The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure (27 page)

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Authors: Robert M. Collins,Timothy Cooper,Rick Doty

BOOK: The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure
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Charles, LANL contact



Break down of those raw LANL lab notes


Quoting from the raw laboratory notes we have: “The central rotating assembly is made up of four bi-polar sphere-sets held equally spaced in a metallic plate...the base plate was determined to be made of a non magnetic metal similar (but not the same having different atomic weight and valence) to magnesium, bismuth and zinc like material found in Roswell Number 1.”

So what does this mean?
The base plate with the 4-Spheres (surrounded by a toroid with a super conducting electron-plasma (Bose Condensate running through it) rotates at an incredibly high velocity, somewhere on the order of 100,000 rpm or greater creating a loud high pitched humming sound.

This is your
(NFGS) as the technical people like to call it or anti-gravity: This base plate has a hole through which the magnetic flux passes. The entire craft acts as one big room temperature super conducting capacitor.

The July 1947 Air Accident Report supports this.

Quoting from, Air Accident Report on “Flying Disc” aircraft near the White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico; D333.5 ID (16 Jul 47) signed by Twining; page 1 (first numbered page after cover page), paragraph 2d. Sent from the Air Material Command, Wright Field Ohio to Commanding General, Washington 25 D.C.


“2d. Upon examination of the interior of the craft, a compartment exhibiting a possible atomic engine was discovered. At least this is the opinion of Dr. Oppenheimer [government typo, sic] and Dr. von Karman. A possibility exists that part of the craft itself comprises the propulsion system, thus allowing the reactor to function as a heat exchanger and permitting the storage of energy into a substance for later use. This may allow the converting of mass into energy, unlike the release of energy of our atomic bombs. The description of the power room is as follows: 


(1) A doughnut shaped tube approximately thirty-five feet in diameter, made of what appears to be a plastic material, surrounding a central core (see sketch in TAB1, not available). This tube was translucent, approximately one inch thick. The tube appeared to be filled with a clear substance, possibly a heavy water (it’s really a fluid electron (e)-plasma, see 2004 LANL raw report in beginning of Chapter). A large rod centered (white out used here) inside the tube, was wrapped in a coil of what appears to be of copper material, through the circumference of the tube. This may be the reactor control mechanism or a storage battery. There were no moving parts decernable [typo, sic] within the power room nor in any of the spaces examined.”


See PDF below which is hard to read in certain places. The quotes on this page were taken from cleaner copies.


Comments about this document:


a) The Accident Report is not a draft. Drafts are not signed.


b) No peer review, hence the typo mistakes, extensive use of “white-out,” or an “eraser,” excessive commas and awkward use of words. Unless the “peer” reviewer had the proper clearances meaning MJTWELVE and or MAJIC the classified/code word documents would never get checked. And, see WWII War Bonds logo in upper right corner of cover page.


c) It was a common practice to choose selected words in a TS/Code word document so they’d have missing letters or other grammar errors to track the document and one reason documents would get “retyped” before being leaked.

d) Sources took extreme risks in leaking documents and therefore created the messy “bleed through” appearance that we see in many of those documents. This gives “plausible denial” to the subject.


What about those James Jesus Angleton’s Einstein notes from 1951-’52?




Americans do not think the way we do. My experiments at the facility Q have me by day very busy and at home, I work on what the creatures tell me. They speak to me telepathically. I have learned much. Disc 1 has been totally dismantled, they lost 4 young men as they opened the propulsion core. The energy core, which operates much more than propulsion is an easy equation to solve, I have done so. Problem is, to get to model stage will take more time. ....”


Below are extracts taken from the hundreds of personal hand written notes taken during classified CIA briefings which belonged to James J. Angleton who was fired/retired from the CIA in 1974 (see, Section II Chapter 1). Graciously, James Angleton provided many of the notes to these authors. It must be emphasized that JJA was not a technical person so the notes are sketchy and unclear in many cases. The reason for presenting this extract is to show readers the similarity between what the Los Alamos sources were saying and what the “Einstein notes” say; example, that the craft(s) can be considered as one big super-conducting capacitor, etc.


     The notes go on to mention electron pairs and other technical issues. But, the BCS (Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer) (2) theory of electron pairs called Cooper pairs was not published until 1957. So how can this extract be real? ALF, see below, was the reason it seems they knew of "electron pairs" in the early fifties.


“The qualitative picture is a local field of positive cosmological constants contributing to the local metric field in a small boundary layer around the skin of the craft. The layer was controlled by the EM brainwave of the pilot. The pilot also has a Q* type of field. Dr Einstein expanded…. The fuselage of the craft was more liken to a high temperature super-conductor to which the occupants do not feel the g forces at high accelerations or sharp turns. There is a direct correlation to mind-linkage via headband and hand-panels. There is an exotic field surrounding the vehicle. The hull had super-conducting properties. We watched the craft displace gravity via propagation by a magnetic wave (3). It resonated at first, ALF (Alien Life Form) our liaison, telepathically explained its basic propulsion stating that “N” in the equation (not shown) is the number of pairs in the super-conductor (these electron pairs contribute to the anti-gravity effect)...with a slowly changing component and frequency for the EM field.”


This statement is followed by numerous equations.


This scene seems to be depicted in the 1951 movie, “The Day the Day Earth Stood Still” (4) where in this case the scientist is Albert Einstein and the alien is ALF.


It continues:


“Once our pilots understood the interaction of the craft, they were not affected by the g-forces and that under tremendous acceleration the craft bent gravity or folded it around the outer hull of the craft. The pilots claimed they knew they were going very fast, but it was so fast that they saw things stand still in time. The bow and stern warped under dynamic action. At first our pilots could not interface with the craft. ALF corrected the problem by assisting the interface with 3 fingers on the globe panel then the wave formed and the craft begun to cooperate and generate lift. They also had to use the smallest pilots under 5ft 3 inches to wear the headband and garb, which also helped in g-force displacement.

Encrypted was following: 0800/23/6/52/EODCI/DSC/OSI/E”


What the Los Alamos sources have been describing matches in many respects what we see in the Angleton notes, the Air Accident report and a current Physicist by the name of Modanese has been describing in many of his recent papers, see link as one example.


Title: Possible quantum gravity effects in a charged Bose condensate under variable e.m. field: Authors: G. Modanese, J. Schnurer.


Finally, did Albert Einstein really start the whole reverse engineering process right after Roswell which continues to this day? Paper evidence says “yes” but that never really satisfies anyone. Where do we go from here?


Energy Device (ED), Code Named Crystal Rectangle and H5 Production?


An alien energy device (ED) code named “Crystal Rectangle?” This code name is not shown on the documents. Some sources specifically, a retired chief of security at Area 51 informed this author in September 2005 that the content of the documents are real, but the documents are not; i.e., the serial numbers and code words could not be authenticated by the DIA office at Los Alamos.


     However, is the DIA office lying in the interest of National Security? Figures 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are depicted followed by a strenuous effort by these authors to offer some rational explanations. Both Richard Helms (ex CIA Director and friend of the Doty family) and Tom Mack (retired AF major and friend of Rick Doty) mentioned this CR device before they died. Richard Helms is quoted in 1999 as stating: "It was later learned that the communication device was connected to the CR by a small glass tube (fiber optics?), (footnote 6, Chapter 3). There were no wires within this glass tube (more like a crystal-type material).”


     Tom Mack (Chapter 4, reference 12) would say in a personal e-mail to this author: “CR was the code for, Crystal Rectangle, which was the material and shape of the device. It could generate a large amount of energy; however we never could duplicate it and could not understand how it worked.


     We couldn’t make hydrogen 5 in large quantities; in fact, we made a small amount but it dissipated in a matter of nano-seconds. We had no way of making it and storing it (5a). To the best of my knowledge, the CR is still stored underground at LANL.”


     It should be noted that in September 1947 a hydrogen isotope (H5?) for the flying saucer power system was first identified, see (5b).


     In Figure 2 it says, “The material contained in this report was received from the Scientific Advisory Group, Special Mission Section, Los Alamos National Laboratories, Los Alamos, NM.”


     It states: “During a recovery mission of an extraterrestrial space craft in Jun 1947, several pieces of debris were found. It further says, “Further analysis by Dr. Edward Teller, revealed the debris to be an energy device (ED).”


     The ED uses Hydrogen 5 (H5, very unstable unless contained in the Crystal Rectangle) as a catalyst to extract energy from the vacuum as explained below:


“The interior of the device contained six thousand three hundred and sixty-six (6,366) small black circular objects (.003 cm) that spins clockwise within a circular sphere (Spherical Reactor in Sept ‘47 (5b)) filled with liquid when a demand of electricity is placed on the device.


The black object apparently aggravates a liquid material, believed to be an isotope of hydrogen. The process produces a displacement of energy inside the device that is directed to the export tubes. The hydrogen isotope was identified as an isotope similar to Tritium however, this liquid has four neutrons.”













Figure 2a
DIA TS/Pop Strike document



Figure 2b:
DIA TS/Pop Strike document.

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