Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

The Bad Boys of Eden (12 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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Killer stepped back, then pulled her to her feet and into his arms. He kissed her fiercely, then released her.

“God, that was fucking hot.”

He crouched in front of her and kissed down her stomach, then rested his cheek against her panties.  He turned and nuzzled, then kissed her through the fabric.

The feel of his raspy face against her stomach, and his lips playing through the fabric, sent her hormones raging.  He leaned back and stared at her, then with one finger, drew the fabric down a little.

She wanted him to tear them away, then sink his tongue into her.

But he stood up and tucked his hand around behind her and drew her toward the table.  He positioned her in front of Rip and sat in her chair, then drew the front of her panties down further.

“Isn’t that a beautiful pussy?” Killer asked.

“Absolutely,” Rip agreed with a grin.

“Well, then, do something about it.”

Rip chuckled and drew the sides of the panties down.  He glided them the length of her thighs, then dropped them to the ground.

She heard Raven moaning behind her.  She didn’t know what the men were doing to her, but she was certainly enjoying it.

Anticipation quivered through Marissa as Rip stared at her, his gaze focused between her legs.  God, she wanted to feel his lips on her.  His fingers glide inside her.

As if reading her mind, Rip stroked his hand down her stomach, then between her legs.  His fingertips glided over her slick flesh.

“You’re so wet.”

Then he drew his hand away and just gazed at her again.  She ached inside, needing more.

He leaned toward Killer and whispered something.  A big smile turned up Killer’s lips.

“Great idea.  She won’t mind?”  Killer stood up.  “Marissa, get on the bed.”

Marissa turned and walked toward the bed.  Raven was stretched out with one man’s face buried between her legs, while the other stroked her breasts.

“Stop,” Rip said with enough authority that both men stopped what they were doing and glanced his way.  “Guys, come join us.”

The two men rolled away from Raven and stood up, then walked toward them.

“Marissa, sit on the bed beside Raven,” Killer said.

As Marissa complied, the men grabbed the teak chairs from around the table and set them close to the bed, facing it.

“Lie down, Marissa.”

Raven moved over as Marissa lay down on the crisp white sheets, her head cushioned on the soft pillow, totally conscious of being naked beside another half naked woman.  Raven’s top had been stripped away, but she still wore her jeans.

“Raven, come over here,” Rip said.  He didn’t have the edge of authority in his voice that Killer had, but Raven obeyed immediately.

Once she stood in front of him, he told her to take off her jeans.  She unzipped and dropped them to the ground.

“Now your thong,” Rip said.

Without hesitation, she shed it, heedless of the four men watching her.

“Now, you are going to do whatever Killer wants.  Okay?”

“Yes,” Raven said, then glanced at Killer.

“Get on the bed beside Marissa and stroke her breasts.”

Shock vaulted through Marissa at the words.  She watched Raven walk toward her with wide eyes.  This was not what she’d expected.  Not that she’d expected any of this when Killer had first led her onto the patio.

Raven knelt on the bed beside Marissa and her soft hands rested on Marissa’s ribs.  Slowly she began to caress, from side to side in gentle strokes.  Soon Marissa’s skin tingled, and her nipples peaked to tight buds.  By the tine Raven touched her breasts, Marissa was yearning to feel her soft hands glide over them.

Raven stroked her, slowly, around and around, then finally found her hard nipples.  Marissa had to bite back a cry of pleasure.

“Take her nipples in your mouth, Raven.”

Raven leaned forward, heat in her olive green eyes, and wrapped her lips around Marissa’s aching nub.  Marissa did moan when that hot, wet mouth closed over her.

“Fuck, this is hot,” Wild Card said.

“Open your legs, Marissa,” Killer commanded.

Marissa widened her legs, and Raven shifted between them.  The soft skin of Raven’s legs brushed against Marissa’s inner thighs and need raced through her.

“Raven, I want you to lick that sweet pussy of hers.”

Marissa sucked in a breath, not sure she could let this continue.  But as soon as Raven released her aching nipple, leaving it needy and wanting, and shifted down her body, Marissa knew that she wanted to feel Raven’s mouth.

Raven touched Marissa’s wet folds with her soft fingers, then she dipped forward and her tongue brushed against Marissa’s sensitive flesh.  A moan escaped her at the delicious sensation.

“God damn,” Shock said.

Marissa opened her eyes to see Shock’s hand tightly gripping his big cock, stroking it.  Before her eyelids fell closed again as Raven’s tongue pushed inside her, she realized all the men were sporting solid erections again.

Raven pulsed her tongue inside Marissa, then licked upward.  She drew open the folds, then pressed her tongue against Marissa’s clit.

“Oh, yeah,” Marissa whimpered.

“Fuck, I’m going to come again,” a male voice said, but Marissa didn’t know or care who.

As pleasure swelled through Marissa, Raven slid her fingers into Marissa and pulsed them inside as she teased her clit.

“Oh, God, that’s so… ahhh….”  Marissa felt the world drop from beneath her as she shattered in orgasm.

Raven’s fingers stroked her passage as she sucked her sensitive nub, allowing her to gently float back to earth.

Raven leaned back, a smile on her lips, her fingers still resting on Marissa’s sensitive flesh.

“I… uh…Thank you.” Marissa said.

“God, damn, that was so fucking hot,” Shock said.

Killer stood up and approached the bed.  “Yes, it was.”

Marissa watched his big cock bob up and down as he stepped closer, longing to feel it drive inside her.

“Stand up, Raven.”

Raven did as he said.

“You did such a good job, I want to reward you.”  He put his hands on her shoulders and guided her to face the bed, then his gaze locked on Marissa.  “I’m going to fuck Raven now.  I’m going to drive my hard cock into her and fuck her until she screams her release.”

The words should have made her jealous, but instead, they excited her.  She watched as Killer pressed Raven forward.  She opened her legs in obvious welcome and he grasped his big cock and pressed it to her slit.

Marissa sent a quick glance to Rip, who watched, his hand stroking his own erection.

“You are fucking wet,” Killer said, then drove forward, impaling Raven in one stroke.

“Oh, God, that feels so good,” Raven cried.

Rip walked to the other side of the bed and lay down beside Marissa.  He cupped her breast and stroked as Killer drew back and drove deep into Raven again.  Raven’s mouth opened as she moaned in pleasure, her pouty lips so sexy.

Rip’s hand glided down Marissa’s side and then dipped between her legs as they both watched Killer thrust into Raven again and again.  The two of them moaned as he drove into her faster and faster.  He cupped one of her naked breasts.  He squeezed, then found her nipple and tweaked it.  Raven sucked in a breath and, shifting her gaze to Rip, began to moan.  Killer pounded against her, then groaned as he released inside her, both of them climaxing together.

Finally, Raven’s upper body collapsed on the bed, Killer dropping on top of her.  They sucked in air for a few seconds, then Killer stood and backed away.  His big cock dropped from her body and he helped her stand.  He drew her back against him, cradling her against his body, his hand on her breast.  He kissed her neck.

“Thank you, Raven.”

“Oh, definitely my pleasure.”

The two of them walked to the chairs and sat down.  Now everyone was staring at Marissa and Rip.

Suddenly, Marissa felt very self-conscious.  She was stretched out in bed, totally naked, Rip naked behind her.  His hand was resting on her mound, his fingers pushed inside her.

She lay there, uncertain what to do.

“Marissa, you’re going to roll on you back now and open your legs so Rip can fuck you.”

Usually, when Killer ordered her to do something, she responded without even thinking.  This time, however, she felt frozen to the spot.  Uncertain.

Killer’s lips compressed and she was afraid she’d made him angry.  He stood up and walked toward her, then sat down on the bed beside her, his gaze steely.

“Is there a problem?” he asked.

“N-no, sir.”  She’d never called him sir, but it just came out.

He leaned toward and spoke, his lips close to her ear.

“Marissa, this is your choice.  You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.  You know that, right?”

She gazed up at him and nodded at his reassurance.

“If you don’t like something’s that’s happening, or want it to stop for any reason, just say so.”

She nodded again.

Of course she knew that.  He’d never forced her to do anything.  But this was all new and different.  Strange and… wildly exciting.

He drew back and gazed at her a little longer, his authoritative expression still in place.  He stared at her expectantly as Rip slid away from her.  She rolled onto her back and opened her legs as he had instructed earlier.  Then Killer stood up and returned to the chair.

“You two, go lay beside her.  Help her out.”

Shock and Wild Card walked to the bed and settled beside her, one on each side.  Wild card stroked her breast, and Shock leaned down and licked her nipple.  The intense sensations of both breasts receiving such keen attention jolted through her.  As Shock’s mouth moved on her, she felt the other man’s mouth close over her other nipple.  Her fingers forked through the newcomer’s dark, wavy hair and she drew him tight to her chest.  The sensation of two mouths on her, moving on her sensitive nipples, was exquisite.

She felt someone settle between her legs, coarse hair brushing against her inner thighs.  She opened her eyes to see Rip kneeling there, his cock full and heavy looking, pointing toward her.

“I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, Marissa.  To slide inside you.  To drive into you until you scream in pleasure.”

As if on cue, the other two men rolled away from her.  Rip prowled over her and kissed her, his lips coaxing hers to respond.  Passion flared between them.

She’d always been attracted to this man.  Had longed to be with him like this.  Well, maybe not exactly like this, with spectators around them.

In a moment, her dreams would become a reality.  Rip was about to make love to her.

She thought she’d feel guilty.  That letting Rip make love to her, especially right in front of Killer like this, would be nearly impossible to do.

But Killer had fucked Raven in front of her.  And it had been a purely physical experience.  That helped.

But Rip was more to her than that.  They’d had a relationship.  She’d thought she was in love with him.

But she wasn’t.  She knew it.  And Killer knew it.  And he trusted her enough to let this happen.  To encourage it even.

And so did Raven.  She trusted her relationship with Rip that much.

Rip’s cock nudged against her and excitement tore through her.  Oh, God, this was really happening.

“Are you ready?” he murmured against her ear.

God, she was well beyond ready.  Her body clenched with need, but she drew in a deep breath, relaxed her muscles, and nodded.

He stroked her hair, then his cockhead pushed against her.  He was big, but not bigger than Killer.  His cock slid into her a little, then deeper.  Rip nuzzled her neck as he slid deeper still, his thick cock stretching her.  Pushing inside.

“You feel so good,” he murmured.

She grasped his shoulders.  “Oh, God, fill me.”

At her words, he drove forward, filling her to the hilt.  She squeezed him, making him groan.

Having him inside her felt so strange.  So different than she expected.  Probably because she knew she didn’t love him.  But she did respect him.  And, God help her, he turned her on so much she knew it would only take a few strokes of his big cock to send her over the edge.

“Fuck me, Rip.  Make me come.”

“Oh, fuck.”

He began to move inside her.  Pulling back then sliding forward.  Quickly accelerating his thrusts until he was driving into her in deep, hard strokes.

She tightened her grip on his shoulders.  “Oh, yes.  Oh, God.”

Pleasure swamped her senses and she began to wail as she shot off to blissful euphoria.  He continued to pump into her, driving her pleasure on and on.  Then he stiffened and exploded inside her.  She gasped as she felt it wash inside her, then they both clung to each other in one final pulse of pleasure.

Finally, they relaxed against one another, Rip holding the bulk of his weight on his arms.  He kissed her again, then rolled to her side.

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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