The Billionaire's Daughter (18 page)

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Authors: Maggie Carpenter

BOOK: The Billionaire's Daughter
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were both hungry as they sat down to their early evening meal.
Kate had been refreshed by her long
leisurely bath and Dante’s short nap had invigorated him.
After they finished, Kate stood up to
clear the table but Dante stopped her.

one minute Kate,” he said, his hand around her wrist.
“When you’ve finished here,” he said softly,
“go back to your room and put on a
sexy, short dress.
Nothing too
A skirt and blouse would do
as well.
No underwear, no shoes or
Just the dress.”

felt the familiar sparkling chill shiver down her spine and land between her

Sir,” she whispered back, and hurriedly set about her kitchen chores while
Dante stood up and using his crutches, made his way back to his room.

he entered his suite he smiled at his preparations.
Everything looked perfect.
Walking to the bathroom he undressed. put on his robe, then
returned and settled on the bed to wait, thinking about the deviant things he
had planned for the nights activities.

seemed like only a few minutes before Kate knocked on the door and walked
He turned to look at her and
smiled in approval.
A short pink
silk dress floated casually across her body, her nipples clearly visible, their
sharp points indicating she was decidedly excited.
Buttons traveled from the neckline down to the hem.
He was sure it was a dress that had
driven many young men crazy.
as pretty as it was, it was not a dress she should have been wearing in public!

walked demurely towards him, noticing the scarves laying across the bed.
They were tied to the legs of the bed
frame and she knew immediately she was to be securely bound. But more
intriguing was the placement of the large, oval Victorian mirror placed at the
foot of the bed.

Don’t you look pretty?
What’s going on in the house?
Where’s Cecil and Lois?”

has left to go to her daughter’s house and won’t be home until late, and Cecil
has gone to a movie,” she replied, finding it hard to tear her gaze from the
scarves and mirror.

We have the house to ourselves for the
Please take up your
position,” he said, his voice changing, turning back into the firm,
authoritative Dante.

her eyes from the compelling scene in front of her, she knelt in front of him
at the side of the bed, knees slightly apart, hands behind her back, and looked
up at him expectantly.

you know we have less than a month to whip you into shape, and I mean that both
figuratively and literally.”

Sir,” she replied, his words a reminder of his shoe slapping her bottom.

any time you decide this too difficult or too much effort just tell me and I’ll
You can go back to the way
things were and deal with your father.
I will not stand in your way.
This is your choice Kate.”

I am very grateful for all
your help and don’t have any desire to stop
- this - uh - what we’re doing,” she stammered.

you remember that the next time you find yourself over my knee being soundly
spanked,” he warned.

felt the onset of a brand new set of dust devils in her stomach.
She knew she would at some point, find
herself in exactly that state.
was beginning to dawn on her just how difficult she could be.

prepared to do whatever it takes to help you, but only if I know I have your
full surrender and capitulation.
I’m not going to tell you this again so are we in complete agreement?”

Sir,” she replied, her voice quivering.

Monday the entire staff will be gone for two weeks so we’ll have this place
completely to ourselves.
I’ll be
able to do with you whatever I deem necessary without fear of interruption or

raised her eyebrows in surprise.
Her mind began to spin.
entire staff?
Who would take care
of the house?
The meals?
The laundry?
Then the laundry lesson suddenly sprang forth.
Was that why Dante had made her spend
so much time with Lois?
if reading her mind, Dante chuckled.

my dear Kate.
You’ll be
responsible for preparing all our meals, doing the laundry and keeping my
quarters clean and tidy.
Not too
much for you is it?”

shook her head, though secretly afraid that it would prove to be just
Too much.
Far too much.

going to instill some additional rules.
If you follow them you’ll find the next two weeks much easier.
I don’t expect miracles but I do expect
a deep commitment, and I can assure you I’ll be ready to instill that
commitment if I see it lacking at any time.
Do we understand each other?”

Sir,” Kate replied, still wondering if she would be able to satisfy him.

not hesitate to spank you, restrain you, gag you or tease you until you’re
positively aching for an orgasm.
You will have to accept ongoing authority for the first time in your

voice had taken on a very strict tone.
He was looking at her intensely and knew he meant every word.
Her pussy lips were already swelling,
and kneeling as she was, her knees apart, she felt an overwhelming desire to
rub her sensitive little knob.

up on the bed and lay over those pillows,” Dante said firmly, as he climbed

dust devils spinning, Kate crawled up on the mattress and laid her belly on top
of the pillows.
They raised her
bottom up making her feel exposed and very vulnerable.

will not speak unless asked a question.” Dante proclaimed.

Sir,” she answered.

and methodically Dante moved around the bed securing her wrists and
Though her legs he spread
wide apart, when he tied her wrists he allowed plenty of
slack, enough so she could bend her
Sliding a small pillow
under her head, he stepped back and admired the view.

before him was a salacious and sensuous sight.
Kate, with her legs spread, hips raised, and long hair
falling around her face looked eminently spankable.
The thin silk of her dress draped deliciously over the
delectable curves of her luscious full cheeks.
Dante’s eyes twinkled with a spark of an idea and he headed
to the bathroom.
Opening the
cupboard under the sink, he found an empty spray bottle and filled it with cold

he moved back to the side of the bed and raising his arm began spritzing the
flimsy fabric.
Kate gasped in
shock as the cool water landed on her upturned backside.
The thin silk clung to her skin and the
result was even more tantalizing than Dante had imagined it would be.
It only took a minute but the
curvaceous, vulnerable bottom became clearly visible, and the clinging material
made it appear even more appetizing.

stared with a deepening arousal.
Sliding his hand inside the opening of his robe he rubbed his growing
He had planned to spend
quite some time spanking her but realized his need to fuck her might shorten
the discipline.

the spray bottle on the nightstand he pulled off the robe and climbed up on the
Straddling her
back, facing the mirror, he gazed at the reflection of her beautiful posterior.

slithered his hands over the wet fabric, moving them across the full round
Taking the hem of the
dress he peeled it upwards, slowly revealing, inch by inch, the charms that lay
beneath, both to his eye staring down and just as deliciously the reflection in
the mirror.
He could hear Kate’s
rapid breathing, and knew the slow salacious disrobing was having the desired

the skirt was halfway up her rump he moved his hand downward and separated her
glistening pussy lips.
She gasped
as he reveled in the scintillating sight.
She was already wet, dripping in fact, and he brushed the fingers of one
hand across her moist entrance.
She gasped again as he trailed his fingers through her slit, lightly
touching her magic button.
whimpered and wriggled as he continued teasing, all the while staring at the
concupiscent reflection.
It was
riveting, and as much as he wanted to spank her he found it hard to pull
himself away from the intoxicating view.
It was she who broke the spell.

Dante,” she cried, “please rub me and let me come.”

had been told not to utter a word and the naughty minx had allowed her carnal
hunger get the better of her.
Immediately his hand fell with several sharp smacks on the backs of her
She squealed and squirmed
but the restraints gave little room for movement.

told you very clearly young lady you were not to speak.
Apparently you have either forgotten
your instructions already or have chosen to ignore them.
Whichever is the case it is a blatant
act of disobedience.
You have just
added additional discipline to your evening of training.”

responded with a wail, which Dante answered with another set of rapid stinging
slaps directly on top on those he had just landed.

simply must learn to do as you’re told,” he barked.
“Apparently lessons in civility are going to have to be put
on hold for a little while.”

sorry,” she cried, “Really.
won’t happen again.”

you have said before.
Well young
lady, I’m going to make sure of that once and for all,” he announced.
“Don’t utter another, single syllable
until I tell you.
Not a word.
Do you understand me?” he asked

to speak, Kate frantically nodded her head.

raised her skirt, not slowly this time but by pulling it back swiftly and
tucking it under itself.
bottom, milky white in comparison to her spanked legs, showed faint marks from
her earlier visit with the slipper.

was going to wait until my supplies arrived but it appears you need to be
humbled immediately.
But first...”

his hand he let it fly against her cheek with significant force.
It slapped against her skin and she
howled into the pillow.
repeated the blow on the same spot, said the number two, and informed her she’d
be receiving twenty on each cheek.
His hand rose and fell time and again, expertly landing on the target
area. By the time Dante was half way through she was crying unashamedly, her
sobs muffled by the pillow.
state made no difference to him.
If there was one lesson that simply had to be driven home it was

the time he smacked her right cheek for the twentieth time it was bright red
and blazing.
He turned his
attention to the virgin cheek on the left.

Are you getting the

yyyes, Sir,” she sobbed.

punishment this side,” he said harshly, “then we’ll move on to something else.”

barely heard him.
The right side
of her bottom was on fire and she attempted to prepare herself for the second
half of her spanking.

was identical to the first.
smacks landed with slow, hard, rhythmic swats until she was sobbing anew with
the intense sting each offered.
As he landed the last slap he stared at the reflection in the mirror.
Despite the severity of the spanking
Kate’s pussy lips had swollen to twice their size and her hot glistening juices
were clearly evident

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