Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

The Bad Boys of Eden (122 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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The next thing she knew Dex grabbed her by the shoulders and hauled her up to her feet.

“You are so damned wrong. In fact, you couldn’t be more wrong. Jim loved you enough to know you needed more.
He loved you
. And as for me…” Dex touched her cheek. “You’re my Bonnie sub. I’ve always wanted you more than anything in this world, but I was too afraid to do anything about it. I believed if I got into a relationship I would turn into something bad. Until I fell in love with you.”

Bonnie looked at him through blurry vision from the onslaught of tears. She wiped her running nose with her hand and tried to catch her breath. “You—you love me?”

He smiled down at her while helping her wipe the tears away as they continued to fall. “Yeah, I guess I do. How could I not? You’re so beautiful and perfect and sweet.”

“I’m not perfect, Dex. Far from it.”

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him chest to chest. “You’re perfect to me. What happened in the past doesn't matter. It's you and me now and that’s all that counts, babe. I am the Dom here after all.”

She couldn’t help but smile despite the puffy runny mess of her face. How could she not when this brash, stubborn and beautiful man had admitted he loved her? What he said about Jim would take some time to process, but he was right about one thing. It was her past and maybe, just maybe Dex really is her future.

“You Doms kill me. Always think you gotta be right.”

“Damn straight.”

“So what happens now?”

“First, we’re going to get you cleaned up and then we’re going out there and telling Gabe were both leaving.”

“I ca—”

“Don’t waste your breath. It’s high time we spent some time together away from the club, away from crazy islands, and do what normal couples do when they start planning a life together.”

“I’m afraid to ask what that might be. I don’t have much experience in normal.”

“I don’t either, but I know this. I've lived with a lot of fear and anger for a long time. I don't want to do that anymore. I need you and I need you now.”


Chapter Fifteen

Bonnie snuggled under the comforter and stared at the ceiling. Dex had been true to his word and whisked her out of Purgatory the moment they exited the employee lounge. Gabe hadn’t uttered a word in protest. Instead he crossed his arms and smiled. She could only imagine the gossip after they left.

Now she was in Dex’s bed, in his posh apartment above his tattoo shop, still in shock over the events of the night before. The sex had been explosive, but the time they spent talking, about his life after the violence and her dreams about school and a future career, had been the best part. He pulled her onto his lap and stroked her hair while she talked. And when he was busy telling her his stories, she traced all of his tattoos with her finger. They fascinated her.

Despite their decided lack of sleep, she was too restless to lie there and do nothing. She wanted to explore. There was so much about Dex’s life she couldn’t wait to see. The rest of his apartment, his tattoo shop.

She slid from the bed without waking him and padded across the room. She’d go to the bathroom and then check out his kitchen. Coffee first and then she’d see if she could scrounge up some breakfast. In the living room, she bent down and scooped up their clothes as she went and draped them across a dining room chair. The table was covered by dozens of amazing hand-drawn sketches that drew her inexplicably. She especially loved the tiger in mid-leap with his teeth bared. The detail was breathtaking.

From the corner of her eye, she saw a piece of another one that looked like an ocean. She pulled it free and came to an abrupt seat in the closest chair. She vaguely remembered seeing this drawing while on Eden. It had been on the table he bent her over.

Except at some point he’d added it to it. There was now a woman off to the side on the beach. A naked woman.


“Beautiful, isn’t she.” She hadn’t heard Dex approach until he whispered into her ear.

“It’s me. Outside your window.” She still couldn’t get over the way he’d drawn her. It was adventurous and erotic and he'd made her beautiful.

“I told you I couldn’t get you off my mind. I meant it.” He nuzzled her neck. “Good morning by the way.”

She smiled, not tearing her gaze from the art. “Morning. I was just about to see about coffee and breakfast.”

“Coffee yes, but I had something else in mind for breakfast.” He shoved the papers aside and lifted her onto the table, pressing her onto her back. The cool wood startled her.


“Yes, just like that. You keep saying my name while I snack.” He crushed his lips to hers in a hard kiss filled with intensity that overtook her senses. His tongue slipped between her lips and she melted under him. If this is how he wanted to wake up every morning who was she to say no?

He pulled away from the kiss. “I still love you, Bonnie.”

Oh hell, one little sentence and her body came to full on blazing life as if the last eight or so hours hadn’t even happened. “I love you too, Dex. I mean, Sir.”

“Glad to see you still have manners in the morning, my pretty girl. Now lie back and spread those gorgeous legs for me.”

She did as she was told, completely exposing her pussy to him. The way he looked at her caused a shiver of desire to shoot up her spine. His hands went everywhere, stroking and caressing her shoulders, her breasts, her stomach and only stopping just short of the apex of her thighs. His hands grabbed each one in a tight grip before he blew on her sex. She writhed from the onslaught of pleasure his warm breath created across her center. Would she ever get used to how he affected her? He was turning her into an insatiable monster just like him.

His fingers spread the lips of her sex and he kissed her there with a feather light touch. She grabbed his hair. “Dex. Dex. Dex…”

He kissed her again, this time lingering a moment longer on her clit. His tongue touched the engorged bundle of nerves.

” Already the tightening of her core began to build. The man knew his way around her body and it didn’t take long for her to want much more.

The light touches ended and he licked at her in earnest. Every stroke went far beyond her sex. She felt it everywhere. Her thighs, her stomach and her breasts. He’d lit the fuse and it couldn’t be stopped now. Pleasure poured through her.

“Dex,” she cried one final time before she lost all control. Her legs shook, her inner muscles clenched and she clawed at his back all while he incessantly worked her over.

He stood and lifted her legs over his shoulders. She still couldn’t speak but she didn’t need words to see what he felt. The look on his face said it all. Love, lust and awe. What a difference twenty-four hours made.

He leaned over her and pressed a quick kiss to her mouth, leaving a light taste of herself on her lips. She didn’t understand why he didn’t see how gentle of a lover he truly was. Whether they were in a scene, or simply making love like now, he always took care of her.

Her hands roamed over his shoulders and upper back. The flexing movement of his muscles excited her. She reveled in his strength. Riding high and feeling a little needy for more, she slid her arm between their bodies and grasped his erection.

He sucked in a sharp breath. “Dammit, Bonnie. I need to be inside you now.”

“Please,” she said, whimpering.

His hands were everywhere again. He dipped his head and grasped a nipple between his teeth and bit down. Bonnie arched against him as the contrast of pain and pleasure worked over her. She couldn’t breathe again.

With his mouth holding her captive, he pushed inside her in one achingly slow stroke that forced her muscles to give way. Every step of the way, he watched her, never taking his gaze from her face. Would she ever get used to the intensity of this man?

They’d both made mistakes in life, but each and every misstep is what brought them closer to this moment. What they were today was created by how they handled their pasts. And not for a minute did she believe he’d become something he wasn’t.

He thrust deeper and pulled her from her thoughts. “Stay with me, Bonnie. In my apartment. I think you’ll like it here.” He withdrew to the tip and stroked in again, making her moan as he caressed her nerve endings in ways a toy never had.

“The building is close to the college so it will make your life easier.”

“Yes,” she said through heavy breaths. “Whatever you want. Just don’t stop.”

He smiled down at her and she decided then and there she had to make him do that more often. “Never going to stop fucking you my, Bonnie sub. Not today, definitely not tomorrow. Or ever.”

His hips picked up their pace and Bonnie gave up on trying to talk. It was overrated anyway. Especially when Dex made her feel this good. Pleasure coiled through her as they raced together to the edge of bliss.

“Come for me, Bonnie.” His softly spoken command was like a flip of her switch. Her body tensed as the shimmering wave of a beautiful orgasm washed over her.

“Feels so good.” He fell right behind her, pumping in rapid, unrelenting strokes. It was a beautiful sight to behold and one she planned to watch every chance she got.

Neither of them could move for a long while. Their breathing slowed and their skin cooled. She loved the sensation of his weight pressing down on her after they were done. That flesh-to-flesh heavy connection always gave her comfort.

Eventually he withdrew and disappeared into the bathroom, returning minutes later with a warm cloth to clean her. Someday soon, she would find a way to make him acknowledge he truly did take care of her. He was the perfect gentle, bad-ass Dom.

He lifted her from the table and carried her back to the bedroom. “Just a little more rest and then we’ll face the reality of the day.”

“And maybe a real breakfast?” she asked.

“Are you kidding? That was the best breakfast ever.”

Bonnie laughed and snuggled under the covers. He had a point about the rest. She was worn out.


“Mmmhmm.” His voice was fading as sleep once again started to take him under.

“Will you hold me close?”

His eyes didn’t open but a wide grin crossed his face. “With pleasure.” He tucked her in his arms and wrapped his body around her just the way she liked.

As it turned out, Dex had been the Dom of her dreams after all.

# # #

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More Purgatory Club Books

If you haven't read all of the books in my Purgatory Club series, may I suggest you start there? Here they are listed in published order, however, they do stand alone:

(Leo, Quinn & Katie)

(Rio & Emerson)

(Walker & Cass)

(Zane & Ruby)

(Riley & Jenn)

(Dex & Bonnie)

You can see the full list with links on the
page of my

Other Titles by Eliza Gayle

Contemporary Romance

Purgatory Masters Series




Purgatory Club






(this book)

Pleasure Playground Series



Stand Alone Books


Paranormal Romance

Southern Shifters Series







Turn the page for an excerpt of POWER PLAY

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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