The Bad Boys of Eden (8 page)

Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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Chapter Seven

Marissa was tired.  More tired than she’d ever been.

She picked up her bikini bottoms from the floor and examined them.  He hadn’t actually torn the fabric.  The strings on the sides had just pulled open.  She tied them again and pulled on the bottoms, then walked to the cot in the corner and sat down.   How had she wound up here?  Locked in a cell somewhere in the wilderness on this island paradise.  No one knew where she was, or how to find her.

She was so confused.  She’d been running from Rip, trying to escape him, but maybe it was this man she should be afraid of.  She was essentially his prisoner.

But he’d stopped when she’d wanted him to.  And earlier he’d offered to take her back to Eden.

Was he just playing a game of cat and mouse?  Give her a false sense of security, thinking she was safe with him?  Would he suddenly turn things around and take her against her will?

She doubted it.  Because she wanted him with a hunger that burned deep through her soul.

What kind of idiot was she that she was attracted to these dangerous, uncaring men.

But right now, all she could think about was Killer’s cock pressed against her soft folds.  And how much she’d wanted him to drive deep inside her.  How much she’d wanted him to pound her hard against that stone wall, her wrists pinned in his powerful grasp.

She ached inside as she remembered his big cock driving into her, pumping in and out until she’d screamed his name in ecstasy.

If she wasn’t locked in this cell, she knew she’d go running to find him.  She would probably beg him to take her.  To satisfy this burning need within her.

The only light in the cell was from a small barred window near the ceiling, so as the sun set, the cell grew dark.  She lay down and fell into a fitful sleep.

She awoke when fingers of light stroked across her eyelids.  She blinked and sat up, glancing around the cell.  She smelled the unmistakable aroma of bacon and her stomach grumbled.  She was hungry, and she had to pee.  When would Killer return and let her out?

She stood up and walked to the door.  She wrapped her hands around the bars and peered out, ready to call his name.  But the door moved a little.  Startled, she pulled on the bars and the door swung toward her.

It wasn’t locked?

She stepped out of the cell and glanced down the dingy hall.  She walked past the door they’d entered last evening and headed for the stairway at the end of the hall.  She walked up the narrow steps and opened the door at the top.  The bright sunlit room she entered was a sharp contrast to the dimly lit basement.  She blinked, getting used to the brightness, and saw she was in a luxurious living area with comfy chairs and a couch, and a big window overlooking the ocean beyond.  The sunlight glittering on the waves washing onto the white sandy beach.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

Killer’s voice startled her and she turned to see him standing in a doorway holding two plates.  Her nostrils flared, drawing in the delightful aroma of the bacon strips lying beside fluffy scrambled eggs.  He walked toward a table, set for two, and set the plates down.  There was orange juice and a pot of coffee on the table.

“I thought I’d have to come and drag you out of that cell.  I was surprised you chose to spend the night there.”  He sat down at the table and poured coffee into the two cups.

“I didn’t choose.  I was—” She bit back the rest of her sentence.   “At least, I thought I was locked in.”

“But you weren’t.”

“Why did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Make me think I was locked in.”

“I didn’t
you think or do anything.”

“But you knew I would assume…”

“Do you want to go through life making assumptions that keep you locked in a little box?”

She frowned.  “It’s hard to question everything,” she said defensively.

“And equally difficult to question nothing.”  He tilted his head.  “You need to make your own way in life.  Make decisions based on what you want.  Stop blaming others or circumstances for your unhappiness.  It’s only you who truly has control of your own life.”

Anger sliced through her.  Who was this man to judge her?  She raised her hand and swung it to slap him across the face, but he grabbed her wrist and twisted it around, using her own momentum to send her sprawling onto his lap.  He wrapped his arms around her, holding her arms pinned to her side.

“Now you will sit down and eat your breakfast.”

“Because you command it?” she demanded through gritted teeth.

“No, because you’re hungry.”  He smiled and she almost thought she saw humor glitter in the amber depths of his eyes.  “And because you like bacon.”

She pursed her lips.

“Or will you allow your anger and pride to control you, stopping you from enjoying what you so clearly want?”

She gazed at the plate of food waiting for her on the table, but she had a feeling he was referring to more than breakfast.

He released her and she stood up, then frowned.


He pointed to a short hallway off to the left and she skittered away, then returned a few minutes later and sat in the chair.  She ate silently.  The eggs, so fluffy and light, melted in her mouth.  The bacon, infused with a maple glaze, delighted her tongue.

“This is the only time I will make you a meal.  From now on, that’s your duty.”

“My duty?  What am I?  Your slave?”

He smiled.  “Exactly.”

She frowned.  “But I thought you said I have control of my own life. That I need to make my own decisions.”

“That’s right.  And you decided to get on a stranger’s bike and put yourself at his mercy.  And you can decide to walk out the door right now and try to make your way back to the resort.  Or get lost wandering through the thick brush.  Did you know there are snakes on the island?”

Her skin crawled at the thought of a long, scaly snake slithering across her foot.  Maybe coiling around her leg.

“So really I have no choice.  I either stay here and follow your commands, or I risk death pursuing my freedom.”

“There are many more choices than that.  You may choose to stay here but defy me.”  He leaned forward and stroked her temple with the backs of his fingers, and his voice softened.  “Or you might choose to submit to me and enjoy being my slave.”

His words sent a shiver through her.  Not just because of his tone, and the images those words elicited of her kneeling before him, bowing her head, but of the heady delight that skittered through her at those images.

“That’s right.  Think about submitting to me.  Body and soul.”  His fingertips brushed along her cheek, sending tingles through her.  “That is a choice, and one I think you very much want to make.”

She stared at him with wide eyes, trying to decide if she should slap his smug face, or just lurch to her feet and stalk off.

“Come here,” he commanded.

Without thinking she stood and stepped close.

His hand glided over her hip.  Her heart pumped faster as his hand slid over her thigh, then under her skirt.  Part of her wanted to slap it away and flee.  But the other part, the part of her in control of her motor skills, kept her frozen to the spot.  He found her mound, then slid under the fabric to her naked folds.  She gasped as his finger slid inside her.

Oh, God, she was so wet.  And now he knew how much his words had turned her on.


At his command, she dropped to her knees in front of him.

“Feeling your wet pussy has turned me on, slave.  Now I want to come.”

He said nothing more but expectation hung in the air.  He expected her to do something about it.  And he was allowing her choice.

She should stand up and march away.  Let him find his own damn release.  Or prove him wrong about the fact she had freedom by making him force her to have sex.

But she wanted to see his cock again.  To feel it inside her.

To take it in her mouth and suck on the big head.

Keeping her gaze locked on his, she unsnapped his jeans and drew his zipper down.  She stroked the cotton-covered shaft inside, feeling it twitch beneath her fingertips, then she slid inside the flap and wrapped her fingers around the hot, thick column.

She drew it from the fabric.  Her gaze fell to the stiff erection standing tall and proud in front of her.

Oh, God, she could hardly wait to taste it.

She leaned forward and licked the tip, gliding her tongue over the tiny hole.  A salty drop of precum tingled on her tongue.  She glided her lips down, filling her mouth with his plum-sized cockhead, swirling her tongue over him.

His eyes darkened to a coppery-gold, and she felt her own intimate flesh quiver.

She glided downward, watching his eyes as she took him deep, controlling her gag reflex to take him further and further into her mouth.

He sucked in a breath as she swallowed him whole, to her complete satisfaction.  Then she drew back.  He was hard and hot in her mouth and she squeezed him.

His fingers forked through her hair and he drew her toward him again.  “Fuck me with your mouth,” he insisted.  “In and out.  Make me come inside you.”

She dove deep, then drew back, then forward again, setting a rhythm.  His cock twitched in her mouth and she fucked him, like he commanded.  His cock filled her throat again and again.  She could hear his breathing accelerate.  Feel his groin tightening.

He was close.  Soon he would be spilling his seed in her mouth.


The word jarred her from the sensual haze she was in.  He guided her head back and off his cock.

“Fuck, stand up.”  He stood and dragged her to her feet, then spun her around.  He pulled her to his body and pushed her forward until her thighs were hard against the solid wood table.

He pushed up her skirt, then tugged down her bikini top.  She felt his big, hot hands cup her breasts and he squeezed and kneaded them, sending waves of need humming through her.

She felt herself bent forward, until she rested on the hard table, his hands still holding her breasts, her nipples spiking into his palms.  Then his hands slipped away and he pulled down her bathing suit bottoms.  His rock-hard cock pushed between her legs, then nudged against her intimate folds.

Then he drove deep, filling her to the hilt.  She gasped at the sudden invasion.

“You are so fucking hot and wet.  I am going to come in two seconds flat.”

He found her breasts again and squeezed as he pulled back, then drove deep again.

“Do you want to join me?”

But she knew if he came now, she wouldn’t find her release.  Without him touching her clit, or paying attention to her needs, the rising pleasure in her would just fizzle.

He groaned, then she felt his hot seed erupt inside her.

Oh, God, she wanted to come right now.  As he pumped into her, she pushed her hand between her legs and found her clit, then strummed it.  His groans of release and the feel of his big cock filling her again and again, paired with the burst of intense sensations erupting from her clit, sent pleasure swelling through her.  He thrust even deeper and she began to moan as an orgasm exploded through her.

Her groans matched his as they rode the wave together.  He kept pumping and she gasped, her hand wrapping around his on her right breast, squeezing with him as she moaned her release.

Finally, the pleasure ebbed and they collapsed on the table, his solid chest on her back, crushing her against the hard surface.  Within seconds, he drew her up and fell into the chair, pulling her onto his lap.  He said nothing, just stroked her hair, holding her tightly to his chest.

She had never experienced anything like that.    She’d had to trigger her own orgasm, but it would have been shallow and empty without his big cock driving into her.

And she knew instinctively that, despite his words, if he’d wanted to, he could have held off his own pleasure and given her an orgasm.  But he’d given that control to her.


Chapter Eight

“So what are you afraid of,” Marissa asked as she obediently cleared the table of their breakfast dishes.

He glanced at her over the book he was reading.  “Why do you think I’m afraid of anything?”

She shrugged.  “Because you’re alive.”  She picked up his plate and water glass, then glanced at his angular, yet handsome face, and the hard glint in his dark eyes as he stared back at her.  “Because of the haunted look in your eyes.”

She carried the dishes to the tiled counter and put them down.

“You know, for a slave, you talk too much.”

She shrugged.  “You keep asking me the question.  I just wondered if you’ve examined your own life.

He pushed himself to his feet and walked into the next room, then returned a moment later.

“I’d like to read my book while I finish my coffee, so I’m going to insist on a little quiet.”

He had what looked like a leather collar in his hand as he walked to her while she stood filling the sink with soapy water.  He turned off the taps and leaned his hip against the counter beside her and held up the leather strap.

“See this?”  He pointed to what looked like a short cock, with a bulbous shape just like a real cockhead on the top.  “Pretend this is my cock.  Now open your mouth.”

She opened and he pushed the head into her mouth, then he wrapped the strap around her face and fastened it with a snapping sound at the back.  He tightened it until it was snuggly in place.

“This isn’t just an ordinary gag.”

Besides the fact it holds a cock in my mouth, he means?

“The cock has sensors and will register pleasant things you do.  If you stroke and suck it just right, it will essentially come.”

Her eyes widened.  Would it squirt some kind of liquid in her mouth?

He nodded.  “Yes, you’ll know when it happens.”  Then his lips turned up in a smile.  “And so will I.”  He pushed away from the counter and turned the taps back on, sending a steady flow of water into the sink.  “If you make it come three times while you’re doing the dishes, then I’ll grant you one request.”

He stepped behind her and turned her to face the sink, edged with a counter of dirty dishes and pans.  His hand cupped her buttock and squeezed, then drifted down and his fingers slid under her short skirt and stroked along her crotch.  Just a brief, light touch, but enough to send her hormones skyrocketing.

He sat in his chair again and picked up his book, then began reading as if he’d totally lost interest in her.

Her lips were stretched around the silicone cock in her mouth.  Her tongue stroked along the side and a green light blinked on the collar.  That must be a good sign.  She pressed her teeth to the surface and squeezed.  The light blinked again, but as she squeezed harder, it changed to red, then made a buzzing sound.

“If you bite, you will be punished,” he said without looking up from his book.

She stopped clamping down and ran her tongue along the side.  The light flashed green again.  She stopped and the light went off.

“Don’t forget the dishes.”

She picked up the small stack of plates and put them in the water.  It was warm around her hands.  She licked the side of the cock, rewarded with a flashing light.  She grabbed the dishcloth and wiped the plates as she stroked the cock in her mouth.  As she scrubbed the dish, she licked the cock in time.  The flashing of the green light increased.

She swirled her tongue around it, focusing on the green light.  She placed the plate in the drainer and started on another.  She sucked on the cock, then she squeezed her mouth around it.

She remembered Killer’s hand on her ass a moment ago, then how his fingers had stroked over her hot flesh, however briefly.  Her intimate muscles clenched, wanting to feel his fingers there again.  Wanting them to glide inside her.  To give her the pleasure she longed for.

She sucked harder on the cock in her mouth, imagining it was Killer, that she was kneeling in front of him.  Her fingers coiled in the wet cloth under the warm, soapy water.  Absently, she twisted it around and around, then doubled it and twisted some more until it was a thick cylinder.  She wrapped her hand around it, squeezing as the green light flickered faster.  She nudged the tip of her tongue under the corona of the cockhead and flicked quickly, then sucked harder and faster.

The light was practically full on now, then suddenly, it vibrated in her mouth.  It startled her so she stopped sucking, and the vibration stopped immediately.  Tentatively, she started again.  After a couple of seconds, the vibration started again, too.  Just a little at first, but as she kept on sucking, the vibration increased.  She squeezed and sucked deeper and was rewarded with intense vibrations, accompanied by joyfully dancing blue lights flashing along the leather strap.

She kept going, but soon the lights stopped.

He turned a page on his book.  “I said three times, not one marathon session.”  He glanced up at her and smiled.  “Now make me come again.”

The cock in her mouth seemed to grow as she thought about it being his cock, and that it had just come.

She continued to wash the dishes as she licked and squeezed, pleasuring his cock again.  It was firm in her mouth and the rewarding green lights made her pussy ache.  She glanced over her shoulder at Killer, still reading as if he was oblivious, but she could see the bulge straining against his pants.  She sucked the cock, the lights blinking steadily now.  She turned around and leaned back against the counter.  Killer glanced up from his book and their gazes locked.

She swept her tongue over the tip and teased mercilessly, imagining his big cock in her mouth, then sucked hard and fast.  The vibration started.  She stared hard at Killer as the vibration increased, then she ran her hand over her breast as the blue lights danced her success.

She squeezed her nipple as the cock came in her mouth.  His dark eyes heated and tension built in the air around them.

She walked across the room, abandoning the dishes and knelt in front of him, then stroked his hard shaft beneath the denim.  She unzipped him and reached inside, rewarded by the feel of his hot, real flesh cock inside.  She pulled it out and stroked it, gazing hungrily at the tip.  She reached behind her head and squeezed the plastic clasp, like the type on a backpack, and the strap fell away.  She pulled the cock from her mouth and wrapped her lips around his real cock.

“Fuck, that feels good.  But making me come won’t count as the third time.”

She sat up, her gaze locked with his, then she reached down and lifted her skirt, then pulled the elastic of her bikini bottoms forward and pushed the silicone cock under the fabric, then pushed it inside her.  The feel of it inside, even though it didn’t go deep, was delightful.

She pushed her crotch tight against his leg, then took his cock in her mouth.  His cockhead was so much bigger than the one in her vagina, but both felt wonderful inside her.

She began to lick and stroke him, to his groan.  She arched her pelvis against his leg, pushing the little cock deeper.  She squeezed it, then pulsed around it with her muscles as she glided up and down on his big, flesh-and-blood cock.

He was close, she could tell, and so was she, having brought him to orgasm in her mind twice already.  The little cock stimulated her as she ground against his leg in a steady rhythm, her lips gliding over his pulsing erection, pleasure rising inside her.

* * *

Killer’s fingers coiled in her hair as her hot, silky mouth glided over him.  She moaned around his flesh and he could feel that she was close to her own orgasm.  He guided her faster, then he began to groan.

The feel of her was so sweet and intense.  His cock ached with the need to release, but he held off, not wanting this to end.  Fuck, she made him feel things he never had before, and it was more than just physically getting off.

She squeezed her soft mouth around him, her tongue working him to a frenzy, then she sucked.  And kept on sucking.  Deeply.  As if she could pull the release from him.

He let go of his rigid control and pleasure burned through him, from tip to toe, pulsing to his center, then exploding from his cock with an intensity that rocked him.

His cock erupted into her mouth, surrounding him with the hot liquid, but she continued to suck, swallowing everything he’d given her.

Finally, he slumped back in the chair and she released him.  Then she ground tight against his leg, her breathing erratic, then she moaned, throwing her head back, her face contorted in ecstasy.  She continued to moan, her hot pussy tight against him, her hands wrapped around his thigh to steady herself.

Her moans subsided and she dropped to the floor, her legs stretched out in front of her.

A nagging beeping drew his attention and he glanced down to see blue lights flashing through the thin fabric of her bikini bottoms.

He couldn’t help grinning.  “So that’s three.”

She gazed up at him.  “Actually, that’s four.”

* * *

Killer watched her sit in the chair opposite him at the table.  “So do I get my request?”

“I thought you already did.”

She raised an eyebrow.  “Really? Because I came?  I was just doing what was needed to make that thing come three times”

Killer knew she was joking, but it still made him wonder if she was only pleasing him because she felt it was required of her rather than because she wanted to be with him.  Not that he
her to want him, in any kind of long term sense, anyway.  But he hadn’t been wanted, at least for who he was, in a very long time, and with her, he found he yearned for that.

He wanted her to want

“I followed all the rules,” she cajoled.

“Following the rules doesn’t always get you what you want.”

“No, but being persistent sometimes does.”  She stroked his knee.  “You seem to be trying to get me to take control of my life.  To go after what I want.  Why don’t you choose to encourage me by giving me this?”

“And what is it you want?”

“For you to answer a question.”

“What I’m afraid of?”

She shrugged.  “If you don’t like that one, how about just why you’re riding around the island on your own?”

He watched her, then finally sighed.  “I like solitude.”

“That’s not a proper answer.  I like to run, but that’s not why I was running from Rip.”

The name caught him off guard, but years of learning how to hide his reactions kept his face deadpan.  But he knew Rip.  At least, he knew of him.  And judging from the situation, he knew a lot more about him than this woman did, even though she’d had a relationship with him.

“It’s complicated,” he said.

“It’s always complicated.

He sighed.  “I need time by myself to think.”

She rested her chin on her hand and gazed at him.  “You’re struggling with a big issue, I take it.”

He shrugged.  “It would change everything about who I am.”

She stared at him for a moment, considering.  “Do you like who you are?”

He frowned.  “Not who I’ve become.”

Her eyebrow arched.  “So are you more afraid of staying who you are, or changing?”

Anger flared through him.

“Fuck, you are the nosiest woman I’ve ever met.

* * *

Before Marissa knew what was happening, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the sink.  He grabbed the penis gag, which she’d deposited on a paper towel on the counter before returning to the table, rinsed it under running water, then shoved the wet cock into her mouth and strapped it on.  The next thing she knew, he dragged her through the basement door, down the stairs, and continued into the cell at the end of the hall.

He tugged her across the small space and pushed her against the cold bricks, then shackled her to the wall.  She watched his back as he left the cell and closed the door.

This time he locked it.

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