The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (241 page)

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Johnstone, John Benn
I want you to assist me in forcing her on board the lugger; once there, I'll frighten her into marriage.
often quoted as, "Once aboard the lugger and the maid is mine"

The Gipsy Farmer
(performed 1845)

Johst, Hanns
Whenever I hear the word culture…I release the safety-catch of my Browning!
often attributed to Hermann Goering, and quoted as "Whenever I hear the word culture, I reach for my pistol!"

(1933) act 1, sc. 1

Jolson, Al
You think that's noise—you ain't heard nuttin' yet!
in a café, competing with the din from a neighbouring building site, in 1906; subsequently an aside in the 1927 film The Jazz Singer

Martin Abramson
The Real Story of Al Jolson
(1950) (later the title of a Jolson song, 1919, in the form "You Ain't Heard Nothing Yet")

Jones, Henry Arthur
1851–1929 and
Herman, Henry
O God! Put back Thy universe and give me yesterday.

The Silver King
(1907) act 2, sc. 4

Jones, John Paul
I have not yet begun to fight.
when asked whether he had lowered his flag, as his ship was sinking, 23 September 1779

Mrs Reginald De Koven
Life and Letters of John Paul Jones
(1914) vol. 1

Jones, Mary Harris “Mother”
Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living!

The Autobiography of Mother Jones

Jones, Steve
Sex and taxes are in many ways the same. Tax does to cash what males do to genes. It dispenses assets among the population as a whole. Sex, not death, is the great leveller.

speech to the Royal Society; in
25 January 1997

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