked impressive, but close up it was even better. Someone had gone to great expense and effort to rebuild such a magnificent showpiece. Although he hated to think what the upkeep on a place like this would be. Besides the enormous main structure, his flight in had given him a bird’s eye view of the small island and he’d noticed several more outlying structures that resembled the ones he and Bonnie had been assigned to.

The normal fees for an island vacationer had to be exorbitant. Dex slipped inside the main building through a side door as instructed by the concierge and followed the directions he’d memorized yesterday afternoon. The exquisite stone finishes of the outside continued through the interior space and on down through the rock walled spiral staircase that led to the dungeon.

One minute he’d been walking through a tropical island garden and now he stepped into a totally different old world atmosphere. Not for the first time, he wondered what the connection was between this place and Gabe. From all the information he’d obtained from the concierge, Eden appeared to be about a lot more than BDSM. His original assumption that this was some sort of fantasy island for kinky people hadn’t panned out. So how Purgatory or Gabe were connected to the Master or Eden remained a mystery.

At the bottom of the stairs, the colors grew even richer, changing from grey stone to red walls and a hulking black heavy iron door. He really liked the literal interpretation of a dungeon up to this point. If this were his property, he’d design it the same way.

Dex pushed the door open and entered a small waiting room that had little more than a desk on one side of the door and two plush red velvet covered chairs on the other.

“Welcome to the Eden dungeon, Sir. May I direct you to your destination?” A petite blonde rose from behind the desk. The see-through slip of a dress she wore caught his eye as she moved. The sheer material was screen printed with an intricate design and then encrusted with pearls and crystals that kept her nipples obscured from his view. The off-white color of the sheer fabric matched her skin tone, causing the rest of the design to appear tattoo like. He’d never seen anything like it before and he couldn’t resist imagining what it would look like on Bonnie.

“I missed my appointment to tour the dungeon earlier, so I came in to take a look around on my own,” he said.

The woman lowered her gaze. “Of course, Sir. May I offer you a tour? I’d be happy to show you around.”

He took a closer survey of her curves and the shy expression on her face. Her body remained perfectly still under his perusal and he smiled. Well-trained. And exquisitely beautiful. “It would be my pleasure—” He didn’t know her name yet.

“Grace, Sir. My name is Grace.”

He reached forward and tipped her chin so their gazes met. It’s very nice to meet you, Grace. My name is Dex but I’d much rather hear Sir when you address me.” It was important to him to maintain protocol while inside a dungeon. It kept the roles clear and prevented any emotional misunderstandings during and after a play scene.

“Of course, Sir.” This time she crossed her legs and lowered a few inches before returning to an upright position. The gorgeous and poised Grace pivoted around and led him through another set of black metal doors and into the main area of the club. He scanned the room and absorbed the atmosphere. Lights were dim and presented in dark rust wall sconces that created endless pinpoints of light that bounced off the many mirrors in the space. Luxurious couches and settees had been set up for grouping areas, where dungeon participants could lounge before or after a scene. All of the equipment, and it was extensive, was made of chrome, which only enhanced the effects of bouncing light. Low music throbbed through him as he surveyed some of the public scenes already taking place.

“This is the main public room for those who prefer to scene in the open, but if you look past the equipment you will see various alcoves shrouded in heavy drapes through the dungeon. Those are the private themed rooms, meant to cater to any fantasy you can think of. “This one is the medieval-themed space.” She brushed the curtains aside and revealed a play area that looked like it was right out of medieval times. He especially appreciated the details to the walls, including chains and cuffs.

Grace continued the tour, showing him every play space that wasn’t marked as private. He’d been impressed with Purgatory from day one, but he had to admit the Eden dungeon blew away anything he’d seen before. The sheer size of play space was beyond his expectations for such a small island.

“Grace.” He interrupted her latest explanation on yet another theme. “Do you know the actual square footage of the facility?”

“I do. Since the dungeon runs underneath a good portion of the castle, we have more than twenty thousand square feet of space to work with. It’s big, but the Master went to a lot of trouble to ensure each area felt intimate.”

While she was talking, a young-dark haired submissive came up beside her and waited to speak. In a show of ultimate training, Grace deferred to him with barely more than a tilt of her head.

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