The Childe (37 page)

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Authors: C. A. Kunz

BOOK: The Childe
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“You on the bikes, stop! You are in violation of curfew!” A loud voice came from the vehicle, echoing in the empty street.

“We need to split up!” Matt yelled.

Cat quickly turned down the nearest alley and exited onto a quiet street at the other end. The scenery passed by in a blur as she pedaled faster down another darkened alley, thankful there were no obstacles in her way. Turning onto another street, Cat finally slowed down and looked behind her. There was no sign of the police cruiser or her friends. A flapping noise drew her attention to the papers hung on the telephone pole beside her. Dozens of pictures of the missing girls stared back. The wind seemed to pick up speed as Cat pedaled slowly with caution toward her house. She heard sirens in the distance and hoped her friends were okay. The streetlights were few and far between on the back streets she was traveling and every shadow looked like a person watching her. She began pedaling faster. Her breathing became more labored as she climbed a steep hill leading to Nehalem Avenue. All she wanted was to get home to the safety of her warm and comfy bed.

Andrei watched Cat struggling to get up the hill, finally alighting from the bicycle and walking it. “My, my, my, it’s the little red head from the beach. Let’s try and not have a repeat performance from last time, shall we,” he joked with himself. Leaping effortlessly from tree to tree, Andrei’s jet black eyes gleamed in the darkness, anticipation building inside of him. Cat turned around feeling that something was wrong, dread building up inside her. She quickened her steps and passed a large tree where Andrei sat waiting to pounce. Leaping from the tree above Cat, Andrei reached out to grab her. Suddenly he was blown back like as if he had been bit by a semi-truck. Recovering quickly, he backed away and hid again in the shadow of the massive tree. He watched as something around Cat’s neck began to glow.

Cat’s feeling of being watched intensified as she continued up the hill. Upon passing the large Sitka Spruce tree, she shivered as a cold chill ran down her spine. “Get a grip Catherine Colvin! You just saw an awesome, scary, and intense movie and you’re just wigging out. Nothing is going to jump out and get you!”

A loud meow from the tree looming above her head almost caused Cat to drop her bike. Looking up, she watched as Jewels gracefully jumped and landed in front of her. “Jewels, you scared the hell out of me!” Cat laughed nervously. “Long time no see stranger, where have you been?” Jewels purred as Cat propped her bike against her hip and leaned down to pick her up, placing her in the bike’s front basket. “You’ve been eating well I see, you must have gained at least a pound,” she said rubbing Jewels behind her ears. Jewels turned in the basket, staring at the Sitka Spruce tree. A violent, hissing erupted from her, puzzling Cat. “What’s up sweetie? Seeing shadows like I am, huh? I saw a scary movie, what’s your excuse?” Seeing nothing, Cat continued walking the bike up to the top of the hill, noting all the while that Jewels’ attention was fixed on the large tree.

Catherine Colvin…hmmm,
Andrei thought to himself watching her walk away.

Pulling up to her house, Jewels jumped out of the basket, looked back at Cat and then ran back down the street.
What’s got into her?
She wondered and then focused on quietly putting her bicycle back in the shed. Carefully, she climbed up the lattice, avoiding the hole she made earlier. Reaching the balcony, Cat opened her window and entered her darkened bedroom. The room suddenly filled with light and to her dismay she saw her parents waiting for her. Their faces were grim. Her mom biting her bottom lip and her father removing his glasses pretending to clean them, told her she was in big trouble. Cat’s stomach sank as her mom stood.

“Where have you been?” Rachel demanded, her voice laced with anger. Before she could explain herself, her mom held up her hand. “On second thought, your father and I have been waiting for about two hours now, but we will discuss this in the morning. We want you to think about what you have done tonight. And you will be lucky not to be-” looking at Sam for help.

“Grounded,” he replied.

“Yes…for the whole summer.” With that she turned and stormed toward the door. Before opening it she stormed back and took Cat in her arms. “We have been so worried, don’t you ever do this again!” Rachel said sternly, her voice breaking. Avoiding Cat’s eyes she turned and this time walked out the door, the stairs groaning as she made her way quickly down them.

“Good night Cat,” Sam said with a sigh while putting on his glasses.

Flopping back onto her bed, Cat let out a huge groan. Her cell phone lit up and a small beep signaled a text had come through. Reading the message she realized she was the only one who had been caught. Amanda’s text message read:

Did u get home ok? Is Julie with u? We lost her after u split. We didn’t get caught! The p-rents didn’t evn kno we were gone!

Cat wrote back:

Julie’s not with me! Don’t plan summer with me n mind! My p-rents were here when I got home! BUSTED!! Totes ground 4 life!

Waiting for Amanda to respond a text came through on Cat’s cell phone from Julie:

I’m fine. Hope u are 2. Cell dying! TTYL

Across the street, Claire Winter’s hoped the text sounded legit and had fooled Cat. She sat down on Julie’s bed to read the reply from her. Relief flowed through her knowing that Cat was safe. Claire laid down on Julie’s bed, waiting for her return.

Texts flew back and forth, sympathy, anger, and shock at the news of Cat’s plight until she finally told them all she was calling it a night. She needed her strength for the trial in the morning.


Lucien sat in his chair as Ulla ushered in their guest. “Well, I see you haven’t moved very far since I visited last,” Andrei sneered at him.

“So tell me, why are we being graced with your wonderful presence again so soon?” Lucien asked sarcastically.

“Lucien, behave yourself! Remember who you are addressing!” Ulla said forcefully. “Sorry Andrei, he hasn’t been feeling well as of late,” she continued, flashing a glare at Lucien.

“No need for apologies Ulla. We are all well aware of Lucien’s sickness and his love for the bottle,” Andrei replied smugly.

“How dare you come in to my home and insult me!” Lucien said vehemently. “It is you who should apologize to us! Especially with your recent act of carelessness that has brought suspicion our way! You might as well have just put a spotlight on Astoria with your blatant actions!” he blared.

“What do you expect me to do? Feed off little animals like you do? I am sorry, but I have standards old boy!” Andrei said arrogantly.

“No, I think it would be better for you to leave and never return!” Lucien angrily replied. Ulla gasped looking at Andrei to see his reaction.

“And who would dare cast me out? You? You pathetic creature! You were once a nobleman, but now you associate with those hairy abominations!” Andrei growled, his fangs descending from his mouth.

“What is your business here Andrei? I am tiring of the sound of your voice,” Lucien said taking another swig from his bottle.

“Well, if you must know, I was instructed to give you a message,” he said, grinning evilly. “Lisbeth and the Parliament feel your seer’s power is greatly inhibited by your drinking. You must cease! If not, consequences will follow and I am sure you will find them undesirable.”

“The only thing I find undesirable is you in my house!” Lucien roared.

“This is not a warning Lucien, it is a threat! The Parliament is through giving you chances. If it wasn’t for Lisbeth, I would be here to dismantle you! But as it is, you have been given another chance to redeem yourself.”

“Is this where I’m supposed to be scared of you? Next I bet you’re going to tell me that Cain is personally going to hand out these consequences! Like I give a damn!” Andrei glared at Lucien and then a smirk came across his face.

“Well then, I guess I shall take my leave now. There seems to be no reasoning with you old boy. Do not worry dear Ulla, my report about you will be favorable. You are truly a loyal member of this coven and will be rewarded as such. Good day Lucien,” Andrei said leaving the room quickly before Ulla could move, slamming the front door behind him.

“Lucien you idiot! What have you done?” Ulla blasted him.

“Don’t worry my dear. You are safe, the Master’s slave said so,” Lucien drawled taking another long drink from the amber colored bottle.

“It is not us that I am worried about! It’s our children! If the Parliament ever finds out about our kids, they will burn us all. We came here for a fresh start Lucien, a new life. And you should be thankful the Parliament allowed us to leave with no consequence!”

“Maybe not for you Ulla. Maybe there was no consequence for you, but I had to pay the ultimate price!”

“Well you are not making things easier by being so disobedient to their orders! You’re going to get your whole family killed for a second time!” she yelled slamming the study door behind her. Lucien took a look at the bottle in his hand and then dropped it on the floor. The liquor slowly poured out onto the carpet as he lay back on the couch. “What a mess you have created for yourself Lucien, what a mess indeed,” he murmured.


Something’s Wrong



Grounded again!
Cat thought while sitting on the wrought iron bench outside her bedroom window. No cell phone to call or text her friends. No laptop to IM or Email. And a curfew set by her parents on top of the already implemented curfew equaled no fun for Miss Cat Colvin. She still had her study sessions with Ryan, but she wondered how her relationship would survive over the summer with her stuck in a cage. Not to mention, it would put a damper on her going to the cabin with Julie and Linda. Sighing, Cat rested her chin on the banister looking out at the muddy sky, no moon in sight, added to her dull mood. The moon was her energy producer. It made her feel alive and free. “I’d rather it be raining,” she muttered to herself. “At least then it might wash away my boredom.” Cat wished she was getting ready to go to prom, like her brother was. Since finding the body of the first girl, parents and the authorities had been vigilant in their determination to keep Astoria safe. The prom, it was decided, would have an increase in security present and have every faculty member be a chaperone.

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